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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Removing statues is just dumb. It’s not a substitute for educating, rather an empty symbolic gesture, leading to abuses, such as SF board of supervisors recommending that schools should not be named after Washington, or Jefferson, or even Lincoln. It’s a missed educational opportunity.
  2. I don’t agree with Jim D on everything, but he has devoted decades to seeking truth and exposing lies. And all he gets here is flack from the very people that should have a bit of respect. Why is that? my opinion about moderators here, one I didn’t share while that thread was up and running because I was too busy trying to understand all the posts and arguments, is that it should just be uncensored. Why? Because I don’t trust anyone to be in charge of what ok to say and what isn’t ok. I’d prefer a free for all, damned the consequences, because after reading the posts on that thread it felt like we already had one. Plenty of disrespect to go around from the people who like to point fingers at others. Take the motes out of your own eyes first.
  3. Too bad you are so prejudiced. Your post is full of media slant. You simply don’t know who RFK Jr is, or Nicole Shanahan, because you fall for the propagandistic hit pieces. It’s that funding you should be concerned about. He is no stalking horse. You’ve attacked Ben at every opportunity, including all the way through Mr. Gordon’s now removed thread looking at the moderators. You’ve called him MAGA, and you honestly believe you’re doing us all a big favor by revealing his true motives. It’s your motives I wonder about, and why no one is coming after you for your ‘dancing Israelis’ theory of 9/11. Who put you on a pedestal?
  4. I was not previously aware that Richard Helms fired Barnes in 1966. Is there a backstory?
  5. Were you aware that Barnes and Bissell were involved with American First at Yale in 1940?
  6. Cameras waiting for him to appear from the pantry? I understand while in the pantry but hadn’t he just entered the destination room? He wasn’t shot in the pantry.
  7. It’s never made sense to me that we have no video of the shooting
  8. I recall that Noguchi, aware of the importance of this autopsy, invited several other top pathologists to monitor his autopsy. He also got fired shortly thereafter and had to go to court to get his job back.
  9. My one year old granddaughter was likewise born on June 5th.
  10. Thanks Ben - I had not seen that evidence you posted before.
  11. We all felt that way. I knew it my bones that he would win the Democratic primaries, that I as a new voter would be able to vote for someone great in Nov 1968. But that year surpassed anything we could imagine, and I cannot carry on any meaningful discussions now with anyone who hasn’t looked beyond the headlines, those who fail to understand what my generation witnessed and what it meant. That includes my own children, so I know how pervasive this rewrite of history has been.
  12. That an armed guard behind RFK fired at least two shots at point blank range.
  13. That is what many of us think, despite the military buildup.
  14. I still think that the arms bust blew Ellsworth’s undercover operation, and that it was done deliberately. Didn’t Ellsworth later opine that he thought the assassination was a conspiracy?
  15. Angleton may also have been running the Saudi desk. Do you have links to Nasser kicking Nazis out of Egypt? I’m not sure we are disagreeing. I agree that it’s Gladio 2.0 whenever it starts and by whatever name you call it.
  16. I didn’t hear that, but the concept of neocon syndicates - drugs, weapons, oil - using jihadist networks like Al Qaida going back to 1991 - is interesting.
  17. Lots of small but significant redactions. Who was Harvey’s Cuban connection, and who was the mediator?
  18. JFK planned gradual withdrawal from VN. Had he he lived he might have changed his mind. But that’s the straw man. So Matt, do you accept that he planned to exit?
  19. Mr. Cloud - do identify yourself and your sources. Every so often someone like you posts here, claiming bonafides that are mostly left to our imaginations to figure out. You have inside info? Share it. Pat Moynihan ran the US government and is the real identity of Deep Throat? I’m open to hearing what yo have to say, regardless of how weird some of your conclusions and your wordsmithery appear. It’s so unsatisfactory to have someone come here and sit on their lofty all knowing perch, looking down on us plebes. So allow yourself to descend to our level and reveal what and who you know.
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