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Our Lady of the Warren Commission: Ruth Paine by Johnny Cairns

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1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

Here is a more accurate picture of Margaret Scattergood. Chuck Fager, "Margaret Scattergood: In Memorium": https://www.friendsjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/1987/04/margaret-scattergood-in-memorium.pdf

That was a very touching memoriam.

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16 hours ago, Paul Cummings said:

Ruth Paine isn't a victim.

Totally agree. Not sure how anyone buys the Paine’s BS, especially when it comes from Ruth. Just watching her interviews and she comes off as disingenuous to me (amongst other things). I wonder what Marina’s honest opinion about Ruth would be if you asked her today.


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When someone is publicly accused and mocked in a group hate phenomenon for decades asserting what in some quarters is believed with bedrock certainty, that that person forged and fabricated and planted all kinds of documents and physical evidence with wilful intent to knowingly frame an innocent person--which is a horrible thing and a serious series of crimes if true, without the remotest, slightest, speck of actual evidence or conscience about doing so--(of a person with no training, expertise, experience, or criminal record in any such arts)--without disclosure that "we acknowledge there has never been one speck of evidence ever come forth for this"--that is not right. If anyone here cannot see that that is victimizing someone, I don't know what to say. 

Ruth in good faith believes Oswald killed JFK, whom she voted for and like a generation of Americans, supported and mourned the loss of JFK. Many see that conclusion concerning the assassination of JFK differently and are angered at anyone who in good faith believes what the authorities have said and concluded happened. I get that. But Ruth Paine did not create that finding or the constellations of evidence and argument marshaled in making that prosecutors' case. Nor is Ruth Paine materially preeminent in causing that case to be believed by the American public (that was accomplished by the major investigative bodies, news network specials, and heavyweight authors like McMillan, Posner, Bugliosi, Myers, and dozens of others who could be named. Ruth Paine is not up there in that league).

That Ruth Paine may be wrong in a good faith belief upon a contested historical question does not make her a fabricator or forger or planter of physical evidence. 

Edited by Greg Doudna
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1 hour ago, Greg Doudna said:

When someone is publicly accused and mocked in a group hate phenomenon for decades asserting what in some quarters is believed with bedrock certainty, that that person forged and fabricated and planted all kinds of documents and physical evidence with wilful intent to knowingly frame an innocent person--which is a horrible thing and a serious series of crimes if true, without the remotest, slightest, speck of actual evidence or conscience about doing so--(of a person with no training, expertise, experience, or criminal record in any such arts)--without disclosure that "we acknowledge there has never been one speck of evidence ever come forth for this"--that is not right. If anyone here cannot see that that is victimizing someone, I don't know what to say.

Oh, how right you are with the above remarks, Greg. It's nice to know that are at least a few conspiracy believers who haven't fallen for the absurd and preposterous "Ruth Paine Was A Conspirator" claptrap. I applaud your comments in this thread, Gregory Doudna.






Edited by David Von Pein
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@Greg Doudna 

  I gave a Washington Post account  of Scattergood the birthright friend of Ruth Paine and you gave what?    Please, tell us, where the article you posted appeared. "Friends Journal"? What is it? 

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3 hours ago, Brian Kelly said:

Totally agree. Not sure how anyone buys the Paine’s BS, especially when it comes from Ruth. Just watching her interviews and she comes off as disingenuous to me (amongst other things). I wonder what Marina’s honest opinion about Ruth would be if you asked her today.


IMO forgiveness isn't in her vocabulary when it comes LHO.

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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

That was a very touching memoriam.

Thanks Joe, I thought so too. This is off topic but trivia note: the ad at the top right of the Scattergood article for Olney Friends Boarding School in Barnesville, Ohio, is where my grandparents met and where are located the graves of “John Doudna—ancestor of all the Doudnas” and Sarah his wife. I had an article published in the May 15, 1985 issue telling of a visit to Barnesville, at pp 15-16 here, https://www.friendsjournal.org/wp-content/uploads/emember/downloads/1985/HC12-50778.pdf. (In answer to Karl’s question Friends Journal is the leading publication of unprogrammed-meeting Friends in North America.)

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On 2/19/2024 at 1:13 PM, David Von Pein said:

In order to keep the idea of a nonexistent conspiracy alive in the Walker and JFK shootings, James DiEugenio, as usual, will ignore the obvious and clear answers to the questions he posed above.

IOW --- Different day....same old worn-out CTer crap. Yawn.


David, I read this laughable article by Cairns. Seems he channeled DiEugenio for this nonsense, like the HSCA concluded it was a conspiracy. What Cairns conveniently left out of this junk piece was the HSCA concluded that Oswald fired the shots from the TSBD.

One thing you can say about DiEugenio and his side-hustle K&K site, he's always been consistent on delivering laughable garbage, which he asks for donations after every fluff article he posts. 

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@Greg Doudna said:  


Please, be more careful about spreading smearing of innocent persons.

 ...for example Ruth Paine you want to say, I guess ...

 The only innocent person smeared here (and by Wikipedia) and in the US for over 60 years is Lee Oswald. For example in 2023 by the ninety year old Ruth Paine by connecting Oswald to the Walker shooting. 

There is much more to the Walker incident than the "Oswald did it squad" can digest. Quote, "Our Lady of the Warren Commission: Part 2/2", Kennedy and King, by Johnny Cairns: 



April 8th, 1963.
Between 9:00-9:30pm on April 8th, 1963, Robert Surrey, a disciple of General Walker’s, was proceeding up Avondale Avenueto the house at 4011, Turtle Creek Boulevard. It was Surrey’s intention to enter the General’s property via the alleyway entrance. However, just prior to turning off Avondale, Mr. Surrey, “Observed a 1963 dark brown or maroon, four door Ford, parked on Avondale with two men sitting in it.” Surrey decided to avoid taking the alley, instead continuing around to block the car-park near the Mormon Church. Surrey observed the two men, “Get out of the car, walk up the alley and onto the Walker property and look into the windows of the Walker house.” At this point Surrey went to their automobile, where he checked the rear of the car, and observed there was no license plate. He then opened the door and looked into the car and opened the glove compartment. He observed nothing in the car or glove compartment which would help identify the occupants. He then went back to his car and drove to a position where he could observe the 1963 Ford leave.
 Surrey testified to the Commission regarding the strange behavior of these two individuals...

Robert Surrey.“Well, the gist of the matter is that two nights before the assassination attempt, I saw two men around the house peeking in windows and so forth, and reported this to the general the following morning, and he, in turn, reported it to the police on Tuesday, and it was Wednesday night that he was shot at. So that is really the gist of the whole thing.

Surrey told the FBI that, “He had never seen either of these two men before or since this incident, and (believed) neither of these two men was identical with Lee Harvey Oswald.

(Surrey) “Described one of the men as a white male, in his 30s, about 5’10” to 6’ tall and weighing about 190 pounds. (Surrey) described the second individual as a white male, in his 30’s, 5’10” to 6’ tall, and weighing about 160 pounds. Both men were well dressed in suites, dress shirts and ties.FBI 105-82555 Oswald HQ File, Section 186 (maryferrell.org)


The car Surrey was inspecting was a "sterilized car." 

Quote ChatGPT:




Sterilizing a car is a common practice in intelligence and counterintelligence operations to ensure that sensitive information or clandestine activities remain protected from interception or surveillance by adversaries. This process may involve electronic sweeps, physical inspections, and other counter-surveillance measures to detect and neutralize any potential threats to the vehicle's security.



What CHAT GPT don't say is: Putting off it's licence plates and keeping the car empty of any stuff which could contain info or could be of forensic value is another way to sterilize a car. 

 The two men and their sterilized car which Surrey observed where obviously part of an intelligence operation. At least no amateurs were around Walker's house two days before the shooting. 



Edited by Karl Kinaski
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7 hours ago, Steve Roe said:

Have you ever contributed money to DiEugenio on his Kennedys and Kings website? 

I admit to feeding Cliff often and my political donations are easily searchable on the internet as all donations are.  The relevance of your question is?   
If not here is a clip from Entertainment Tonight showing my father and I walking the red carpet into the premier of a Gene Hackman movie which he had invited my father to. 
It is about as relevant as your question so I am trying to be consistent here.  


Edited by Cory Santos
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1 hour ago, Cory Santos said:

I admit to feeding Cliff often and my political donations are easily searchable on the internet as all donations are.  The relevance of your question is?   
If not here is a clip from Entertainment Tonight showing my father and I walking the red carpet into the premier of a Gene Hackman movie which he had invited my father to. 
It is about as relevant as your question so I am trying to be consistent here.  



Is that kid at 0:13 really you, Cory? With your old man in front of you?


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16 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Is that kid at 0:13 really you, Cory? With your old man in front of you?


Hi Sandy.  Yes, I am first in a black jacket with glasses and black hair followed by my dad. You have to pause it right when it switches to the people walking in.  I would upload picture but it won’t let me due to size.  It was a fun night.  

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46 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

Hi Sandy.  Yes, I am first in a black jacket with glasses and black hair followed by my dad. You have to pause it right when it switches to the people walking in.  I would upload picture but it won’t let me due to size.  It was a fun night.  


Yeah, now I see you! Takes a little fiddling to get the right timing for you, but your dad is prominent.

Cool video. I've brushed elbows with a few local celebrities (Donny & Marie Osmond, Robert Redford) with a couple photos. But no nationally televised ones!


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Really funny Cory.

Maybe Roe wants a list of all donations to K and K for the last year?

That will still not make Kirk Coleman go away, or the original 30.06, wrong color bullet in the Walker case. Or Ben Cole's and Gerald McKnight's work on that case.

And can anyone explain why Oswald would shoot at a  rightwing fascist like Walker  and then kill the most liberal president since FDR?

Let us not forget:  Kennedy relieved Walker of his command, Walker then started a riot over Kennedy's integration policies at Ole Miss, a riot that left two people dead.

If Ruthie does not know any of this, she should not be shooting her mouth off about it.


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