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Enrique Ernesto Pugibet deathbed confession

Leslie Sharp

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@Andrej Stancak I for one appreciate the reminder. I’ve seen this doc. but never noticed the reference to Preston State and Mercantile, page 3.  Can you determine if they’re looking into Rothman’s accounts, or Pugibet’s?

Preston State was run by a leading member of the exclusive Sovereign Order of the Knights of St. John Hospitallers, and Mercantile was run by one-time Dallas mayor R. L. Thornton who served on a number of M-IC boards including Lone Star Steel with Joe Zeppa of Delta Drilling, a vital cog in the Meadows-Skorzeny oil scheme in Franco’s Spain.  Mercantile was H.L. Hunt’s primary bank, and his HQ was located in the adjacent tower.

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No Leslie, my only knowledge of Williams is from Hank's A Terrible Mistake.

But I have to ask why his stint in Heidelberg is important.  I have a friend of over 30 years who was there as a child during the Cuban Missile Crisis.  He remembers being woke up to say bye to Dad with helmet on and 45 on his hip.  Dad was there after WWII as part of the occupation, my friend thinks involved in military intelligence, possibly the OSS.  Mike said a few months ago he'd heard/read someone named Bill Harvey might be involved in all this.

Well, I have a book named Flawed Patriot, ever heard of the Berlin Tunnel or ZR/RIFLE . . .  

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@Ron BulmanWhat a journey Mike has in front of him!  He’s very fortunate to have an informed tour guide waiting in the wings.

Someone who knew Willoughby or a good friend of his contacted Dick R. at the Village Voice with a strange partially coded message. If you have Dick’s first edition, check pg 691/2.  If you don’t, let me know and I’ll type it into a comment. 

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@Joe Bauer thank you. I’ve perched precariously on her shoulders for three decades and still only grasp a 10th of what she revealed to us. Those who were threatened by her intellect and inherent skills did a huge disservice to efforts to turn the country around.  And here we are.


enjoy and appreciate your insights, always.

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@Jean Ceulemans Several questions before I dig into.your references:

Am I correct Alice Lamy is not in the photos you've shared here?

Do you have her mug shot or shots?

Would you conclude she was a "black sheep" of a respected family?

Do you concur with reports that she and Filiol engaged in psychopathic rampages involving torture and murder or are those stories apocryphal? 

Did you notice she married someone 23 years her senior after Filliol?  I'll research Hardiviller; the name is not familiar.

Did you note that Filliol did a stint with Hatchette press? He seems to have been more sophisticated than one might expect.

I'm not able to pursue French records, public or private, to the extent of confirming either of their exact whereabouts the week of November 18; I respect your argument that a general analysis indicates they were likely not in Dallas. Pierre Lafitte indicates otherwise. His notes about them are not sufficient proof, and stand-alone they could be dismissed out of hand I suppose; however, considered in context of Lafitte's known history with Skorzeny and the couple and factoring in the surrounding entries in his '63 datebook (several of which align with independent records including Pugibet checking into the Stoneleigh), we're prepared to state that Lamy and Filliol aling with Gerard Litt were in Dallas on the dates in question.

I'll pick up on your observations about Leon Degrelle in another comment.  Thanks again for this great report.



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11 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Jean Ceulemans Several questions before I dig into.your references:


Did you notice she married someone 23 years her senior after Filliol?  I'll research Hardiviller; the name is not familiar.


23 years her senior ? Did I made a mistake somewhere ?  I don't acually see it, but these are the data : 

Mickaël Marcel Ernest Valentin HARDIVILLER was born August 27, 1913 in Paris (8th District).  He died Mai 18, 1986 in Asnières-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine, Île-de-France, FRANCE) at the age of 72
He had married Alice on June 10, 1965 in Paris.  She was born in 1907 and died in 2001 

Jean Paul Robert FILIOL was born May 12, 1909 in Bergerac (Dordogne, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, FRANCE)
He had married Alice on September 21, 1938 (Basque, SPAIN).


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9 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Jean Ceulemans Several questions before I dig into.your references:


Am I correct Alice Lamy is not in the photos you've shared here?

She is not in those, those are the Belgian Lamy girls associated with GDM

Do you have her mug shot or shots?

No, never seen one

Would you conclude she was a "black sheep" of a respected family?

I have no idea how the were feeeling about her

Do you concur with reports that she and Filiol engaged in psychopathic rampages involving torture and murder or are those stories apocryphal? 

I don't think there is anything to substantiate that, some of Filiol's partners said she was present during some actions, but I do not remember reading anything on her being "active" during those.  But she was sentenced accomplice to murder (5 years/prison), Especially the murder of the Roselli brothers (planned by François Méténier, he was to give the order to Filiol and associates) 

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11 hours ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Jean Ceulemans Several questions before I dig into.your references:

Did you note that Filliol did a stint with Hatchette press? He seems to have been more sophisticated than one might expect.

He was a commercial agent for Hachette, but he did make it to the management, apperantly he was a good salesman.  Not for long, because circa 1935 (?) he founded his own company (FIPA or something like that).

On the other hand he had a "second life" being a member of AF, etc Was involved in the huge protests in February 1934 (18 people died, some members of AF included and 1 police officer).  Filiol would spend numerous days in jail for violence in that period.

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His name is very often written FILLIOL, but it really is FILIOL.  Cfr. his birth certificate

His day of birth was May 12 (not May 9 and not May 13 as seen often)

The inscription in the register was on the thirteenth of May =  "treize Mai"

But the declaration was "né le jour d'hier" = born yesterday



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@Jean Ceulemans apologies for the awkward format of my responses but the “quote” feature isn’t working on my iPad. I’ll respond in sequence to yours.


I have one photo captioned as Alice that resembles what one associates with a “mug shot.”  Hank Albarelli located another which is clearly a mug shot but it has disappeared from my photo file. I’ve searched for hours and cant find it, but there’s a possibility another of his confidants received it as well. I’ll keep you posted.

If you haven’t had an opportunity, under a separate comment I’ll post the excerpt from Coup related to one particularly violent episode attributed to the couple. I am keen to get your informed perspective. (Even in death, one shouldn’t be accused of heinous behavior without credible evidence. Families suffer the stigma for generations.)

Have you by chance read Kenneth McCallion’s recent book, “The Marseille Connection”?

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@Jean Ceulemans  “AF”?  Can you clarify?

Filiol with one “L”  is a significant breakthrough for our investigation. Pierre Lafitte writes the surname with only one “L”. How could he know that if he wasn’t personally acquainted with JPRF?  

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14 minutes ago, Leslie Sharp said:

@Jean Ceulemans  “AF”?  Can you clarify?

Filiol with one “L”  is a significant breakthrough for our investigation. Pierre Lafitte writes the surname with only one “L”. How could he know that if he wasn’t personally acquainted with JPRF?  

AF = Action Française (far-right French monarchists), they supported the Vichy-regime/Pétain, etc.



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