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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Isn't this the $64,000 question? Whether desperate pleas for back up by an over run and battered Capital police force were purposely delayed and even blocked? "Why are there no reinforcements?" "We need help ... now!" The Capital police were desperately shouting into their radio's over and over. Imagine the fear and anxiety factor of being charged at by thousands of raging, screaming fanatics and who were pushing, shoving, hitting, kicking, spraying and beating you down with poles and signs and then...couple this nightmare with another one of your frantic calls for help being unanswered and ignored! You are fighting for your life for hours, your attackers have beaten you to the ground, they have defeated and moved beyond you to smash through the Capital building walls to vent their violent, screaming rage upon those who you are tasked to protect and you don't know if any of our defenseless congress persons are being injured or killed...??? No wonder many of the overrun Capital police were traumatized to serious degrees by this horrific apocalyptic movie event, made worse by their being left for hours without reinforcements despite their early frantic pleas for such and with no explanation later as to why they were left alone and outnumbered in this Battle Of The Little Big Horn fight for their lives!
  2. Gladys Johnson? In the picture above she looks mean. And in the picture of her hammering Oswald's rod by herself, riskily standing on a shakey bed to do so ... cheap. Only thing worse than a mean person is a cheapskate mean person. Right?
  3. The JFK assassination ( as well as the Lee Harvey Oswald assassination ) rocked our entire American society to such a degree that it changed our perceptions of everything going on in the world around us, including trust and faith in our highest levels of government. And even now, 59 years later, it still is! The majority of Americans STILL do not believe nor accept the official government WARREN COMMISSION final report stating JFK died as a result of one poor minimum wage earning lone gunman just getting lucky and not only defeating an army of security with his junky cheap rifle out a brightly illuminated open window just 75 feet above the ground with hundreds of bystanders right below, but his running down some stairs, stopping to buy and sip a Doctor Pepper and then simply walking away to catch a bus to escape...which he successfully did! To me, the January 6th storming of our Capital Building with all our congress persons and their aides inside to confirm the 2020 election, by a massively large and Trump worked up violent mob who attacked and injured dozens of our capital police protecting them, and who then terrorized and traumatized our congress persons inside for hours, is the worst most reality perception changing event since 11/22/1963 imo. Watching this super violent attack on our most sacred democracy symbolizing building was not just surreal and sickening, it was ominously scary. Truly it was. "What is going on here?" my wife and I kept repeating in shock and disbelief! We were actually contemplating that our entire democratic republic was on the verge of being overthrown ... right in front of our eyes! That if Trump's "hang Mike Pence" screaming mob had succeeded and Pence and others may have been injured and even killed, we honestly believe we could have been thrust into a chaotic and enraged civil war! The left in this country ( which has always been "less organized" violent than the right) might have finally been inspired to go into the streets to defend what they were seeing as the ultimate act of violence against our constitutional abiding and duly elected form of democratic principles government...a deadly coup! My deep feelings of fear, governmental mistrust and injustice about the JFK event were felt again watching the mind boggling, almost unbelievable 3 hour long attack upon our 2020 election ratifying congress persons inside the Capital building on 1,6,2020. Again ... "What is going on here?" "Are we losing it all?" That's what Trump's insurrection made me feel. Still, as hugely concerned about the democracy threatening insurrection and Trump himself as I am, if we can't express these concerns here on the main JFK subject forum ( in one thread ) , so be it. I would accept such a change without an argument. Don't we already have a separate TRUMP discussion board already? I have posted there myself.
  4. We have "one" thread ( Joseph McBrides's "The Inevitable End Result Of Our Last 56 years " ) that I assume has and is being allowed to provide for the discussion/debate/ whatever of current event political and social matter concerns besides the JFK education and debate directly. This allowance started when the Corona virus took over "everyone's" lives in America to such an overwhelming anxiety and daily life changing degree ( mind boggling ) it was hard to focus on much else ( even our JFK truth seeking forum here ) without some release of discussion about it here and there. Of course this Corona Virus anxiety relief thread has morphed into a current political and social concern one. One which I have posted on many times myself. The long winded political rantings SC refers to are on this one thread no? If our moderators keep allowing this one thread to exist here I will continue to contribute my thoughts on it. Personally, this "one" thread keeps me more engaged with the forum and I appreciate it's presence as my JFK truth seeking passion has always been aligned with and linked to the continuum of our highest governmental power lineage since 1963. What's going on now at these highest levels is borne of and still connected to the JFK event of 11,22,1963 imo. I'm not sure to what degree it compromises or distracts from the strictly JFK Education Debate forum focus and integrity myself.
  5. What is the significance of this authorization command memo above? What is it from?
  6. Okay, if 399 was found in the car what did it hit? It had to have hit something. And with so little damage and lost copper content did it embed itself into some fabric or leather? Was this the JFK back wound bullet and after it came out JFK's neck lost it's velocity and fell to the floor? And what hit the pavement next to James Tague to throw a small chip of cement into his face that drew blood? Right in the middle of the overheard shots?
  7. "A third or so ( at least ) of the brain tissue ... had been blasted out." Did Commander Dr. Humes at Bethesda ever record such a loss? How could any pathologist doing an autopsy not see and record such an astounding and obvious injury?
  8. Merrick Garland's former law professor says he thinks the attorney general will indict Trump over January 6 Merrick Garland "said he'd go to the top if … Business Insider on MSN.com · 6h Tribe also stated to Wolf Blitzer that if Trump were actually indicted that it could very well initiate widespread violence across the country by Trump's violent base. And if Trump was actually found guilty ... ? Tribe then postulated this what's worse trade off scenario; What would be worse...not doing anything in this legal way regards Trump if the evidence leads to his culpability would be a greater threat to our democracy versus some violence in the streets by Trump's die hard supporters. Tribe expects violence if Trump is indicted.
  9. Trump and Guiliani have always had an especially close relationship from way back. 0:41NOW PLAYING Donald Trump Flirts With Rudy Giuliani in drag.
  10. Who's the older lady hammering Oswald's rod?
  11. Bobby Knight? The Trump of college basketball coaching. Tantrum throwing, player insulting tyrant/bully.
  12. Isn't there a criminal offense called "aiding & abetting? Your supporters, your people are violently attacking the Capital building, seriously injuring dozens of Capital police ( who are desperately radioing in for reinforcement help ) , smashing through entrance doors and windows, ripping apart the inside of the Capital building offices, terrorizing and traumatizing our entire congress in the building and you watch this attack for "3 hours" on TV without taking any action to call off your attack dogs, even though everyone around you including your own family are pleading for you to do so? And you "know" one word from you to this raging mob to "STOP"- on your part could have ended this violent attack hours before it ended...and you instead watch TV coverage of it...with glee! This Capital building attack mob were your worked up supporters! They hung on your every word! You were their hero. Their savior! You could have ended the attack! If there isn't a highest crime charge here regards Trump's purposeful constitutional duty neglect to stop the violence ...what can anyone in this country say? Time for righteously important justice here folks...don't you think?
  13. No matter how many times I view the shooting it looks to me that JFK and JC were hit at the same time. However, I don't believe for one second that the magic bullet #399 caused the wounds to JFK and JC.
  14. "Two bone pieces blown away from JFK's skull? Kinney says the one he had was the "big one?" I don't think the skull piece blown onto the street behind and to the left of JFK's limo was real small. Blood and brain matter spray onto the two rear following Dallas motorcycle patrolmen? Kinney's windshield covered in blood. Brain and blood sprayed all over the back seat of the limo. Two sections of JFK's blown apart skull go flying. Jackie grabs and holds onto a piece of her husband's brain which she eventually hands off to one of the Parkland hospital ER doctors? How much brain matter and blood and skull can one man's head contain and be so widely dispersed like that?
  15. Did Marina receive a silver bracelet gift item from Lee that he supposedly bought during his Mexico City trip? Mr. RANKIN. Did he tell you where he would stay in Mexico City?Mrs. OSWALD. In a hotel.Mr. RANKIN. Did he tell you the name?Mrs. OSWALD. No, he didn't know where he would stop.Mr. RANKIN. Was there any discussion about the expense of making the trip?Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. But we always lived very modestly, and Lee always had some savings. Therefore, he had the money for it.Mr. RANKIN. Did he say how much it would cost?Mrs. OSWALD. He had a little over $100 and he said that that would be sufficient.Mr. RANKIN. Did he talk about getting you a silver bracelet or any presents before he went?Mrs. OSWALD. It is perhaps more truth to say that he asked me what I would like and I told him that I would like Mexican silver bracelets. But what he did buy me I didn't like at all. When he returned to Irving, from Mexico City, and I saw the bracelet, I was fairly sure that he had bought it in New Orleans and not in Mexico City, because I had seen bracelets like that for sale there. That is why I am not sure that the bracelet was purchased in Mexico.Lee had an identical bracelet which he had bought in either Dallas or New Orleans. It was a man's bracelet.Mr. RANKIN. The silver bracelet he gave you when he got back had your name on it, did it not?Mrs OSWALD. Yes.Mr. RANKIN. Was it too small?Mrs. OSWALD. Yes, I was offended because it was too small, and he promised to exchange it. But, of course, I didn't want to hurt him, and I said, thank you, the important thing is the thought, the attention.
  16. Is THE piece of JFK's skull Kinney says he had on the flight back to DC the same one that Constable Seymore Weitzman said was found in the street behind and to the left of the JFK limo head shot spot location near the curb?
  17. After all these 40+ years and viewing the Zapruder film in normal speed and slow motion, normal Zapruder filming distance and close up ... I accept that the bullet that hit JFK in the back came through the front of his neck and went on to hit Connally in his back. Don't even want to spend any more time contemplating another scenario. There are mountains of other scientific facts and sworn testimony that prove a conspiracy well beyond a reasonable doubt imo.
  18. Are the walls closing in on " The Man Who Would Be King?" The spoiled tyrant? Everyone near him has to walk on egg shells, feeling tense anxiety, fearing minute to minute what the tyrant's next tirade is going to be about and praying it isn't directed toward them. That 24/7 heightened (fight or flight) fear tension stress drains one's adrenal glands which eventually stresses your entire body and mind so much it lowers your immune system. People become depressed, sick, develop sleep and bad dream problems and overall long term PTSD. They are all victims of the spoiled tyrant. And perversely, these tyrants don't feel or experience these same effects. They sleep like babies. They are incapable of feeling any of the heavy and exhausting sufferings of those around them. There is even an inherent sadism component in their makeup imo. Like they enjoy inflicting fear and suffering onto their dependent victims. Leona Helmsley types. Recently I have noticed hundreds if not thousands of people coming forward in the national media and "publicly" describing Trump in the worst possible terms. More and more, people in highest positions. And more and more from the so-called conservative right. Not just the liberal political left. We are seeing these concerned about Trump statements on the largest audience internet news sites every day now. Trump is ... " Unhinged, not living in reality, delusional, illogical, irrational, obsessed, incapable of reasoned thought and behavior, temper losing tantrum out of control, incapable of compromise" and most damning and important of all ... "DANGEROUS!" These ominous warning type comments about Trump are from former members of his staff by the dozens, high ranking military people, conservative pundits, etc. Even Trump's hardest core base are finding the rest of the nation isn't even watching or listening to their promotion and defense of the pathetic "Man Who Would Be King" anymore. The rest of our society is exhausted and moving on. Moving on from the negative energy "dark cloud" of angry and paranoid Trumpism. The walls of health and more positive energy seeking truth and reality are closing in. You sense a Joseph McCarthy type deconstruction, melt and breakdown coming sooner versus later. Where the entire nation kind of hits a point of exhaustion with and is turning on this delusional, spoiled, obsessed, tantrum throwing and fear and insult bullying man and all the heavy anxiety and stresses and anger he expresses and has pounded into and onto us all. IMO anyway.
  19. Sounds right. A spoiled tyrant.
  20. I've listened to this audio several times in the few years since you first posted it VP. It leaves you pondering many questions. Did this neighbor feel that Kinney was inferring a belief that LBJ was in some way involved with the JFK killing when Kinney told him to look at who had the most to gain by it ? The neighbor doesn't quite commit to Kinney saying this with conviction. Did the neighbor actually state that Kinney found the magic bullet while cleaning the limo and planted it on a stretcher in Parkland? All kinds of questions pop into mind here. At what point in time did Kinney actually plant the bullet on the stretcher? How could that relatively undamaged bullet have found it's way into the limo in that condition? What purpose motivated Kinney to plant the bullet on the stretcher?
  21. What if Hutchinson took the 5th 150 times like so many of Trump's people? Even after Trump himself said only members of the Mafia take the fifth. Or just raised her middle finger to the committee when asked to testify? The woman has some integrity.
  22. No one is contesting Hutchinson's testimonial recollection of the Trump "ketchup on the wall/smashed plate" incident as shown her by the valet who had to clean it up. She even pitched in to help him clean the ketchup! Hutchinson was asked whether she knew of ( or heard of ?) other incidents of Trump behavior where he exhibited similar physical acting out, rage/temper tantrum throwing behavior. She replied "yes." One would assume many people around Trump in his years as President witnessed similar rage/ item throwing acting out behavior. Even his own family. So, taking into account the entire picture of Trump's history as being of this type of explosive acting out temperament and behavior ( don't forget his other famous grabbing incident ) the story of him acting out in his limo and grabbing the steering wheel and clavical area of SS agent Bobby Engel just after his ellipse speech, can't be dismissed based on a claim that it just couldn't have happened because Trump would never do such a thing. Only that he wasn't in a physical position in the vehicle to be able to do this. Also, it makes total sense that Trump "was" probably livid about being taken back to the WH when he wanted his driver to take him instead to the Capital building crowd area. If Trump could go so far over the lines of social propriety and even sexual assault criminal laws to grab what he bragged about grabbing years earlier ... grabbing a steering wheel wouldn't be anything to him.
  23. ABritish documentary filmmaker who recently testified behind closed doors to the House Jan. 6 select committee said that former President Donald Trump is living in “cloud cuckoo land,” and is incapable of ever acknowledging that his claims about voter fraud are “delusional.” “Donald Trump is not a rational player. I mean, he just isn’t,” Alex Holder said in an interview with the Yahoo News podcast, “Skullduggery.” “You can't have a conversation with him in the same way that you can have a conversation with most other people. He is somebody that lives in a different reality.” “It was so obvious. This was his last hurrah,” Holder said. “He had this — obviously had this — ridiculous idea that intervening in this ceremonial process of certifying these results could somehow prevent President Biden being inaugurated.” Isikoff: What about Trump? In a clip from the film, he tells you the supporters of his who came to Washington [on] January 6 were “smart people” who were “angry with an election that they think was rigged.” Holder: I probably heard that clip 400 times, right? And every single time I hear it, it gives me goosebumps, right? I think what he said was just absolutely horrific. I mean, at the end of the day, he said the reason why those people went into the Capitol was because they think, he actually says, “I think that they think” because the election was stolen, right? But who told them that the election was stolen? Klaidman: Why has Trump been so stubborn about his claims about the election? Holder: Donald Trump is not a rational player. I mean, he just isn’t. You can’t have a conversation with him in the same way that you can have a conversation with most other people. He is somebody that lives in a different reality. He had started the lie about the election back in 2016. What I saw after the first interview with him in the White House was that he now became someone who believed in his own lie, and that is a person who is delusional. That is a person who is incredibly dangerous, because you can't debate with that person. There is no way that anybody can persuade Donald Trump that he’s wrong. And this is something that’s characteristic of him all the way through his life, and the series goes into this in the sense that he will never accept that he had done anything wrong. He will always double back. He’s always right, and it’s always somebody else’s fault. I mean, he lives in cloud cuckoo land. He’s sitting in an interview in Mar-a-Lago saying that in front of a portrait, an actual oil painting of himself painted 25 to 30 years ago in a golf outfit. I mean, I actually asked about that at the end of the interview. I was like, “You’ve got to tell me about this painting.” I mean, this is a guy who literally has paintings of himself in his house. I mean, he’s just not a normal guy. I mean, you know?
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