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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Pelosi: You know he's crazy , don't you? Regarding the period after 1/6, and Pelosi phoning General Milley and convincing him to tell his staff to not take calls from Trump. Now we have Paul Gosar vowing to prosecute both Pelosi and Milley in these committee hearings, claiming Trump should have had control of the Military when he was threatening to the end to not leave office! hat's how crazy these people are. Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS @RepGosar· Jan 7 Remember - we will conduct a real investigation into J6. The effort to attempt a coup between traitor Gen. Mark Milley and Pelosi will be reviewed and exposed. Quote Tweet @JohnFugelsang · Jan 6 Remember - Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert & Paul Gosar all share the same pre-existing sedition. #January6th
  2. Is there any question about the power of the corporate state and Repubican government for the rich now?.
  3. Raskin was head of the 1/6 committee That is a victory toward bi partisanship and should be celebrated! We'll see what turns out. Larry, as I've mentioned to you. Thankfully, You're going to continue doing what you're doing , no matter what partisan squabbles we have here . So why involve yourself?. Particularly with Ben's "Spe ctacular Greenwald" thread which is just Ben's impatience to spread his partisan politics everywhere. You should probably just establish a thread, and update us on the latest news. I'd appreciate that. Hate to clu' ya, but Massie is not going to chair the committee.
  4. Some people are just not worth associating with for the newest conspiracy fix. We really have to draw the line somewhere, or you'll bring us down with you.. Take your absolutist free speech and go to a website that loves Alex Jones, and after a few months, let us know where it is. So we can drop in and see the marvelous level of conspiracy exchange you can create. My guess is you know that level already.
  5. Adam Schiff recalls a slimy story about a conversation with Kevin Mc Carthy on a plane back to Washington.
  6. No Larry, check the title, Ben's opening post most makes no reference to the oversight hearings. Ben's subject is "Spectacular Glenn Greenwald", who knows less about the JFKA than even Tucker.. We can talk about other things. Like "Who is Glenn Grenwald" is relevant. If you want to refer to Tucker, there's already about 8 posts from a month ago you can use. Though true , nothing recently. If we may digress, Somebody here asked what Greenwald's real politics are. What he doesn't want you to know is that he started out as a corporate lawyer on Wall Street. He is a corporate Libertarian, and will literally badmouth anyone as a Socialist. Starting at 6:40 Glenn tells you Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson and Steve Banon are all Socialists!!. Sam Seder attributes that to Greenwald coming "off the rails" but doesn't Greenwald comes off very rational? This is the way he feels! To anyone who may not know what Corporate Libertarianism is. One day, they'll come up to you and say : This "public roads thing" just isn't working out! But you'll love this!
  7. Ben: Do you realize the Capitol Police arrested no one that day?. The truth is for over a year, you maintained that only a couple of rioters were carrying firearms ( we won't mention all the other types of weapons they were carrying), and we kept telling you the majority of rioters were not arrested at the Capitol, but later, so how could you know? But you just couldn't bring yourself to believe it and now you're concocting another conspiracy theory that it was all an FBI sting. What don't you understand? The most logical conclusion is when they end up arriving in force late is that it ended up being a decision to avoid a potential massacre, to not polarize the national situation any further. Of course, you can't win. Now you're throwing around conspiracy theories about why the government didn't just massacre them??? If Trump was stupid enough to actually show up at the Capitol with the rioters, (which I suspect was all a ruse),that would have been political suicide for Trump, and you would have attributed it all to Trump falling into an FBI sting!
  8. Bolsonaro right wing thugs have invaded Brazilian government buildings in a replay of the Capitol Riots, except Bolsonaro has been in Florida since he lost the election. I know there's a few right wing Bolsonaro apologists here. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjDtqXd27j8AhVKFzQIHfNpCQ8QvOMEKAB6BAgZEAE&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.com%2Fnews%2Fworld-latin-america-64204860&usg=AOvVaw0pOtznBnFAcl-5FbFKQpd9 Joe,even though you can't take the royal family seriously. Then why are you writing in ALL CAPS??! Heh heh I see that in the other thread as well. I got more source back up for you when the time is right on that one as well.
  9. Egads?, Ben? a national catastrophe? Maybe if you examined this more critically. Maybe you wouldn't be so easily astonished. I personally don't think your view is well worded here Larry. First, to be clear,and straighten out the origins, if there was some immutable bond between the Dems and the FBI and Intelligence in 2016, how do you explain Republican Comey calling attention to Hillary e mails 9 days before the 2016 election? But to update: Larry:Dems now protect FBI and intelligence agencies because they think they saved the nation from Trump Untrue, the Democrats, like the vast majority of the nation "think" the ballot box saved the nation from Trump, because he and his party lost 3 straight elections, and we could arguably say a 4th in 2022. The vast majority of people, including the Democrats, don't buy the Republican stolen election narrative and when push came to shove, in the post 2020 election period, the law enforcement sided with the Democrats to preserve free elections and a peaceful transfer of power. And of course with not embarrassing Biden, why would that be any surprise? Re: the specifically the JFKA, I fail to see how Biden could be much more embarrassed than Trump caving about the first release of the files back in 2017. Larry, I realize you're making a snapshot commentary of the present obstacles, but I did caution you about the danger of getting bogged down in the political weeds, for the sake of our cause.
  10. The moderates should be fearful. The public will see this for what it is. The Republicans getting back at the Democrats. The biggest criticism the Republicans can make of the 1/6 hearings is that they didn't have Jim Jordan on the committee, who after all was texting with Trump that day. But I think that only would have backfired as all the prosecution witnesses were members of Trump's cabinet or his closest aides, who were true believers, and were firmly behind Trump's policies and either felt they could steer Trump to further their political goals or were trying to moderate Trump's rough edges and actions to make him more palatable to the public. But the point being, even with damaging testimony, by itself it barely moved the needle, as the 2 opposing sides are so dug in,but it did move some independents to the point it probably helped the Democrats retain the Senate, but only because the margins between the 2 parties were very close. But after all this litigation with Trump. I think the vast majority of people, particularly the independents, attitude will be that they've just had enough! I wrote a letter to my Congresswoman Anna Eshoo urging her to get with Amy Klobuchar's position and honor the public promise to open the files.
  11. You know this idea that Russia has been so upset at the rise of Nato isn't as universally thought in Russia as many westerners have said. 11 countries joined Nato between 1990-2004, and no Russian leader took notice of it until Putin first mentioned it in 2007. Since 2004, in 18 years there have only been 3 countries admitted to Nato. On February 7, 2022, retired Russian general warned Vladimir Putin not to go to war with Ukraine, accusing the leader of whipping up an 'artificial' conflict to distract from his domestic problems. In other words, Putin was thinking the war would deflect scrutiny of Russia’s economy. Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, 78, penned an open letter titled 'On the The Eve of War' in which he blasted Putin's 'criminal policy of provoking a war' despite Russia not facing any 'critical threats'. “Therefore, the explosive situation surrounding Ukraine is primarily artificial and self-serving for some internal forces, including in Russia.” In other words, it is Russia itself creating the need for an invasion. Not external sources. In other words, NATO is not a critical threat. The EU is not a critical threat. Ukraine is not a critical threat. The US is not a critical threat. Full text below https://www.eastviewpress.com/on-the-eve-of-war-appeal-of-the-all-russian-officers-assembly-to-the-president-and-citizens-of-the-russian-federation/ When Diana told him she was pregnant. heh heh
  12. Well put , Matt! the more people complicit, the less I'm inclined to believe the claim. I've done my best in the past, to penetrate this question. And I haven't come to a clear conclusion. And I'm not talking specifically about this thread. This is where in my opinion, the Lner's criticism of the JFKAC is correct. Where there's a flaw or inconsistency, it's always passed off as someone, presumably of the conspiracy, though maybe an unwitting part of the conspiracy, is lying. When the narrative is first laid out, in fact, this deception is never divulged, it's just come to be understood. Then when this assertion is questioned, there can be sort of a haughty reply. Particularly in a case when the questioner poses an alternative that's less deceptive, less calculated, less sinister. It's as if reinforcing a greater, more comprehensive conspiracy, or in a broader context, in some cases, more conspiracies is some sort of a badge of awareness that these CTer's hold over each other. It can be obstructionist, and should be questioned and discussed, whenever it's asserted.
  13. Yes holdouts after the 14th failed ballot Biggs and Gaetz were phoned by Trump to switch their ballot and then complied to bring Mac Carthy's total to 218 so now they are voting a 15th ballot to give Mac Carthy the minimum after giving away the store, including a potential poison pill by which one member could bring his speaker ship up to vote. What a pack of career driven whores!
  14. It was "Annie Hall" dude! 1977 https://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-humor-in-the-j-f-k-conspiracy
  15. Well, 1.)- It's not important and 2.) We'll never know. But you don't remember the movie, huh? heh heh
  16. Yeah, it took Trump a while to do that, and people were speculating that Trump was about to throw Mac Carthy under the bus. But Trump has made the decision he's still the front runner and needs the GOP funding to legitimize him enough to maybe help him stay out of jail. He can count on these defiant 20 anyway. They're not going anywhere!
  17. I also see myself as such a self appointed expert, Joe. He does have the same Brooklyn accent as Allen. The tenor of his voice, and his vocal range is very similar. It would have turned my attention as well. But in my judgment, it's not Woody Allen. Though you can take comfort that in one of Allen's earlier movies, he did mockingly play a character in a passing dialog that was obsessed with the JFKA. Somebody here can tell us which movie that was , as I forgot.
  18. Heh heh heh, No I perfectly understand and I'm enjoying it. I'm sorry I can't get worked up over the choices like you guys can.They pose no threat to me! I like this guy making "Super Maga" fat joax about the climate hoax! heh heh. Though I did like his canned laugh, the rest was about as entertaining as looking at his face! "Super Maga", "drain the swamp", like that right wing comedian guy actually wearing "Let's go Brandon" T-shirt! These guys are real free thinkers! You've already been merchandized! This is the weakest attempt at the defiance of the 60's yet! I say let's break the deadlock! "Mike Dice for Speaker.!" P.S. As you can see, the one visceral issue to these people was that Kevin Mac Carthy threw Trump under the bus on 1/6! They're trying to get one person veto power over Mac Carthy, to at any time bring up a vote to vacate his chair.
  19. It's strange that it's come to this. That Kevin Mac Carthy is the good guy, but what sort of moral authority figures do the Republicans have? Lindsey Graham?, Ted Cruz?, Jim Jordan?, Josh Hawley? ,Rand Paul?, Ron Johnson?, Little Marco? I know I'm forgetting someone. But it became so crystal clear after they came in contact with Trump. Then Trump just sucked them in, then just kept turning on the screws and abusing them, and making them look like fools, and would eventually end up throwing them out for trash! Still they brush themselves off, and are relentlessly back in your face!
  20. So to be clear. This piece from TMWKK has Rob Burnham and Mark Lane claiming that Arthur Krock was a person JFK trusted to filter his views to the public claiming in this instance that the CIA was sabotaging the will of both JFK and Henry Cabot Lodge in Viet Nam when we know now that Lodge was a hawk who in August 63 explained to JFK that there was a coup underway to assassinate Diem, and JFK passively accepted that decision, at least for that moment. So talking about getting history dead wrong! Burnham and Lane assumed that JFK,Cabot, and Kroc didn't want escalation in Vietnam, and was opposed by the CIA, who according to their story presumably did. So could we say they got 2 out of the 3 wrong? https://fullmeasure.news/news/shows/jfk-vietnam
  21. Matt, No, Mac Carthy didn't go far enough for them. These guys are scum. All but 2 of the 20 are election deniers. They're down on him because he first denounced Trump after 1/6.
  22. These hard core 5 or so obviously hate him. This despite the fact that he's sold his soul to get this job! He's already made a number of concessions. He's been asked to lower the threshold to make it easier for his ouster should he not deliver to these crazies in the future! I'm not sure what's behind it. Maybe they never forgave him for first blaming Trump after the 1/6 riots before doing an abrupt about face and selling out and going back to Mar a Lago to kiss Trump's ring?.
  23. This is what they call Corporate Libertarianism. I'm sorry but that "public roads thing" wasn't working out! Very cool!
  24. Yes, you beat me to the punch on this one,. Steve. I'm also having more problems copying from twitter lately. Pelosi: You know he's crazy, don't you? On Jan 8th, 2021, after the riots when it appeared Trump was not going peacefully and Pelosi phoned General Milley and as result Milley told all of his subordinates to not take a call from Trump. It's amazing to think that our system was so vulnerable that the Military could be used by Trump to overturn a legitimate election! But it's true, and there was only one person who had the foresight to make that call and though I personally don't think Trump would ultimately have gotten away with it, it would have been the most destabilizing period in U.S. history since the Civil War! To those Americans who would look at this period as a romp at the beach. I'll repeat what I think is an often needed phrase. This is real! This isn't a trial run! This is your life! To those abroad who think this couldn't happen because America is so exceptional. Well we've done a good job of snowing you. But think again! heh heh
  25. I use to wonder about the usefulness of NATO. I thought if we no longer formalized it and just shut up about it. (Bush Sr. "don't want to gloat") and let countries choose their destiny on their own. It would have just become obvious! I SAF don't now! No matter what the result, there's no way Putin or really anybody benefits from this unless Putin goes, which could be very good, but there's an outside chance could be a crap shoot! Nice going, retrograde turd! As far as single polarity vs, multi polarity. I don't buy any argument that we need Russia to balance the world out. Ideologically, they've never really stood as a Socialist alternative , but a blundered Socialist state now turned kleptocracy. They'll always have their weapons and we can't do anything about that. I don't see any benefit to having 3 major flashpoints with the West in the middle. China is a true economic superpower, but that largely couldn't be avoided. The whole South China Sea and Taiwan situation was inevitable, but a lot of the economic problem can be mitigated. They'll play both ends against the middle but economically they need us 100 times more than they need Russia. But Europe's more dependent on the Chinese than we are. Still China's having growing pains. Their zero covid policy has been a disaster! They didn't push vaccination to the population as a way out of the pandemic as the West did, and their vaccines were sh-tty!. We have been able to realign some supply chains. For 20 years their economy grew at a 6% clip, almost unprecedented in history. Now it looks like they'll go to a more normal 2-4% clip, which is great news for us. Also Xi's also taken a direction toward more Central Government control and state run businesses and put pressure on their private companies. . The idea of wanting some multi polar check on the U.S. is understandable but it's whole economic system and it's multi national and as long as people need capital, the only thing that would bring it down is at least a decade long collapse of the current economic system, probably with resulting wars, and great suffering that could eventually result with the world starting over again, like after WW2 but with a greater consensus. But of course, how can the planet sustain the aftermath of that?.
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