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Nick Bartetzko

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Everything posted by Nick Bartetzko

  1. After all these year, finally learned the identity of this witness. Thanks to all for posting
  2. I don’t disagree with you at all on that. It’s a piece of a large puzzle the points to Ozzy not being a real defector. I just wish there was much more than just one letter from Mr Lord.
  3. Thanks for posting, but this letter is of limited value. Unless there is another letter or interview that gives a physical description of Oswald, details why he believes/knows that Oswald was CIA and FBI, then it amounts only to allegations. I have no idea if there is a list of passengers available for that trip. But even if there is, it is still of little value imo.
  4. I’ve never been able to reconcile the picture(s) of Lee in Robert Oswald’s book…which I’ve not read and don’t have either. There are so many conflicts that have to be explained away to say it’s only one individual that I’m inclined to believe there were two Oswald’s, at least for a while. The concept of having two individuals sharing one identity being used by certain agencies back in those days in quite believable to me. Are you aware of actual proof of sets of individuals that have either come out and admitted being part of such programs or that researchers were able to uncover? I mean hard proof like birth certificates, mother and father details, photos from school days etc.?
  5. That was some years ago as Rich passed away in 2010. My recollection is that Rich told me he didn’t…or no longer … needed it. Whether Greg then later received it to do filming, I have no idea. It would have been a waste not to use it as was in such good condition.
  6. I sent an excellent condition film of the exact type that Zapruder used to Rich Della Rosa that could have been used for that purpose. Rich passed away and I have no idea what happened to that film
  7. Laffite sure had some interesting aliases including John and Jack Martin, Martino, Mertz and Hidell… Great info once more
  8. I don’t have the time to look this up, but it sure sounds like the Robert Morningstar theory of using JD Tippit’s body and that Tippit looked like JFK. I thought Morningstar was a member here as well….
  9. I very much respect all the work you’ve done on the JFKA over the years and your different conclusions. But in order to do so, you and fellow WC supporters have had to ignore/dismiss so very many credible witness statements, ignore very important missing evidence, claim that many individuals were mistaken etc etc. I truly wonder if part of your support of the WC and anything considered anti conspiratorial is based at least in part that your faith in the government and our system would be crushed if a conspiracy were ever proven to your satisfaction ….
  10. BC i absolutely agree with you that if indeed a false flag op existed and the perpetrators piggybacked onto it to kill JFK, then there had to be one or two locations where shots were intended to miss….and pin the attempt onto Castro/Cuba. I believe that would explain deliberate misses from the fence and 6th floor. I don’t believe the angle, injuries to JFK, debris, blood splatter can logically point to a shot(s) from the corner of the fence and very likely to the Depository as well….
  11. Huh? Not one shred of evidence? Ok, then cumulatively, I’ll list what I feel is “suspicious “….. The Tague curb strike and his injury, the reports by a motorcyclist and 5-6 witnesses of a bullet striking the street, witnesses reporting a puff of smoke and movement behind the picket fence, Malcolm Summers encounter with trench coat man at the picket fence, a witness report of a bullet(s) striking the grass, the smell of gun powder at street level, the Harper fragment in the street and a bone fragment in the follow up secret service car, blood splatter on the motorcycle cops to the rear of the limo, Doug Horne’s work on NPIC and Hawkeyeworks and the two different briefing boards, no nitrate residue on Oswald’s cheek, the crimped bullet casing on the 6th floor, the huge discrepancies between the wounds as described at Parkland vs Bethesda, missing X-rays and photographs from the autopsy, the burnt original autopsy, a Bethesda eyewitness describing a right temple wound…. I think I’ll stop as I’m sure you have plausible explanations for everything that I’ve listed… To paraphrase a famous line out of a well known 50s sitcom… “you got some ‘splainin’ to do”….
  12. Thanks, Ron. I may read one or two of the Albarelli books after all….
  13. @Ron BulmanThanks for this very interesting thread and it makes me give much more credibility to to the possible involvement of Laffite. The reference to New Orleans and William Reilly are fascinating and so is Albarelli’s communication with Hemming. I’m unclear what book this interview with Hemming is in. Pls advise. It’s been years since I’ve read any JFKA books, but I may need to read one or two more…
  14. Thanks, Gil. I’ve seen a still or brief video of the guy Summers described. It’s amazing to me how bold a few of these participants were….
  15. I was out of town, so belated Christmas wishes and a great 2024 to all! I keep learning new and significant information here and appreciate the hard work and good research to get closer to the truth of what happened all those years ago….
  16. I haven’t seen Thompson’s presentation on that in quite a while, but isolating the video on JFK and Connally individually at around Z 328 or so was very persuasive. I believe I’ve seen a version of Nix that depicts what could be headshot debris exiting rearward. Whether that’s an artifact of the film copy or not, I have no idea. But the timing would be very coincidental.
  17. That is an excellent find. You mention Clint Hill telling a neighbor, but might you be confusing that with SS Agent Sam Kinney who confided the same information to his neighbor?
  18. I have not read it and haven’t bought a new JFKA book in years. Have spent many hundreds of dollars over decades and am frankly a bit burned out. I have been planning on selling or donating virtually all of them and didn’t want to add any more to the collection. The one exception would definitely have been Lifton ‘s Final Charade. But I’ll take a look now over at Amazon since you mentioned it.
  19. @Leslie Sharp I think your idea of a central public repository is a great idea and I would be interested in learning more. I do understand the complexities of protecting sources, having legal contracts in place, book deals, etc. Some of my post was a response in frustration because, imo, we’ve lost valuable research and historical information because researchers didn’t properly care for the research they had accumulated. You mentioned trajectories and I have yet to see a really good trajectory analysis that takes into account wound abrasion, clothing distortion, using Z186 and Z224 as key frames and body positioning at those frames, accessibility of the body from certain potential firing points, descriptions of X-ray findings and autopsy corpsman descriptions of the internal chest cavity, etc. I don’t have the skillset to do that, but I think reasonably specific firing points could be established using “reverse engineering “. I must say that the description of Hank’s book is fascinating, but the concept of using Pierre Lafitte in such an important capacity is well, unbelievable. Until there is solid verification of the authenticity of his notebook, I will remain very skeptical. Thanks for taking the time to post and reveal his work.
  20. Thank you for posting. The idea that police misidentified a Mauser vs a Carcano and for such a long time isn’t believable. And that “mixup” is at least consistent with the pointed bullet found at Parkland by Tomlinson and Poole and the inconsistency with CE 399…..
  21. The understanding of what happened is clearer now than ever. The back wound was indeed shallow and it was confirmed by an autopsy tech that the back probe simply pushed against intact chest tissue, but did not go through. Two SS agents claimed to have placed a bullet in Parkland. It is to me irrelevant which agent was covering for the other’s mishandling of evidence. The Pat Speer/Tink Thompson bone fragment exit theory is interesting and coincides with no metal residue being found on the front of the shirt and tie, but does not explain Dr Perry’s very specific comment to Weisberg in 1966 at Parkland that the wound had a ring of bruising that is consistent with a wound of entry. Dr Perry wiped blood from that wound and saw the ring of bruising. Unless a small, exiting fragment of bone can cause a ring of bruising, it is now a moot point. It doesn’t also explain why someone would cut such a large opening in the neck. The only conclusion is an attempt to retrieve something.
  22. One has to be quite a unique/special individual to really pursue the JFKA. Many have done very intriguing and sometimes very good investigative work, yet hold onto their findings like a hungry dog that is guarding it’s very last bone. I understand that countless hours and lots and lots of money have been spent and there is a rightful desire to try and recoup as many of those expenses as possible by selling a book or rights to a movie or whatever…. But there is, I believe, also an obligation to the serious JFKA body of researchers to share at least some of this alleged new information to try and vet it. We have David Lifton, for example, who claimed to have incredible new revelations backed by documents and interviews. And then Mr Lifton has suddenly passed on and we’re all left to wonder whether any of these materials will ever see the light of day now so that they can be properly examined and evaluated. So that’s the problem with gatekeepers…they hold all the keys and parcel out breadcrumbs as they see fit. One moment they’re here, the next, they’re not. Over the years, I also recall Richard Case Nagel and his trunk of secret recordings and documents. The materials were very secure as only he had the key to the safe deposit box. And then he passed away and the mysterious trunk and materials had vanished. Then there are those who’d seen the real Z film that was in a secure vault somewhere in France. It was safely stored, but still too dangerous to be released after all these years, but apparently safe enough to sit in a location where it could likely quite easily be stolen. Then there’s the story of the sharpshooter who served in Vietnam, who confided to a poster here that he’d been asked to participate in Dallas, but who’s now dead. But his secrets are being held in confidence because, well, that’s much more important than trying to gather evidence to try and solve the Crime of the Century. There are other examples, but these so readily came to mind. I can only wonder what’s next…………
  23. I’m presuming they didn’t show the Getty shirt that shows the neck shirt damage higher than the back wound shirt damage. Actually, the damage on the shirt front is likely from that of a scalpel and fibers removed for testing by the FBI….
  24. Might be considered right wing by some, but I appreciate them citing their sources and allowing me to make up my own mind. Very good coverage by them on the JFKA….
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