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David McLean

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    Newcastle Australia
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    Books, Cold War history

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  1. Maybe the Proviso ought to be the nomination of the right candidate for the Democrats. .
  2. Who now remembers the pivotal 1948 election…Truman upset Dewey (AND VP nominee Earl Warren) despite 2.37% going to Wallace’s Progressive Party, and a handful of southern states giving their electoral votes to Storm Thurman’s States Rights Party. AND despite the turnout being historically quite low at 51% of Voting Age persons. Compare that to historically high VAP turnouts in 1960 - 62.8% and 2020 62%. Seems to me the DP brand remains fairly strong, even resilliant, but, but..
  3. Good topic, Ben, enlightening essay David, thanks. My interest is piqued when DB and Tosh raise points of intersection with known suspects (Martino,Santo T, Loran Hall misleadingly?) or state actors Gale, del Valle…several directions for research? Specifically YAF is mentioned raising the presence of the notorious Buckley Family , a quintessential group that straddled the Right and the CIA, or politics and violent covert action. Relevant here is an alleged visit of a Letelier assassin to a Buckley office in NYC days before(Donald Freed). If proven does this indicate Guilt or Guilt by Association? Here in Australia, the Buckley Familyoil company Magellan linked up with Esso in a play that led directly to the dismise of Gough Whitlam in 1974-75, through the oil company Exoil linked to crypto-fascist Queensland Premier Joh Bjelke Petersen(Esso paid Exoil $400,000+ to change its name to Oilmin when Esso became Exxon. Oilmin and Magellan had Palm Valley gas now feeding Alice Springs. And Bjelkeupset the balance in our Senate upon the death of Labor senator). Thanks for the opportunity to put some of this on the record.
  4. Matt, Matt,in the 1930s Tracy Barnes married the step sister of Richard Aldrich boss of the First National and Abby wife of John D Rockefeller Jr, both of whom were raking in vast profits from German reparations / rearmament currency swap and cartel scams. Read your history more broadly — Of course that cohort opposed American taking sides.
  5. Ben, W., Agree re Hughes-Maheu and Nixon. Maheu and Nixon were Hoover’s 1940’s protoges; Nixon, Maheu and CIA go back to 1954; Nixon was Hughes’ Boy all along; Linking JFKA, JP Lafitte intersects with CIA and Maheu thru Office of Security. Finally, who really benefited from both assassinations? Not LBJ so much as Tricky Dick.
  6. Having - finally, belatedly - read Jeff Morley’s CIA and Zionism, it seems clear that US foreign policy is and has been since JFK hostage to whoever is on power in Israel. Even NATO’s nuclear capability is under firm US control. Not so, apparently, with Israel’s nuclear arms, as Netanyahu seemed to signal in his latest Halocaust address. And as the world is discovering to its horror, the claims of Zionism seem to have grown beyond comprehension, unconditional surrender of any and all defenders of Palestinian rights, dignity, and very existence.
  7. One factoid I have been mulling over, since his official obituary twenty odd years ago, which may lend some small credence to an Israeli angle to the JFKA is the following—-in 1967, the CIA station chief in Tel Aviv was one John Denley Walker, an otherwise unremarkable Angleton acolyte, with postings in Paris, Malta and Canberra. What intrigues and puzzles me is that in 1976-77 he was another liaison figure between CIA and the House Select Committee. On the Joannides analogy, what sensitive info might Walker have been stonewalling? FYI, other aspects of his career were membership of the Society of the Cincinnati, an late 1940s visit to Civil War Greece, where his father was stationed as a AID type bureaucrat, close contact with Bernie Houghton in 1970s Sydney, and his marriage breakdown when his wife left him for the 2ic in our domestic security outfit ASIO.
  8. Bill and All, Clarify please, were the 10/10/63 memos part of an ongoing hunt for a Soviet bloc mole and/or a ploy to smoke out the Oswald imposters of Sept 28 and October 1,2? Or both. And Nagell via Russell hinted at a Bloc mole around CIA ops in MC, and a feedback loop at HotelLuma, did they not? I seem to recall there is absolutely no record of Nagells late September letter to Hoover/FBI.
  9. Bill, Sandy Et Al, would it be true to say the Oswald Legend, whether the subject was witting or not, had been used to ferret out a mole or moles amongst US agencies, but after the September/October 1963 impersonations “Oswald Legend variants”became marked cards to a-identify a mole or two and more urgently b-identify the impersonators and therefore theJFKA plotters who framed Lee? And what are the implications that may logically follow?
  10. Do you guys not recognise how much real hard slog has gone into Mr Montenegro’s list? As a resource and set of sorely needed building blocks, not a cause for sarcasm, and regurgitating old dead ends… Do Forum participants not recognise that the deepest minds and most careful researchers (Peter Dale Scott, John Newman for two) are now looking more to military actors and bodies as THE missing part of the JFKA puzzle. We as Education Forum members and concerned world citizens owe it to the victims of that coup d’état to keep an open mind and heart to all who enter here…
  11. Impressive, comprehensive, super command of resources, up there with John Simkin’s Spartacus list. Just gone midnight here in Australia…will sleep on it before any substantive comment, but thanks and my humble congratulations.
  12. Having read this thread, has it occurred to anyone else the possibility of a major misdirection. Why could the Tippett caller not have been directing attention AWAY from a European-American neo fascist source for the assassination? BTW, I remain open to a concurrent doppelgänger operation, improbable as it may seem. As a youth in the 1960s, I read John Hersey’s The Child Buyer(1960), describing a character not unlike Edwin Ekdahl, and a boy similar to Lee Harvey Oswald. Hersey, be it noted a Yaleee of Skull and Bones, also wrote The War Lover(1959) about US bomber pilots and The Conspiracy (1972) set in Ancient Rome. And married Frances Ann Cannon a former paramour of JFK. Pardon the digression, but heretofore overlooked, perhaps.
  13. Cory…the reason I mentioned Robert Maheu re Nixon’s AND Bush’s movements in 1963 arose from reading Summers revealing The Arrogance of Power, esp pp194-96. Therein he details how Niarchos engaged Maheu in 1954 to derail the Jiddah Agreement between Onassis and Saud. Through Scott McLeod Maheu got to Nixon and the NSC to destroy the agreement and/or Onassis himself, as RN told Maheu, “If it turns out we have to kill the bastard, just don’t do it on American soil.”(Maheu, Next to Hughes, p.45). Soo, Maheu , CIA cutout to the Mob, links Nixon and through Niarchos Alf Ulmer. I believe after reading Lisa Pease’s A Lie Too Big To Fail, a detailed timeline of Robert Maheu would be a mammoth undertaking but relevatory of both Kennedy assassinations. Leslie, Hjalmar Schacht was instrumental, according to Maheu, in the Jiddah Agreement(p.44), and, according to Peter Evans Onassis book key to landing a large tanker order for Onassis in Germany.
  14. I would not be surprised if Robert Maheu was found to be lurking around…
  15. I believe it is well documented that Nixon was in Dallas with Pepsi GM Donald M Kendall re the pending merger with FritoLay, and Bush was accompanied by ex CIA Alf Ulmer gofer for CIA linked Niarchos,and Delta Drilling boss Joe Zeppa. Both Ulmer and Zeppa had experience in Franco’s Spain, and Pepsi and Kendall documented CIA links in Chile 1972 and Laos 1960-70s.
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