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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. You're right, Francois. I will, as the wound shown in the death stare photos wasn't the result of a tracheotomy. I am trying to find a report by one of the Parkland doctors who said when the body left parkland the wound was closed and the entrance wound inviolate.
  2. But do you have an answer to my question, Francois?
  3. How do Francois and DVP explain the butchery of the President's trachetomy?
  4. Garrison got too close to the truth, Sandy. The powers that be have to continue to try to destroy his legacy.
  5. After reading Chapter two, I'm glad I didn't buy the whole book.
  6. Seems we have found ourselves a French Brian Doyle.
  7. Quote by Butler. "This is not what he originally said. What he originally said was that two shots were fired when the presidential limousine was in the Main and Houston intersection. If the changed testimony is to be believed then no shots were fired during the assassination while the president was on Houston Street." No he didn't, he said the presidents car turned into Houston from Main. He then said in a separate sentence there were two shots fired. He didn't say that the two shots were fired immediately after the turn. Learn to understand what people say.
  8. You are quite right it doesn't. He doesn't say that immediately after the turn from Main onto Houston, he heard 2 shots. They are two separate sentences. Elsewhere he says that he heard the two shots as the limo passed the TSBD. From his W.C. testimony. "Mr. WILLIAMS. After the Presidents car had passed my window, the last thing I remember seeing him do was, you know--it seemed to me he had a habit of pushing his hair back. The last thing I saw him do was he pushed his hand up like this. I assumed he was brushing his hair back. And then the thing that happened then was a loud shot--first I thought they were saluting the President, somebody even maybe a motorcycle backfire. The first shot--there was two shots rather close together. The second and the third shot was closer together than the first shot and the second shot, as I remember." From his statement made 11.23.63 https://catalog.archives.gov/id/7461280 “There he joined two other men known to him as Hank and Junior. They were looking out of the window on the South side of the building approximately at the middle of the building and saw the car of President John Kennedy come North on Houston Street and then make a turn going West on Elm Street down into the triple underpass and passing directly in front of the Texas School Book Depository. While they were watching this car pass, WILLIAMS heard two shots which sounded like they came from right over his head." Hardly time to adjust his testimony as it was made the day after the assassination.
  9. Citation, please. Williams said the first shot was fired as the car went past the front of the TSBD.
  10. Been in love with Doris since I was a kid, and saw her in "Calamity Jane"
  11. Sorry to see you go, Steve. Have enjoyed your posts. All the best for your new life. Be happy and safe.
  12. David, those two lower links are showing access"403 forbidden" to me.
  13. Could the shallow wound in JFK's back have been used by whatever caused the "backfire" sound? A small specialist firearm for example? Maybe fired from the laundry van at the junction of Elm and Houston? Just a suggestion.
  14. Interesting read on Debunking Gerald Posner. http://www.assassinationweb.com/issue1.htm
  15. Hi Roy, if you would like me to draw it up for you,  you can email  me a rough pencil sketch of what you meant about the DPD basement, I''l try to polish it up and send it back to you.







    1. Roy Wieselquist

      Roy Wieselquist


      Thanks a bunch, but if I could draw it in an email, then I could probably draw it in a post, with all the tools they give.  My level of tech literacy, it's bad.  Thanks so much,

      Roy    rwwiesel@gmail.com

      I don't even know if this message will reach you.

  16. Seems like a metal support to ensure the empty skull doesn't implode.
  17. All the photos of JFK wearing his brace I have seen, show him wearing it outside his shirt. Which would tend to rule out the shirt riding up at all, unless the feluccas can prove otherwise.
  18. Of course you think "an unwarranted level of precision is attached to this sort of evidence" as it doesn't agree with your point of view. (Yet you accept "a thirteen to fourteen mm down from the mastoid"added notation to the autopsy sheet as gospel.) Bennett was less than ten yards from the President when he saw the bullet hole in JFK's jacket. He estimated that it was about 4" down from his right shoulder. (Wearing a suit or not he could see it was below his right shoulder.) Why is that so hard for you to accept? How strange it agrees with the other physical evidence hole in coat and shirt, and other testimonies shown above.
  19. I'm glad to see that you believe that the bullet entered JFK's back. In that case can you explain how the bullet supposedly exited his throat. I know where the bullet entered the President's back. It's in the evidence which you are ignoring. The clothing, the witnesses, and the autopsy sheet all state where it entered his back. It is you Warren Commission supporters who willl not accept the truth. I'd like DVD to confirm your comment that he agreed that the shot hit JFK in the back rather than the neck. It'll be a hell of a shock to him. I understand why you suggest I read the books mentioned. They all support your position. I've read Posner's book, which was rubbish, and I have read Bugliosi's book, which was ten times longer than it should've been due to the large number of suppositions in it. (rather like your post) That book was rubbish too. IMO. P.s. I'm not here just for entertainment. I have been studying the assassination since 1970. I'm sorry that you consider my posts are short and meaningless, as I think that yours are long and boring, (see above) and wrong. I come on here not to spout my options but to point out evidence which you obviously are incapable of understanding.
  20. "On a given individual, the mastoid process is a fixed point. " It is only in relation to any other point on the head. Unless you believe the head couldn't be moved forward or backwards when in position on a bench.
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