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The Men Who Murdered President Kennedy...REDUX-REDUX!

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On 3/4/2024 at 10:14 PM, W. Niederhut said:


      I would be interested in hearing more details about your lists of JFKA culprits-- your data sources, references, etc., linking them to the assassination ops.

      We can see their names, offices, and affiliations, but don't have further details about how they were linked to the assassination op and cover up.

       From your introductory remarks (above) it sounds like your paradigm for the JFK assassination op is based on some sort of extra-national, military, intelligence, and corporate capitalist network-- rather than on the CIA and/or Pentagon alone.

       In your paradigm, is there a "mastermind" of the assassination op?  A person, or persons, at the center of these networks?


Perhaps the sort of sort of extra-national, military, intelligence, and corporate capitalist network- that is portrayed in the Netflix series American Conspiracies: The Octopus Murders.


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Wealthy and violent White Council leader Joseph Milteer knew in advance.

His JFKA prediction was more presciently accurate with specific details than a truly skilled psychic.

Is Joseph Milteer a key to the JFK assassination?

milteer2.jpg?resize=140%2C230On the morning of November 9th, 1963, two weeks before JFK was assassinated, right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer was in a Miami hotel room talking with Willie Somerset, an undercover police informant who happened to be wearing a wire. This conversation was turned over to the FBI immediately, although it would not surface publicly until four years later. Here is what Milteer had to say:

[Killing Kennedy] “was in the working” and would be accomplished “from an office building with a high-powered rifle”….that could be “disassembled” to get it into the building and they will “pick someone up within hours if anything like that happened just to throw the public off.” Milteer also mentioned “the Cubans” were involved.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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This highly impressive database — evidence of Robert Montenegro’s superior skills and commitment in a similar spirit of Daniel Brandt’s Herculean effort some decades ago —  is invaluable as a tool for moving beyond three-letter acronyms to identify individuals active within the Military-Industrial Complex pre & immediately-post the coup in Dallas. 



However, making the leap that all on the list are “responsible for the murder of President Kennedy” without clear parameters of the term “responsible” is just that, a leap. I would suggest inserting the caveat to each category: With skills and in a position to . . .  as well as applying a process of prioritization.


Otherwise, the categorization of so many suspects might read: Men with Power; Men with Money; Men with Influence; Men with Power and Money to Buy Influence; Men Who Would Do Anything for Money, Power, and Influence, Men Who Hated Kennedy, Men Willing to Kill Kennedy, etc. 


It should go without saying that informed researchers recognize this database as presented provides enormous potential for future historians who are trained in document analysis. However, regardless of the unparalleled quality of the specific research and subsequent database, propinquity is not irrefutable evidence to indict individuals posthumously in the murder of President Kennedy. 


Massive lists have and likely will continue to inadvertently neutralize the fact that a tightly held cabal (some of whom are buried in this and similar lists) actively participated in Lancelot Project — the successful plot to assassinate Kennedy in Dallas and well-laid plans for the subsequent (and ongoing to date) cover-up. 


If AI  is the endgame of this project, how might the omission of key figures (from this or any database) in the triumphant assassination plot, execution, and cover-up affect the outcome of the analysis? Can artificial intelligence figure out the sins of omission in a database?


To address these concerns, in due time and with no agenda other than to advance the cold case investigation into who killed JFK, a new EF thread will provide a supplement to incorporate and hierarchize individuals exposed by Pierre Lafitte in his privates papers provided to investigative journalist Hank Albarelli — a number of whom overlap with characters identified by Otto and Ilse Skorzeny as revealed in the collection of papers secured by Major Ralph Ganis — establishing irrefutable circumstantial evidence (beyond but not exclusive of government records) of their specific roles in the assassination and ensuant Coup in Dallas. 


As recommended to preserve the integrity of this database:

1.With skills and in a position to Neutralize legitimate security for Presidential motorcade:

2. With skills and in a position to Engineer and manipulate patsies:

3. With skills and in a position to Designate patsies for post-assassination "narrative" control:

4. With skills and in a position to  Coordinate the hit-team:

5. With skills and in a position to Provide the technical logistics for assassination team:

6. With skills and in a position to Plan the assassination:

7. With skills and in a position to Recruit and train the hit-team:

8. With skills and in a position to Cover up assassination plot and control mass-media narrative:

9. With skills and in a position to provide Security/coordinators for assassination fireteam/shooters:

10. With skills and in a position to serve as Fireteam/Shooters:

11.With skills and in a position to Finance and back assassination plot:

Edited by Leslie Sharp
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On 3/5/2024 at 12:12 AM, James DiEugenio said:


I have to ask, is this a possibilities list or is this what you really think happened?

Its so long in every way that I have to ask that question.

And even though I have been studying this case for over three decades, full time, I have never heard of some of the personages.

Does that mean you've been retired for 3 decades? Or do you mean full time when not doing a day job? Evenings and weekends etc.

Edited by Gerry Down
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1 hour ago, Gerry Down said:

Does that mean you've been retired for 3 decades? Or do you mean full time when not doing a day job? Evenings and weekends etc.

What's your point Gerry.  All his work is worthless, just a side interest?  Jim can defend himself quite well.  For your benefit and that of others this is what I think I know.  He's been researching the assassination, initially Garrison since the early 1990's.  Involved in the film JFK.  He has a masters in US History or Political Science and has taught about such at the college level.  Edited a quarterly paper on the subject in the late 1990's.  Wrote The Assassinations with Lisa Pease, then Destiny Betrayed, Reclaiming Parkland, then the whole Oliver Stone Documentarie(s). 

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13 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Robert, do you have any thoughts on Brown Brothers Harriman's denial of Nazi sympathies, which can be found on their website?


Not really. I just know that Averell Harriman, a close friend of the Kennedys, had absolutely nothing to do with the JFK assassination. JFK's father, Joseph Kennedy, was pretty darn close to being a Nazi sympathizer though. I actually agree with Josephy Kennedy's take on WWII: the USA should not have gotten involved in it.

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20 hours ago, Chuck Schwartz said:

As Dylan wrote in "Murder Most Foul", "The day that they killed him, someone said to me, "Son
The age of the Antichrist has just only begun",


I’m not ashamed to admit that I teared up when I first heard that song—you could hear the pain in Mr. Dylan’s voice…

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15 hours ago, Roger Odisio said:

RO:  This is the key to understanding the murder, which is too often ignored as it is considered in isolation.  Once the killers saw how easy it was to get away with--with their control of information and ability to sell a scenario blatantly contradicted by easily known facts--they unleashed a torrent of murders designed to decimate the left opposition.

You can draw a straight line between the Dulles brothers, Cheney and Rumsfeld, to the current neocon ignoramuses currently running the White House.  The good news is the "rules based order", where the US makes and enforces the rules, created by, and a prime object of, the murder, is disintegrating before our eyes.

This is why understanding the murder is so important today.

Amen, couldn’t agree more.

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Perhaps the sort of sort of extra-national, military, intelligence, and corporate capitalist network- that is portrayed in the Netflix series American Conspiracies: The Octopus Murders.


The persons behind the PROMIS software scandal & Cabazon Arms were the exact same network of goons that murdered President Kennedy!


Once again, I’d like to note that I am in no mood for levity, and I mean what I say.


If you would like to talk about that topic more, send me you questions in a private message.


Edited by Robert Montenegro
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13 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Robert, do you have any thoughts on Brown Brothers Harriman's denial of Nazi sympathies, which can be found on their website?


I cannot speak any further on official denial, except to say that Brown Brothers Harriman profited directly off of Nazi slave labor in the concentration camp system.


Public relations in the face of outstanding fact?


I call that desperation.


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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

What's your point Gerry.  All his work is worthless, just a side interest?  Jim can defend himself quite well.  For your benefit and that of others this is what I think I know.  He's been researching the assassination, initially Garrison since the early 1990's.  Involved in the film JFK.  He has a masters in US History or Political Science and has taught about such at the college level.  Edited a quarterly paper on the subject in the late 1990's.  Wrote The Assassinations with Lisa Pease, then Destiny Betrayed, Reclaiming Parkland, then the whole Oliver Stone Documentarie(s). 

You seem to have taken me up the wrong way. I'm just curious as to how much time other people have spent working on the case in comparison to how much time I have spent myself which is quiet alot but not as much as Jim.

I'm appreciative of the amount of time all JFK researchers have put into the case.

Edited by Gerry Down
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16 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

Robert, do you have any thoughts on Brown Brothers Harriman's denial of Nazi sympathies, which can be found on their website?


Surprise surprise!  They left out this bit:


The Union Banking Corporation was shut down in 1942 under the Trading With the Enemy Act.

From the BBH website:

Long before the Nazis invaded Poland in 1939, BBH had begun to reduce its remaining exposure in German markets.

And by that time Union Banking had financed 45% of the 3rd Reich’s raw material purchases.



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3 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

Not really. I just know that Averell Harriman, a close friend of the Kennedys, had absolutely nothing to do with the JFK assassination.

Averell Harriman was not a close friend of JFK.  He was initially left out of a position in the new Administration and had to wheedle his way into the State Department.

He was tight with Bobby, not Jack.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Harriman’s fondest desire was to be Secretary of State.  He threw that out the window as the driving force behind the Diem coup.  If he was willing to make such a personal sacrifice to maintain American military presence in So. Vietnam, why would this utterly ruthless SOB refrain from sacrificing JFK for the same goal?

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5 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Harriman’s fondest desire was to be Secretary of State.  He threw that out the window as the driving force behind the Diem coup.  If he was willing to make such a personal sacrifice to maintain American military presence in So. Vietnam, why would this utterly ruthless SOB refrain from sacrificing JFK for the same goal?

I totally 100% agree with you that Averell Harriman was the driving force behind the Diem coup and very probably the assassination of Diem.

I just don't see any evidence that Harriman 3 weeks later arranged the murder of JFK, especially if Lansdale was involved in JFK's murder. Gen. Lansdale was in a rage over the murder of Diem so he would not be conspiring with Harriman over anything. Gen. Lansdale would have had President Kennedy personally responsible for the death of his good friend Diem, who he had spent so much time and energy in keeping him in power in Vietnam.

Harriman was the "good guy" brought into the Kennedy Administration for arms control after the "bad guy" Cold war hardliner John J. McCoy was not getting the job done on arms control with the Soviets.

[Sidenote: 1) LBJ about to be utterly destroyed by the Kennedys in November, 1963 2) Allen Dulles - popular CIA director who was fired by Kennedy in late 1961 and who later said "That little Kennedy ... he thought he was a God." 3) J. Edgar Hoover - the megalomaniacal FBI director who called himself "Seat of Government" and who was going to be forced to retire by JFK when he turned age 70 on January 1, 1965 4) Gen. Edward Lansdale - a man who was run out of the Kennedy Administration and forced to retire on 10/31/1963 after having the Vietnam portfolio ripped out of his hands 5) John J. McCloy - the Cold War hardliner who was REMOVED (forced to resign) in late 1962 as an American arms control negotiator with the Soviets. Get the drift on all these people?]

Dan Hardway essay “Thank You, Phil Shenon” discusses creation of Warren Commission



Interestingly enough, I have not been able to find a recorded conversation between LBJ and John J. McCloy regarding his service on the Warren Commission. Talbot, however, finds it “preposterous” that RFK would have sought to have him or Dulles placed on the commission investigating his brother’s murder:
“Like Dulles, whose former agency Bobby immediately suspected of a role in the assassination, McCloy was a Cold War hard-liner. McCloy had resigned as JFK’s chief arms negotiator at the end of 1962, in frustration with what he felt was Soviet intransigence. But it was McCloy himself who was the obstacle. Several months after Kennedy replaced him with Averell Harriman.


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