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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Thank goodness. Maybe some day Dorothy Kilgallen's murder will receive the just investigation it deserves, if the case is indeed re-opened. We all know she was murdered. There is no debate. There is no way a guy like Pataky gets close to DK except for nefarious reasons. He was never attracted to her physically.
  2. Just watched the entire Hugh Aynesworth celebration of life video. The man was certainly well liked, well loved and well respected by many. STILL ... even such a man is not totally incapable of some transgressions. Some secrets. Some temptation flaws. Maybe even lying about such things? JFK included? We see a photo of HA standing next to Walter Cronkite. Did HA ever view the 1969 interview Cronkite did of LBJ? The one in which LBJ stated ( on camera ) that neither he ( LBJ ) nor anyone else can ever be absolutely sure that others may not have been involved with Oswald? With LBJ himself ( who would know more highest level secrets and truths than HA could ever imagine ) expressing this doubt ( again, in 1969 ) regards whether Oswald acted alone...HA didn't think this astounding LBJ statement was worthy of consideration in at least giving himself some pause in continuing to dismiss conspiracy talk as nothing more than the rantings of loons? And what did HA think of Sylvia and Annie Odio and their Oswald introduction story? And as the intrepid praised HA was such a superman in investigative journalism... why was it that it took another highly respected journalist (Seth Kantor ) to deep research Jack Ruby and tell the world more about him than anyone else? Kantor revealed incredibly important background information on Ruby that the WC and HA wouldn't even begin to search for on their own. And, did HA think Kantor lied in his sworn oath WC testimony where he told the Committee he met and talked to Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital the afternoon of 11,22, 1963? Seth Kantor was just as worthy as HA in so many professional ways...imo. And in the life-long integrity department as well. Robert, I'll bet your sphincter tightened a few times during the testimonials. The ceremony was tightly controlled and personal family emotionally reverent and somber to the degree that trying to shout out a question or two about some of the more gushing integrity claims about HA would have been danger risk out of place and probably resulted in a Trump Rally type pummeling physical attack. Questions like..."did HA ever claim he bedded Marina Oswald?" And in the video there is a photo of HA standing next to one assumes is Fidel Castro? But the Castro figure in the photo appears to be toothless! Does the photo prove HA's tale of having a one-on-one pickup basketball game with Castro? And did HA ever think the reality of LBJ's massive personal and professional corruption was ever worthy of even one day's worth of investigation and reporting? And how about the murder of Henry Marshall? Especially after a grand jury ruled that his death was not a suicide? Wasn't that big news of the day? With incredibly important incriminations such as Billy Sol Estes? And how about the almost unbelievably corrupt and perverted justice case of Mac Wallace? Where LBJ's personal attorney John Cofer got him off from a murder with malice guilty finding by the jury? Wouldn't any big news investigative reporter be running after that big Texas news story? Not HA obviously. I sense HA knew better than to ever investigate crime and corruption in his own state, especially involving LBJ and Ed Clark. And how about some stories about Texas Big Oil? The wealthiest men on Earth at that time? And their JFK hating super extreme far right anti-communist fear mongering organizations they funded like the JBS and Minute Men? No, such realms of power and corruption were not HA's cup of tea...imo anyways.
  3. I too find this "Mary Mintz In Minsk" story very intriguing. And whimsical song title mellifluous as well. Try saying "Mary Mintz In Minsk" 5 times quickly without getting tongue tied. Seriously...the fact that she would not know of or ever meet or want to meet this well known American defector ( 2 to 3 year residency? ) in her own city is totally illogical.
  4. Some Wiki notes regards Yoko (Ocean Child): After living apart for several years, Ono and Ichiyanagi filed for divorce in 1962. Ono returned home to live with her parents, and, suffering from clinical depression, was briefly placed into a Japanese mental institution.[16][32] Early career and motherhood[edit] On November 28, 1962, Ono married Anthony Cox, an American jazz musician, film producer, and art promoter who had been instrumental in securing her release from the mental institution.[17 [16] The marriage quickly fell apart, but the couple continued working together for the sake of their joint careers. They performed at Tokyo's Sogetsu Hall, with Ono lying atop a piano played by John Cage. Soon, the couple returned to New York with Kyoko. In the early years of the marriage, Ono left most of Kyoko's parenting to Cox while she pursued her art full-time, with Cox also managing her publicity. Ono and Cox divorced on February 2, 1969, and she married John Lennon later that same year. During a 1971 custody battle, Cox disappeared with their eight-year-old daughter. He won custody after successfully claiming that Ono was an unfit mother due to her drug use.[32] Ono's ex-husband changed Kyoko's name to "Ruth Holman" and subsequently raised the girl in an organization known as the Church of the Living Word (or "the Walk").[36] Ono and Lennon searched for Kyoko for years, but to no avail. She would finally see Kyoko again in 1998.[32] Relationship with John Lennon[edit] Yoko Ono and John Lennon when they married, March 1969 Ono's first contact with any member of the Beatles occurred when she visited Paul McCartney at his home in London to obtain a Lennon–McCartney song manuscript for a book John Cage was working on, Notations.[37] McCartney declined to give her any of his manuscripts but suggested that Lennon might oblige.[37] Lennon later gave Ono the original handwritten lyrics to "The Word".[38] Ono and Lennon first met on November 7, 1966, at the Indica Gallery in London, where she was preparing Unfinished Paintings, her conceptual art exhibit about interactive painting and sculpture. They were introduced by gallery owner John Dunbar.[39] One piece, Ceiling Painting/Yes Painting, had a ladder painted white with a magnifying glass at the top. When Lennon climbed the ladder, he looked through the magnifying glass and was able to read the word YES which was written in miniature. He greatly enjoyed this experience as it was a positive message, whereas most concept art he encountered at the time was anti-everything.[40] Lennon was also intrigued by Ono's Hammer a Nail where viewers were invited to hammer a nail into a wooden board painted white. Although the exhibition had not yet opened, Lennon wanted to hammer a nail into the clean board, but Ono stopped him. Dunbar asked her, "Don't you know who this is? He's a millionaire! He might buy it." Ono feigned not knowing of the Beatles (even as she had gone to see Paul McCartney asking for a Beatle song score), but relented on the condition that Lennon pay her five shillings, to which Lennon replied, "I'll give you an imaginary five shillings and hammer an imaginary nail in."[40][41] In a 2002 interview, Ono said, "I was very attracted to him. It was a really strange situation."[42] Ono started writing to Lennon, sending him her conceptual artworks, and soon the two began corresponding. In September 1967, Lennon sponsored Ono's solo Half-A-Wind Show, at Lisson Gallery in London.[43] When Lennon's wife Cynthia asked for an explanation of why Ono was telephoning them at home, he told her that Ono was only trying to obtain money for her "avant-garde bullshit".[44] In early 1968, while the Beatles were making their visit to India, Lennon wrote the song "Julia" and included a reference to Ono: "Ocean child calls me", referring to the translation of Yoko's Japanese spelling.[18] In May 1968, while his wife was on holiday in Greece, Lennon invited Ono to visit. They spent the night recording a selection of avant-garde tape loops,[43] after which, he said, they "made love at dawn".[45] The recordings made by the two during this session ultimately became their first collaborative album, the musique concrete work Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins. When Lennon's wife returned home, she found Ono wearing her bathrobe and drinking tea with Lennon, who simply said, "Oh, hi."[46] On September 24 and 25, 1968, Lennon wrote and recorded "Happiness Is a Warm Gun",[47] which contains sexual references to Ono. Ono became pregnant, but had a miscarriage on November 21, 1968, a few weeks after Lennon's divorce from Cynthia was granted.[ Early collaborations, marriage and "Bed-ins"[edit] Main articles: Bed-In, Give Peace a Chance, Bagism, and Unfinished Music No. 1: Two Virgins Lennon and Ono at a Bed-in at Hilton Amsterdam, March 1969 During the final two years of the Beatles, Lennon and Ono created and attended public protests against the Vietnam War. They collaborated on a series of avant-garde recordings, beginning in 1968 with Unfinished Music No.1: Two Virgins, which notoriously featured an unretouched image of the two artists nude on the front cover. During the Amsterdam Bed In press conference, Yoko also earned controversy in the Jewish community for saying during the press conference that, "If I was a Jewish girl in Hitler's day, I would approach him and become his girlfriend. After 10 days in bed, he would come to my way of thinking. This world needs communication. And making love is a great way of communicating."[58] It was acknowledged that some Nazis, including Nazi "First Lady" Magda Goebbels, had Jewish lovers at one point in their lives.[58] The Dakota, Ono's residence from 1973 to 2023 After the Beatles disbanded in 1970, Ono and Lennon lived together in London and then moved permanently to Manhattan to escape tabloid racism towards Ono.[76] Their relationship became strained because Lennon was facing deportation due to drug charges that had been filed against him in England, and because of Ono's separation from her daughter. The couple separated in July 1973, with Ono pursuing her career and Lennon living between Los Angeles and New York with personal assistant May Pang; Ono had given her blessing to Lennon and Pang's relationship.[77][78] By December 1974, Lennon and Pang considered buying a house together, and he refused to accept Ono's phone calls. The next month, Lennon agreed to meet Ono, who claimed to have found a cure for smoking. After the meeting, Lennon failed to return home or call Pang. When she telephoned the next day, Ono told her Lennon was unavailable, because he was exhausted after a hypnotherapy session. Two days later, Lennon reappeared at a joint dental appointment with Pang; he was stupefied and confused to such an extent that Pang believed he had been brainwashed. He told her his separation from Ono was now over, though Ono would allow him to continue seeing her as his mistress.[79]
  5. To what extent was Yoko's influence over John Lennon is a question many have speculated about for decades. I would love to know what Paul, George and Ringo "really" felt about Yoko and her relationship with John. I have never researched Yoko. Obviously however, she was totally engaged with John creatively. I guess the question of whether she had truly good and protective intentions regards John and his work or something much more "self interest" orientated will always be a debatable mystery in some ways.
  6. The Sylvia Odio story ( including her sister Annie ) is one of the most compelling Oswald sighting testimonies of all. The WC really didn't know what to do with her. I have never doubted her story. YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1am-EkfBcmM The Odio Incident - YouTube
  7. Robert, basically off the top of your head, what were some of the general aspects of any Oswald recollections Billy Joe Lord may have shared at some point? Or did he not say anything about Oswald and his two weeks sharing a room with him on that freighter to Europe?
  8. The following statements by LBJ in his September, 1969 interview by Walter Cronkite are stunningly jaw dropping imo. Just listen to what LBJ is saying starting at the 1 minute 7 second mark of the video! Here he is "6 years after 11,22,1963" telling Cronkite that he's never been sure that others weren't involved in the JFK assassination !? Are you kidding me? Which, as a shocked Cronkite responded, would indicate that LBJ didn't have full confidence in the WC, to which LBJ ( while shifting wildly left and nervously in his seat ) immediately gives a vague misdirection answer about the integrity of it's members. LBJ then proposes he wasn't convinced that there wasn't more to the assassination than the "lone gunman" who just wanted attention finding of the WC ... ie a conspiracy? If that isn't a mind blowing important statement in and of itself and coming from the man himself...what is? I've always been disturbingly confused that this interview and what LBJ says in it never got the bombshell revelation national media recognition my common sense says it should have. 1:29 NOW PLAYING LBJ Speaks on a conspiracy in JFK Murder 93K views13 years ago montycombs In September 1969, Walter Cronkite conducted an interview with former President, Lyndon B. Johnson. Cronkite asked LBJ about ...
  9. Thank you John Deignan - for clarifying ...the truth.
  10. What witnesses? And "no one" ever saying Aynesworth "was not" in the DPD basement press crowd doesn't mean he was there. And if Aynesworth was in the press crowd in the Dallas Police Department basement when Ruby shot Oswald he sure took a back of the crowd position to witness the transfer. Not like Mr. " I was everywhere" bragging HA imo.
  11. As I've mentioned many times before, if it could be "proved" that Shelley was involved with Oswald beyond simply their Texas School Book Depository employee/supervisor relationship the whole case would be ripped wide open. One day I hope to get lucky with a financial windfall and find the most reputable "facial recognition" technology group to take a thorough analysis look at the photo of Oswald handing out leaflets in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart building in the Summer of 1963. The photo that depicts a fellow behind Oswald that looks so much like Shelley it's worth a facial recognition technology look imo. The facial recognition science had advanced so much now, the FBI has used it to find and identify many of the participants of the violent insurrection who broke into our Capital Building on January 6, 2021 and tried to hide from justice. Even those whose faces were partially covered with masks! The technology works so well, government security entities here and all over the world are paying millions of dollars to utilize it and have for some time now.
  12. PB, any ideas why Fergusen was "intentionally left out of the Dallas trip?" And by whose authority? Years ago we discussed the bullet width size and deep indentation in the upper inside of the SS100X front windshield frame. It's provenance and discovery...dates, times, etc. Pamela provided some good info, some of which included Vaughn Ferguson. However, I think I remember that the entire indentation provenance story was never resolved with anything close to a collectively agreed upon conclusion. Both Bill Greer and Roy Kellerman seemed unsure about the indentation and when they first noticed it. The big question of course is whether the indentation was caused by an incoming bullet during what Kellerman described as a flurry of shots into the limo. My thoughts of suspicion regards the indentation included this comparative analogy: If I saw a defect in my own upper inner side windshield frame of even my first cheapest cost junker cars as deep and twisted metal ugly as the one in SS100X I would have noticed it the first time I sat in them. I would have thought...Damn ...what the heck caused THAT! Such an odd and ugly looking defect and in such an odd place. One story was that the SS100X inner windshield indentation defect was caused years earlier when a New York City body shop was doing some work on the removable top mechanisms. My question then is how could the security and condition keepers of the presidential flag ship limo ( even the car washers ) let that very noticeable and ugly defect remain unrepaired for so long-years? JFK's limo was representative of our finest presentation of American presidential class...was it not?
  13. Excellent points GJ. I don't know if it is board ethics proper to copy and paste excerpts from your essay, but I wanted to do so with the aspect of the Oswald transfer affair. It hammers the outrageous negligence regards DPD police chief Jess Curry purposely ignoring warnings by many other police officials not to transfer Oswald in the daytime and with so much public announcement of it regards time and place. When you read the facts of Chief Curry's outrageous Oswald transfer actions as you state in your essay, it is simply mind boggling in it's illogicalness to a great and valid suspicion degree. Chief Curry more than any other person was responsible for Oswald's murder in his own building.
  14. 19 false convictions and incarcerations is a mind-boggling number on it's own...and it's certain that there were more. Wade looked and sounded like the poster boy for corrupt segregationist mentality justice departments back in those times. Good Ole Boy drawl, connected to nefarious characters and groups socially. KKK liked. Wade himself popped into Ruby's Carousel Club at least enough times that one former employee ( bar manager ) Nancy Hamilton recounted his presence there! Yet, he feigned ignorance of his knowing Jack Ruby during the national media coverage press conference held in the Dallas Police department building the night of Jack Ruby's arrest for the murder of Lee Oswald. Wade quote " His name ( referring to Ruby ) is a Jack Rubenstein...I believe..." Come on Mr. Wade...you knew Jack Ruby well enough. He operated in your city for decades. Over half the 1,000 member Dallas police department knew or knew of Jack Ruby. I've posted many times on the forum regards my feelings that the murder of Lee Oswald right inside the Dallas PD building with 70 armed police or other agency personnel present was the greatest most negligent failure of police custody physical security of the most important criminal suspect...in American History! Oswald's murder ( witnessed live or seconds later on tape by over 100 million American citizens ) created the greatest loss of trust in our government than any other singular event in our history. One group and it's managing leadership was solely responsible for this unprecedented society damaging and traumatizing event...the Dallas Police Department. Chief Curry, Captain Will Fritz and any other DPD head who ignored warnings from "even members of their own department" that Oswald's life and death danger threat was so massive and real that any movement of him should have been carried out the opposite way of publicly announcing a broad daylight and even general time frame and location of it ( and without the risky circus of allowing a crushing pushing crowd of press corps within feet of Oswald and just as he was being put into any transportation vehicle ) puts the entire onus of blame on top of their shoulders. Oswald's life was in the hands of the DPD. It was "solely" their responsibility. Oswald's personal security should have had a national security priority equal to that of the most highest level threats our entire society had ever been confronted with. Oswald should have been secured in a military base type environment. Not the Jack Ruby coming and going frantic press over run Dallas Police department one. Our President had been slaughtered in broad daylight public in front of hundreds of witnesses just two days before...and Oswald was the "only lead" America had in learning who was responsible for the crime of the century. The repercussions of Oswald's murder were so negatively massive then and even today to our national collective sense of governmental trust it was the defining event in that realm, perhaps ever! How Curry and Fritz and others in their circle weren't fired for the 2nd greatest security failure in American history is a travesty imo. Also, if any other high Dallas city officials such as Mayor Cabell and DA Wade didn't say a word to Curry and Fritz regards their publicly announced Oswald transfer security plan (which even a high school kid would have considered crazily illogical considering the massive Oswald threat reports by the thousands ) then they too share blame for the Oswald security failure. I know a lawsuit against the DPD for their epic negligence in the worst case security failure of an innocent until proven guilty by court of law untried criminal suspect in their custody would have never been allowed by any judge in Texas...still, there should have been some real liability consequences put upon those directly responsible for Oswald's very preventable death. Marina Oswald, Oswald's children and brother and even mother technically and probably legally should have been redressed for the death of the " innocent until proven guilty " Lee Oswald in the extremely negligent security hands of the Dallas PD.
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