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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Nick, wouldn't it be highly probable that the three warehouse workers just under the 6th floor window would have smelled gun smoke themselves? Their windows were wide open. You can see them actually sticking their heads out those windows seconds after the shots were alleged to have been fired from there. The shooter also literally stuck the barrel of his rifle out of the window according to one or two eyewitnesses directly below on the street. So, the workers just below the supposed shooters perch were what ...10 to 12 feet away from the gun blast? Gun smoke ( 3 shots worth ) would easily be smelled by them imo. Senator Ralph Yarborough riding in LBJ's car "60 feet below" the 6th floor window said he smelled gun smoke.
  2. KH...thanks for posting the stills above. Respectfully, I disagree on a few of your observation points. Agree on others. I don't see the blowing out flap reaching the face or even JFK's forehead. But, what I do clearly see is what I described earlier. The top of JFK's skull instantly appears grossly misshaped. Uplifted unevenly. JFK's upper skull was shattered in such a destructive way it was obliterated into many pieces though those pieces stayed in place somewhat and only because of their attachment to the scalp covered Dura Matter. I also believe Jackie tried to put the flap piece back onto JFK's skull. I believe I read an account of Jackie Kennedy remarking that her husband's face was not damaged like you describe. In the JFK death stare photos I do see the sub-orbital eye bone slightly injured, which is noticeable by the protrusion of JFK's right eye.
  3. Similar stances. Roscoe White was first hired by the Dallas PD when? October 1963? He didn't even begin academy training until December, 1963? My main question would be where was two month hire White assigned on 11,22,1963 in his DPD duties? How did two month new pre-academy recruit Rosco White end up on top of the grassy Knoll where Officer Hargas claimed he saw White there within just a couple of minutes after the shooting? Was he assigned Dealey Plaza patrol duties that day? Or, was he back at the DPD building when the shooting occurred and ran there in that short time? There were 100 other locations the DPD assigned their men on the JFK motorcade route that day. White just happened to get Dealey Plaza duty? Hargas knew White by sight? Hargas had been with the DPD for years. He gets to know White well enough to recognize him on sight after maybe just 1 and 1/2 months of White's hiring? Did their duty assignments and locations bring them in contact with each other?
  4. If this claim by Ricky White is true, one must consider Roscoe White a person of interest to a high level degree. If Roscoe White was a nobody in the entire affair...why in the world would there be 46 pages of information accumulated by the FBI on him. And why in the world would they hold back 26 pages and black out 19 more? Common sense tells you there was something far more intriguing about Roscoe White than nothing.
  5. My mind has a tendency to want to simplify ( versus over thinking ) when I experience something visual. Especially something that is of such importance that you are forced to contemplate it more than just a casual observation. Every time I review the JFK shooting Zapruder film ( in regular or slow motion time ) my first visual observations are these: The huge right-side skull flap blowout just above JFK's ear and even a little forward. The huge bright pink spray of blood and matter shooting high and back. Seeing the blood glistening matter exposed underneath the flap. And this observation which I seldom see shared: I saw the top of JFK's head being grossly deformed ( uneven lifting ) in the micro-second of the flap blowout. It looked to me that a missile had struck in the back top of the skull and in its trajectory you could see JFK's skull top being shattered, but with the scalp remaining intact. I have always wondered whether a part of JFK's skull obliteration included a separation of bone in the back of the skull that simply fell away in the immediate explosion of destruction. And brain matter falling out from underneath. JFK's skull top was hugely obliterated. The only thing holding the many separated pieces of bone together was the scalp covered Dura Matter. And besides Zapruder's description of what he saw of the JFK head shot ( he was so emotional I think his recollection of it was effected ) we have Bill Newman's description, shared within minutes of the shooting. Newman said on local Dallas Televison that it appeared to him that JFK's ear was blown off. Obviously, he saw the flap blowout the Zapruder film shows. In that split second event his mind could easily been so blinded with horror it didn't process what he saw more detailed than simply a huge bloody spray explosion. It all happened so quick. I might easily have seen it as 10 to 15 foot close Bill Newman did.
  6. The shared feeling, hearing of the shots being different in sound and intensity was so consensus wide, one can't easily dismiss this fact as meaningless. It would make so much sense to consider that having a loud gun firing shooter placed in a location that was so laughably visible by hundreds right below as a diversion for the real shooters would be such a simple and basic part of any shooter plan. Oswald, or whoever, picked a shooting perch out of a window in a 60 foot high building wall that was so easy to see by everyone in Dealey Plaza and illuminated by the noon time sun so brightly you might have to shade your eyes when looking straight up at it. And sticking your gun out of the window while shooting so people below can actually see the barrel is just another fact that makes the whole scene so ridiculously improbable. Oswald was careful to pick a hidden and dark of night shooting location when popping at Walker. And running after one missed shot?
  7. It would be a bombshell moment if a highly reputable facial recognition technology group could make a scientific certainty match hit on one or two of the ominous character photos the JFKA research community has uncovered and debated all these years. I think the Rip Robertson in Dealey Plaza photo might be clear and full faced enough for the experts to make a confirmed match hit. The same with the Bill Shelley look-a-like in the August, 1963 Oswald New Orleans flier passing one.
  8. Chuck, I live just a couple of miles from Carmel where Mae B. used to broadcast from a small local radio station here back in the late 60's and early 70's. I think it was KRML. She lived a few miles down the Carmel Valley Road as well. I've lived here since 1952. I used to listen to Mae B. all the time on her broadcast here. I think she may have also had a home in Southern California, or relatives that did. Her grandfather started I. Magnin? She had so much information and talked so fast without breaks she kind of exhausted you. But man, did she discover so many things before anyone else. She was talking about Reinhard Gehlen and operation Paper Clip early on. I think her archive papers were for sale not long ago. I think Jim Di Eugenio was interested in them for awhile.
  9. Kinda disagree that Marcello was a "2nd tier" Mafia leader. I don't see RFK going to the rare extreme measure of forcibly flying Marcello out of the U.S. and air dropping him into the jungles of Guatamala if he ( RFK ) was not convinced Marcello was as dangerously influential and powerful as the other 12 to 15 main Mafia Godfathers. Actually deporting Mafia Godfathers was the most extreme punitive action ( outside of imprisonment ) reserved for the most dangerous and powerful Mafiosi. Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, etc. Marcello was the top Godfather of the Texas, Louisiana and probably neighboring states fiefdom. That's a HUGE area of organized crime domain. Ruby took trips to New Orleans often enough to suspect he had some dealings with Marcello connected characters. And everyone knows how well acquainted for years Ruby was with Marcello's Dallas under-boss Joe Campisi. You just don't go down to Marcello owned New Orleans and grab one of the hottest strippers in the nation ( JADA ) who was dancing in a Marcello joint named the Sho-Bar without permission from the top. And didn't Ruby also get L.A.'s top gangster Mickey Cohen's main squeeze girlfriend Candy Barr to do her thing at his tacky Carousel Club as well? Some of the hottest strippers in the country and who's services were controlled to some degree by the mob. The Mob of course was also heavy into pornography. I suspect Jada did some work in that area besides stripping after seeing her in some really graphic smut pics. I do feel Garrison was fully aware of Marcello's huge organized crime presence, position and power. I suspect he knew he could be rubbed out quickly if he ventured too far into investigating Marcello too seriously.
  10. JFK hating Rip Robertson in Dealey Plaza? Watching JFK drive by him just feet away? About as doppelganger-ish as one can get. IMO anyways. Facial recognition technology ( now extremely advanced, accurate and widely used at highest security levels ) could prove the match.
  11. The photo of Geneva showing Jack Ruby her wares proves she knew Ruby to some degree personally. Why in the world did Geneva White have to undergo 26 electro-shock therapy sessions? You'd think her husband might have had some protective concerns for her having her brain electrocuted so often. I've heard that at a certain point...too many electroshock treatments could sometimes equate into an electro-lobotomy.
  12. Exactly! How did he end up right above the grassy knoll area with officer Hargas just seconds after JFK was shot? Roscoe White hadn't even attended the police academy until the following month? Yet there he is chasing the bad guys along with years experienced Hargas? It took Roger Craig and his Sheriff's department buddies at least a couple of minutes to run from their headquarters to Elm street.
  13. So, here we have a Dallas motorcycle police officer who was right there in Dealey Plaza when JFK was shot ( and supposedly one of the first DPD officers to run up to the area just above and beyond the Grassy Knoll ) saying he saw and recognized a fellow Dallas police officer Roscow White in uniform right there also ( close enough to him to recognize him ) just above the Grassy Knoll area , again, just seconds after JFK was hit? If Hargas is telling the truth it begs suspicious Roscoe White questions so important it's ridiculous! What is this evidence/photo clerk hire with only a few months active duty on the force doing right in Dealey Plaza during the JFK shooting or at least seconds after the JFK hit? What was White's assignment that day? Was White out patrolling that day? Was he stationed on foot patrol in Dealey Plaza? Or, was he inside the DPD building and simply ran out the building and over to Dealey Plaza seconds after he heard of the shooting? If so, he must have been given permission to leave his duty post by someone, right? I don't think DPD officers were just deciding what to do on their own impulsively at that Earth shaking time. Yes, Dealey Plaza was swarming with both DPD and Dallas Sheriff officers seconds and minutes after the shooting. But covert military background intrigue Roscoe White? Up behind the picket fence area within seconds of the shooting? Well, we have at least one DPD officer on the scene who verifies White's presence above the knoll and the area just beyond, seconds after the shooting. And at least two eyewitnesses saying they saw a uniformed DPD officer in that area just seconds after the shooting ( and before more officers ran up there ) as well. Are Ed Hoffman and the on leave Army soldier taking film footage from the knoll top both totally discredited witnesses? Along with their accounts?
  14. Monsieur Reeves. You've caught me. Yes, the color of the Fedora Ruby is wearing while leaping to blow Lee Harvey's guts out in the Dallas Police Department building basement just two days after 11/22/1963 is very light colored. As light colored as the Parkland man. Although I do think the bright early afternoon sun at Parkland that day did make things lighter looking in color. For some reason I remembered Ruby wearing a darker one most of time in pictures of him like the other picture you posted of Ruby in that street crowd.
  15. Speaking of the money laundering front of the dinky, junky little Casino built way out in the boondocks of that isolated ugly terrain Indian reservation land and with what...only 24 tribal people living on it? ... I've read a little about the genesis of the prolific movement of gaming casinos popping up on native American sovereign land all over the country starting decades ago. Many have turned into absolute gold mines for the tribes people living on those lands. Not all have. And gold mines for the real power non-native American groups and people behind them. It was my understanding that the owners of Nevada based casinos that were devastated by the proliferation of easy short travel access ones instantly co-partnered with these tribes and basically took over their operations from start to finish. I once went to Reno well after the shift to Indian land casinos. I was shocked! Seemed like the old casino's I remember going to back in the 70's there were almost totally void of customers. Ghost caverns. The Hyatt ( which was packed 7 days a week in the 1970s ) had just a few card tables going and maybe a dozen players? The slot areas were completely devoid of any customers! The parking lots and streets were so empty of cars it looked like an apocalyptic event had occurred with tumble weeds blowing down the street? I didn't realize how effecting the Indian Casino movement was to the old Reno gaming establishment until that day. My point being this other aspect however. Organized crime was always a part of the Nevada gambling industry...always. Even after the so-called change of ownership cleaning up era after Howard Hughes. These people didn't just watch the Native American casino movement happen without jumping into it themselves. Their role and influence in so many of these casino's was immediate and significant. I believe it still is. That weird, dumpy little card room casino in the Danny Casolaro documentary was never meant to make money. It never did according to it's security crew who were murdered after trying to get the authorities involved. It was a money laundering scheme from the get go. The story of the main characters behind the Indian reservation take over here sounds typical of the possible corrupt aspects of our world of covert ops which when left alone unto themselves outside of constitutional law restraints and oversights can get abusively out-of-control. How long and deep and high up has this outlaw covert corruption gone on in this country? Well, Watergate and the Daniel Berrigan break-ins ops ( and so many others ) by Nixon's private law breaking criminal gang "The Plumbers" went all the way to the top of the White House chain of command back in the early 70's. The story of deep covert connections corruption in this documentary seems all too true. It's a serious wake up/warning piece imo. Not to be downplayed and forgotten.
  16. I'm a proponent of studying pictures of suspicious characters taken in the Dealey Plaza area before, during and after JFK was shot there. And giving some more credence than others regards who they depict. Haven't seen many of the crowd at Parkland. With that said - I do not get a strong sense that this picture shows Jack Ruby. Yes, the man in the baggy suit is built like Jack Ruby - thick set, shorter than 6 ft. etc. The Parkland man seems much broader in the butt area than Jack Ruby. However, there are side and back view pictures of Jack Ruby in the DPD building the night of 11/22/1963. The same day of the above photo. In the DPD building photo Ruby doesn't look as short and squat as the Parkland Hospital man. The suit type is different and fits differently. And the fedora worn by the Parkland Hospital man seems much lighter in color than the one Ruby is almost always shown donning. None-the-less there was some suspicious concern expressed by Ruby's sister Eva Grant with a friend about her brother Jack's denial of going to Parkland that day. It sounded as if she knew different. Her friend claims she saw Jack at Parkland talking to another man that day. From a close up position ( just feet ) away, although from behind.
  17. Were Ruth's living expenses totally covered by her estranged husband's salary? She wasn't working all the time she knew and interacted with Marina...was she? Did Michael Paine receive monthly family wealth endowment monies besides his employment salary?
  18. Dear God....that's just SICK! SICK, SICK, SICK, SICK ........... SICK! So, Robert, you think Jackie was actually playing LBJ for a fool in her breathy Marilyn Monroe "Oh, Mr, President" back and forth with the pervert LBJ?
  19. Question: If LBJ did more for black Americans than JFK and spent so much time and effort to pressure and push those opposed to his "Great Society" black America lifting agenda, why is it he wasn't viciously vilified and even physically threatened by millions of segregationists who were filled with this murder wishing rage toward JFK and RFK? Our top military generals, CIA, FBI, Texas Big Oil and their extreme right wing organizations, the American Mafia, hot headed ex-patriate Cubans, et al...all seemed absolutely fine with LBJ in charge in complete contrast to their mutual hatred toward JFK.I think that reality says it all.
  20. Ruth was smitten with the young, beautiful and mysterious Russian born and raised Marina. Starting from the first night she laid eyes on her. Sparked of course by Ruth's Russian culture and language interests and being able to interact directly with a native born Russian citizen, but eventually evolving to the point of physical attraction and caring protectiveness...and eventually possessiveness. She felt the opposite toward Lee Oswald. "He ( Lee ) used my typewriter without asking...and that offended me deeply!" RP.
  21. Quote from a person supposedly involved in some high security work position. Admittedly shared 20th person however. "If the average person knew 'half' of what's really going on in the world, they might very well go into their backyard and kill themselves." I'll never know half of what's really going on in the world, and cowardly or not...I think I don't want to know.
  22. Just finished watching the final episode. Not sure what to fully make of the presentation. I will say however, that the extremely nefarious cloak and dagger to murderous degrees context of the Docudrama is something we can all agree is much more a reflection of true fact reality...than not. Real life, White House level high government position holders E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy were part of secret teams who performed illegal deeds that sounded not too different and intimidating than the ones described in this series. Someone in the Nixon Creep world stated that the Watergate and Daniel Ellsberg break-ins were just...the tip of the iceberg! Liddy once proposed putting LSD on Nixon threat muckraking journalist Jack Anderson's personal car steering wheel? What happened to Danny Casolaro and the three casino security workers and Michael Reconosciuto cohort Jack Morasca happened. Somebody did this and got away with it. I've always sensed that corruption even to our highest levels of government was 100X more prevalent than the average American citizen could even imagine throughout the 20th century and most likely through today. This depth of corruption to murderous degrees is totally believable imo.
  23. Robert, you posted some links a few days ago that played taped conversations between LBJ and Jackie Kennedy, recorded just a few short months after the assassination of Jackie's beloved husband JFK. I don't know how many of our members or guest visitors actually clicked on the links you provided or even know these LBJ/Jackie Kennedy conversation tapes exist. Regardless, I highly recommend everyone listen to them. Could you repost them? I had heard these recorded conversations between Jackie K. and LBJ many times before. Each time I re-hear them I am left with the same confused and gut-wrenching queasiness. LBJ fawns over Jackie so shamelessly he sounds like a love-struck teenager who can't profess his amorous yearnings for her with enough dumb-struck goofiness. "You know we love you"..."we need you...I need you by my side"..."I LOVE YOU" !!!. Yes, that's a quote..."I LOVE YOU!" We'll just go for a walk together just you and I on the outside lawn. OH PLEASE! YUCK! If LBJ's openly expressed adolescent lust hots for Jackie aren't embarrassing enough it was "Jackie's responses back" that really makes their exchanges so confusingly disturbing...even creepy. I just cannot make sense of Jackie's part in these conversations. She returns LBJ's affection and in such an overly flirty way it's ... well...I can't begin to understand her motives for doing so. In her most faux Marilyn Monroe breathy sexy voice she says things like "Oh, Mr. President..." I love you too... and I can't thank you enough...etc. etc. You have got to hear their syrupy, flirty exchange to believe it. It's so incongruously over the top it's laughable. From everything I have read Jackie knew of her husband and his brother's utter contempt for LBJ ( and LBJ's like brothers friend J. Edgar Hoover ) for years starting with the Democratic National Convention. She surely knew of the bitter animosity between them. She surely heard many dark secrets about LBJ and his corruption in private conversations with her husband. It's been reported Jackie instantly felt LBJ had something to do with her husband's brutal murder. JFK's long time personal secretary Evelyn Lincoln immediately felt LBJ was in on the deed. Jackie wasn't thinking the same? And with her elite class Eastern establishment upbringing and sophistication I feel certain Jackie K. looked at LBJ as a crude Southern Good Ole Boy. Her own husband never used LBJ speak peppered with crude vulgarities such as "Bung Hole", "Nut Sack" and Negras." And Jackie surely had her own particularly high standard sense of physical attraction. JFK was the epitome of movie star glamor handsome. Women around the world would swoon upon seeing his tan, perfect teeth smile, warm eyes and healthy shock of brown hair and heathy super fit athletic body. LBJ on the other hand had a beady eyed, big nose hang dog face, elephant sized ears and almost bald head on top of a large pot bellied, lumbering Baby Huey body. I couldn't help but think Jackie Kennedy was purposely acting the exaggerated, sultry and flirty talk, mutual affection part in those one-on-one exchanges with LBJ. Leading him on as an inside joke! And maybe laughing hysterically along with whoever she was in the room with right after those calls? If Jackie was speaking to LBJ in those calls with mutual flirty love and respect expressing sincerity ... you got me and all I can say is..."what the heck?' Classy, JFK loving Jackie ... please say it wasn't so!
  24. Milteer also mentioned "the Cubans" were involved. ??? Which ones? Castro agent ones? Or ex-patriot Castro hating and JFK BOP blaming ones?
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