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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. FWIW Bart et al.... Lic HERNANDEZ OCHOA who is the source ultimately of many of the Mexico Documents is an FBI asset as confirmed by Hoover... I believe all those docs are in the WCDs as I remember all the names I just saw.... but I could be mistaken Thanks again for the work you put into getting these out to us... DJ I write about him in the Mexico series....
  2. PS... With Waldman supposedly handing everything over the night before to the FBI, the SS was a bit late getting going as they first seem to contact KLEINS on Sat late morning. Although we all know that may or may not be true as conflicting reports have DOLAN taking the film as well as NOT taking the film and leaving it with WALDMAN in his safe... Point is, FBI has the ORIGINAL SOURCE DOCS and the source of the source, the film.... and to this day there STILL has not been seen a single FC Carbine bearing any one of the other 99 serial numbers listed.... If it WAS shipped in February... why is it the only one not marked off? {shout out thanks to Armstrong & Gil Jesus} More importantly.... From Nov 22 until the signings of the affidavits... the shipment with C2766 was sent June 18, 1962. Is this yet another C2766... Come to CAPA and find out... DJ
  3. Thanks Vince.... Didn't make sense (but kinda did if you know what I mean) that a Secret Service Agent would be in charge of Klein's that Saturday.... Neither Waldman or Scibor mentions a DAHLQUIST in their testimony and this appears to be the only mention of him.... but I'll keep looking... Take care DJ
  4. After the assassination, Dodd, using CIA sources, helped the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee publish a story that Oswald had been trained at a KGB assassination school in Minsk. At the time, Dodd was on the payroll of the American Security Council, "the leading public group campaigning to use U.S. military force to oust Castro from Cuba, and to escalate the war in Vietnam." http://www.famoustexans.com/leeharveyoswald.htm edit: THIS LINK SEEMS TO HAVE EXPIRED... https://groups.google.com/g/alt.conspiracy.jfk/c/Vtlg6NPbbQQ THE 2ND LINK JUST TAKES YOU TO THE QUOTED MATERIAL IN A POST BY Sam McClung WITH THE SAME LINK AS MY ORIGINAL ONE Seems to me, most all his activities that seemed "intel-like" had the dual purposes of infiltrating the desired groups, yet also incriminate Oswald for his activities and connections... SOMEONE created that Money Order SOMEONE put THAT rifle on the 6th floor SOMEONE made sure we'd only ever see C2766 and not one of the other 99 rifles... So we must ask ourselves, if the idea was to place a rifle into Oswald's hands, why is there not a single report about Oswald and his weapons prior to 11/22?
  5. Additionally, the name LIDO LUCCHESI comes up from Michael WESTRA of KLEINS WESTRA says that Lido and SCIBOR, the General Office Manager are the people to talk to... Anyone know who LIDO LUCCHESI was? 1. [No Title] Record Number: 180-10086-10245 Record Series: NUMBERED FILES Agency: HSCA Agency File No.: 005496 Originator: HSCA From: LUCCHESI, LIDO To: [No To] Date: 02/21/1978 Pages: 1 Subjects: LUCCHESI, LIDO; BALLISTICS; KLEIN'S SPORTING GOODS; BROOKFIELD ZOO; Document Type: OUTSIDE CONTACT REPORT Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Restrictions: OPEN IN FULL Current Status: OPEN Date of Last Review: 06/15/1989 Opening Criteria: [empty value] Comments: Box 113.
  6. BTW, Agent "J. GRIMES" is the man who says he received the Money Order from SA PARKER Bottom left on 11/24 - his initials after claiming he put the original in an envelope, sealed it, signed it with PARKER and put it in a safe.
  7. If Vince or anyone can help me out here.... The Secret Service report about KLEINS includes the following paragraph referring to 12:45pm on Saturday 11/23... The only E. DAHLQUIST I could find was in the HSCA name index as an ASAIC,,, In every instance when an agent is being referred to, it says "SAIC" or "Special Agent", or "ASAIC", etc.... but not here. Below this is the page from a Nov 1962 report about a plot to kill JFK .... 4 lines from the bottom is ASAIC DAHLQUIST... Are they saying here an SS agent is running KLEINS that weekend or is there a different Edward DAHLQUIST? Thanks DJ ps... asked "not to discuss the case" suggests to me he was not an agent... FWIW
  8. I read your message and replied... Much of that info is in the Armstrong notebook I reference in my reply. Bottom line though, not one of the other 99 rifles has ever been seen... Century bought 700 of these same EXACT rifles InterArmco also supplied KLEINS with weapons and was basically the CIA with a cutout. SIDEM bid against ADAMS and Interarmco for these rifles... but not one word about them. WALDMAN claimed they removed the remaining stock of CE-139 like rifles from inventory on Monday the 25th... You telling me the FBI was not in a position to get one of these other 99 rifles (or however many were left) ... and/or they realized these rifles were NOT SCOPED... only the 36" TS rifles were for this special. page 7 is the HSCA summary of the SHARP interview... FWIW... Century Arms in Montreal also provided SEAPORT the pistol... which eventually winds up on WESTBROOK's desk... the man in charge of PERSONNEL...
  9. I have been able to find 2 documents showing 4 different serial numbers of the rifles sent to the FBI... C250/CE542 is the most famous as it's the one Frazier testifies about being so identical to CE139 - but we are never told the serial number. Does anyone have information regarding these rifles the FBI somehow secured? Does anyone have information regarding what became of the "LEFTOVER INVENTORY" from the 99 remaining rifles in that lot? Has ANYONE, ANYWHERE ever seen a Fucile Corto rifle with any one of the other 99 serial numbers? They were advertised from April 1963 until Nov 1963...??? If the February 21, 1963 order contained 100 different rifles than those listed on Scibor's master list, how would we know? For to me it sure looks like the space behind these notations is BLANK while the rest of the page has lines and artifacts of copying... Hmmmm.
  10. No worries at all Bob... I found another problem with this version and the copy for the HSCA. Not only is there no bleed-thru on the FBI version.... There is no circled FBI exhibit designation above the TEX in the mail stamp "JCC D-19" Here is yet another COPY yet this too does not have the D-19 yet it appears to have punch marks in areas where there weren't any... The words "Money Order" has all sorts of white spots - same in the "FOR MORE THAN" line just before the THIRTY Dollars... How can the BLACK ARROWS of "PAY TO" and "FROM" be white... yet the bleed thru on the "PAY THIS AMOUNT" box is simply not there... Seems to me the photos of these things were both before and after the punching of the holes... How could the WCD1 FBI version not already have the "D-19" and JCC?? I look forward to your thoughts on this DJ
  11. I'm very interested in your answers Bob.... Especially the Money Order as I have chased that down to being created in Alexandria the night of the 23rd.... There is simply no way any of those images in WCD1 reflect how things actually looked... they all "appear" like reproductions done the exact same way. FWIW - the HSCA writing experts all concluded that since most every item they were given was a COPY and not an original, any and all conclusions are conditional on the impossibility of telling anything specific from COPIES of handwriting.... You'll notice those items which were identified as COPIES: His notes from Russia, Money Order which paid for the rifle, Hotel Register claimed to be signed on first day by Oswald (NOT!) the original copy and copy of carbon of his Cuban application (since he was not there - who filled this out?) and finally the bogus Hunt letter. this is also 15 years later... Let's stick with the Pristine image of the Money Order... the one showing no bleedthru from the back.... Removing those bleedtru initials and making the rest of the image pristine seems improbable at best, impossible most likely. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS (27) With the restrictions and reservations stated in each panel member's final report,* *In particular. members noted that not all documents were available in their original . It is standard practice in the profession of questioned document examination to make definitive conclusions only about documents examined in their original. Thus the panel members gave only tentative opinions for items provided them in some type of facsimile. Limitations on the examination 239 (71) Five items of evidence were not examined in the original, but were copies . Photocopies have several limitations. They do not reproduce all the fine details in handwriting needed in making an examination and comparison. At best, they do not produce as sharp an image as a properly produced photograph, and they lack tonal gradations, a result of the contrasting process of reproduction . In addition, it is possible to incorporate or insert changes and alterations into copies . A method frequently used is to paste together parts of documents to make one fraudulent document, which is then copied. If the first copy can pass inspection, it will be used ; if not, it will be reworked to eliminate all signs of alteration. This amended copy is then recopied for the finished product. This is usually referred to as the "cut and paste" method.. We refer to: Items 18, 29, 39, 40/41, 47... 18. November 15, 1959. Photocopy of handwritten account of interview with Miss Aline Mosby, UPI Reporter 29. March 12, 1963. United States Postal Money Order #2,202,130,462 39. September 27, 1963. Photocopy of a page from a hotel register 40. September 27, 1963. Photographs ... of the original of the visa application, Cuban Consulate, ... 41. September 27, 1963. Photograph of the carbon copy of item 40, shown to the Select Committee staff... 47. November 8, 1963. Photograph of a facsimile copy of a handwritten letter to Mr. Hunt (86) Photographic reproductions could only be compared visually with other photographic reproductions or with original documents. All conclusions based solely upon photographic reproductions are necessarily tentative and inconclusive, since they cannot reveal much about pen pressure and other dynamic qualities of handwriting. Further, they sometimes conceal, rather than reveal, evidence of tracings, alterations, erasures, or obliterated writing.
  12. Here you go Craig... The salient 3 frames... the rest of the image moves with the camera, the man in the hat in the mud is also moving I've colorized Moorman to show that Badgeman etc is just leaves and sky... but this hat exists between the fence and foliage.... as I see it. DJ
  13. I did a collage of the frames... Looks to me like the man in the hat from Moorman (inset: you can see him easier when colorized and you can see him in Bell moving to his left)
  14. Thanks Bob for what sounds like an experts explanation - but of a modern Photoshop process.... could they do that with 1963 copying technology? and why would the FBI go thru all the trouble and then not exclusively use these images as the exhibits instead of the actual images? Even if only in B&W like I posted...?? Instead we see numerous versions of the Money Order and NONE LOOK LIKE page 19 of WCD1 Exhibits vol 1 - they all show bleed thru from front to back and back to front EXCEPT CE2003 which appears to be a copy of FBI p19... yet notice the holes are all white now, not black... this image had to be created by putting a source doc on a piece of white paper and taking a very high contrast copy... no? And since GRIMES signs the PMO on the 24th, this must be a copy of a copy of a Photostat taken by SA PARKER Saturday night the 23rd. Again, thanks for the reply... I look forward to your response... much more below.. If your explanation is correct... why are the round and rectangular holes black instead of clear unless they took a photocopy of a photocopy where the holes were already rendered black What I don't understand is how the pattern also extends into the BLACK areas which would have been on the transparency (it appears they simply copied the source documents onto a transparency and then printed the transparency on this paper with the lines.... I repost this image since this appears more like the process you described... the complete removal of any real detail on the page EXCEPT the bleed thru is obvious... No matter how much alpha adjustment you do to the image above (the FBI WCD1 money order) you cannot remove the very hard bleed-thru signature of SA GRIMES from the 24th. Also like to know where and when the FBI WCD1 images were created... prior to the Dec report... DJ The moire pattern is consistent across all items... yet this is the only place the exhibits look like this... Are you sure about the moire? Does your explanation also apply to these images - I mean even the ruler is covered or superimposed over this pattern? And if that process was not possible in 1963 - what is the FBI doing here?
  15. On page 19 of FBI Summary Report WCD1 is the following image of the front and back of the Postal Money Order... Something you will notice when you go to the link and look at the large version of this image.... The background is consistent within and outside the images of the money order as if anything that was not the background, is transparent. The FBI tag to the left, the one in the middle as well as the PMO all show the tiny-dotted background, rotated left somewhat so the dots run diagonally... That, of course is not possible. It appears as if the copy was made onto this paper yet I still cannot figure out how the background remains uninterrupted... nor does the PMO itself show any substance/color of its own. Now look at the PMO below this.... a B&W created version from the huge color original beneath it.. smooth paper https://www.maryferrell.org/archive/docs/010/10402/images/img_10402_120_200.jpg Please notice things like the bleed thru of GRIMES' signature over the "PAY THIS AMOUNT" box from the back. Also, no dots or moire patterns within the PMO. Furthermore, we already have a photo of a CLEAN PMO prior to GRIMES signing it on the 24th. (below) SA PARKER supposedly makes copies of the PMO after receiving it AT J HAROLD MARKS' HOME at 10:10pm in Alexandria, VA. The Secret Service will report the PMO was found in Kansas The initials are Robert H Jackson, J. Harold Marks and SA Parker... but not really the point... Even if the FBI photographed it the moment it arrived, before anyone or anything has a chance to change anything... the body of the PMO cannot have the same background as the rest of the copy paper used... We also have an HSCA copy of the PMO - a very poor copy yet since GRIMES ALREADY SIGNED IT we can see the bleed thru as we do on every other image EXCEPT Warren Commission Doc #1 - photographs in Volume 2 (Exhibits Volume 1) where all the images have the same strange background which becomes part of the documents themselves... (see below comparison of 2 different WCD1 pages) Oswald's photo, the paper application, the background and the image of the envelope all have the same pattern, which basically obscures anything useful to be seen in these photos. An extreme enlargement shows it more clearly: What am I not understanding about these images? And if this is what they looked like, we agree their value as evidence is pretty well lost. DJ
  16. From the "My Evidence is not an assumption" files.... in 1963 when a delivery was too big for a PO Box, they would leave a note in the PO Box so the patron could retrieve their package. Not only did no one remember this 5' carton pick-up, there was no note. In fact, as you will see, the carton SHOULD have been returned. Furthermore, when a RIFLE is shipped in the US Postal System in 1963 there were RULES involved: One has to wonder why the FBI/USPS/CIA/ATF.... was not CONTEMPORANEOUSLY AWARE of a 5' carton marked FIREARMS delivered to Lee Oswald's PO Box in a name which was not to receive mail. Here is a list of FBI docs from the time Oswald supposedly got the rifle and Pistol until Oct 22.... and not one mention of the man who picked up a 5' RIFLE CARTON and somehow got it home to Magazine. who ALSO went to REA to get his pistol without leaving a trace... and without notice in his PO Box that the pistol had even arrived.... Like the USPS Form, Oswald would have gotten one of these in his PO Box to come get his delivery.... Yet all that is a moot point once you understand both the pistol and rifle used to frame Oswald came from Century International Arms (CIA) with help from InterArmco.... The 2 main suppliers of surplus WWII weapons in the USA. Crescent was tiny compared to these two...
  17. Maybe you can help me understand.... In Hughes at top THAT must be Lovelady behind the black man in the blue At what point does Lovelady move from behind the black man on the steps below him to the point in the middle of the stairway by the railing at the bottom right... with PM seen in the background with his right hand lit up in the sun. The sun? Is anything of PM lit by the sun, deep in that corner? Thanks DJ
  18. This may help... the oVal representing his head is facing correctly at z313... all depends on which shots you’re referring to... see the original West Plat below... And remember what Altgens said... final shot was only 15 feet from him.. that would be the 2nd yellow curb, not the one by Moorman and Hill
  19. What do you make of this Bart? Seems to me you can still see the scope on the right Newsweek enlargement.. more importantly in this version from LIFE they even straightened out the stock by removing the notch... With only 1 negative and 3 poses....'nuf said DJ
  20. Up to his eyeballs in it.... Facilitator/Sponsor IMHO Paul.... Like Harriman. In a unique position to agree with and/or initiate the thought of removing JFK while positioned within the government to assist in its accomplishment and cover-up. It's also quite possible that he was simply a Facilitator with amazing connections - he seems to have walked a fine line DJ He was admitted to Yale University, one year behind his brother William. At Yale, he served as secretary of the Yale Political Union and then chairman of its Liberal Party. He was on the staff of the Yale Literary Magazine and also wrote a column for the Yale Daily News. Like his father, he was inducted into the Skull and Bones secret society, where he was nicknamed "Odin". He remained in contact with his fellow Bonesmen for decades afterward.[6] He graduated from Yale with an A.B. in mathematics in 1940. Bundy was a strong proponent of the Vietnam War during his tenure, believing it essential to contain communism. He supported escalating United States involvement, including commitment of hundreds of thousands of ground troops and the sustained bombing of North Vietnam in 1965. According to Kai Bird, Bundy and other advisors well understood the risk but proceeded with these actions largely because of domestic politics, rather than believing that the US had a realistic chance of victory in this war.[4] He left government in 1966 to serve as president of the Ford Foundation,[15] remaining in this position until 1979.
  21. Agreed Paul... and here are some of the names... One I just noticed missing: The owners of TEXTRON who bought Bell Helicopter via a lucrative load from an Insurance Co. McGeorge Bundy "Well, it is alarming to have a president who doesn't know what he is doing." ~ McGeorge Bundy ============== The book (THE WISE MEN) identifies six people who were important foreign policy advisors to U.S. Presidents from Franklin D. Roosevelt to Lyndon Johnson and were influential in the development of Cold War era foreign policy for America. The six are: Dean Acheson, Secretary of State under President Harry Truman Charles E. Bohlen, U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union, the Philippines, and France W. Averell Harriman, Special Envoy for President Franklin Roosevelt George F. Kennan, Ambassador to the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, State Dept. Director of Policy Planning Robert A. Lovett, Truman's Secretary of Defense John J. McCloy, a War Department official and later U.S. High Commissioner for Germany. The group comprised two lawyers, two bankers, and two diplomats. Five of the six were from the so-called Georgetown Set. Acheson, Harriman, and Lovett had known each other since their days at prep school or college and on Wall Street. Bohlen, Kennan and McCloy were younger and did not know the others well until their public lives brought them into close contact.[3] Most of these men, Lovett and McCloy in particular, were strongly influenced by Secretary of War Henry Stimson. Elihu Root, Stimson's mentor, is often regarded as the prototypical "wise men." ============================ Also take a look at Deputy Director of Defense Roswell Gilpatric and the partners of Cravath, Swaine and Moore (McCloy, He graduated from Yale University in 1928, Phi Beta Kappa; and then from Yale Law School in 1931, where he was an editor of the Yale Law Journal. Following his graduation, Gilpatric went to work for the New York City law firm of Cravath, Swaine & Moore, where he became a partner and where he practiced when not serving in government. Gilpatric owed much of his political cachet to his special relationship with the celebrated lawyer, diplomat and investment banker Robert A. Lovett, to whom Gilpatric was a protégé. Gilpatric served as Under Secretary of the Air Force from 1951-1953. During 1956 and 1957, Gilpatric was a member of the Rockefeller Brothers' Special Studies Project. Gilpatric was a childhood friend of Governor Nelson Rockefeller.[7] ============================== Another partner - Seymour P. Gilbert, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in Woodrow Wilson and Warren G. Harding's administrations... this is during the creation of the FED. The "Sponsor" level of the crime resides within and above the Military Industrial Congressional Complex... to me Bundy was both Sponsor and Facilitator... DJ
  22. I guess as my bottom image shows... the larger space is after the VP SS car.... after the turn.... So while hot potatoes, LBJ seems close enough to the action to be scared out of his wits for his life... All valid points Karl... yet aren't these freeway images (or a smaller rural road with no one around and at speed) as well?
  23. FWIW - Here are 16 cars in the motorcade coming after the Pilot and Lead cars PILOT CAR 1. DPD Dep. Chief George L. (G.L.) Lumpkin (DPD Call #5) 2. DPD Det. Faye M. (F.M.) Turner 3. DPD Det. William "Billy" L. Senkle 4. Lt. Col. George L. Whitmeyer, U.S. Army Reserve, East Texas Section Commander 5. Jacob "Jack" L. Puterbaugh - White House (Lumpkin and Whitmeyer relate via Military Intelligence, the 488th and Jack Crichton - as do Gannaway and Westbrook) For those who understand the conspiratorial aspects of the case, the ACIS and its Lt. Colonels along with their resources in Dallas are intimately involved. LEAD CAR 1. DPD Chief Jesse E.(J.E.) Curry (DPD Call #1) 2. SA Winston George "Win" Lawson (SSR) 3. DC Sheriff James Eric (J.E.) "Bill" Decker (DPD Call Dallas #1) 4. SAIC Forrest V. Sorrels
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