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Pamela Brown

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    Minneapolis, MN USA
  • Interests
    2013 JFKLancer NID, Dallas, TX, "MIdnight Blue to Black -- the Vanishing Act of the JFK Presidential Limousine In Broad Daylight
    2008 Documentary Inside the Target Car, limo researcher
    2004 documentary on the JFK Assassination Presidential Limousine SS-100-X "Behind the Headlights -- Presidential Limo" aired on the SPEED channel . Also aired 2005
    2001 "SS-100-X" in CAR CRASH CULTURE, Palgrave/McMillan.

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  1. https://www.amazon.com/Hitlers-Pope-Secret-History-Pius/dp/014311400X https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/vatican-documents-show-secret-back-channel-between-pope-pius-xii-and-adolph-hitler
  2. Update... https://theothermozart.wordpress.com/2020/07/15/minnegeddon/
  3. Don't know if this has been posted...
  4. Update... https://dylagence.wordpress.com/2021/10/24/two-years-since-mankato-what-a-long-strange-journey-its-been/
  5. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Car_Crash_Culture/g_4YDAAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=ss100x+pamela+brown&pg=PA164&printsec=frontcover
  6. I used the initial viewing to evaluate what I saw after that...
  7. The film that I saw in NYC in 1964 was the Zapruder. I think it was unaltered. I am the only one I know who knows about it will talk about it publicly...
  8. However, Greer did slow the limo down almost to a stop, or even an actual stop, and turn to face JFK until the fatal shot had been fired....
  9. Thank you. I did not know of this. It is obvious by Jackie's behavior that Marilyn had gone too far in singing to JFK at Madison Square Garden. I think, in fact, that was her death sentence. Marilyn was surrounded by Kennedys at the time of her death, including Pat Newcomb, who had a connection to RFK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patricia_Newcomb I don't think this is just a series of odd coincidences. Ironically, the address of Marilyn's first modeling agency, the Blue Book Agency, was at the Ambassador Hotel... https://calisphere.org/item/e0decccef64b939cb8d2d1078d207397/#:~:text=This was known as the,poolside at this very site.
  10. Thank you. That is just weird. To make matters more puzzling, the page is in Farsi, or some strange language. Then my pages turned into that language. No indication of just where the photo came from either... Here is a thread on Perdomo from the old Google Groups archive... https://groups.google.com/g/rec.music.beatles/c/J-7AhNsd3no
  11. That would be Metallica... https://genius.com/Metallica-master-of-puppets-lyrics
  12. Purdy is not unique at having a resemblance to LHO. There is a young guy at our health club that looks so much like LHO I do.a double-take every time I see him.
  13. I had the same thought about Purdy having a resemblance to LHO. I have to wonder if the SB was fixed. There was a moment where it looked like some sort of signal may have been given in the OT. The color just drained from Purdy's face and then Mahomes face lit up and he charged forward. It was hard to tell, though there was definite scripting at the end of the regular game, when M kept throwing the ball to Kelce but Kelce was unable to receive it. That would have been the 'perfect' ending to the game (winning touchdown). As it was, I think the OT TD was Plan B...
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