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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. Many feel that to be the case Ron.... one leading the police to the other.... the evidence certainly makes it appear that way.... with Bernard Haire sure it was Oswald taken away out back.... Hopefully this will take you there... https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339484/m1/1/?q=C. E. Talbert pickup truck
  2. Thanks... I see Croy has the black brim.... But... what's a patrolman doing tracking down a suspected homicide suspect... that has always been a bone with me. The list of those at the Theater arrest does not include a single homicide detective... TRAFFIC and PERSONNEL seem to be the source of most of these men.... Then there are the half dozen or so out back in the alley with the running pickup and the OTHER Oswald arrest...
  3. btw - Oswald never went to Mexico in Sept/Oct 1963... just sayin'
  4. FWIW here is a link to a 160+ page file on LEONOV https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10218-10034.pdf And a memo about him coming to the CIA's attention in 1956 and being an ongoing target for doubling... in 1959... and some travel data... Hope it helps ... DJ LCIMPROVE Counter-espionage involving Soviet intelligence services, worldwide.
  5. Not exactly a correction - just an observation... that's Ken Croy on the right with Markham I believe - at the Tippit scene.... Did each of the men have 2 hats in case they were to be working Traffic? If not, why would he be wearing white? Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, now, tell me about your conversation that you had with our court stenographer here prior to coming in here, about Tippit?Mr. CROY. Oh, it was at the scene over where Officer Tippit was killed, at the scene.Mr. GRIFFIN. Were you at the scene when Tippit was there?Mr. CROY. Yes.Mr. GRIFFIN. Unassigned?Mr. CROY. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. What time were you at the scene where Tippit was killedMr. CROY. I watched them load him in the ambulance. (maybe from the car backing up the alleyway away from Tippit with Westbrook-DJ) Ken Croy was a Reserve Police Sergeant... despite it being mentioned there was paperwork that shows which assignments were given to all participants, Croy is not mentioned... Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, when you arrived at the police department on the morning of November 22, what time was it that you got there, do you remember?Mr. ARNETT. Well, it seems like it was around 10 o'clock.Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, prior to 10 o'clock on November 22, had you received any instructions as to what your duties were going to be, in particular with respect to the parade?Mr. ARNETT. Other than just work in the parade is all.Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. When you arrived, who did you report to?Mr. ARNETT. To the assembly room. And right offhand, now, I can't tell you who was in charge of the regular officers. At that time I knew, and it seems to me like it was Lieutenant--I can't recall his name right now. Maybe I will think of it directly.Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, that's all right. Was there a meeting of all the reserve officers in the assembly room?Mr. ARNETT. Yes, sir.Mr. GRIFFIN. Did you receive instructions at that time?Mr. ARNETT. At that time they were each one assigned their location to work.Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. Lawrence Exh 2
  6. While not NEW INFO... it appears to have been glossed over... The top image is the LIENVOY Monthly Summary report for October 1963 dated Nov 7 1963.... the November LIENVOY report is dated January 7 1964.... The September summary makes no mention of "an English-speaking man" Now, below that is a portion of the Sept Summary dated October 8, 1963. LEVISTER was literally at the 2 locations who would have intercepted a call from "Oswald - the English speaking man" and it would have been a BIG DEAL since there were usually no more than a handful of "exploited LIENVOY leads"... Since Oswald's 1st call is shown as being made at 16:05 (4:05pm) on the 27th ... the tap is on the Soviet line yet somehow they know it is DURAN calling from inside the Cuban Embassy... the Soviets - they claim - call back at 16:26.... then we have a number of calls on SAT the 28th... DURAN refutes everything after the 27th. Point is we have a number of CIA assets in Mexico City at the Cuban Embassy who could corroborate Oswald's presence and LEVISTER who surely would have been notified - while he was right there - that LIENVOY had picked up an American talking to the Soviet Embassy, but first calling the Military attache - and wanted to travel to Russia, possibly thru Cuba... The fact is not a single CIA-related asset puts Oswald in Mexico... first-hand... in every case of a mention by CIA assets about Oswald, it is always 2nd or 3rd hand... And finally we have Goodpasture herself writing the history of the Mexico City Station... creating more questions with virtually every word..... kinda makes the FBI's effort to create a trip arriving the 27th and leaving the 1st or 2nd kinda moot.....
  7. From what I have read - and the statements from AMMUG/1 (who along with a handful of the DGI staff talk about Oswald but never quite say they actually saw or interacted with him.... It's always "he said that she said that he saw him and relayed that to another who told my friend who told me...." Any American asking to go to Russia via Cuba (or not) is going to be looked upon with suspicion at the Cuban Embassy in Mexico... hotbed for intel activity all thru the 60's. The job of AZCUE was to interview those applying for a visa to a "communist" country and discover the person's true intent... to make it harder for them to get into their countries. Oswald - if he was to have actually been there - was most definitely there for some intel purpose... same as his time in Russia... AZCUE would be remiss in his duties if he did not at least question the man... from what DURAN and AZCUE say - it feels matter-of-fact.... Just enough truth to believe the lie.... none of what is offered as activity on the 28th or Oct 1st is true... but we knew that.... Question becomes If Alvarado, a CIA asset can tell an amazing story and then be coerced to recant... what do you supposed the Mexican Police and the CIA could do with/for DURAN? The de la Paz party was a lie, Alvarado a lie, the 28th-1st a lie, no evidence of Oswald outside the "LI-XXX" audio tapes, Were you aware that ODUM/HOSTY interviewed ODIO on Dec 18th? and then nothing until July 22, 1964 - her testimony.... Mr. LIEBELER. Did she think it was Oswald?Mrs. ODIO. Well, her reaction to it when Oswald came on television, she almost passed out on me, just like I did the day at work when I learned about the assassination of the President. Her reaction was so obvious that it was him, I mean. And my reaction, we remember Oswald the day he came to my house because he had not shaved and he had a kind of a very, I don't know how to express it, but some little hairs like if you haven't shaved, but it is not a thick moustache, but some kind of shadow. That is something I noticed. And he was wearing--the other ones were wearing white dirty shirts, but he was wearing a long sleeved shirt. John Masen on the left (also arrested 11/22) - just to show an unshaven Oswald Mr. LIEBELER. You mentioned when your sister saw Oswald's picture on television that she almost passed out. Did she recognize him, do you know, as the man that had been in the apartment?Mrs. ODIO. She said, "Sylvia, you know that man?" And I said, "Yes," and she said, "I know him." "He was the one that came to our door, and it couldn't be so, could it?" "...the entire material we have to date ON THIS PROBLEM" and what the WCR tells us.... Nothing to hide here... move along... move along.... ---------- CORNWELL - Did the officers from the Securidad Department ever suggest to you during the questioning that they had information that you and Oswald had been lovers?TIRADO - Yes, and also that we were communists and that we were planning the Revolution and uh, a lot of false things. CORNWELL - Let's just talk hypothetically for a moment. Is there any chance that he was at the Consulate on more than one day?TIRADO - No. I read yesterday, an article in the Reader's digest, and they say he was at the Consulate on three occasions. He was in Friday, Saturday, and Monday...That's not true, that's false. CORNWELL - All right. Let's try a different hypothetical. If the one in the Reader's Digest is definitely wrong, is it possible that he first came on like a Thursday, and then came back on a Friday?TIRADO - No, because I am positively sure about it. That he came in the same day. So what can we say here? DURAN is adamant about the man from the application being at her desk on the 27th. One of the bigger clues - the one which got me started on this journey is the HOTEL REGISTRY BOOK from OCHOA.... The tourist Visa from New Orleans is written out: "LEE, HARVEY OSWALD" which is were we get H. O. LEE traveling in Mexico... Yet when we look at the 1st day of his stay at this hotel, the day the guest actually signs the book, we get the same exact thing, as if copied: Problem being the MASTER LOG - FM-11 is supposed to alphabetize the FM's for the 1st and 2nd halves of the month... below is the one for the 2nd half of Sept... Mr. H.O. LEE is somehow correctly alphabetized under "O" for Oswald.... despite us being told repeatedly he used H.O. LEE
  8. It was my understanding Steve that what is now the ATF had agents all over Dealey Plaza and in the TSBD very, VERY early on. "...[FBI Agent James] Hosty told the [House] Select Committee that at the time of the assassination 'Frank' Ellsworth...had indicated that he had been in the grassy knoll area and for some reason identified himself as a Secret Service Agent.' 8 Ellsworth, deposed by the Committee, denied Hosty's allegation. We know, however, that he was in the immediate area.9 Interestingly, he and seven other ATF agents were among the first law enforcement personnel of any description to reach the sixth floor of the TSBD. If Ellsworth was in the vicinity, it remains to be asked how Hosty knew about it. (Peter Dale Scott, "Deep Politics," pg. 274) "In 1963, if you would have asked me if I was a Secret Service agent, I most likely would have answered yes-our roles overlapped that much." (Frank Ellsworth to author Gus Russo in 1994, "Live By The Sword," pg. 473)10
  9. Got it.... "a unidentified CIA agent" showing his credentials yet remaining unidentified... Putting the "secret" in the Secret Service...
  10. I see no reason for LITAMIL/9 to be untruthful here.... He was one of Azcue's best friends... yet not a word supporting anyone behaving like Oswald per Azcue/Duran... in fact as I showed with AMMUG/1... these two did not follow a single step in relation to a potential american spy being in their midst.... I actually am starting to think how much easier their stories about Oswald would be if he was never there... take the Alvarado story... Complete fabrication at the hands of Phillips which includes placing Oswald at the Cuban Consulate taking money.... never happened... and all the actors in his story didn't exist. Yes - DURAN/AZCUE describe a person... a short, very thin person who did not resemble the man Ruby killed... yet DURAN also denies making the calls from late afternoon on the 27th. Denies that this person returns on either the 28th or the 1st.... And since the call from the 27th was all in Spanish and had little to do with the transcripts from that afternoon - we can conclude this was neither Oswald or someone trying to be Oswald.... So while there MAY have been someone there on the 27th - it had nothing to do with Oswald... read it again carefully... btw - DURAN claims "Oswald" didn't arrive until just after 11am... I obviously do not know all that transpired... from what I can tell from the evidence though... it's just as likely no one was there as was an Oswald impersonator... My $.02 DJ Then we would assume the calls are to and from the Cuban Embassy... Notice all the calls/transcripts come from Soviet Taps, not Cuban.... Azcue repeatedly says the Consulate closes at 2pm and no one is there after 4pm... yet that's when these calls are time stamped.... In direct conflict with the Spanish transcription for the 27th regarding Odessa, we have painfully contrived "conversations"...
  11. Vince - the man in the glasses - 45, 6'2", 185-190, Grey hair.... ??? This person looks like none of these. Also says the Mystery FBI man never showed credentials.... How/when does this man become CIA ?? https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1135#relPageId=809&tab=page
  12. Hi Jim... Yes, I did consider that... my feeling is if Ruby's LHO is supposed to leave a trail of breadcrumbs to Mexico and back, he does an amazingly terrible job. A single 4 part ticket to and from Mexico City does the trick... he doesn't even really have to go.... but at least have the tickets... Yet that is not what we see... at every junction along the way the evidence gets worse and worse in support of anyone making the trip... Additionally, wouldn't there be real evidence of a person taking this trip, being in Mexico... Wouldn't the summary reports related to all the wire tapping have picked up something before Nov? A real person leaves a real trail... Nothing suggests that any of what we have is Authentic Evidence of a real person doing anything.... And this report is a classic... What the FBI concludes he did - is not possible, so instead of realizing there was something terribly wrong with the Mexico info, LEGAT (FBI) is sent back to the drawing board to find another way he could have made it.... You'd have to read my work on the trip back to Dallas to see how absurd it truly was.... FBI Mexico and assets were on it from 11/22 on....
  13. And completely disregards Max Phillips Ths zfilm timeline says this though.... Army doesn’t fly out of Naval bases, do they? 10:00 pm Schwartz and Zapruder delivered two prints to Sorrels. Sorrels asked them to take one to the Dallas Naval Air Station in nearby Grand Prairie, where a jet was immediately dispatched to take the print to FBI investigators in Washington, D.C. Mr. LIEBELER - Now, Mr. Zapruder, after you had the film developed I understand Mr. Sorrels from the Secret Service came over and helped you get the films developed and you gave two copies of your films to Mr. Sorrels, is that correct?Mr. ZAPRUDER - Yes. One we have sent to Washington the same night and one went over for the viewers of the FBI on Ervay Street.Mr. LIEBELER - That's the Secret Service?Mr. ZAPRUDER - The Secret Service--I brought one roll there and they told me to dispatch it by Army plane or I don't know what they had done with it but it was supposed to have gone to Washington and one of them, I believe, remained here with Mr. Sorrels. He came to my office quite a few times to show them to different people.
  14. Couldn't have said it better... No matter where you go KM, there you are...
  15. Paul... nothing is "attaching" the photo to the carbon copy... she said she stapled both... she didn't. #1 option - As I'll be writing an updating article about Mexico... all I can say here is how did he get out of New Orleans? According to the WCR - MARINA tells them he took a bus.... and since Marina's word is GOLD.... ... we are to take her word for it at face value despite there not being a single item of evidence which connects Oswald to a bus leaving New Orleans... The WCR says Continental since the Mexico equivalent is Flecha Rojas - one of the bus lines they claim he was on when traveling from Monterrey to Mexico City.... the Aussie girls took Del Norte.... #2 option - (assuming you can indeed actually get Oswald into Mexico)... the impostor returns from ???? with photos (or brought them) and they are replaced at some point in the future Nothing begins to happen related to LEE HARVEY OSWALD at the Cuban/Soviet Embassy/Consulate until October 7th.... Phillips arrives. the supposed calls were Sept 27, 28 and Oct 1... The Sept 27th tapes are dropped of SAT Sept 28th and picked up Monday, Sept 30th with Sept 28th tapes dropped off at the same time... Then picked up Oct 1st... Anne Goodpasture would have the transcriptions in her hands by the 1st or 2nd of Oct. She claims it was sent to Tarasoff because the caller tried speaking Russian.... in Tarasoff's April 1978 HSCA interview he says that all the SPANISH calls were taken from him due to the volume - that he was to stay focused on Russian... yet by all accounts, the call on Spet 27th was in Spanish and all three calls on the 27th were BEFORE 2pm... AZCUE says the building closed at 2pm... As of the 27 of Nov, the CIA claims that there is no info on Oswald - yet Harvey CASH had already sent on the 23rd detailed info from Cards typed in Mexico about our man Ozzie.... More importantly, here is a piece of the call from the 27th... in SPANISH and mentioning Odessa... something the offered CIA transcripts don't do... NEEDED A VISA TO ODESSA.... the CIA claims the calls on the 27th occur after 4pm.... again, when no one is there... While I like the thoughts Paul, until you put someone at the Cuban/Soviet buildings... we need to get them there first.... DJ So Paul, BEFORE you have an impostor at the embassy on Sept 27th... he has to get there. if he travels with others - the FBI is shown to be FOS.... if he travels in a car, FBi again FOS... Not to say that he didn't travel to Mexico with others.... there is simply no authentic evidence - in fact, we have the amazing investigation of the BRILL's as the only couple who came thru when MAYDON was the inspector... except their names were M/M ALLEN...
  16. I usually hate being tautological... but, Hoover covering for extensive CIA lies, for years now, yet specifically in the Mexico construct... leads me to ask what other reason makes sense...? Hoover simply had to allow for a lone nut trip to and from Mexico at the same time he was “caught” doing his job by Odio when being set up for a shooting.... I wish I had a better answer for you... seems he was working thru Bannister and that office... what was mailed, what was dropped off... and then the handoff to Dallas, ... to me agents like Nat Pinkston, Dolan in Chicago.... and many others.. were actively protecting their FBI... Hoover’s FBI... That name will make for an interesting research project..... it still may have been US Military in guise of FBI informant... FBI Agent.... Be fun...
  17. Btw, the nov report is not sent until January 1964.... when it should have been Dec 8th or so.... CIA finally mentions Oswald...
  18. Offers nothing from Oct 1, ... 3,4,5 do not mention an American of interest, or any American...
  19. The summary on Oct 8th does not include the amazing events of sept 27 and 28th. . By the 8th, you’d think they knew about Oswald, by name.. and the only mention is in Nov summary and with little fanfare.
  20. I see the Same group Paul... Oswald's work at this point, on this trip is FBI despite having CIA assets surround him... and potentially an ongoing CIA relationship due to his Russia days (either sending him initially, or learning as much as possible afterward)... Everyone.. EVERYONE is watching. There are few reasons, at this time, for the complete lack of coverage of our man Ozzie by the FBI... other than to remove any connection. For Phillips et al, Ozzie playing the FPCC role accomplishes both dips, and maybe gives Oswald Bona Fides for more work supporting Castro and finding others like him for his FBI buddies.. But the 2nd dip kills him... When accused and caught he is now a Castro supporting Commie Marxism blah, blah.... with obvious proof which only Oswald can, or would refute. Multi-use idiot.... a real patsy in the truest sense of the word.
  21. Jim, there’s another memo from MX saying to send the pouch to Choaden... I think to make it appear as if there are 2 diff people? Plausible deniability? Kinda like Maurice Bishop.. This doc is Oct 1... Phillips is headed to Cuban desk, Mexico City. So it is Choaden who Mexico City says will pick up the held pouch at registry... wonder if there are not the tapes/transcripts already... idk...
  22. I'm sorry Matt but anything Marina says has to be taken with some pessimism ... (see below) imo. With regards to staples... All I refer to is the Carbon Copy of the application with the photo on it... it looks more like a bad photo copy and there are no staples holding the photo to the application like the original... and below that are 2 other versions supposedly found with Oswald's possessions. Furthermore, Azcue places the date of this occurrence a day or 2 earlier....
  23. Hey there Matt... Guy on the left is LEONOV as you said (CIA can't spell for sh!t)... I think that's Jon Voight on the right...
  24. I look forward to Bill's reply.... We do know that FBI agents do hear a tape and do state it was not Oswald.... I do believe tapes of people talking to each other were brought for transcribing.... most of the phone calls were in Spanish btw, and that terrible, broken Russian as Tarasoff describes.... You will also notice the CIA tries to distance itself from the Sept 27th transcript... the actual one being at a different time and about different things than what we are told
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