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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I am sure that many women who choose to be "high class" call girls at some point in their lives could be highly intelligent. Mo Dean was a stewardess? And later did some writing? I'm a little confused regards your mention of John Dean and even Maureen Dean having "lots" of reasons to be concerned about a break-in to the Demo offices and especially Ida Maxey Welles' desk. Was their concern about Mo Dean being exposed as part of the call girl ring and maybe John Dean as a customer of it? And they wanted the call girl ring info to be taken and their names protected from public exposure? Obviously, with the break-in failing, the Plumbers didn't get this info. And it seems that Maureen Dean's and John Dean's names were never publicly exposed as participants in the call girl ring except for the sources you mentioned? John Dean was involved in enough dirty tricks shenanigans and was obviously a Nixon sycophant for a long time before Watergate to warrant challenging his later on truth exposing hero image. Even so, without his testimony which ( more than any other ) opened the flood gates to the true corruption truth of Nixon and his entire staff, America would have been kept ignorant of that truth and continued to be ruled by that out-of-control constitution violating criminal gang.
  2. As much Quaker minded humanitarian good deed credit I assign to Ruth Paine regards her providing for Marina and her children's most basic needs for 2 months (including taking them into her own home when they truly needed this kind of help) I still acknowledged her obvious loathing of Lee Oswald. Loathing to a degree that you sensed she really didn't feel very much honest and sincere Quaker compassion and sympathy for him when he was so brutally and painfully killed. An obvious and unsettling Quaker principle dichotomy for sure. The Ruth Paine interview Jim Di referenced which quoted RP ( "I was glad he was killed" ) along with other interviews where she never expressed much sympathy for Lee's death except for saying something like and not much more than "it was tragic" bolsters this sense of her Lee loathing imo. In the "Trial Of Lee Harvey Oswald" Oswald defense attorney Gerry Spence really pulled out of Ruth her true level of animosity toward and dislike of Lee. RP: "I didn't like him very well." Now THAT'S an understatement. She cited many negative takes on Lee including his cynical and self-important attitude and really went off on his lying in a letter draft to the Russian Embassy she found laying out in the open on her typewriter desk! And that he even had the gall to use her typewriter to do so and without asking her first! RP: "And that offended me deeply!" Ruth found jailed Lee's "detachedness" in his desperate calls to her home looking for Marina as appalling. Attorney Spence had to remind RP of the obvious strain and stress someone in Oswald's situation ( He had been beaten, kept up for hours and hours with intense interrogation and was fighting for his life!) and how that "might" make them somewhat less than normally engaging in a more appropriately concerned and considerate feeling tone and manner acceptable to Ruth. Ruth P. embarrassingly had to admit Spence's more reasonable and logical take on Lee's tone and manner regards those calls. I said I believe Ruth looked at Lee Oswald's death as a relief for Marina Oswald. That's a cold non-Quaker view obviously. "ON TRIAL: LEE HARVEY OSWALD" (PART 15) (RUTH PAINE) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pwBSL2-1rc Sep 02, 2013 · Part 15 of 23.http://On-Trial-LHO.blogspot.com
  3. Isn't that an incredible performance by Shea Whigham as G. Gordon Liddy?
  4. When half our society abandons rational thinking and allows themselves to accept and even promote ( often violently ) the delusionary world Trump has been continually creating and incessantly barking ...we are in very dangerous times. Cognitive dissonance/weakness? Yes, but it's also an act of personal grievance vengeance imo. I compare it to the jury in the 1995 O.J. Simpson trial. Those jurors knew O.J. Simpson butchered his wife and her friend Ronald Goldman. They simply dismissed the scientific forensic facts ( bloody footprints perfectly matching O.J.'s own Bruno Maglio shoes, bloody socks, hand wounds, etc. ) incriminating eye witness testimony ( Kato Kaelin disputing O.J.'s time gap movements throughout the time of the murders ) and loads of circumstantial evidence such as Simpson's running and suicide threatening actions when first charged with the murders, his violent beatings of Nicole throughout their marriage and graphic threats when she left him and on and on, in their after trial comments to the press. The Simpson trial jury could not even articulate what part of the strongly incriminating O.J. evidential fact findings and witness testimony swayed them into unanimously reaching a not guilty verdict except an outrage over what they perceived to be racist cops and their deep hatred for them. In my opinion, they let Simpson off on murder charges simply as an act of vengeance against the police system which they felt had been abusing them for generations because of their race. I think the huge majority of Trump followers are doing the same thing in their blind support of a man "they know" is not just extremely corrupt, a pathological l***, laughably sinful in the Christian sense, supremely insecure in his exaggerated self-aggrandizing to a delusional and even mentally ill degree and a dangerous demagogue who incites divisive violence. Because Trump loudly "trumpets" their generational hatreds, angers, fears, frustrations and resentments regards issues such as blacks, illegal immigration, gay lifestyle pushing, feminist movements, you name it... it doesn't matter to them whether he is incredibly corrupt, mentally delusional or even a threat to our over-all democracy. If our electorate was made up of just white Americans, Trump would have been elected by a big margin. Check the official 2020 election figures based on racial lines. Trump won the white male vote by 12%. Trump also won the white female vote by 8%. Blacks and Latino men and women voted so overwhelmingly for Biden, it swung the election. The Republicans know what beat them in 2020. Hence the massive financial commitment and effort to cut down the black vote once and for all.
  5. Could someone here please listen to the video audio again and tell me whether they also hear the "we can't hear you back here" shouted comment at the end? I have not read where anyone else heard this and mentioned it.
  6. South West Publishing's Warren Caster just happened to show off his Mauser to Oswald's bosses William Shelley and Roy Truly? Obviously Fritz and others present when the rifle was being looked at took Weitzman's called out "Mauser" ID seriously. They repeated it later. Which can only mean they respected Weitzman's gun knowledge enough to do so. Why? Because they knew he owned a sporting goods store years previous that sold rifles? Weitzman describes his ID call out as kind of a guess. That he only got "a glance" at the rifle and from his distance away and just a brief look, it "looked" like a Mauser. Why would any responsible police officer in the most important crime and frantic heightened energy search situation in their lives shout out an ID claim like that just from a distant glance and without taking a closer look at the rifle before doing so? The found rifle was clearly looked at from just inches away by "someone" at that scene. According to fellow Dallas County Sheriff Roger Craig, Weitzman got that close of look at the rifle. Roger Craig claimed "That's when Weitzman said, 'It is a Mauser' and pointed to the 7.65 Mauser stamp on the barrel." Weitzman let Fritz and other high authorities like Dallas DA Henry Wade repeat his shouted Mauser ID claim to the world press without perhaps expressing to them or others that he wasn't 100% sure of his claim, again because it was based on "just a glance?" These high position authorities were publicly stating the rifle was a Mauser...all because one man "Weitzman" claimed it just "looked" like a Mauser? Guess it boils down to who you believe told the truth. Seymour Weitzman...or Roger Craig. And same with Caster's answer to Ball regards Caster taking the Mauser home on 11,20,1963.
  7. Exactly. Several important position key witnesses were calling it a Mauser all through the rest of 11,22,1963. That's a lot of others who didn't think Weitzman mis-identified the rifle.
  8. Don't you find it even a little suspiciously coincidental that a "Mauser" rifle was actually in the TXSBD building just 48 hours before 11,22,1963? How many times a year were "any" hunting or military rifles brought into the TXSBD? A building full of textbook and other related companies? Where there are as many female employees as men? Maybe even more? Maybe never before? This wasn't Bernie's Hunting Lodge in the Squaw Mountain Ranch area of Texas.
  9. "Buell Wesley Frazier shed a little light on this confusing situation when he told the authors in May 2015 that he recalled seeing a Mauser in the School Book Depository on November 20, 1963, two days before the assassination. It belonged to Warren Caster, an employee with Southwestern Publishing Company. Southwestern Publishing Company was then located on the second floor of the Depository. Caster was proud of his rifles and brought in both a Mauser and a .22-caliber rifle to show to Frazier's supervisors, William Shelley and Roy Truly, as well as to some of his fellow workers two days before the assassination. Other workers verified seeing Caster displaying these two rifles on November 20, 1963."
  10. "A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER" !!! Today's lead news story and for days and weeks to come. Today's January 6th insurrection hearing today: Highly esteemed conservative former federal judge J. Michael Luttig calls Trump and his allies... "A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY." !!! WOW! Now THAT is one powerful statement. By a powerfully respected legal scholar. A sound bite that will probably frame the entire hearing process and be repeated 10,000 times both now and in the future. That statement by that judge will devastate the Trump defense forces. I think Judge Luttig's "Clear And Present Danger" charge against Trump will have the same powerful effect in bringing him down as one stated to Joseph McCarthy by the council for the Army Joseph Welch... At long last Senator "Have you left no sense of decency...?" Two identical demagogues who set our country back through compulsive and highly divisive fear and hate mongering. Seriously, I do. Donald J. Trump. "A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER TO AMERICAN DEMOCRACY."
  11. Perhaps. But I am open to the possibility of two guns found. Roger Craig stated Weitzman got a closer look at the rifle than Weitzman claimed he did. Weitzman was closer to the rifle than even Craig. And Craig stated you could see the "Mauser" stamp on the barrel.
  12. This multiple shooter plot theory makes sense if one looks at the booming loud 3 shots from the 6th floor of the Depository building as a classic multiple shooter mis-direction tactic. I've always thought from just a common sense perspective, that loud booming shooting out the easily seen 6th floor window ( bathed and even illuminated in the brightest mid-day sunshine ) by hundreds of eye and ear witnesses just feet below was an act of mentally deranged, even suicidal proportion on it's own. It was just too easily seen visible. Let's say it was Oswald doing the shooting out that window. To certain degrees Oswald was known for doing things that were dumbly risky regards his personal safety. Handing out pro-Cuba pamphlets in broad daylight in a city filled with hot headed anti-Cuban expats? Resulting in his being jumped and slapped around and even arrested. Traveling to Mexico City and trying to get into the Russian Embassy knowing we had cameras all around it. Taking a pot shot at General Walker and doing so without even a means to escape the scene without a car? Taking a bus home!? The TXSBD shooting plan however would top them all in life risking dumbness. For several minutes before the JFK motorcade arrives, you stand ( rifle in hand ) next to a totally sunshine illuminated open window easily visible to hundreds right below you? Soon enough you're taking 3 loud booming shots from this window ( with the barrel sticking out no less) over 6 seconds? Then, Oswald's running for his life escape plan is simply to toss the rifle, run down 5 flights of stairs, stop to buy and drink a Dr. Pepper ( ahhh...boy I was thirsty ) mix with the lobby crowd for a few seconds ( long enough to direct news journalist Robert McNeil to a pay phone) casually walk out the front entrance, then just a few more blocks to get on a city bus, then when it gets stalled in traffic he gets off and catches a cab back home. That's the most ridiculously simple and poorest minimum wage budget escape plan after just shooting and killing the President of the United States one can imagine. And yet...it worked! You get 3 booming loud presidential kill shot rounds off in front of hundreds of crowd members and scores of security, and you are able to walk away like that? It's all just too preposterous. As was Jack Ruby getting inches away access to Oswald's gut in his perp walk through the DPD basement parking garage the following Sunday morning.
  13. Spreading lies about the Kennedys through controlled media channels for the purpose of dissipating their influence through tarnishing their image seemed like a continuous widespread agenda back then. I noticed mention of a "high powered, silenced rifle" with long range capability in the initial thread. That Cubela requested one of these? I take it there were such weapons back then? Which lends at least some weight to the theory that one of these silenced rifles could have been used in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963 at the same time another rifle was blasting away with cannon shot loud booms? Getting back to the most elementary aspects of the TXSBD building shooting story, you have a rifle barrel sticking out of the 6th floor shooting. This rifle booming out 3 shots. At some point, people on the ground are drawn to looking at the location source of the booms. That would be exactly what another silent shooter would want. The crowd following the boom source. A simple distraction shooting plan.
  14. I don't recall two different rifle photos. And not sure who saw two rifles. There is a video interview of Weitzman on You Tube where he contritely confesses his identification error after there was a suspicion arousing stink in the press regards his clearly contradictive Mauser ID versus the later FBI Carcano ID. In this video Weitzman looks like a kid who got caught doing a very bad thing and was punished with a serious backside walloping and angry lecture. Notice Weitzman in this video looking extremely uncomfortable, stammering, halting, constantly looking down and away and even closing his eyes completely at one key confession point. He still defends his supposed misidentification however, as an "honest" mistake. I'm no interrogation expert but this guy looks and sounds like he doesn't really believe his confession and is totally nervous and uncomfortable giving it. With even a touch of fear. Looks like one of those close encounter UFO reporting people who after a few talks with the authorities, takes it all back and sheepishly admits they were hallucinating. 1:56NOW PLAYING JFK Assassination Seymour Weitzman Tells His Mauser Story 155 views3 months ago JFK Assassination Forum Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through ...
  15. What an odd piece of recording. I listened to it again just now 5 or 6 times. This time I could not hear the "behave" or "explain yourself" comment at all! And unlike the 1st time I listened to it, this time I kept hearing "we can't hear you back here" from the fellow bellowing out "nobody said what?" just a split second after that question. Also, just as the person in the press crowd behind the video recorder shouted his first "nobody said what?" comment I clearly noticed the eyes of one the white hatted police security men behind Oswald shift his eyes to his left...as if he zeroed in on the man shouting this. I swear I heard the shouting man say "behave" the first time I heard this tape ... and this time nothing? Yet in today's latest listen "we can't hear you back here." ? I have roaring tinnitus in my left ear. Maybe this is causing me to mishear things? Or maybe gobbling down too many Tums last night ( 10 ) has effected my hearing as well? A true quirky fun mystery ... chuckles.
  17. The Weitzman rifle and scope misidentification incident is just another amongst the 1,000 other suspicion demanding ones throughout the entire JFK case. All of which we have been told by our officially sanctioned investigative body were misstated, misunderstood, flat out untrue and even if partially true...totally unimportant in the final assessment truth finding report. Of all the officers present on the 6th floor when the rifle was found and examined, Weitzman was asked to do the IDing because he was the most knowledgeable regards guns and especially rifles. As County Sheriff Roger Craig correctly stated Weitzman was a "gun buff" and had actually owned and operated a "sporting goods" store that sold guns. Sheriff Craig was right there next to Weitzman as Weitzman was examining the rifle from just inches away. We are told to believe that not only did "gun buff" Weitzman mistakenly identify the 6th floor found rifle and it's scope, he didn't even realize his mistake until much later. When anyone curious enough to study even 1/10th the reported testimonies of hundreds of eye witnesses having anything to do with the JFK event and the main characters involved and that suggests truths opposite of the WC finding you quickly realize this reality: It is mathematically impossible for all of them to be untrue and to be totally unimportant in their WC final report contrariness. Nothing to see here folks. Get back in your cars and go home and make some popcorn and watch TV.
  18. Trump has worked up this nation into a continuously hateful, angry, fearful, shouting match bar brawl.
  19. To put Trump's surreally outrageous constitutional duty violating crime into it's true gravity context reality; Imagine a just voted out Governor in America watching their state capital house ( in full attendance gubernatorial election certification session ) be violently attacked and overrun by a blind rage murder shouting and screaming mob of thousands ... beating, kicking, hitting, smashing, spraying, shoving to the ground and even spitting upon an overwhelmed state house security force and terrorizing all the house members in it ... "gleefully" ... FOR HOURS! Without calling in state national guard troops and/or any other state police force agency to reinforce and help the beaten down state house security that is being torn to pieces and rescuing the terrorized house members ... simply because the viciously attacking mob of thousands are this election losing Governor's supporters? All while scores of aides, staff, friends and family are begging this Governor to do something to stop the carnage...or at least call off the Governor's supporting attack dog mob? Imagine this Governor being my own California Governor Gavin Newsom. When one allows themselves to face the "true reality" of the resulting great mass physical human injury, symbolically sacred building structural damage and trapped victim emotional trauma of such a mob attack, there is no logical and responsible democracy respecting and protecting way to dismiss or downplay it's gravity and the sickening ultra self-serving motivation behind it. Then, to add outrage to outrage after the allowed mob attack damage has been done, this Governor goes on national T.V. to tell these marauding injury causing thugs ... "We love you." "We feel your pain." "You are special." !!! ??? But no such loving and sympathetic message to the beaten up security force and traumatized legislators inside? And later calling those thugs jailed for their attack "political prisoners." ??? There is a hugely financed campaign in every area of our media to numb the minds of Americans to the true gravity of Trump's almost unbelievable constitutional violating negligence in purposely avoiding protecting and rescuing his own federal government officials, their staffs and security forces in their ultimate time of need. So far this criminal action down playing brainwashing campaign is working out well in spades with half our nation's citizens expressing their agreement with and acceptance of this dismissive mentality false reality. It's a truly sad and even tragic state of affairs when half our nation refuses to see and admit the reality of the injurious harm to so many and our entire democratic/constitution based government and society Trump's constitutional duty crime of purposeful non-action negligence created. IMO anyway.
  20. Steven, is this audio real? Or is this an "audio shopped" thing? Just for fun? If it's real, what in the heck is the meaning of "nobody said what?"
  21. I played and replayed the 10 second recording 10 or more times. The voice in the background clearly says "nobody says what?" - a question - twice. And this same person then clearly says "behave yourself" condescendingly. However, it sounds to me as if the person saying "nobody says what?" is addressing this question to "someone else" besides Oswald. The reason being someone else responds to his "nobody says what?" question and "behave yourself" admonition comments by immediately responding back ..."okay." Curious original post and question. Is this some type of audio interpretation Rorschach test? Also, slight correction regards the quoting of Oswald's response at the midnight news conference when asked whether he had killed the President. Oswald actually says ...nobody has "axed" me that question. To me this reflected Oswald's many years of being around and hearing Southern black lingo pronunciation of the word..."asked."
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