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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Greg - An interesting and as per usual very thorough post. Was there in your view any particular reason Oswald exited the rear? Why go back in the building at all?
  2. When was the interview with Prouty and Ratcliff published?
  3. I hadn’t even noticed the misspellings. And I’m a very good speller.
  4. Nice to see you post Paz. Don’t worry, I won’t quote Ronald Reagan. Is your misspelling of Kowalski intentional? Are you still working with Michele Metta? I for one am very interested in whatever he is working on, but we have had no information on that for a few years.
  5. Bill - the letter Oswald wrote describing his move to Dallas and introduction to the ACLU is so articulate, no misspellings. Is that significant?
  6. My bet is that the censors didn’t want anything critical of the Secret Service related to assassinations. As for the Vietnam LBJ/JFK one, it appears to be a long standing tradition to dismiss anything that might show JFK as a seeker of peace. That does strike me as censorship pure and simple.
  7. Here is another slightly off topic comment/question: since we are parsing Marina’s WC testimony, does anyone know if there are transcripts from her sequestration soon after the assassination?
  8. Does it ever strike anyone that for all the sound and fury of the Cuban exiles nothing much actually happened after the Bay of Pigs.
  9. I find it hard to believe you actually said that about blond Nordic types. Did I misunderstand?
  10. Jim Koethe and Bill Hunter - thanks again for posting about them. Both deaths are so suspicious. Gary Underhill, Jim Koethe, Bill Hunter, and the exclamation point - Dorothy Kilgallen and her friend. Enough to scare the rest off. Then in the 1970’s a series of HSCA witnesses, pretty much seals the deal. Gotta ask Jim D - really can’t see a book?
  11. I’ll give it a go, but I have to ask - earlier in this thread you mention Charles Willoughby as a possibly suspicious death. I haven’t seen anything supporting that. You posted a lot of groundwork supporting your idea about journalists being killed or intimidated. I disagree with Jim D when he says that suspicious deaths wouldn’t fill a book. It was the mention of Gary Underhill that got my attention. According to friends he confided in, there was a clique of drug and weapons running Intelligence operatives associated with Far East operations that did the deed because JFK had caught wind of their illegal operations. The question for me isn’t whether Underhill was murdered, but how he came upon his information. As it turns out he was quite dialed in to the movement of weapons and an expert in Military history. He worked for Time Life, and that’s in itself suggestive. He was associated with Sam Cummings and Interarmco, who in turn had links to Merex and thus Skorzeny and other Nazis. There’s evidence that he did work for the CIA, though what exactly I don’t know. You quote Jim D as saying that it was a friend of Underhill who contacted Garrison in late 1963. I find that fascinating. Officially Garrison’s investigation dates from a few years later, but it looks like he was onto Ferrie immediately. How did Underhill’s friend knew to write a letter to Garrison that early? I mentioned Underhill on Robert Montenegro’s post naming the operational hit team. It may seem fanciful to some, but not to me, in part because Underhill described something very similar, and it hard to discount because of his unique talents and history. He was extremely well regarded during his professional life, and he was terrified in the weeks leading to his death and told close friends about it.
  12. Mr. Montenegro’s shooter team theory fits well here - plenty of Asian hands on board.
  13. It’s amazing how this important thread was hijacked. Mr. Simpich tried to narrow it to journalists killed early on, and he also mentioned Gary Underhill in his first post, not a journalist but definitely someone who caught wind of the conspirators and was in a position to know.
  14. I must apologize for getting some facts wrong. Underhill was found dead in early 1964. What confused me was Garrison’s interest in him, which I wrongly assumed would have occurred in 1967. Garrison began his investigation right after the assassination of JFK. I think it’s worth pointing this out because somehow Garrison got wind of Underhill’s story before he was found dead of a bullet behind his left ear - he was right handed. Underhill’s story, as told to a few of his friends, jibes nicely with the operational network outlined by Mr. Montenegro.
  15. Robert - I am most surprised that you’ve found evidence for Harvey enlisting Vosjoli. Could you elaborate on this connection? I hope you don’t mind my bringing up Gary Underhill, who said that a clique in CIA had killed the president, and that they knew that he knew, putting his life in danger. Underhill was connected to Interarmco which connects to Skorzeny. He worked as a military affairs expert for Time Life. He lived in Houston at the time. It seems that it took him 3-4 years to put together what he thought was the ugly truth, but died before Garrison was able to question him in New Orleans in 1967. I’m interested in him because to me it seems likely he figured out something like the shooter conspiracy you outline, and it’s understandable that he would choose CIA clique as his descriptor. Clearly all of your operational team links to CIA, Military Intelligence, or both. I think you would like to stay close to the actual operational team in this thread, but I can’t help but make some obvious connections, for instance between Vosjoli and Angleton, and with Army Intelligence too through Colonel Brandstetter, and of course with the ultra rightists in France. Although you don’t mention Arnold Silver, we know as an Army Intel interrogator he ‘debriefed’ Skorzeny, and later as a CIA station chief chief (Luxembourg?) was Harvey’s connection to the QJWIN operation, possibly its prime organizer. I was not aware the Silver and Vosjoli overlapped, but it would be hardly surprising. What you outlined is a shooter team organized by Otto Skorzeny, who was tapped by Pierre-Lafitte through Vosjoli to lead this operation. When Chuck Schwartz mention Coup in Dallas and specifically an essay therein by Alan Kent, he says that according to Kent the CIA’s Tracy Barnes gave approval to Pierre-Lafitte to go ahead with the plan. Do you find that likely? Would this indicate Angleton in the background? If you think Barnes was an actor in this, what would be the mechanism to connect Barnes and Pierre-Lafitte?
  16. Robert - glad you’re still on the trail of the assassins. I notice that active military, higher level CIA, Industrialists, don’t appear. Do you suppose that this operational team answered to anyone higher up? Or were they ‘rogue’? A short list of such people would include Dulles, Angleton, Lemnitzer, Johnson, Rockefeller. I’m not taking a position on this. Do you think the ensuing murders of RFK, MLK were done by the same group? How do you square Gary Underhill’s frightening story with this? Did he catch wind of this group?
  17. Perhaps the kind of guy who has his hands tied, who is not a free agent because of the skeletons in his closet. As for trump, I’ve been wondering if Roger stone ever commented on his ‘if you saw what I saw’ decision.
  18. What part of the phone call did Schiff use as a basis for impeachment? Btw I thought it was an offensive conversation, carefully worded by both Trump and Zelensky full of craven butt kissing and subtle messages. Assuming that the notes taken (btw this isn’t a transcript) are accurate Trump did not say ‘don’t call me I’ll call you’ but it seems like a minor point. Do you have more on Schiff’s use of that phrase? Some context would be good. As you say the conversation was about the fired prosecutor, and the implication is that he was fired because he was onto Hunter Biden and the Dems put pressure on him to stop. This occurred during Trump’s reign. How exactly do you imagine that Zelensky fired him due to pressure by Dems to protect Joe or Hunter Biden? Maybe he was just corrupt. Meanwhile, what did the new Zelensky appointment find? William - technically it’s true as you point out that Mueller was stonewalled. But even you would have to admit that his presentation was really wimpy, so it’s hard to blame folks when they say he found no wrongdoing. Mueller had a choice how he would speak publicly, and I find the choice he made rather insufferable.
  19. I can’t watch now, but are you saying that Trump’s position now is that if he becomes president again he will establish a commission to open up the records?
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