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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Wow Bill - some doozies here since your last post. It seems to me that Newman is on the wrong track. I may be mistaken, but having had many exchanges with Tommy Graves years ago before he left the forum, I think he sees a Soviet plot to kill JFK. it also seems to me that Newman is heading in the same direction. Your research on Golitsyn and Angleton and Tennent Bagley shows the trio to be paranoid at best, and certainly up to something nefarious. Can I use the word ‘liars’? Might I ask - what is your impression of where Newman is going with all this? Blunt, Bagley, Solie? It feels like a resurrection of James Angleton.
  2. The last time I gave it a try I asked whether Otto Skorzeny and Arnold Silver knew each other, and the response was that Otto killed Arnold during the war. Your point is well taken
  3. I can’t see much either, but Dallas police uniforms would make sense, certainly a favorite disguise for mafiosi. And there’s the police themselves, and officer Tippit,, whose death might be seen differently if he was a shooter. There were shots coming from at least one other direction, possibly more. Your point about shooters with foreign accents is well taken - plenty of home boy haters who could shoot.
  4. My understanding is that Newman’s June Cobb file has disappeared.
  5. Oswald’s particular use of words in describing his views during these interviews sounds like a set piece, if that’s the correct term, a deliberate use of language describing his Marxism that come not from any deeply held beliefs but rather part of a crafted persona. It’s just not real. Reminds me of an undercover narc I once had a confrontation with trying to disguise his true identity by using hip jargon meant to convince me he was a legitimate dealer. Oswald is spouting jargon.
  6. Small note for what it’s worth - Seagrams Mexico was run by Colonel Brandstetter. According to his autobiography he was tasked in 1980 by US Army Intelligence, for whom he worked, with finding a secure home in Acapulco for none other than Licio Gelli.
  7. Interesting thread - thanks Geo. Have you read Italian journalist Michele Metta’s much more recent look at Permindex membership and connections?
  8. James Day has written several interesting articles, which are linked to the one on the Mauser. He has done a lot of interesting research tying in to his book on the Mad Bishops.
  9. John - I am so glad he made this short. Both Peter Levenda and Professor Caulfield appear in the film and have done such good research on this nexus of Christian Right and southern racists. I found the Wandering Bishops book to be a slog, but I’ll go back to it and see if I can finish it. I liked what might seem to be a flaw in the film, which is that David Ferrie isn’t particularly the focus of it. Rather it’s the hatred that JFK received from these ‘brethren’.
  10. I like that idea, and the apt comparison to Junior. As for Isis, whatever letter follows, I think we created it.
  11. So who chooses the expert Posner? A press agent who makes sure his name comes up first?
  12. I like this simply put article, laying bare the unacceptably ignorant BBC.
  13. Agree with Sandy. The military was in position at the autopsy, and were completely infiltrated into the Dallas Police and Dealey Plaza. I can make no sense out the continued secrecy surrounding the JFK assassination if it was simply a mafia hit. And even looking at the kingpin mafiosi, I’m more tempted to view Trafficante and Lansky with suspicion because they were never prosecuted. Marcello making statements in custody taking the blame could just as well be covering for the real kingpins.
  14. Spotters and facilitators. How can anyone doubt the broadness of the conspiracy?
  15. I don’t think that whoever thought I wanted to punish the guilty didn’t understand my basic point. We need truth telling more than anything. There is a new series on one of the streaming services about the Lincoln assassination. It promises to be explosive. Nearly 160 years ago now, yet how many Americans know about Lincoln’s Secretary of State Stanton? What I want to see is a broad political acknowledgement of truth, and a genuine feeling of contrition. This goes for all crimes of state, for instance slavery. I was listening to a story on NPR of a child who grew up in a Japanese internment camp. She said that people theorize it can take 7 generations to undo crimes like that, unless there is a genuine attempt to heal the wounds. The Kennedy family is a long way from reaching that point, and so is the Nation.
  16. I placed our withering problems where they belong - with the political establishment on whose watch the idealism of the baby boomers was destroyed. You know, if it was the right, or far right, that killed our leaders and many others globally, the left did Jack about it. I look around today and all I see is an entrenched two party duopoly fiddling while we burn. I haven’t changed my basic political stance. I agree in most every instance in your enumeration of the vast problems we face, but not your analysis of how we got here.
  17. Agree with the last paragraph. As for donors, let’s be clear about a few things. The coffers of the two major candidates dwarf RFK Jr’s coffers, and if given enough scrutiny would be full of suspect donors with agendas. Second point - the goals of large right wing donations to RFK Jr’s campaign do not have to, and I’m sure aren’t the same as RFKJr’s goals. He is surely not running to spoil Biden. That’s an absurd point of view, and illogical. He is trying to break the two party duopoly. in the interests of keeping this at least partly on topic, if he became president we would finally have full document release, and if not, an all out ‘war’ against the keepers of the secrets would ensue. My opinion is that this single fact outweighs all objections to whatever else might accompany his presidency, because only an unwinding of the ‘60’s’ elitist attack on the body politic can put us back on course. The US is dying before our eyes, a withering semblance of democracy unable to fix the enormous problems facing us square on.
  18. The single biggest reason - there are many others of course - that I view the NYT and all the others major newspapers with much skepticism. The agenda is not even well hidden. Sometimes it’s placed so far in front it’s like Poe’s Purloined Letter. You don’t even see it because it’s assumed from the get go. Biggest example - pardon me if others disagree - is the automatic assumption that China and Russia are our enemies. That for sure makes us their enemies, Endlessly.
  19. I’ve heard this (possible VP choice) about Ventura, someone I admire btw, but do we know it’s factual?
  20. Surely. Amazing how often you read, without reference to this test, that this kind of evidence is not conclusive. No wonder. And still no independent verification of the test results?
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