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Richard Price

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Everything posted by Richard Price

  1. I think it is the result of at least two idealogies: (1) the "Godfather's" success at getting people in the "family" into legitimate business bringing with them their corruption, manipulation and dedication not to the country, but to themselves and their "family". I am not talking about the Sicilian/Italian mob specifically, but of the adoption of their system by those in criminal enterprises. (2) those in the elite category in our country (formerly robber barons) who through their wartime connections and collusion found inspiration in the NAZI system of propaganda that fit in with their plans to continue making money and manipulating the system in their favor for long term power. It's corny, but I've always said, "If you leave the one bad apple in the basket, it will ruin the entire basket of apples. In a reverse ratio to the premise with actual apples, the closer to the top the "bad apple" is, the harder to remove it and the more it spoils. Naturally life is more complicated than that simple scenario, but at some level I think this applies.
  2. Ron, that is exactly what I was stating. These are the "eastern most windows" of the Dal-Tex and they are directly across from the jail. The prisoners would have a direct view and the shooter would have a direct unobstructed view down Elm. Brennan seems to have a good sense of direction. He states that he is facing northward and describes the location of the shooter as being in the eastern most windows. He doesn't use landmarks for locations, he uses directional language.
  3. Going back to the discussion of Brennan's description of where he saw the shooter, does this also tie in with where the prisoners in the jail said they saw someone with a gun possibly. I don't remember where exactly the jail was located, but seem to recall that it was mentioned as being across the street from the TSBD and there was some discussion as to whether they could see the so called snipers nest due to the angle. If Brennan's description (as highlighted by the red circle) is correct, there would have been no problem with seeing directly across the street. The prisoners stories could have been changed easily to reflect the TSBD instead of the Dal-Tex building, just as Brennan's was. Even easier, since they were prisoners and weren't available for interviews and weren't searched out because their view of the supposed shooting site was limited. If you take Brennan at his word, one of the circled windows would have been where he actually saw a gunman. Look at the fantastic, totally unobstructed view this gunman would have had down Elm (ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE TRIPLE UNDERPASS).
  4. Thank you Chris. This is something I went through years ago when I thought I would be able to go through the photographic records and find something everyone else had missed. Having limited resources and never having been to Dallas, must less Dealey Plaza, I started studying the photos showing the head in the bushes when it was being speculated that he was way down the street and hidden (a shooter). I kept looking for these bushes everywhere in order to justify a shooter in the bushes, then realized it was a perspective problem due to the location of the camera. One of many times I went down a rabbit hole only to be corrected by those of you who have done such extraordinary work. I am extremely glad there are those of you out there with the expertise, access and resources to bring to light so many of the actual facts and expose the contradictions and falsehoods being pushed by so many others.
  5. John, your red line (in the above photo) goes right through the top of the ornamental tree to the steps. The tree is easily seen if you look for the sunlit white trunk coming up just to the photo left of the inside corner of the concrete structure and in the center of the triangular hedges.
  6. Paul, that was an excellent post with very good information. Being one that has not delved deeply enough to study each witness statement in context, this is amazing to me. This would put the shooter at the eastern end of the Dal-Tex well beyond the area most have studied as a place for a shot. That (2nd from the east) window in the Dal-Tex has a view straight down Elm all the way due to the curve to the triple underpass. Even those who considered the Dal-Tex were looking at the windows facing the TSBD, not the ones on the south side. This brings us back to the people (Jim Braden, for one) that were stopped coming out from that building. Brennan must have been very confused when everyone (officials/police) changed his story to mean the TSBD. Very interesting. Thank you.
  7. John, the tree with bushes around the base is the foliage between the camera and the three men on the steps. As Zapruder panned down the street and to the west as the limousine exited Dealey Plaza the tree obscured part of the scene. If you look at the post by Ron Bulman which has the view of the crowd gathered by the sidewalk with the man crossing the road (above), you can see the pruned tree directly behind the men/woman on the top area of the grassy knoll near the concrete abutment. This is the only tree/bush between the camera and the men on the steps that is tall enough to interfere. As you can see in the pictures, Zapruder was on the pedestal above the tree level, but the street goes downward to the triple underpass and zapruder had to aim his camera lower to follow the limousine.
  8. It was already rated "X" and not allowed to be shown on TV because of graphic violence. That was at least the excuse, by some, for not showing it. The American public couldn't take the visual impact of seeing what happened. Worked well for many years to keep any kind of mass alarm and calls for an investigation at bay. You can well imagine what would have happened if every eye were glued to the film of the assassination like the funeral. The flaws (even with the altered film) would have been so apparent, there would have been an immediate outcry for an public investigation. I think Congress would have stepped up and done what wasn't done until much later and maybe the truth or at least a better truth would have come out instead of the drip by drip erosion of trust we have suffered since then.
  9. John, I think Bowers reference to "the same level" probably has to do with the surface or floor level of the building, not to the level he was looking out. The bushes you see between the man and the limousine are the bushes directly in front of Zapruder as he turns westward to pan along the limousine path. The bushes are between the pedestal and the concrete abutment wall attached to the pergola east of the steps.
  10. It was more like Harvey than I had seen him before.” [2] James, does this seem to imply that Ruth knew both "Harvey" and "Lee" since it has a comparative reference?
  11. Not completely, but somewhat off subject. I haven't studied this area much. Does anyone know of any other instances of "Lee Henry Oswald" as uttered by DA Wade, I believe, or was that a singular event.
  12. There is a difference in vehicles used in the "parade" and official DPD daily use vehicles. The parade used many volunteered vehicles to carry dignitaries/officials. The actual vehicles owned or leased by the city tended to be from the same source and if my experience is correct, usually more "base" vehicles with few if/any options. Aftermarket equipment was then installed to equip the vehicle for the specific purpose it was assigned. Cadillac's were seldom (if ever) stripped down to serve as daily use city vehicles but were more likely to be used as hearses or limousines for the higher level government officials. This might include as vehicles within the parade, but I don't think it would have been volunteered for a role which had it so far outside the parade that most if not all would not even have recognized it as being part of the parade.
  13. Steve, all DPD vehicles I've seen (to the best of my recollection) are Ford. The car Tippit was driving was as well. I live in GA and can only say that in my area the police & most of the time municipalities as a whole sign agreements with one manufacturer/dealer for all their vehicles in any given purchase cycle. Over more than one cycle the agreements can be with different manufacturers/dealers, but they tend to go in cycles longer 1 year.
  14. Steve or anyone else who may have information about the "advance" car. I can't help myself in asking if this is a definitely known fact that the car pictured above is the "advance car". The car is a Cadillac. In the quotation above, Lawrence says he was in uniform and driving a "plain" car. To me this means an unmarked, generally one color, sedan of police department issue. The use of a Cadillac would seem out of the norm. Police departments generally would not have any use for them unless maybe the chief was extravagant in the automobile he used. Lawrence seems to be saying this is the car he drives in the performance of his duties and listening to the police radio for Chief Curry or others to update locations. To me, something seems amiss in this identification.
  15. Abbott and Costello's famous story - "Who's on 1st". Trump will just re-state the obvious. If the president (IF HE IS NAMED TRUMP) does it, it's legal. His enablers and supporters will accept it, that's all he cares about. PS: I know normally president is capitalized, but i refuse to do so considering the current title holder.
  16. If they (whoever they are) have any imagination at all, she may come down with the quick moving deadly COVID19 strain.
  17. I don't know much about the Epstein debacle other than the summary information gleaned through reading a few news items and posts on this forum, but I think I agree with David. I think this is how she gets "officially" off the hook. I think money & information will exchange hands and the Trump/Barr legal duo will clear her of any implications with the whole sordid mess.
  18. Thank you for your kind comment but the entire post was more of my sick sense of humor (so my wife says). I do have essential tremors, but as long as I have my sense of humor and understand what I can/cannot do, I'm fine. I'm over 6 foot above ground presently instead of under by the same amount. To paraphrase Clint Eastwood - A man's got to know (learn) his limitations. I don't merit any admiration, but I do admire many of you on this forum and from the old Lancer forum for your contributions to seeking and finding much truth as possible and putting it in the public realm.
  19. Steve, I'm withholding my vote until it can be confirmed that he can read the "Dick and Jane" level 2 books with comprehension. Being some years younger and having come down with essential tremors, I am impressed that he can drink with one hand though. Sometimes I find that challenging.
  20. I think as it becomes more and more evident that he will lose in the election, his thinking will turn to NOT having an election. I think he (like the NAZI's) will TRUMP up a reason for a national emergency in order to proclaim martial law and postpone indefinitely (as in forever) the election. The question will be - will there ever be anyone to take him to task, or will we continue to see our freedoms and rights taken away inch by inch. There appears to be no end of the appeasement many "supporters" will allow.
  21. No offense meant, but if you think Trump has saving anyone but himself (or possibly some members of his family) in mind, you are seriously deluded. Push come to shove, I think he'd throw just about anyone under the bus. ***The foregoing is a personal opinion and not an attack on anyone else's opinion. I am open to being proven incorrect.
  22. In the one version (small snippet) of video I saw, two officers were approaching the man. The officer to the older mans right pushed him violently down, the officer directly in front of him didn't seem to make contact. The officer who was in front of the man appeared to attempt to stop and stoop down towards the fallen man. The officer directly behind him pushed him forward in order to make sure he did not assist the man on the ground. Two officers were fired. My question would be, which two, the two in front (one of which showed empathy) or the one who pushed the man down and the one who pushed the officer forward before he could stoop down to help? Or, did I not see the full extent of the interaction?
  23. Yeah Joe, I can't wait for the big July 4 parade with all the American military hardware and Trump (er., I mean US flags). We have people running for political office in my state (GA) running ads which stating that they will be there to "stand with Trump". No mention of standing for any particular republican or democratic principles or anything of that sort - just stand by and reinforce whatever Trump wants. To me, this is a little chilling over and above the normal party divide.
  24. Paul and any others interested. I think when things finally get cleared up you will find that JFK's assassination wasn't about aliens, but about NASA and "space exploration". There is where you'll find the military industrial complex connection. Best to all. Keep researching!
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