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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Reiner and company make it clear that there is no certainty - by design and complicity in the coverup. But they make a reasonable assumption in the end. Named as the organizers are William Harvey and Charles Willoughby, with the knowledge of Allen Dulles.
  2. It’s interesting to me that 60 years later we still don’t know some crucial and important info that should not have been a mystery.
  3. Gerry - why would Jackie care if Addison’s disease was revealed? While he was alive maybe. Don’t you think she cared who done it, that her husband was gone, that LBJ was calling the shots?
  4. Hi Gene - thanks for the post. I read through the link you quote from which Larry posted. Plus you added a few more points from Jim D. I do wonder what Burkley kept to himself about the number of bullets etc. He must have been under enormous pressure that day, and surely saddened by the death of JFK. Do you know if his private papers are in a collection somewhere?
  5. But surely it was not Burkley’s decision to make. H wasn’t calling the shots. Is that, in your view, a farfetched statement?
  6. Burkley: ‘The coroner attempted to have the body retained there for a postmortem and investigation of the assassination. That was perfectly understandable, in that this condition existed. However, the people involved were not just anyone, it was the President of the United States. Mrs. Kennedy was going to just stay where she was and travel with the President at any time. It was felt advisable to return the President to the Washington area as soon as possible because of the uncertainty as to what else was happening in Dallas’. This interview from 1967, done for the historical record and donated to the JFK library, does not mention the struggle at gunpoint to take the body from Parkland onto AF 1. It does not appear to be under oath, is not questioning by an investigatory committee. And it doesn’t say what you originally suggested it did. Burkley’s exact language here appears very carefully constructed, does it not?
  7. Did any secret service agents testify to removing JFK from Parkland at gunpoint?
  8. Larry - thanks for straightening me out about JFK’s doctor being behind the forceful removal of JFK’s body from Parkland.
  9. I really appreciate you posting this. Sheehan gets little love from the assassination community at large, which has always puzzled me. In your synopsis you state that Nixon sent the CIA chief of security to meet with Trafficante. Is he identified?
  10. It seems to me that we are missing the implications of Vince’s post here. First of all, why the back and forth about agents vs assets? Clearly the secret service officer identified him as an agent with ID. So why was he there? Then there is the FBI agent who is identified in the YouTube video as trying to get into the operating theater. Did I get that right Vince? You speculate he may have planted 399. here is the question I have for you Vince - who drew the guns that forced the Parkland doctors to give up the body of JFK? Was it Secret Service? If so who, and under whose orders? We know the story of LBJ ordering this by telephone, but If LBJ did order it, who carried it out? And isn’t it possible that LBJ was ordered by parties unknown to do so?
  11. Republican congressman from AZ - last summer. We haven’t heard much about it since.
  12. True, but one has to acknowledge that Arab hatred of Jews is also a problem.
  13. And then there is the lone response after the article by someone refuting much of what Sterling wrote regarding both the 1967 war and the mass expulsion of Arabs.
  14. Jim - my post about Nazis in King Farouk’s government was not meant to derail your thread, but rather hopefully to deepen it. Alongside everything you mention about Nasser there is this history, and the successful operation to destroy Egypt’s nuclear ambitions by Mossad, using the very Nazi that set up Egypt’s post war program in the first place. In your reading did Nasser ever address any of this?
  15. Incredible. You mention Russian expansion into Persian Caucasus. I assume this was seen by Britain as a threat to their Empire, hence this decision to arm Islamists to counter challenges to their hegemony in the bud. And you’d think the Mujaheddin would be sick of this meddling by now. Your post illustrates so clearly how history gets rewritten, and how little we actually know about historical precedents.
  16. Tribalism. Just look around you. Stop picking good guys and bad guys. What Hamas did was horrible. What Israel is doing now is horrible.
  17. Thanks William. Is this a thread about RFK Jr? No. but since you brought it up his stance is closer to Ben’s than to mine. I listened to a long interview where he addressed this, and found it painful and disappointing. But which presidential hopeful are we comparing him to? One more thing - the two state solution may be preferable to what exists today, but don’t you think One state would be better? Two states living side by side in peace and harmony? Easy to see why there is so much opposition to the idea. One state was once a principled position, now it’s anathema, because we are devolving into tribal hatred.
  18. Standing Together - an antidote to Tribalism. We see the latter everywhere in every form, and it continues to be destructive. Ben - Pakistan is a Muslim state which, though almost entirely Muslim, guarantees freedom of religion in their constitution. Have you looked at all the Muslim countries to fact check your statement? It’s interesting that British rule is often the antecedent to religious or racial divisions. When each group in a country like India is given representation in a parliamentary government it reinforces tribal attitudes. Britain made Pakistan a separate country for Muslims, thinking it would solve a problem that barely existed prior to their colonial occupation. In their history India had had both Muslim and Hindu rulers. Now we have nukes on either side of the border. As much as I appreciate your analysis, and your condemnation of Hamas, and Putin, it just doesn’t go far enough in my opinion. As JFK said, one has to put oneself in the shoes of the ‘enemy’ of peace is the desired outcome. The last 100 years of middle east history cannot be reduced to the intolerance of Muslims.
  19. https://www.facebook.com/reel/250344348006576 Dr. Steven Greer, whose work prompted my thread, speaking about zero point energy, advanced technologies being hidden and why.
  20. Matt - I’m mostly in favor of your interpretation. But it seems strange that we would hide technology that is far advanced for so long. Unless you don’t believe the eye witnesses who say that the UAP’s defy the laws of physics as far as we know them.
  21. Hard to imagine Lafitte working at the coffee company
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