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Chuck Schwartz

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Everything posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. Steve T., the corraboration of the Walker/Souetre meeting is per Peter Kross's "JFK: The French Connection", p. 263- see page 614 of "Coup in Dallas".
  2. Yes, Joe, and I am glad to see that Mae's take on the JFKA is now being picked up in "Coup in Dallas", where , on page 427, it is stated, "Lafitte's datebook for 1963 clearly reveals that Souetre and Walker did meet on April 30. " (Also, per "Coup in Dallas" that meeting took place in New Orleans.)
  3. In 1984, this is what Mae Brussell wrote about Edwin Walker, " General Edwin Walker and the Hitler National Socialists The Eagle's Nest, now a mountain restaurant, was given to Adolf Hitler by National Socialist aide Martin Bormann for the fuhrer's 50th birthday. It is not far from Hitler's former summer home in Berchtesgaden. Nearby is the Platterhof Hotel, built for guests when they came to pay their respects. The Platterhof has changed its name to the General Walker Hotel. November 23, 1963, one day after Kennedy's death, Gen. Edwin Walker called Munich, Germany, from Shreveport, La. Walker's important story, via transatlantic telephone, was to the National Socialist newspaper Deutsche National Zeitung un Soldaten-Zeitung. Walker couldn't wait to tell them in Munich that Lee Harvey Oswald, the lone suspect in the Dallas murders, was the same person who shot through his window in April, 1963. There was never one shred of evidence, or a reliable witness, that could make this connection Dallas police and FBI were taken by surprise. In order to cover this over-exuberance of trying to link a Marxist assassin to this altercation, it became necessary to have Ruth Paine deliver that ridiculous letter to Marina Oswald on December 3, 1964. The delayed letter was to have been written the night Lee was out shooting in Walker's home. The only piece of bullet that remained in custody was never positively identified as coming from the 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano, and there is no proof Oswald even handled this rifle. Why was General Walker in such a hurry to get his information printed in Germany before anybody in Dallas ever heard about it? Kurt-George Kiesinger had just been installed as Chancellor of West Germany and Franz-Josef Straus as finance minister. Kissinger entered the radio propaganda division of National Socialist Foreign Minister von Ribbentrop at age 36. He was then directing a world-wide radio propaganda apparatus with 195 specialists under his supervision during the war. He was the liaison officer, coordinating his department's work with that of Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels. Richard Nixon and Kurt-George Kiesinger were soon, or maybe before, to become pals. Nixon tried to hide his National Socialist past. But General Walker, now home from military service in Munich, knew the importance of such propaganda. He was calling the same people who, under Hitler, published and controlled the newspapers. There were two motives for this call. First, it gave international attention to the fact that Oswald, the Marxist gunman, was shooting at Walker as well as the President. General Walker knew too many people in the Defense Department and in the Dallas-Fort Worth area that could be part of this assassination. He made himself appear as a victim instead of a suspect. The other reason, along with the expertise of Robert Morris's counter-intelligence and psychological warfare training, was to create a profile for Lee Harvey Oswald. No possible motive could explain why Oswald would really want to kill President Kennedy. By having Oswald appear to shoot the right-wing General Walker with his John Birch connections, his militant anti-communist stance, then shoot John Kennedy, the same Commie-symp Walker was accusing of treason, it would appear that Oswald was just nuts. He didn't know right from left. The Munich newspaper Walker called was linked to the World Movement for a Second Anti-Komintern, part of the Gehlen and U.S. right. Some of Hitler's ex-National Socialists and SS-men were on the Staff. The editor, Gerhard Frey, was a close friend with various National Socialist members of the Witiko League. The Witiko League and the Sudetendeutch Landsmannscraft were organizations for displaced refugees. By the summer of 1948 they formed large organizations and by 1955 Dr. Walter Becher was elected to the executive board of the Witiko League. Becher was one of the kingpins of National Socialist front organizations. Sen. Joe McCarthy, Charles Willoughby, Gen. Edwin Walker, and Robert Morris' links to the German National Socialists converged when Dr. Walter Becher set up offices in Washington, D.C. in 1950. By July 16, 1957, Becher, praised by American Opinion and other extreme right publications, started his policy of liberation. General Douglas MacArthur, Senator Joe McCarthy, General Willoughby, members of the U.S. Congress or public officials then started openly to meet with and cooperate with the National Socialist resurgence. Dan Smooth, former Dallas FBI agent is the type of person who kept strong National Socialist ties with Dr. Becher in Munich, to Western Goals today. His printed sheets were identical to the Goebbels propaganda years ago, or to Walker's disinformation one day after Kennedy was killed. Volkmar Schmidt came from Munich, Germany, to work full time for General Walker. How long did he work, and where was he on November 23, 1963, when Walker made the call to the same city the CUSA imports came from? The YAF crowd in Dallas was an interesting gang: Col. Charles Willoughby, intelligence Chief for S. Pacific, Robert Morris, U.S. counter-intelligence and psychological warfare, Gen Edwin Walker, brought home from Munich by JFK, William Buckley, CIA in Japan, Mexico, and elsewhere, Sen. John Tower, who gave the okay for Marina Oswald."
  4. This is an interesting article that is somewhat relevant to this thread thread..https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/08/jfk-vs-the-military/309496/
  5. Paul, I agree with you - given the new book, " Coup in Dallas".
  6. This may help... The Bullet and the Rifle The bullet used in the attempted shooting of Walker was probably not the same type as those used in the JFK assassination. According to various newspaper accounts (e.g. ‘Walker Escapes Assassin’s Bullet’, New York Times, 12 April 1963, p.12), the Dallas police claimed that the bullet was a 30.06 calibre; the bullet shells from the Texas School Book Depository were 6.5mm. The Walker bullet was too severely deformed to allow a conclusive analysis of its pattern of grooves. A spectrographic examination by Henry Heilberger of the FBI laboratory found that the lead alloy in the bullet was different from that of bullet fragments found in President Kennedy’s car (FBI HQ JFK Assassination File, 62–109060–22). Dr Vincent Guinn performed neutron activation analysis on the bullet fired at General Walker, as well as several bullet fragments associated with the JFK assassination. He claimed that the Walker bullet was “extremely likely” to be a fragment from the same type of bullet as those fired at President Kennedy (HSCA Report, appendix vol.1, p.502), but his methodology and results have since been refuted (see How Reliable is the Neutron Activation Analysis Evidence in the JFK Assassination?). The Walker bullet had been fired from a rifle powerful enough to send it through brickwork, which the Mannlicher–Carcano rifle was not. There is no evidence that Oswald ever had access to such a rifle. Not only did the bullet and rifle have no association with Lee Harvey Oswald, but Edwin Walker was adamant that Commission Exhibit 573, the bullet offered in evidence, was not the one he had examined at the time of the shooting; see Justice Department Criminal Division File 62–117290–1473 for Walker’s correspondence with the Justice Department on this matter. Oswald’s Motive for Shooting Walker Oswald’s supposed motive for shooting at Walker was political. Walker was well known for his very right–wing views. He had been forced to resign from the Army for indoctrinating his troops with the ideas of the John Birch Society and for announcing publicly that President Truman, among other prominent American politicians, was a communist sympathiser (see Walker’s obituary in the New York Times). Although the alleged presidential assassin was officially supposed to have been a communist, the known facts of Lee Harvey Oswald’s career show that he was closely associated with one or more US intelligence agencies, and that his pro–communist public persona was highly likely to have been a fake. With no plausible motive and no substantial grounds for believing that Oswald was involved in the attempted shooting of Walker, and no strong evidence that Oswald was guilty of the JFK assassination, it seems that the Walker shooting was attributed to Oswald by the FBI and the Warren Commission purely to support the notion that Oswald was a leftist malcontent with a propensity for violence. More Information For detailed discussions of the shooting of Edwin Walker, see: Gerald D. McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why, University Press of Kansas, 2005, pp.48–59. Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact: the Warren Commission, the Authorities, and the Report, Vintage, 1992, pp.283–292.
  7. This is how the Walker shooting was presented back in the day, " The Walker Shooting In addition to the Kennedy–Tippit killings, the Warren Commission also “convicted” Oswald of attempting to murder General Edwin A. Walker in April, 1963. But they neglected to take testimony from: Walter Kirk Coleman, a teen–age neighbor of General Walker, who saw two men flee the scene by car after the shot was heard. Oswald could not drive, and the Report said he was alone. Detective Ira Van Cleave, who participated in the original investigation of the Walker shooting and who told the press at that time that the bullet had been “identified as a 30.06,” which rules out Oswald’s Carcano rifle." In other words the Walker shooting was an attempt to show LHO as a violent communist- many saw through this and realized that this was legend building.
  8. For the record, here is what Sparticus says about G. Arnold, " Gordon Arnold was born in Dallas, Texas, in 1941. After completing his education he joined the United States Army and was based at Fort Wainwright in Alaska. Arnold was home on leave on 22nd November, 1963, and decided to take his movie camera to Dealey Plaza in order to film the visit of President John F. Kennedy. While walking by the Grassy Knoll he was stopped by a man claiming to be a member of the Secret Service. He later told Jim Marrs: "I was walking along behind this picket fence when a man in a light-colored suit came up to me and said I shouldn't be up there. I was young and cocky and I said, "Why not?" And he showed me a badge and said he was with the Secret Service and that he didn't want anyone up there. I said all right and started walking back along the fence. I could feel that he was following me and we had a few more words. I walked around to the front of the fence and found a little mound of dirt to stand on to see the motorcade." Arnold claimed that the first shot was fired from behind him. After the firing had finished, Arnold claimed that a policeman with a gun forced him to hand over the film in his camera. Arnold returned to Fort Wainwright and was never interviewed by the Warren Commission or the House Select Committee on Assassinations about what he had seen on 22nd November, 1963."
  9. And, George Joanides' supervisor (William Kent) told his daughter that " Lee Harvery Oswald was a useful idiot" ( see page 83 of "Tipping Point" by Larry Hancock). Also, Kent responded to his daughter when she asked who killed JFK "it is better you did not know".
  10. I would add Robert Emmett Johnson to the list.... Robert Emmett Johnson moved to Canada where he worked for the International Services of Information, which was a CIA front. According to Gerry P. Hemming, Johnson was involved in the assassination of the Martin Luther King. Robert Emmett Johnson spartacus-educational.com/JFKjohnsonRE.htm See all results for this question Who was Robert Johnson and what did he do? In 1961 Johnson was employed by Colonel Ulius Amoss under the commercial cover of the International Services of Information (INFORM) with offices in Baltimore. According to a CIA document: "At this time he (Johnson) was already in close touch with the various independent Cuban Exile anti-Communist groups in Miami and elsewhere."
  11. I liked the the clip, Vince. The part about Hoover coming to a quick conclusion about Oswald reminds me of the Katzenbach letter, which can be read by clicking on a link in this ..http://22november1963.org.uk/katzenbach-memo-moyers-warren-commission
  12. David, in case you have not read any of Mae Brussell, here is an essay she wrote in 1984..http://www.maebrussell.com/Mae Brussell Articles/National Socialist Connection to JFK Assass.html/ Mae was on Pacifica radio (in the 1970's and 1980's) giving her analysis of the JFKA . I was born in 1951.
  13. JMWave was created by and run by the CIA. So, when you say JFK ' s killers were directed from JMWave, you are saying the shooters were from the CIA. Here is little piece on JM Wave from Wikipedia, " "The station's activities reached their peak in late 1962 and early 1963 around the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under Ted Shackley's leadership from 1962 to 1965, JMWAVE grew to be the largest CIA station in the world outside of the organization's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, with 300 to 400 professional operatives (possibly including about 100 based in Cuba) as well as an estimated 15,000 anti-Castro Cuban exiles on its payroll. The CIA was one of Miami's largest employers during this period. Exiles were trained in commando tactics, espionage and seamanship and the station supported numerous exile raids on Cuba.[2][3][10] The main front company for JMWAVE was "Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc." In addition, about 300 to 400 other front companies were created throughout South Florida with a large range of "safe houses", cover businesses and other properties. With an annual budget of approx. US$50 million (in 1960s dollars; US$50 million in 1962 dollars are worth US$403 million in 2017 dollars (PPP)[11]), the station had a major impact on the economy of South Florida, creating a local economic boom - particularly in the real estate, banking and certain manufacturing sectors. It also operated a fleet of aircraft and boats - this has been described as the third largest navy in the Caribbean at the time after the main US and Cuban navies. JMWAVE's activities were so widespread that they became an open secret amongst local Florida government and law enforcement agencies.[2][3] ""
  14. Evan menions JM Wave, which had about 300 to 400 people in it at the time of the Big Event. Here is a brief description of JM Wave from Wikipedia. "The station's activities reached their peak in late 1962 and early 1963 around the Cuban Missile Crisis. Under Ted Shackley's leadership from 1962 to 1965, JMWAVE grew to be the largest CIA station in the world outside of the organization's headquarters in Langley, Virginia, with 300 to 400 professional operatives (possibly including about 100 based in Cuba) as well as an estimated 15,000 anti-Castro Cuban exiles on its payroll. The CIA was one of Miami's largest employers during this period. Exiles were trained in commando tactics, espionage and seamanship and the station supported numerous exile raids on Cuba.[2][3][10] The main front company for JMWAVE was "Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc." In addition, about 300 to 400 other front companies were created throughout South Florida with a large range of "safe houses", cover businesses and other properties. With an annual budget of approx. US$50 million (in 1960s dollars; US$50 million in 1962 dollars are worth US$403 million in 2017 dollars (PPP)[11]), the station had a major impact on the economy of South Florida, creating a local economic boom - particularly in the real estate, banking and certain manufacturing sectors. It also operated a fleet of aircraft and boats - this has been described as the third largest navy in the Caribbean at the time after the main US and Cuban navies. JMWAVE's activities were so widespread that they became an open secret amongst local Florida government and law enforcement agencies.[2][3] "
  15. This is from Wikipediia ( in regards to the LeMay quote about bombing the North Vietnamese back to the Stone Age)" In his 1965 autobiography (co-written with MacKinlay Kantor), LeMay is quoted as saying his response to North Vietnam would be to demand that "they've got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression, or we're going to bomb them back into the Stone Age. And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power—not with ground forces".[48] LeMay subsequently rejected misquotes of the famous "Stone Age" quote.[49] Later, in a Washington Post interview LeMay said that "I never said we should bomb them back to the Stone Age. I said we had the capability to do it. I want to save lives on both sides".[50] Etymologyst Barry Popik cites multiple sources (including interviews with LeMay) for various versions of both quotes from LeMay.[51] Nevertheless, the "should" quote remained part of the LeMay legend, and remains widely attributed to him ever after.[49][52]"
  16. Benjamin, there is now a labor shortage in China and US companies are re- sourcing back to the US (and to Mexico). Here is a partial explanation of why there is a labor shortage in China...https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-57154574
  17. Leslie, when Tracy Barnes left the CIA , he went to work at Yale, which is about a half hour to hour ride from Bridgeport, Ct.- probably does not mean much in the grand scheme.
  18. Jonathan, I believe the work that Chris D. has been doing here is corraborating evidence that the zapruder film has been altered. Here is a more detailed analysis....https://midnightwriternews.com/mwn-episode-107-douglas-horne-on-the-zapruder-film-alteration-debate/
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