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David Talbot

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I am sad. And sorry I don't have any money to send to the family.

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We all know David on this forum through JFK and CIA reporting and writing. As a San Franciscan my favorite work of his is The Season of the Witch. For those who read about his City in the national news, you might never understand how policy and advocacy were on a continuum of “progressive” politics from the early 1900’s. David fights for San Francisco to keep operating on a human level and scale. May he and his family have peace. I’d encourage anybody who is able to contribute a few bucks to that family. 

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Sad news indeed having recovered pretty well from the 2017 stroke then having this happen when they were moving out of their home of thirty years.  I'd think another way to help would be to buy new copies of his books.  Brothers is great.  Devil's Chessboard is essential reading.

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CIA counter intelligence head

James Angleton to Seymour Hersh:

Angleton is implying that the CIA murdered John Kennedy


In December 1974, pursued by the dogged Seymour Hersh, who was then investigating the CIA’s illegal domestic operations for the New York Times, Angleton suddenly blurted to the reporter, “A mansion has many rooms … I’m not privy to who struck John.” What did the cryptic remark mean? I would be absolutely misleading you if I thought I had any xxxxing idea,” says Hersh today. “But my instinct about it is he basically was laying off [blame] on somebody else inside the CIA, and the whole purpose of the conversation was to convince me to go after somebody else and not him. And also that he was a completely crazy xxxxing old fart.” [David Talbot, Brothers, p. 274]


CIA memo in 1964: James Angleton would rather wait out the Warren Commission



David Talbot posted this on Facebook:

I just received an important new essay from attorney Dan Hardway, one of the heroes of the JFK truth battle. As a young staff investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s, Dan learned from first-hand experience what it's like to go up against the country's national security fortress in the interests of democracy and transparency. All concerned Americans should read this and take action along the lines Dan suggests. As Dan points out, it's not just the fact that the government is still withholding thousands of pages of JFK documents in violation of the law that is the outrage -- it's the countless redactions and even missing pages in the documents that have been supposedly "released in full" by the CIA and other agencies.

Here's a key excerpt from Dan's essay -- I'll post a link to the entire article as soon as it's published.

Legendary CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton set the strategy in 1964. "Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission," as one CIA memo about Warren Commission inquiries put it. The CIA is still doing that as well as running its propaganda campaign against anyone who questions the lone-nut theory, the agency's "best truth" according to CIA official historian David Robarge.

There has been no explanation, let alone a presidential certification, that the massive redactions in these "released in full" JFK documents meet any of the mandatory exemptions that allow withholding. No identifiable harm is specified. No rationale is given as to why the secrets protected outweigh the public interest in disclosure. These files are not in compliance with the law no matter what the mainstream media says. They are an in-your-face flipped bird to the American public. They basically tell us that the CIA is saying that they don't have to comply with the law of the land and that they will not tell us their secrets and that there is nothing we can do about it.

I've been here before. It was in a small room in CIA Headquarters in late 1978. I had been fighting to see a file generated by the CIA debriefing of Johnny Roselli (the Mafia liaison with the CIA). Agency officers Scott Breckinridge and George Joannides had just handed me a highly redacted file that violated the HSCA/CIA Memorandum of Understanding mandating unexpurgated access by HSCA to CIA files. They stood by, grinning, as they watched my reaction upon opening the file to find it largely expurgated. They were grinning so hard because they knew they had waited out the HSCA and there was nothing I could do about it. The Angleton strategy still worked. It is still working today.

This (redacted and limited) release not only demonstrates that the Angleton strategy is still being applied. It also illustrates the point I have been making about what they are covering up. There may well be nothing we can do about it. It appears our lawmakers are spineless in the face of the intelligence community. Joseph Burkholder Smith, a retired CIA officer, told me and Gaeton Fonzi in 1978, “You represent Congress. What the xxxx is that to the CIA? You’ll be gone in two years and the CIA will still be there.” To paraphrase that to fit the situation in which we now find ourselves: “You are the people that Congress supposedly represents. What’s that to the CIA? You’ll forget about it in a few weeks or so.”



Frank Mankiewicz on the JFK Assassination & Robert Kennedy in comments to David Talbot:


Bobby said to me, ‘You look into this, read everything you can, so if it gets to a point where I can do something about this, you can tell me what I need to know,’” Mankiewicz recently told me. “I became an assassination buff. I came to the conclusion that there was some sort of conspiracy, probably between the Mob, anti-Castro Cuban exiles, and maybe rogue CIA agents. Every so often I would bring this up with Bobby. I told him who I thought was involved. But it was like he couldn’t focus on it, he’d get this look of pain or more like numbness on his face. It just tore him apart.”

 Web link: http://www.salon.com/2003/11/22/conspiracy_6/

Nicholas Katzenbach:

            I’m as certain as one can be that there was no other gun shot…..But it’s not silliness to speculate that somebody was behind Oswald…..I’d almost bet on the [anti-Castro] Cubans.”

- Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, quoted by David Talbot in Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years.

Richard Goodwin, former aide to JFK and LBJ:

 We know the CIA was involved, and the Mafia. We all know that.”

— Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Richard Goodwin, quoted in David Talbot’s Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, p. 303.

Allen Dulles ludicrously handed out a copy of The Assassins by William Donovan to steer them to a conclusion that a “lone nut” killed JFK.

 [“New Book on CIA Master-Plotter Dulles, Sneak Peek: Part 2,” David Talbot, WhoWhatWhy, Oct. 13, 2015]

 Hypertext link to David Talbot article - https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity/new-book-on-cia-master-plotter-dulles-sneak-peek-part-2/ 


 Dulles tried to establish the framework for the inquiry early on by handing the other commission members copies of a book titled The Assassins by Robert J. Donovan, a Washington journalist. Donovan’s history of presidential assassins argued that these dramatic acts of violence were the work of solitary fanatics, not “organized attempts to shift political power from one group to another.” It was quickly pointed out to Dulles that John Wilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln as part of a broader Confederate plot to decapitate the federal government, rather famously contradicted Donovan’s theory. But, undeterred, Dulles continued to push the commission to keep a tight frame on Oswald.



Edited by Robert Morrow
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1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

CIA counter intelligence head

James Angleton to Seymour Hersh:

Angleton is implying that the CIA murdered John Kennedy


In December 1974, pursued by the dogged Seymour Hersh, who was then investigating the CIA’s illegal domestic operations for the New York Times, Angleton suddenly blurted to the reporter, “A mansion has many rooms … I’m not privy to who struck John.” What did the cryptic remark mean? I would be absolutely misleading you if I thought I had any xxxxing idea,” says Hersh today. “But my instinct about it is he basically was laying off [blame] on somebody else inside the CIA, and the whole purpose of the conversation was to convince me to go after somebody else and not him. And also that he was a completely crazy xxxxing old fart.” [David Talbot, Brothers, p. 274]


CIA memo in 1964: James Angleton would rather wait out the Warren Commission



David Talbot posted this on Facebook:

I just received an important new essay from attorney Dan Hardway, one of the heroes of the JFK truth battle. As a young staff investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s, Dan learned from first-hand experience what it's like to go up against the country's national security fortress in the interests of democracy and transparency. All concerned Americans should read this and take action along the lines Dan suggests. As Dan points out, it's not just the fact that the government is still withholding thousands of pages of JFK documents in violation of the law that is the outrage -- it's the countless redactions and even missing pages in the documents that have been supposedly "released in full" by the CIA and other agencies.

Here's a key excerpt from Dan's essay -- I'll post a link to the entire article as soon as it's published.

Legendary CIA counterintelligence chief James Angleton set the strategy in 1964. "Jim would prefer to wait out the Commission," as one CIA memo about Warren Commission inquiries put it. The CIA is still doing that as well as running its propaganda campaign against anyone who questions the lone-nut theory, the agency's "best truth" according to CIA official historian David Robarge.

There has been no explanation, let alone a presidential certification, that the massive redactions in these "released in full" JFK documents meet any of the mandatory exemptions that allow withholding. No identifiable harm is specified. No rationale is given as to why the secrets protected outweigh the public interest in disclosure. These files are not in compliance with the law no matter what the mainstream media says. They are an in-your-face flipped bird to the American public. They basically tell us that the CIA is saying that they don't have to comply with the law of the land and that they will not tell us their secrets and that there is nothing we can do about it.

I've been here before. It was in a small room in CIA Headquarters in late 1978. I had been fighting to see a file generated by the CIA debriefing of Johnny Roselli (the Mafia liaison with the CIA). Agency officers Scott Breckinridge and George Joannides had just handed me a highly redacted file that violated the HSCA/CIA Memorandum of Understanding mandating unexpurgated access by HSCA to CIA files. They stood by, grinning, as they watched my reaction upon opening the file to find it largely expurgated. They were grinning so hard because they knew they had waited out the HSCA and there was nothing I could do about it. The Angleton strategy still worked. It is still working today.

This (redacted and limited) release not only demonstrates that the Angleton strategy is still being applied. It also illustrates the point I have been making about what they are covering up. There may well be nothing we can do about it. It appears our lawmakers are spineless in the face of the intelligence community. Joseph Burkholder Smith, a retired CIA officer, told me and Gaeton Fonzi in 1978, “You represent Congress. What the xxxx is that to the CIA? You’ll be gone in two years and the CIA will still be there.” To paraphrase that to fit the situation in which we now find ourselves: “You are the people that Congress supposedly represents. What’s that to the CIA? You’ll forget about it in a few weeks or so.”



Frank Mankiewicz on the JFK Assassination & Robert Kennedy in comments to David Talbot:


Bobby said to me, ‘You look into this, read everything you can, so if it gets to a point where I can do something about this, you can tell me what I need to know,’” Mankiewicz recently told me. “I became an assassination buff. I came to the conclusion that there was some sort of conspiracy, probably between the Mob, anti-Castro Cuban exiles, and maybe rogue CIA agents. Every so often I would bring this up with Bobby. I told him who I thought was involved. But it was like he couldn’t focus on it, he’d get this look of pain or more like numbness on his face. It just tore him apart.”

 Web link: http://www.salon.com/2003/11/22/conspiracy_6/

Nicholas Katzenbach:

            I’m as certain as one can be that there was no other gun shot…..But it’s not silliness to speculate that somebody was behind Oswald…..I’d almost bet on the [anti-Castro] Cubans.”

- Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, quoted by David Talbot in Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years.


Richard Goodwin, former aide to JFK and LBJ:


We know the CIA was involved, and the Mafia. We all know that.”

— Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Richard Goodwin, quoted in David Talbot’s Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, p. 303.


RFK aide Frank Mankiewicz – “Some sort of a conspiracy.”

“I came to the conclusion that there was some sort of conspiracy, probably involving the mob, anti-Castro Cuban exiles, and maybe rogue CIA agents.”

– RFK’s press secretary Frank Mankiewicz, quoted in David Talbot’s Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, p. 312.


Allen Dulles ludicrously handed out a copy of The Assassins by William Donovan to steer them to a conclusion that a “lone nut” killed JFK.

 [“New Book on CIA Master-Plotter Dulles, Sneak Peek: Part 2,” David Talbot, WhoWhatWhy, Oct. 13, 2015]

 Hypertext link to David Talbot article - https://whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity/new-book-on-cia-master-plotter-dulles-sneak-peek-part-2/ 


 Dulles tried to establish the framework for the inquiry early on by handing the other commission members copies of a book titled The Assassins by Robert J. Donovan, a Washington journalist. Donovan’s history of presidential assassins argued that these dramatic acts of violence were the work of solitary fanatics, not “organized attempts to shift political power from one group to another.” It was quickly pointed out to Dulles that John Wilkes Booth, who shot Lincoln as part of a broader Confederate plot to decapitate the federal government, rather famously contradicted Donovan’s theory. But, undeterred, Dulles continued to push the commission to keep a tight frame on Oswald.



The intel-state, through its present-day puppets, it still waiting us out.

See the snuff job on the JFK Records Act. 


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I also put this up at K and K.

If you cannot contribute then post it around wherever you can like Instagram.

I have to say, when we were shooting JFK Revisited,  I did the interview with Talbot.

When it was done, the crew said, "Jim, is the next guy as good as he was?"  These were camera people and sound recording people.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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That's terrible. Don't always agree with his conclusions, but I loved the Devil's Chessboard. Just a wealth of information. 🙏🏼

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1 hour ago, Simon Andrew said:

Donated £25 for now.

Thank you Mr. Andrew.

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He has almost achieved his goal..Thanks.

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