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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32396642.pdf 300 NAMES RELATED TO THE TIMES AND ASSASSINATION WITH MOST 201- FILES #'S OFFERED. {PAZ} DJ
  3. Ergo, we do not get a film speed between 16 and 18 feet per second... but an impossible 18.3 feet per second... what a coincidence... well done
  4. Doesn't look like him at the back... and the hairlines are wrong for the other two... ????
  5. Even if Arnold was where he claimed... the size proves him wrong. While the ground is higher, the size of the man does not fit. There's only one shooter in Moorman at the far left in red.... peering over the fence. This is a big image... with the sky in place, there is no Badgeman or hatman and Arnold disappears as well... As I see it at least... DJ
  7. Docs on DeMohrenschildt and his wife(?) https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32159212.pdf
  8. Paz, there's a bit more... Maybe I'm wrong about Philip Agee... But he says there is usually more than one per person https://archive.org/stream/pdfy-DAzR701tP2dL_DNu/inside-the-company-cia-diary-philip-agee_djvu.txt Files are maintained on all agents and they always begin with the number 201 — followed by a number of five to eight digits. The 201 file contains all the documents that pertain to a given agent and usually start with the PRQ and the request for POA. But the 201 file is divided into two parts which are stored separately for maximum security. One part contains true name documents while the other part contains cryptonym documents and operational information. Compromise of one part will not reveal both the true name and the operational use of the agent.
  9. Oh Tommy... your inferiority complex is showing signs of expansion... e.g. you bump the thread yet you had zero to add or offer.... as usual.
  10. You're welcome... Hopefully now it's worth the read... I'll let you know
  11. WITH HER Oswald BEING ABOUT 5'3" and Leonov at 5'7" I guess your little theory is done... With her Oswald at 199 lbs according to your crack interpretations, your LEONOV theory now sounds quite foolish. Unless you somehow understand that the man described was not 199 lbs... but proportionate to his height, yet on the skinny side, compared to Lopez. It's also very possible the entire episode was made up. The visa application is a plant, as are the photos... she can't say where se sent the man for photos, something she does as part of her job on a weekly basis... Yes, lies. more than I think you are even willing to see and accept... And really tommy, I lost respect for you years ago... I check what you post now, as every once in a while you post something pithy and worth a chuckle... but for the most part, your command of the info and the implications is... love and kisses...
  12. Do they have HUNT's fingerprints to which they can compare the casings?
  13. No Tommy I didn't cause you don't post links or evidence very often... I searched for it like everything else I find... get over yourself already as you're transitioning from cute and witty to desperate and annoying...
  14. Tommy, I believe you'll agree... but we'll see. Duran says SHE is 162 cms or about 5'3"... Ed Lopez, while maybe 199 lbs, is NOT what DURAN said... she was asked to estimate his weight and she said about Lopez's weight... you think she was describing a 5'3" 200 lb man? And then says Skinny? I think you may be misinterpreting what Sylvia is saying about the man... But y'know Tommy, if you want to dig in and fight it tooth and nail as you do so many of these ambiguous statements... I'm not interested... I get your soviet wit... and how it bothers so many here... btw, you may have hit that trigger a bit too often - now I'll never assume you're doing anything but joking about them... You want to pursue this, have at it... as for what I believe.... Oswald was not in Mexico - I assume you can take it from there. LOPEZ - Would you say he was taller than Gary?TIRADO - No, I think just the same. He was about my size.LOPEZ - About your height?TIRADO - Yeah. LOPEZ - Okay. And what's your height?TIRADO - 160. I think 160 or 162.LOPEZ - Was he skinny?TIRADO - Yes. Skinny.LOPEZ - Could you estimate how much he weighed?TIRADO - About your weight, more or less.LOPEZ - About my weight. We already went over...TIRADO - He has stronger shoulders, perhaps, than yours.LOPEZ - Just for the record, my weight is 199 pounds.
  15. Joe... no disrespect intended on this answer... but at some point we need to understand those things that no longer need to be proven: Oswald was not on the 6th floor Oswald never owned or ever saw CE139 or the rifle on the 6th floor Oswald did not order the pistol claimed to have been shipped from Seaport to REA pick-up location near Dallas Oswald did not take a bag to work with him that morning... The Frasier/Randle group is not being truthful Oswald, seen on the first floor nearing 12 noon was not retrieving a hidden rifle from ??? did not take a paper bag to the 6th floor, did not reassemble the rifle with a dime, Oswald, and most everyone save Mrs. Reid, was not aware the motorcade was late leaving LOVE FIELD... according to Oswald's plan to kill JFK the motorcade would pass by between 12 and 12:15... Piper sees Oswald on the first floor around noon... 1 - Where does Oswald hide the rifle? Mr. BALL - Did you see him come in the door?Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; I saw him when he first come in the door--yes. Mr. BALL - Did he have anything in his hands or arms? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, not that I could see of. Mr. BALL - The statement says, "I recall vaguely having seen Lee Oswald, when he came to work at about 8 a.m. today."Mr. DOUGHERTY - That's right.Mr. BALL - Now, is that a very definite impression that you saw him that morning when he came to work?Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, oh--it's like this--I'll try to explain it to you this way--- you see, I was sitting on the wrapping table and when he came in the door, I just caught him out of the corner of my eye---that's the reason why I said it that way.Mr. BALL - Did he come in with anybody?Mr. DOUGHERTY - No.Mr. BALL - He was alone?Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes; he was alone.Mr. BALL - Do you recall him having anything in his hand? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I didn't see anything, if he did.Mr. BALL - Did you pay enough attention to him, you think, that you would remember whether he did or didn't?Mr. DOUGHERTY - Well, I believe I can---yes, sir---I'll put it this way; I didn't see anything in his hands at the time.Mr. BALL - In other words, your memory is definite on that is it? Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes, sir.Mr. BALL - In other words, you would say positively he had nothing in his hands?Mr. DOUGHERTY - I would say that---yes, sir. Mr. BALL - Or, are you guessing?Mr. DOUGHERTY - I don't think so.Mr. BALL - You saw him come in the door?Mr. DOUGHERTY - Yes. 2 - When does he retrieve the rifle? 3 - When is it at the window in anticipation of this amazing dead he will do? Mr. DULLES. I would like to ask one question here. When you were on the sixth floor eating your lunch, did you hear anything that made you feel that there was anybody else on the sixth floor with you? Mr. WILLIAMS. No, sir; I didn't hear anything. Mr. DULLES. You did not see anything? Mr. WILLIAMS. I did not see anything. Mr. DULLES. You were all alone as far as you knew at that time on the sixth floor? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. Mr. DULLES. During that period of from 12 o'clock about to--10 or 15 minutes after? Mr. WILLIAMS. Yes, sir. I felt like I was all alone. That is one of the reasons I left--because it was so quiet. "So quiet" while the man is supposedly reconstructs this: Can you load a partially loaded clip into the rifle? Clip only had 4 bullets...
  16. Which is why, I believe, all the WCR CE's use the distances and heights to the stand-in... not adjusted for JFK... The distance from 161-166 was offered at .9' At the same time Shaneyfelt confuses the issue by claiming these 3 and 5 frame adjustments account for a 15.25 foot movement equal to a 10" drop.... Basically the 10" was included at JFK and/or the window as needed, just like the front bumper, rear bumper and JFK's position was also used... Then there is the statement of Shaneyfelt about POS A Mr. SPECTER. Was there any prior position, that is a position before position A, where the marksman from the sixth floor could have fired the weapon and have struck the President at the known point of entry at the base of the back of his neck? Mr. SHANEYFELT. No; because as the car moves back, you lose sight of the chalk mark on the back of his coat. Really? If we rolled that limo back a foot, you don't think we'd still see the mark on his back? and really who cares? JFK was 10" higher meaning you could roll even farther back... Something about POS A just doesn't seem to fit... but I don't know what yet... Mr. SHANEYFELT. Yes; there was. After establishing this position, represented by frame 161, where the chalk mark was about to disappear under the tree, we established a point 10 inches below that as the actual point where President Kennedy would have had a chalk mark on his back or where the wound would have been if the car was 10 inches lower. And we rolled the car then sufficiently forward to reestablish the position that the chalk mark would be in at its last clear shot before going under the tree, based on this 10 inches, and this gave us frame 166 of the Zapruder film. Mr. SHANEYFELT. That is frame 210 and has been marked as Commission Exhibit No. 893 and represents the 10-inch adjustment for the difference in the height of the car as compared with frame 207.
  17. https://archive.org/details/SpyWarsMolesMysteriesAndDeadlyGames http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/08850607.2014.962362?needAccess=true
  18. No Tommy... Sylvia Duran did NOT make any calls to the Soviet anything on Saturday... how many times does she have to say that? How many times do I have to say it? The "Transcripts" and only the transcripts mention who these people are supposed to be... The REPORT says the call is from the Cuban Consulate... From Ch. 4 of State Secret.... It also means that the Mexican monitor comparing Spanish-speakers could not have helped but notice that Duran’s voice on the 28th did not match her voice on the 27th. The Mexico City station had been taking photos of Duran during her frequent visits over the past year, and should have been listening to Duran’s voice on a constant basis since she started working at the consulate early in the summer. Did the monitor tell Scott or Goodpasture? If the monitor was corrupt, maybe not. However, whether or not the monitor told Scott or Goodpasture, there was a third factor to consider. At least one of the case officers at Mexico City’s Cuban desk had a duty to listen to the Duran tapes of the 27th and 28th. The rule was that whenever a US citizen contacted the Soviet compound, the procedure was to get a copy of the tape into Goodpasture’s hands within fifteen minutes. “The reel is then taken to the station and given to the case officer responsible for the target the person was trying to contact”. Who was responsible for Duran – was it Phillips, his deputy Shaw, or someone else? Bob Shaw testified that “Sylvia Duran was the person being a Mexican citizen inside the Cuban embassy who I dealt with”, and that no one had notified him about Oswald or that Duran had an American visitor prior to the assassination. His name is on some of the transcripts, but there is no date and his name is not crossed out, hence it could have been provided to him after the assassination as well. Shaw was working under State Department cover, and described himself as a “Kennedy man”. Additionally, Shaw knew nothing about the attempts to recruit Duran’s boss Azcue. This is further evidence that Phillips took the Duran file out of Shaw’s hands regarding the Oswald events.
  19. Tommy - you don't really read the posts, do you? "They do work on Saturday but are closed to the public... it's in the testimony I posted. " Not really the point, now is it? Other than the CIA saying so, the evidence does not corroborate Oswald there at all... The FBI refers only to the CIA evidence when mentioning Oswald in Mexico. Plainly and slowly.... the evidence for Oswald being in Mexico is not AUTHENTIC. OSWALD was in Dallas, not Mexico. Why is that so hard to accept and more on? CORNWELL - All right. Let's try a different hypothetical. If the one in the Reader's Digest is definitely wrong, is it possible that he first came on like a Thursday, and then came back on a Friday?TIRADO - No, because I am positively sure about it. That he came in the same day. CORNWELL - Was there a doorman out near the area that you marked as number seven, on the diagram?TIRADO - Yes, but on Saturday he never let people ...CORNWELL - Never let people in.TIRADO - No.CORNWELL - Not even if they came up to the doorman and didn't speak Spanish? And were very insistent?TIRADO - No, because they could answer or something. They could ask me for instance, no ? by the inter-phone.
  20. No. Both the Soviet "Consulate" (and Military Attaché) and the Cuban "Embassy" are open on Saturday. Bill Simpich tells us that the calls from that day were all personal in nature, no business was done - if I remember correctly. They do work on Saturday but are closed to the public... it's in the testimony I posted. The call on the 28th is supposed to be from inside the Cuban Embassy to the Soviet Consulate CORNWELL - During this period was your normal work week, did it include Saturdays? TIRADO Yes. CORNWELL - Is it possible that, in addition to his visits on Friday, he also came back the following day on Saturday mourning?TIRADO - No. Icing on the cake is the same reports also state OSWALD called on Oct 3rd... and the same man was photographed again on the 15th... How many lies need there be... ??
  21. Let's try to be exact... There isn't even a hint of a twang of a southern accent in that video... Yes Paul, he was "raised" in the South (ages 0-12 and 14-19), he trained in the South for the Marines and then was out of country.. He was then back in the South from June 62 on... Of the 25 years Oswald was alive... how many years were spent in the South, at southern schools with other southern people? Born in the South and leaves just shy of his 12th Bday 12 years South In NY Aug '52 thru Jan '54 1.5 years Not In the South Jan '54 thru Oct '56 2.75 years South Jacksonville, Biloxi, Memphis thru Oct '57 1.0 year South Marines Oct '57 thru Oct '59 2.0 years Not Russia Nov 1959 thru June 1962 2.6 years Not July 1962 thru Nov 1963 1.33 years South 17 years in the South and 6 years NOT in the south... 26% of the time NOT with 74% of the time in the South including when he learned to speak and go to elementary school. South ages 0-12, 14-19, 22-23
  22. Few things first... the ongoing misinterpretation of the 27th of Sept is monumental. EVERYONE involved agree these calls had nothing to do with Oswald... Furthermore, based on the travel evidence he needed to get from the bus terminal to the hotel, check-in and then over to the Cuban Embassy to make this first call by 10:33. This is the same terminal to which Oswald needs to take a taxi when he supposedly leaves Oct 2nd at 8:30am (after changing the leaving time from 2pm on a different bus line) The addition of "KOSTIKOV" occurs as a response from the Soviet speaker.... (that Nov 9 Paine typed letter attempts to reinforce this connection - another prop) The bus and records available have him arriving at the bus terminal in Mexico at 10am. First call? "10:33 speaking Spanish" The Oswald character never utters the word KOSTIKOV The discussion about the 27th includes the conclusion that the caller was NOT Oswald "Nothing to suggest.... TIRADO - No. I read yesterday, an article in the Reader's digest, and they say he was at the Consulate on three occasions. He was in Friday, Saturday, and Monday...That's not true, that's false. CORNWELL - All right. Let's try a different hypothetical. If the one in the Reader's Digest is definitely wrong, is it possible that he first came on like a Thursday, and then came back on a Friday?TIRADO - No, because I am positively sure about it. That he came in the same day. CORNWELL - During this period was your normal work week, did it include Saturdays?Tirado Yes.Cornwell Is it possible that, in addition to his visits on Friday, he also came back the following day on Saturday mourning?TIRADO - No.CORNWELL - How can you be sure of that?TIRADO - Because, uh, I told you before, that it was easy to remember, because not all the Americans that came there were married with a Russian woman, they have live(d) in Russian and uh, we didn't used to fight with those people because if you, they came for going to Cuba, so apparently they were friends, no? So we were nice to them with this man we fight, I mean we had a hard discussion so we didn't want to have anything to do with him.CORNWELL - Okay. I understand that but I don't understand how that really answers the question. In other words, the question is, what is it about the events that makes you sure that he did not come back on Saturday, and have another conversation with you?TIRADO - Because I remember the fight. So if he (come) back, I would have remembered.CORNWELL - Did Azcue work on Saturdays?TIRADO - Yes, we used to work in the office but not for the public.CORNWELL - Was there a guard, was there a guard out here at the corner near number seven on your diagram on Saturdays?TIRADO - Excuse me?CORNWELL - Was there a doorman out near the area that you marked as number seven, on the diagram?TIRADO - Yes, but on Saturday he never let people ...CORNWELL - Never let people in.TIRADO - No. CORNWELL - But the people at the Consulate said they had read the newspaper and asked you what had happened, right?TIRADO - Yes.CORNWELL - Did you discuss that with anybody that you can remember specifically?TIRADO - With the Ambassador.CORNWELL - And what was the nature of that conversation?TIRADO - I tried to repeat all the questions.CORNWELL - Okay. Uh..would that have been a violation of what the police asked you to do? To talk to the Ambassador about that?TIRADO - Huh?CORNWELL - Was that a violation of what the police asked you to do? Was that...TIRADO - Well, of course, They told me to keep quiet. I never says anything about what happened on Saturday. Never. but when I saw in the papers I couldn't say "Well, nothing happened." It was all in the paper and it was exactly what I said to the police.CORNWELL - What did the Ambassador say to you?TIRADO - That he was going to write a report and he sent it in the plane.CORNWELL - What if anything did you consider doing at the time?TIRADO - What?CORNWELL - Did you consider taking any course of action at the time?TIRADO - Oh. I was going to make a protest to the Mexican Government. We went to, a friend of mine was a daughter of the Chief of Tinetraph and we could reach the President and we were going to ask to explain what happened and you know, there was an illegal (tape stops)...
  23. Seems to me the teeth from the exhumation does not show a recessed front tooth like the photo. Guess I'm wondering why the teeth of the exhumed do not match the Marine's records.... but not really as we all should understand by now that the preponderance of evidence shows the existence of these two people since 1952... One also has to wonder how the southern born Oswald never spoke with a southern accent.... So many little things that continue to add up.
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