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Trump Assassination Attempt Discussion

K K Lane

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2 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

A couple of points.

We don't know the young man's motivation.

We don't even know if this is real.

It's kind of surreal reading these posts. It's like we've learned nothing from studying the Kennedy assassination. I would hope that the circumstances of all this would force some to pause and not follow the bouncing ball. Maybe just maybe things are not what they seem. (I hope I'm not the only to have seen Shooter, or the Parallax View, or...) 

As far as the Secret Service not shooting a guy for having a gun on a roof... That is not incompetence. That is by design. The Republican Party, backed by the NRA (which is in part funded by Russia Russia Russia), has been trying to normalize carrying weapons in public for decades. In many states there are no laws preventing one from doing so. In all states one must brandish a weapon in a threatening manner before a police officer (or SS agent) can fire upon you. So maybe the laws will change as a result of this--where the SS or police can shoot someone who is not committing a crime if they think he may commit one. But as it stands right now, the SS was following protocol in holding off shooting a 20 year old in the head. I mean, can you imagine... "Joe Biden's SS  shoots young Trump supporter in the head at a rally for flaunting his second amendment rights!!!...Deep State kills boy!!!..."

IF this young man was indeed there to kill Trump, but killed before even getting off a shot...Trump and his supporters would have made a martyr of HIM, instead of Trump...and this poor firefighter. 

P.S. Is there any explanation as to how the firefighter was shot? Was he near the stage and killed by a stray sniper's bullet? Or did the sniper continue firing after coming under fire and fire a few shots into the crowd? I am asking because if it turns out the bullet striking him came from a different rifle than the one found on the kid...well...


Pat, how much time elapsed between the snipers first seeing Crook on the roof and then taking action with shots?

With binoculars or their rifle scopes, it seems they could clearly see Crooks had a high powered rifle and was dressed in what looked like military fatigues?

If that sight didn't alarm them what would? They had enough time to call their superiors ( before the shooting ) to get some type of orders. That took more than 30 seconds I am sure.

The video posted earlier showed a young red bearded Trump hat wearing man who said he was trying to get security men to at least look at what they were seeing regards the rifle holding Crook crawling around on the warehouse roof just 50 feet from them!

3 to 4 minutes of seeing Crook before he started shooting seems like plenty of time to get security personnel running to his location.

Ah, memories of Dealey Plaza.

Two to three bystanders on the sidewalks underneath the Texas School Book Depository building stated they saw a man ( or two? ) in the open windows holding rifles.

Minutes before JFK even arrived. And not one official security person saw this?

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36 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

I mean, can you imagine... "Joe Biden's SS  shoots young Trump supporter in the head at a rally for flaunting his second amendment rights!!!...Deep State kills boy!!!..."

IF this young man was indeed there to kill Trump, but killed before even getting off a shot...Trump and his supporters would have made a martyr of HIM, instead of Trump...and this poor firefighter. 

Exactly, no question. Especially with it coming out afterwards that the kid was a Republican.

They would have said he was only there to protect Trump. He would have been made into the new Kyle Rittenhouse.


But I suspect the shooter was not within the sight of the SS shooters until he began shooting, as a witness said he was "bear crawling" on the roof, and I believe the roofs are slanted so that he would have been blocked from the view of the stage side until he got into firing position.

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5 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

Exactly, no question. Especially with it coming out afterwards that the kid was a Republican.

They would have said he was only there to protect Trump. He would have been made into the new Kyle Rittenhouse.


But I suspect the shooter was not within the sight of the SS shooters until he began shooting, as a witness said he was "bear crawling" on the roof, and I believe the roofs are slanted so that he would have been blocked from the view of the stage side until he got into firing position.

Who does THIS remind you of? May be an image of text that says '3m MEGHAN SCHILLER @MeghanKDKA NEW: Thomas Crooks was rejected from the high school rifle team, per @CBSNews A former member of the team who graduated with Crooks said he tried out freshman year. "He never returned to tryouts for the remainder of high school." Classmate said Crooks was a bad shot @KDKA 1 i 11 14 627 ilil 627'

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There is a difference between being a registered Republican and actually being a Republican. 

Oswald for example attended a Walker rally. That didn't mean he was a Walker supporter. He was infiltrating the rally.

Oswald offered to train the DRE. That didn't mean he actually supported the DRE. He was infiltrating the DRE. 

Hopefully as the days go by we will get a clearer picture of this guy, who he was, his motives and so on. 

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7 minutes ago, Gerry Down said:

Hopefully as the days go by we will get a clearer picture of this guy, who he was, his motives and so on. 

So far he appears to fit the classic AR15 mass-shooter profile.

If the SS hadn't immediately shot him, who knows how many more people would have died.



Edited by Matt Allison
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23 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

So far he appears to fit the classic AR15 mass-shooter profile.

If the SS hadn't immediately shot him, who knows how many more people would have died.



I'm not so sure. The AR15 rifle belonged to his father, and the father was a democrat. Democrats own AR15s too.

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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:
3 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

To me he sure seems like a Trump hating, guns rights conservative.

 I don't think there is such a contradictory mind set person.


Surely you're aware that a lot of Republicans hate Trump. Those Republicans who see Trump for what he is... a cult leader whose followers somehow are unaware of his anti-democracy plans.

Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney come to mind.



Edited by Sandy Larsen
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The sniper was challenged on the roof by local law enforcement just seconds before the shooting. Apparently the shooter aimed the rifle at the law enforcement officer on the roof, who apparently ducked for cover. Then the shooter turned and began shooting at Trump.

It appears therefore he was rushed into shooting at Trump. This might explain why he missed.

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