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David Josephs

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Everything posted by David Josephs

  1. And I respect what you are saying about the man, "you don't think..." obviously comes from your time studying the man and his work. In this discussion we are focused on the activities you may or may not have been aware of prior to @Robert Montenegro post. Help me out as you sound as if you are in the know - list some of the "smear campaign" components as you understand them... what they attacked and the negative outcomes heaped upon PROUTY. If you cannot fathom a man in that position having more than one agenda, I'd have to say as a Dr you might be better off discussing the medical evidence and dig a bit more into the manner in which intelligence agencies create narratives, with supporting casts, to either support or "smear" information they either do not like, or have put in place themselves as part of a bigger situation. It is comprehendible to you that intel agencies would create layers to cover their actual intentions and actions, yes? And in this case some of those layers may have had to do with turning your attention to narratives about Cubans, Castro, Mexico, NSAMs or whatever else that had little to do with the actual plans and personnel involved. Now as the CIA, you attack poor COL PROUTY. What does that do to the credibility of his false, onion-layer narratives but only give them more value.. If the CIA is attacking, something must be up.. right? He must have hit a nerve. He must be right. And this process has been used time and time again with the vast resources of the CIA to plant stories, publish books, own businesses, ... to but it bluntly,: to influence the hearts and minds of people like you and I to believe what they want us to believe. An no, I'm not some paranoid sitting in a dark cellar spouting conspiracy junk... I'm a Conspiracy Realist who understands that human beings will do anything and everything to remain either wealthy and/or in Power. Then again, I am just one man with a POV from 20+ years of reading and digging much deeper than I see you are willing to go. I have nothing whatsoever against PROUTY and don't think he was as involved as Robert makes him out to be because I don't have an agenda to push or a book to sell. @Paul Brancato was right in one of the most eloquent posts ever. If we can't be open to discussion to find common ground, what's the point? “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” William Casey, CIA Director I've researched this quote and This is pretty amazing. The #1 answer here used to be from Barbara Honnegger, who was part of the Reagan Administration and claimed to be in that meeting, confirming that Casey said it. Now her answer is gone and the #1 answer is an overlong, rambling, extremely self-indulgent treatise from an “ex”-CIA guy that lukewarm endorses the concept being part of CIA perspective but does zero to confirm he said it. This is followed by a bunch of bad takes, particularly people citing the quote to Mae Brussell, which I never heard before now. This is clearly a disinformation campaign by intelligence, following their usual pattern of censorship followed by new misinformation. I wonder what happened to Ms. Honnegger.
  2. There is a CE2312... the first file I clicked had 2 references to CE2312... The Ryder Coffee house has no ref to any 2312 in the pdf... not very reassuring
  3. @Robert Montenegro Thomas Lamont’s rise in influence within the bank followed the chairmanship of World War I head of the American Red Cross, Henry Pomeroy Davison, (17) whose banking career had begun in the Astor Bank, and who reared his sons (F. Trubee Davison and H.P., Jr.) at Locust Valley, Long Island, New York, near the estate of Robert S. Lovett. Lamont's "left-leaning tendencies" caused concern among members of the more conservative faction, who detested the role Leffingwell and Lamont had played in advising FDR to take the dollar off the gold standard. In response to removal of the gold backing on the dollar, Roosevelt’s own budget director, Lewis W. Douglas (who was brother-in-law of Rockefellers' attorney John J. McCloy), predicted the end of Western Civilization, while Montagu Norman of the Bank of England (also a Brown Brothers partner) feared the entire world would plunge into bankruptcy. (18) FWIW... massively detrimental effects from a POTUS action, expected... Dead horse beating over... returning to our regularly scheduled programming
  4. Yes indeed. Exposing the layers of the onion rather than the rotten core. The ONLY ONE the MICC has allowed to shed light on that terrible event without horrific retribution. Zapruder gets $16M and his film defines the assassination, despite it being a hoax. Bolden opens his mouth and is set up on criminal charges. Yates opens his mouth and is institutionalized until his death 11 years later Specter becomes a Senator I'm sorry you don't follow what we are doing here at this forum W. PS kinda like UFOs. Say they are Aliens from another world and you have no worries. Say they are a cover story, an elaborate hoax by the CIA/MICC for advanced technology (cause, y'know the MICC research is light years ahead of commercially available tech, right?) and there are no such things as UFOs, and now you're a crackpot. or The tooth fairy is a cover story we tell kids so losing teeth is not so scary... money shows up so they believe it. We are not children putting our teeth under the pillow.. please stop treating us as such.
  5. I'm hoping your use of metaphor and subsequent comment is part of that obtuse sarcasm I speak of in my other reply to you on the Day After thread. "it was you and me" Behind The Meaning In this track, Jagger introduces a socialite version of the devil, who claims the responsibility for a number of historical tragedies including the Hundred Years War, the Russian Revolution, World War II, and the Assassination of JFK. The satan-centric lyrics got the band accused of devil worship—as did many rock bands in the ’60s and ’70s. Despite the lyrics, Jagger has claimed the song is more about the darker nature of man than celebrating the devil. https://americansongwriter.com/behind-the-meaning-rolling-stones-sympathy-for-the-devil/#:~:text=Despite the lyrics%2C Jagger has,is quite an uplifting song.
  6. C'mon Robert... what happened to "DISCUSS" ? If the forum members offer a different line of thought than your own opinion on the matter you "curl up in a sock drawer"? This isn't the kindergarten playground, I have read your "big boy pants" replies to those attacking you and all I offer was my thoughts and feelings to initiate a discussion and you run off this is the response? You presented a hypothetical. Was everyone just supposed to agree with you and pat you on the back for such insights, or initiate a discussion on why you come to that conclusion? Explain why you think the world would come to a screeching halt at that revelation by one of two silly old men we elected POTUS... A little less obtuse sarcasm might benefit your time here, especially to those like me who support your position on other topics. You gonna yell @Paul Brancato too for defending your right to push the ball forward, without all the attacks, in areas distasteful to so many here ... I mean, look what's happened to you on this little forum with people who have the knowledge. And you make a very strong case and are intimate with the information... any POTUS opening their mouths to spew what you wrote would be met with 1000x the vitriol you experienced here. And again... who would "they" taking the United Stated Government "from", at this point? Now it's your turn... DISCUSSION: the action or process of talking about something in order to reach a decision or to exchange ideas.
  7. Thanks Steve... nice find to expand the knowledge base... here are some thoughts and sources. County sheriffs vs DPD? I've not seen them but have to think they'd be different. Found this... Sheriff wearing a very different uniform than DPD - most images of sheriffs show plainclothesmen. Beers photo. Deputy Sheriff Al Maddox on the left. CASH, BEN (Constable/Sheriff's Dept - Weitzman was a Constable) A gaggle of sheriffs === The Men photographed in DP as the 3 tramps where not DRIVEN anywhere... BASS, the DPD officer at the front of the famous photo, directly contradicts HARKNESS who says more than those three were removed from the trains. BASS also says that after "marching them up the street, across the front of the TSBD, blah, blah, blah". Of course that's what the photos show, they also show it was much, much later in the day than 12:45 Look at the shadows in any of the tramps photos, and then look at Altgens 6 at 12:30. The tramp shadows are longer and more east-facing that these shadows - as it was a few hours later in the day and the sun moved lower into the western sky. BASS is combining the arrest and driving of three men prior to the Tippit murder to the photos of him in DP hours later escorting 3 other men thru DP. If the Sheriffs were the ones taking Abrams/Gedney/Doyle to the county jail before 1pm, the "Hold for Decker" presented could be the reason the DPD records have a much later time... the time could also be a CYA to associate these three with the much later parade of the only tramps we were aware of that day. WISE report on the left, MIDDLETON on the right talking about the Sheriff's records of arrest, not DPD, and illustrates how easy it would have been for DECKER to do whatever he wanted with them.
  8. Again... PROUTY was not a JFK admin insider... why can't you acknowledge same? And like @Robert Montenegro I am not tearing him down, he has indeed exposed information that helps cleanse his conscience while adding debunking material to the already huge mountain of such against the WCR. As to your inability to offer JFK Admin Deep Insiders names AT ALL, let alone if they debunked the WCR or not, is a nice side-step. I assume you are aware of the book and articles that have been written over the years attacking the WCR and showing it for what it really was... Would Daniel Elsberg count even though his revelations are only at the fringe of the Ass'n? If you can't even name a dozen or so of these "insiders" what's the point of my taking time to dig them up for you... What you seem to be trying to prove is that PROUTY was the only one... even though he was not one of the "insiders" based on the modifiers you added. You can dig into who and why the WCRT was debunked on your own... there is probably 10 years of reading on this site alone showing every aspect of the WCR & HSCA reports as the junk they were... Even Blakey admits it. How about SPRAGUE? Too late to be a JFK deep state insider? KRULAK had cold feet? makes one wonder.. PROUTY was in bed with these men for decades and is one of the only vocal detractors... Feeding and/or exposing info that supports the myriad of onion layer cover stories and keeping people focused "over there" while the real crimes were perpetrated "over here" is not something in the best interest of the 2 entities he served? C'mon man. And I bet you still think the Zapruder film is THE definitive record and timing of the assassination. I've got this bridge I can sell you too... Finally - what makes you think ANYONE meeting your description would throw themselves and their benefactors under the bus by overtly exposing the reality of the assassination? Have you even bothered to read thru the ARRB ... Dr. HUMES (insider?) is finally nailed down and debunks his own WCR testimony about the start of the autopsy and the arrival of JFK... while an empty hearse sat at the front of Bethesda... Many others describe the in-process autopsy as the empty casket pulls up to the front of the hospital. SIbert and O'Neill finally came clean telling us THEY brought in casket at 7:17 after Humes lets us know he had been with JFK's body since 6:30. How much debunking do you want W? You want McNamara and Bundy to come out and say yes, we did it because the cabal forced us to change NSAM 263, keep the wars going and remove the dreadful PEACE POTUS from office? What are you trying to do here W? Show your work
  9. I've started 3 different replies and erased them all... Any POTUS who attempted such a thing would be laughed off the world stage in hours... first off... Secondly, I have to suppose that this cabal POTUS just revealed would have already infested our government; they and the controlled media immediately coming to the rescue of its benefactors, the cabal immediately. Who are they taking it over from? Those that are already decades deep into the taking of America? Why do you feel this declaration would be met with any less skepticism, attack and discrediting than any other perceived grand scheme now facing us? For example, BLM founders has been shown to be the money-hungry, steal from those we claim we help shill group and not in any way expressly supportive of the communities it robs from. BLM ffs! The taking of America will continue one inch at a time until they are knowing at our doors while we wonder how did they get here so fast... Thoughts?
  10. No Keyvan, it does not... Do you not notice this is the same WCD# as the Abrams interview? Please stop trying to use BARD to introduce evidence here... It is taking the API and adding what it thinks you want in a response. You have the SEARCH API... please stop using BARD to do the searching and do the search yourself and show the full API call results. What you are doing is allowing BARD to create results which we cannot confirm - or you have yet to confirm - if they are actual results or not. Using the SEARCH API, w/o BARD, what does it return when you search for Warren Commission Document 2312? Can you post the answer please? Thanks @Ron Bulman @James DiEugenio @Joseph McBride @Tom Gram Can you do the same thing please... what results do you get for a WCD2312 search?
  11. The memo is from Rocca up the chain. Thanks again to Bill Simpich who provides the needed background... The redacted info from the FBI report this CIA report is referencing: A. Edward Horsey, a public accountant in Kalamazoo, Michigan, tips the FBI that he been working with a group of people to study the Kennedy slaying. They concluded a man named Al Groat was on the grassy knoll firing a gun. http://historiadiscordia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/19670718-fbi_memo-a_edward_horsey.jpg So much for paragraph 1. https://www.maryferrell.org/php/cryptdb.php?id=LISIREN-3 There are enough links and backstories to keep you busy for quite a while... but not the point The rest describes what Bringuier told the FBI as found in an FBI report which Rocca must have seen or was briefed upon as he shares details of the FBI report. If Bringuier is lying, he is lying about what DePino said to him which he tells to the FBI - ok, CIA lying to the FBI is expected - yet Rocca runs with the ball, forwards the info on and even offers a name which we are now learning appears to have direct implications within the assassination... ROCCA offers the name to the person he is writing the memo to... C/WH/1... as this is not my area I am not sure who that was in 1967... but are you of the mind that Rocca lies directly to his superiors in this case just to create a false record about a tiny little event while dropping a bombshell name - by mistake? For the sake of discussion then... this BS disinformation which Bringuier feeds the FBI - what is the purpose of this Rocca memo to C/WH/1 and adding the name MAX HOHENLOHE ??
  12. . 6 people... aren't SIX different people... unless you are trying to say the 3 tramps in the photos are not 3 different people and never have been... that would be more in line with your understanding of the case and the quality of your commentary. Mr. Cohen... stand on whoever's shoulders you like... 1 line declarations that look, smell and taste like an opinion based on whose shoulders you are on at the time, do little more than reveal the character of the person posting it. btw - you forgot to add, "cause I say so, nahner, nahner, nanher "
  13. WN... is it normal to ask questions 3 or 4 times and then ignore any discussion of the responses both @Robert Montenegro and I provided? Furthermore, the whole point of this thread in to set aside the CIA/Anti-Castro narrative as yet another layer of fluff keeping us from the rotten core as I've outlined numerous times on this forum over the years. The CIA - as I see it - was created to add layers of protection and a public face to the evils of the US instead of the true culprits, the Military Industrial (Congressional) Complex. As we've also discussed on these pages - how many ONI, MID or I&NS docs have we been allowed to see compared to the mountains of CIA double-speak? What little we do know is that Admiral Rufus Taylor (Dir of Naval Intelligence 11/22/63) oversaw the Naval Intel investigation and had interest and awareness of Oswald at least a year prior to 11/22. I also asked you to list a few who meet your DEEP STATE JFK ADMIN INSIDERS' qualifications... as there were many deep state insiders who wrote about the folly that was the WCR... but JFK Admin? btw - As a top PROUTY cheerleader you do understand he was not "in" the JFK administration... he was and had always been a military man answering to military superiors. And once again, the point of the thread is to bring some light to what the support apparatus within the Military for CIA (and other acronyms) Black Ops was doing and FOR WHOM. Is that something PROUTY would have a unique perspective on? You don't suppose they sent him halfway round the world for his protection... Finally, @James DiEugenio Even if the two men were providing pure disinformation - how does their discussion about JG potentially going after a nazzzi affect his investigation as "disinformation"? Wouldn't mention of that increase efforts to shut him down - if any of those accusations had any validity at all... and if not valid, as I ask above - what is the damage? This is Bringuier talking to the FBI about a call from DePino... what does disinformation in this instance accomplish? Do you believe GAUDET when he says Oswald knew Bannister because he saw them talking together? Don't you think that CONTEXT is important in evaluating whether a CIA document/asset is truthful or not..as well as see the value of including something like this in the tapestry of ones analysis? You kinda need to explain to us why you feel a CIA report quoting a FBI report about DiPino bringing up an ex-nazzzi which Garrison may be looking into as part of his JFK investigation is so toxic ... DePino trying to l i e to Bringuier? Yet lo and behold, Rocca knows who he might be talking about..THERE's your bs Jim... Rocca's "one thin possibility" as if he was not aware of what was going. What say you my friend? And I am asking sincerely, I am only now getting to know this information and was surprised by your comment. By your definition, every Crypt that's been deciphered is a lie as they are described in CIA documents... Harvey's handwritten ZR/RIFLE plans... not reliable or indicative of CIA activity since it was authored by a CIA "asset"? C'mon man.
  14. 2 of the arrest report tramps said it was a coal car. on the Oswald project page I linked to earlier, if you scroll down they do side by side and overlay comparisons of what appears to be contemporary photos. All that matters to me at this time is that those 3 and the 3 arrested be recognized as 6 different people.
  15. A body moving toward the direction of a shot after being hit is not so uncommon Pinpointing reactions and their meanings is very difficult if not impossible. From their testimonies though, it is evident that a bit of time elapsed between JFK being hit and JC being hit (1st time)... the first shot was pushed back to 190 to allow enough frames to pass for the 2nd shot "behind the sign" https://www.quora.com/What-makes-the-person-fall-towards-the-direction-of-a-bullet-that-shot-him-or-her-Does-bullet-force-cause-that#:~:text=People tend to fall in,would also move the shooter. Jeffrey Williams Former UH 60 Blackhawk Standardization Instructor at U.S. Army (2004–2016) Typically people fall in various directions after being shot. Two things can cause a person to fall forward toward a shot. First is the pain reflex, think if you get punched in the stomach which way does your body curl up? This is to protect the wounded area, allow muscles to constrict harder providing protection from follow up injury, and to reduce the tension on the injured tissues. The other reason someone my fall forward is more physiological, depending on what the round damages, parts of the body providing support fail. This would cause the body to fall in the direction of the most significant loss of support. Think of a building demolition; you can control the direction the building falls by removing more supports on one side, something similar happens to the human body. I read a fascinating article about the most effective place to shoot an enemy to remove the threat. The advice given was the pelvic girdle (basically belly button to the groin, hip to hip square) because it doesn't move much and it's the foundation for the entire body. From what I have seen, this type of injury causes the person to crumple directly to the ground. So bullet placement and the damage it does to the body greatly influences the bodies reaction, and final position. One final thing, unless killed instantly or physically disabled, humans tend to end up rolling into the fetal position. This is an evolutionary reflex as we protect the soft front and is a last-ditch attempt from the body trying to protect itself by putting the hard back toward the threat.
  16. Looking again at this graphic, one would be hard pressed not to see LC in what appears to be agony starting at z236 and especially after z244. I am more of the opinion he was hit at least twice... @W. Niederhut Would Kellerman repeatedly and consistently stating he was aware of more than 3 shots, that Hill climbs on after the 2nd shot, that he accelerates after the 2nd shot and was in the car not 5 feet from JFK - would you say that helps debunk the WCR fable? People, we gotta stop thinking along the lines of debunking the WCR - that is an incredibly easy task. The ARRB laid the WCR to rest long ago. By definition, showing what was actually going on, from Sponsor to Facilitator to Mechanic, destroys the WCR fable. The April 1964 Redlich to Rankin memo shows us how far they had gone astray by that time and what the FBI and SS had done to the evidence, the lawyers knew about it and actually suggested the FBI and SS correct their work. In June 1964 the FBI request surveyor Robert West to remove the 3rd shot down by the steps. CE585 is the result... but the trail of this deception is also easy to follow - if you have the source materials. RANT ON: THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WE HAVE IS WE ALL DO NOT SEE OR HAVE ACCESS TO THE SAME QUALITY EVIDENCE; OR EVEN THE SAME EVIDENCE FOR THAT MATTER. NOT UNIFORMLY HAVING ACCESS TO HIGH QUALITY VERSIONS OF CRITICAL EVIDENCE LEAVES US FORMULATING CONCLUSIONS ON AMBIGUOUS AND IN MOST CASES FAR INFERIOR VERSIONS OF THE EVIDENCE THAN SHOULD BE THE CASE 60+ YEARS ON. WILL THERE EVER BE A DAY WHEN RESEARCHERS NEW AND OLD CAN LOOK AT THE BEST VERSIONS AVAILABLE OF THESE CRITICAL ITEMS OF EVIDENCE AND BE ABLE TO COLLABORATE WHILE ON THE SAME PLAYING FIELD? AND WHEN, FINALLY, WILL WE ACCEPT AS A COMMUNITY THAT THE EVIDENCE WE HAVE IS THE RESULT OF THIS CONSPIRACY, IN FACT THE CONSPIRACY ITSELF. INSTEAD OF DEBUNKING, THOSE WHO SEE IT CAN USE IT TO DISCOVER THE TRUTHS HIDDEN BENEATH MILES OF DIRT RANT OFF. Mr. SPECTER. Mr. Kellerman, you said earlier that there were at least two additional shots. Is there any area in your mind or possibility, as you recollect that situation, that there could have been more than two shots, or are you able to say with any certainty?Mr. KELLERMAN. I am going to say that I have, from the firecracker report and the two other shots that I know, those were three shots. But, Mr. Specter, if President Kennedy had from all reports four wounds, Governor Connally three, there have got to be more than three shots, gentlemen.Senator COOPER. What is that answer? What did he say?Mr. SPECTER. Will you repeat that, Mr. Kellerman?Mr. KELLERMAN. President Kennedy had four wounds, two in the head and shoulder and the neck. Governor Connally, from our reports, had three. There have got to be more than three shots. Remember we have at least 18 frames per second -JC's movements should bring up images of Kellerman's head turn in 2 frames - no missing frames here
  17. "But she did not obtain any photographs of the assassination scene" "She (Muchmore) said she panicked after this (first) shot and ran back to the office" What has to be evident to those who view Muchmore's film.. the steady hand, the perfect framing, the vibrant color... So yes, it is from what we know as the Muchmore film...
  18. @W. Niederhut Burkley tried. Tosh Plumlee tried but he was not JFK admin. It's a good question - one I'd first reply with: Give me your list of Deep State insiders within the JFK admin. Abe Bolden was not exactly Deep State but he did try at the time to raise flags about what @Robert Montenegro reiterated about the Secret Service's dereliction of duty... He didn't fair too well after that. Bottom line is not many risked opening their mouths. Hoover also opened the door by confirming the CIA lied about Oswald in Mexico City. One of the WCR lawyers - Redlich - wrote a most interesting memo in April 1964, attached, an excerpt: Remember this is APRIL 1964. The reality WN is that insiders were very careful if they wanted a career after 9/64. So just in the name of cooperation, please list out JFK admin insiders - as many as you can name - and then look at the revelations over the years. Questioning and countering the WCR narrative began immediately. Debunking from the inside? Small, hardly noticeable baby steps. We have not yet examined the assassination scene to determine whether the assassin in fact could have shot the President prior to frame 190. We could locate the position on the ground which corresponds to this frame and it would then be our intent to establish by photography that the assassin would have fired the first shot at the President prior to this point. Our intention is not to establish the point with complete accuracy, but merely to substantiate the hypothesis which underlies the conclusions that Oswald was the sole assassin. I had always assumed that our final report would be accompanied by a surveyor's diagram which would indicate the approximate location of the three shots. We certainly cannot prepare such a diagram without establishing that we are describing an occurrence which is physically possible. Our failure to do this will, in my opinion, place this Report in jeopardy since it is a certainty that others will examine the Zapruder films and raise the same questions which have been raised by our examination of the films. If we do not attempt to answer these observable facts, others may answer them with facts which challenge our most basic assumptions, or with fanciful theories based on our unwillingness to test our assumptions by the investigatory methods available to us. I should add that the facts which we now have in our possession, submitted to us in separate reports from the FBI and Secret Service, are totally incorrect and, if left uncorrected, will present a completely misleading picture. April 27 Redlich to Rankin - the facts dont fit the conclusion.docx
  19. You thoughts on JC got me remembering a graphic I did that i am sure you will appreciate... Hope this helps with your thinking about when
  20. Thank you Charles.. it's 85/15 Chris/Me. Chris is in his own league... finest conceptual, with applied math mind I've ever encountered - as many of us saw in the Math Rules and subsequent threads... and an eye for detail, the ability to find excellent A/V source material... and amazing focus. I have a very strong math/JFK background and it still takes a few goes and some discussion to see what he is saying sometimes. At this point I can say with 100% confidence the Zfilm we have today is the result of some pretty amazing computations and alteration techniques as well as outright fraud by the FBI - CE884's changes by Shaneyfelt (and the hurried, absurd and shameful manner in which it was entered into evidence) along with the interesting tale of Gauthier's WCD298, can act as the preface to the work which has followed. I wrote 3 articles about WCD298 (K&K) - a doc designed to explain EVERYTHING about the shooting (preface page below) delivered in Jan 1964 and then summarily dropped, exhibits making the WCR reduced to meaningless graphics. In January 1964 it was still 3 shots, 3 hits, JFK-JC-JFK - this after having the images and films from that moment in their possession for months. (See image at bottom) and notice where that final string is placing the final shot as the SS wrote this final shot was 4 feet from station 5+00. CE585 removes that shot and is the result of the FBI tell ing ROBERT WEST to remove the third shot from his Feb 7, 1964 survey. Thanks to Tom Purvis, we have all of WEST's survey notes. Below a closeup of the Feb 1964 survey results, Prior to the June 1964 change, Z313 was shot #2, then Shaneyfelt changed CE884 Mr. SPECTER. At that time you looked back and saw Special Agent Hill across the trunk of the car, had your automobile accelerated by that time?Mr. KELLERMAN. Tremendously so; yes.Mr. SPECTER. Now, to the best of your ability to recollect, exactly when did your automobile first accelerate?Mr. KELLERMAN. Our car accelerated immediately on the time-at the time--this flurry of shots came into it.Mr. SPECTER. Would you say the acceleration--Mr. KELLERMAN. Between the second and third shot.
  21. Most welcome my friend I have all of WEBERMAN's nodules saved. I've just always been very skeptical about Hemming as a source, while I know that is not the entirety of his work. https://stevecameronproductions.com/bookstore/ols/products/the-oswald-code-the-secrets-of-oswalds-address-book-by-alan-j-weberman-condition-used---us-shipping-only?fbclid=IwAR12JmFBHMqYYbN1wwNFQKGbWfS39bhXh_reFPcFujqC_2SsyPKH6J_BKZ0 Says only 1 left for $25 - I'm not clicking thru https://www.biblio.com/book/oswald-code-secrets-oswalds-address-book/d/1486048695?aid=frg. This one is $150 - $200
  22. The Capt of Personnel - WESTBROOK - whose job it is to look after the personnel of the DPD, was at the TIPPIT murder scene by 1:30pm. Instead of taking care of informing the family so they would not have to hear about it on TV, this desk jockey captain of personnel is at every critical location that afternoon with an inappropriately large number of the Dept of PERSONNEL involved in the arrest.
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