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Ray Mitcham

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Everything posted by Ray Mitcham

  1. I wonder if the Donald's next t.v. programme will be called " The Appenitentiaryist", in which a group of Republicans are tested to see who can stop him being sent down.
  2. Just found an interesting interview of the Judge in the trial of James Earl Ray, which sheds some light on the murder of Martin Luther King Jnr.
  3. Best of luck with your project, Andrej. I believe that Tom Wilson showed the myriad of problems with most of the available photographs. It is a pity that his system died with him.
  4. How can the inquiry be "going on behind closed doors" when there are a great number of republican Congress members attending the sessions. Sounds like a huge straw man argument.
  5. Beware, America, Take it from somebody who was born whilst Hitler was still in power. It starts with a group of supporters storming legal meetings, to try to stop them from operating. The next thing will be thugs attending legal political meetings and attempting to destroy the democratic process. Your President seems, to non Americans, to be styling himself on other global dictators. (Anybody noticed how much he physically resembles Mussolini?) In his own words, he is never wrong, he's the smartest guy in the country, he doesn't heed advice from his Generals and political advisors, who, if they give him advice he disagrees with, are fired. He ridicules opponents, is a misogynist, and a racist. (Anyone for a lynching?) A President who picks on immigrants, (remember what happened to the Jews in the Third Reich?) A President who believes he is above the law. When a guy like Bolton dumps Trump, the warning lights should be flashing in American homes. Remember Edmund Burke's wise words. "Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." America, your democracy is in great danger. From a concerned Brit.
  6. Looks like John Gotti has lost his soubriquet, the Teflon Don, to the guy in the White house. "We have achieved permanent peace in Syria" followed by "whatever "permanent" means in the part of the world." "I have achieved a great victory," ( by abandoning his allies, the Kurds, to the animal Erdogan, and his butchers.) And some Americans still believe this man is sane?
  7. Cheers, Andrej. But still can't see how from his position in the photo, his arm or wrist could have been in the sun. He appears to be totally in the shade.
  8. Thanks for your detailed explanation, Andrej. Could the right entrance wall have caused reflected light? (Just asking) Maybe an experiment could be carried out by one of our Dallas members (if we have any) at an appropriate time and date.
  9. Agreed, Bart. At no time, IMo is Prayerman's arm in sunlight. Lovelady obviously moved eastwards towards the center of the entrance in order to get a better view of the motorcade moving own the ramp. PM's light coloured arm is probably caused by borrowed light.
  10. Sorry to hear of your health problems, James. Hope your medication helps with the accompanying dizziness. Makes me thank the lord for our National Health Service. It certainly isn't perfect but when required, it comes up with the goods. I'm sorry for you poor souls who have to have expensive insurance, but what the heck happens to the poor people who don't have it? Unfortunately there are right wing politicians in the UK who want to copy the US system, to scam off a lot of money, but they will have huge fight on their hands as it is much loved by the British public.
  11. "Where's the line? Answer me that." precisely Bob.
  12. Where does it say in the constitution that a President cannot be indicted for a crime. Is he really above the law? Just a Limey wondering.
  13. "Mayor says police will conduct thorough investigation into death of Joshua Brown, a key witness in Amber Guyger’s murder trial" 🤭 Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? 😲
  14. According to a Mrs Martin who spoke at length to Father Hubert he first said that it was a bullet hole until he heard that the shots came from behind JFK. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/H Disk/Huber Oscar L Reverend/Item 02.pdf
  15. In addition, "Father Huber Father Oscar L Huber was one of the priests that gave the last rites to the already dead JFK . Part of the ceremony included tracing a cross on the President's forehead using holy oil. Obviously, Father Huber would have been in an excellent position to look at JFK's head wounds. Father Huber was quoted in the press the weekend that the President died saying that he had seen a terrible wound over the President's left eye . "
  16. According to Occhus Campbell, when Truly came back down to the first floor, he said that "Oswald was missing." If he and "the officer" had apprehended Oswald on the second floor, as per their concocted story, why would Truly say that Oswald was missing?
  17. When the arrest photo is blown up, it appears that the ticket booth is in fact rectangular, as can see the right hand front corner (as we look at it)
  18. I often wonder how the fires in the top of the twin towers caused these cars to be burnt out at ground level.
  19. It looks like he stole Grouchos' eyebrows. 😁 Note his sexual assault on the girl in the green shorts at 19 seconds.
  20. Chris, the deniers will just say "the front of the shirt must have bunched up".😁
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