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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I was curious about the Jada TI accident story years ago. Hard to speculate without knowing more details and corroborating testimony. Let us say Jada really was trying to "get out of town" that morning. And when the accident occurred she exhibited much nervous anxiety, not because she thought she seriously hurt this person she hit, but rather for some other reason. She reportedly told someone at the accident scene, "can't we get this over with?" and that she had to go to New Orleans. If those two actions were true I wonder why she was leaving Dallas and the Carousel Club on a Friday morning. Was her professional relationship with Jack Ruby over with on that day? Was she no longer stripping at the Carousel Club? If she was still stripping at the Carousel...you would think that Friday night would be the main night to showcase their feature stripper. So, if her Carousel Club employment gig was over, perhaps going back to New Orleans that day was no big deal? She was stripping in New Orleans right up until she came to Dallas and started working for Jack Ruby. Maybe she was going back there to start over? If Jada actually heard something about the JFKA ahead of time however...the story of her frantic flight out of Dallas that morning takes on a monumentally important and suspicious truth shaking turn. Ruby and Jada clashed. Things became very volatile between them at one point. One story was that Jack Ruby made an implied threat to Jada during one of their heated arguments. To which Jada reportedly fired back at Jack that if he tried anything, she had friends that would put him up on a meat hook. I can believe Jada knew some very serious Mafia figures in her employment in New Orleans especially. She was the hottest strip tease girl there for quite awhile. That was Marcello country. Mobsters loved strippers back then. Candy Barr became Mikey Cohen's girl in LA for years. Candy Barr was one of the most famous of strippers in her day. But, imo, Jada was the most physically beautiful stripper of them all. More attractive than Candy Barr.
  2. Did the Jack Ruby signed Carousel Club business card shown to Chris by his grandaddy have the message you cite anywhere on the card? "Everyone's going to know who Jack Ruby is soon." ? I don't feel Jack Ruby would ever write something like that down on any card or document ever.
  3. I believe LBJ was terrified at the prospect of an RFK presidency for other reasons way more personally threatening than a humiliation one. He knew RFK had the goods on him and his massive personal corruption. And LBJ knew RFK was aggressive enough to actually go after LBJ with the full power of the presidency. LBJ always feared this scenario as well as the following two: RFK would have also gone after LBJ's closest ( like brothers ) mutual protection and enabling friend J. Edgar Hoover as well and in the least immediately dumped Hoover into political exile obscurity. LBJ and J.E. Hoover would have been toast. And, LBJ had to have feared RFK going all out in a new investigation into JFK's murder as well. AND ... RFK could have ran roughshod over the Mafia ( which no president ever did ) and which was always one of RFK's longest and most passionately held goals. When you've got LBJ, Hoover, the Mafia all fearing your presidency to the ultimate degree and also highest position covert operatives choosing to bestow more respect upon Mafia leaders (Johnny Roselli and William Harvey) than a president ( Harvey thought the Kennedy's were all scum according to his wife's taped account ) your chances at making it to the general election alive are zero to none. Those players played for keeps.
  4. IMO, a reasonable person is forced to ask this question: How does a person justify labeling someone of Prouty's uncommonly high responsibility life-time achievement background with one of the most extreme mentally illness indicating terms of "crackpot?" Anyone reading the decades long bio of Prouty and his constant rise in high military/government responsibility positions all the way to the Joint Chief Of Staff and the even the White House... and with praise from some of the highest command military generals like Victor Krulak, one has to suspend their rational common sense to ignore and dismiss Prouty's intelligent and rational traits needed to achieve such and the extremely high respect for him at that level. Prouty was extremely intelligent. He wrote coherent and interesting books and papers which indicated a learned man of history both military and political. Vince Bugliosi in his 50lb door stop JFKA book "Reclaiming History" resorted to this same juvenile criticism about anyone who suspected a conspiracy in the JFKA. He must have called them Lunatics, Kooks, Crackpots, Nut Cases and a dozen more basest mentally ill labeling names 100 times in his book. IMO that reflected an emotional insecurity flaw with Bugliosi more than the people he was trying to disparage. Those extremely exaggerated labels were as irrational and immature as a junior high school kid's bullying taunts. If Bugliosi's JFKA conspiracy debunking research findings are that provenly strong and valid, they wouldn't need to be infused over and over with junior high school bully taunts and name calling insults toward his JFKA belief adversaries which childishly debases his entire thesis presentation, imo anyways.
  5. Jack Ruby always owned a gun. Carousel Club errand man Larry Crafard and others testified he would keep the gun in a bag and maybe in his car. And even carry it on his person while transporting cash to deposit in his bank. Didn't Ruby run into some gun ownership and carrying legal problems with the Dallas PD years before 11/22/1963? One can reasonably assume from the testimony of those who knew Ruby and/or worked closely with him at the Carousel Club, he usually didn't keep his gun on his person. I don't think Ruby kept it on his person when he went to his synagogue, or to the YMCA gym, to visit his sister, etc. etc. When Ruby was MCing his club act I doubt he kept his gun on his person. Probably kept it in his office. Maybe in a drawer or in his safe? I have read where Ruby did keep brass knuckles on his person semi-regularly and possibly while doing his show in case he had to perform some serious lesson teaching bashing of any unruly customer who dared fight him back while he threw them down the entrance stairs and/or beat their brains out on the sidewalk. To which one of his strippers recalled once seeing him do this and then standing up and with a look of bewilderment shout to no one in particular..."why am I doing this?" Ruby's gun, brass knuckles and gym punching bag training, etc. suggest to me a Mafia muscle experience type person. One who knows what he needs to carry and use to handle any enforcer message job that may come his way. Which leads me to ponder the following facts: Ruby runs to the Dallas PD building and enters it the evening of 11/22/1963? He is worked up after an afternoon of anguished tears and crying about the loss of our beloved president and the plight of his traumatized young wife. He decides to literally thrust himself into the DPD building and the middle of the bustling press crowd which he must have known was risky with someone important among the DPD very possibly recognizing him and telling him to leave. The police had to have had at least some concern about who was running into their building in that frantic Oswald presence time. Maybe even stationing guards at the entrance? Most of the police hated the fact that they had to fight through crowds of press people and their cameras and cables to do their job. Chief Curry insisted this press crush be there however, to show the world he and his department weren't physically abusing Oswald. Tacky strip club owning Ruby just saunters into that unprecedented frantic security scene though, like he just sauntered into the other super heightened security scene DPD basement just 44 hours later on 11/24/1963? And both times Ruby is carrying his pistol to boot! He knew that beyond his risky entrance and presence in the DPD building during the most heightened security time in their history, that if he was stopped and found to be carrying his gun he could have been asked to leave and dressed down by even his buddies in the department. Bringing in deli sandwiches into the DPD building late at night to hand out to his friends there on a slow night was just not the same as going in there armed the evening of 11/22/1963 when the entire scene was a super frantic security armed camp. My ponderances are why Ruby felt he needed his gun on his person upon thrusting himself into the DPD building that evening. Especially when he knew the scene there would be hyper-security minded charged and touchy. He certainly also knew he didn't need his gun for his own personal protection there at all. So why did he bring it? To me it was clear that Ruby brought his gun into the building to try to get to Oswald and do him in. Just as he did on the morning of 11/24/1963 inside the DPD basement just before Oswald was led to within feet of him where he could blow a hole into Oswald's guts. Again, going into the DPD parking basement Ruby knew he didn't need his gun on him for his own protection. Arming himself in penetrating both those scenes showed only one intent. To use his gun in a killing or seriously harming of Oswald ...if he got the chance. Totally premeditative thought process. If Ruby really just innocently happened to be at the Western Union office within walking distance to the DPD basement just minutes before Oswald's transfer from there and also out of innocent curiosity decided to see what the outside crowd scene was all about to the degree of walking down there...It is totally illogical to think he should arm himself while doing so, and not simply leave his gun locked in his car. Ruby transferred what...$25 to Little Lynn on his visit to the Western Union office? He felt he had to carry his gun while doing so? $25 to $30 in cash on his person made him feel that vulnerable? Ruby knew the afternoon of 11/22/1963 he had to get to Oswald. And everyone knew then and now it wasn't to prove Jews had guts or to save Jackie Kennedy from more pain and suffering. As Seth Kantor well established through solid research, Ruby was a bag man, a gun runner, a pimp, a gambling facilitator, mob errand boy when called on (his Cuba trip to help Mafia Don Santos Trafficante get out of prison there ) and even at times an FBI informant even if rarely and low level. All those proven nefarious background facts regards the real Jack Ruby, forces you to strongly suspect that his actions on the weekend of 11/22/1963 through 11/24/1963 were motivated by what Ruby himself described..." outside forces/people who put him in the situation he found himself in" after shooting Oswald. Are those people in high positions Jack? Ruby..."yes."
  6. Stones references to Lansdale in the film were no more visible than a quick back side shot of suited man walking by the three tramps and a small wooden name plate partially obscured on a desk. 98 % of viewers of that film surely didn't even know who General Lansdale was as well as Prouty and Newman. Stone's film didn't advertise them personally. So criticism of Stone for that charge is mute.
  7. Member McClean's and Ms. Sharpe's postings are amazingly deep, heady and I sense more importantly revealing than I had imagined. I try to keep up with them as best I can, but they reflect research way beyond my pay grade. Most of the time I kind of get lost trying to understand the myriad of connections between the major players they cover and where it all leads. However, the more I read the more I "think" I may be grasping not just the reality of this massive world-wide connected web of covert power and action subterfuge but maybe to some degree what it all means in the larger picture of world events, including the JFKA. It leads me to consider the following possible scenario: That there was an ever growing self-interest corruption in the covert world of world governments, wealth and power that the average citizens of the world back then ( and still now?) were just obliviously unaware of. A much more powerful, influential and interconnected corruption than one could imagine. Corruption that lead to the worst kinds of democratic society principles abuses and crimes. 60 years ago the intrepid Mae Brussell was uncovering this interconnected corruption world with her huge and all on her own research effort. Her findings were shocking, even scary, but still so randomly new and scattered one had a hard time making sense of it all. I think our mentioned members here are now making much more sense of it all to a degree that one can now begin to understand the connections and how they add up to the truth behind so many world events that have and are still shaping our world around us. I think I understand the post WW II political reality of a real existential threat to world democracies from the communist powers who were truly trying to undermine them with extremely aggressive actions globally. And why we were justified in combating them globally. Yet, in that initial logical effort, things more and more started taking dark turns with a growing self-interest corruption factor. Which in my mind explains the JFKA as well as the MLK and RFK assassinations and who knows what other major events during those time including Nixon and Watergate. Members like McClean and Sharpe are finding and putting the covert corruption dark secrets puzzle pieces in their correct places to reveal and complete the fuller truth picture imo. Kudos to them and their like-minded, skilled and huge effort committed contributors. Just my two cents.
  8. Yes, this is a reality about Nixon that at least shows he had a liberal bent when it came to the working class and poor ( including black Americans ) and trying to improve their lives and opportunities. I believe he also initiated some measures to keep the massive health insurance industry under at least some control regards their incessant huge money lobbying push to raise their rates and see their profits explode. Which future Presidents and members of Congress pulled back. Yet, imo Nixon was also so obsessively ambitious in his quest for the Presidency he was willing to okay ( if not order ) some of the most unethical, constitutional law violating actions to obtain and keep it. We all know the crimes Nixon's Plumber's committed ( and which were stated as just "the tip of the iceberg" ) and Nixon was made aware of through plausible deniability channels. Nixon's entire highest level staff ALL went to prison! What 25 or more! Nixon was their ringleader! Ford pardoned the ringleader to save the country from more pain? That pardon outraged more Americans than not. How dare you Ford! Saving your highest crime committing buddy did not save the country from more anger, angst and governmental mistrust. It did the opposite! Instead it sent the absolute worst message possible. That there are people in this country who "are" above the law. Ford was an ardent admirer and enabler of Nixon...from way back. Everyone knew his Nixon pardon was a back room deal to protect and save his buddy. Not to save the country. Ford's embarrassing 1976 Presidential election loss to a laughably wide toothy grinning peanut farmer from sticksville Plains Georgia was sweet justice.
  9. I thought Purdy did "okay." Not great, but not bad. Just not good enough. You could tell that Purdy just doesn't have the over-all physical talent skill set Patrick Mahomes has. Mahomes is a very fast and agile, dodging moves runner. Close to being as fast as his backs and receivers. Mahomes made most of his best passes after running out of his pocket. His speed gave him more time to set himself to do so. Slower runner Purdy got run down very quickly 80% of time he ran out of the pocket. And usually by linemen and linebackers who are not the fastest players on their defense teams. Also, Purdy is just too short imo. Every game I watch him it seems 3 or 4 of his passes don't make it over the outstretched arms of the other team's defensive linemen who are often 6 inches taller than him. Purdy looks like a peach fuzz faced teenager to me. It looks like he hardly has to shave. And Purdy never has any expression on his face. It's just a flat non-emotional look. Again. like Lee Harvey Oswald? Still I like him for the reasons I stated earlier. Hope he has a good career. Loved the zoom-in shots of Taylor Swift jumping, squealing, hugging and high fiving like a love-struck cheerleader in her luxury booth. Also, the beautiful Blake Lively was right there with her. I don't know. I think the Swift/Kelce romance thing added to the whole affair. Something more than the big butt tough guy slamming and tackling. Something more reflective and inclusive of our broader societal culture? A high school girl/football player boyfriend romance story? Oh, and looking more closely at Purdy's face sans his helmet ( especially his profile ) He looks more like Oswald than I previously considered. And like I mentioned earlier...if the main stream sports media critics put too much blame on Purdy for the 49er loss...he really would be justified in making a public statement repeating Lee Harvey Oswald's most famous phrase... "I Am Just A Patsy!"
  10. Totally agree with your postulation here JC. Krulak's praise of Prouty and his stellar career back when Prouty retired in the early 60's is important. Did Krulak let Livingstone know if he felt Prouty had flat out lied about Krulak IDing Lansdale in the Tramp photo? You would think Krulak would have personally called Prouty and complained to him about the inference of his (Krulak's ) take on the Tramp photo. I assume Krulak never complained to Prouty personally about it...correct?
  11. The national anticipation level for this particular Super Bowl is the highest in my memory. It's all anybody is talking about! The streets here are absolutely empty with no traffic...not even the "sounds" of cars. The sound vacuum is even more pronounced than the typical "Super Bowl Silence" Sunday. I don't even hear birds chirping. It reminds me of the JFKA day, or the live broadcast of Lee Harvey Oswald being lead through the basement of the Dallas Police Department event on 11/24/1963! The local grocery stores and their parking lots yesterday resembled the Trump worked up riot insurrection crowds on January 6th, 2021! People fighting over parking spaces, charging through the store entrances, and once inside ramming into each other's grocery carts fighting over shelf-depleted avocados, dips and chips, scrambling for packed check-out line space and looking like they were in a totally stressed trance ready to do a Jack Ruby 38 special pulling freak out thing from it all. I saw this because I was doing the same thing - grabbing jars of salsa, chips, and ready-to-eat ripe avocados out of more infirm shopper's hands! Ignoring angry shouts of "HEY, that's MINE you SOB!" I don't have a confident theory about this unprecedented "Lourdes Vision" anticipation level societal Super Bowl event this year. I don't know if we should light candles and get on our knees and pray during the game or simply "twist and shout" and do high fives and fist bumps and hip grinds. However, I strongly suspect the TAYLOR SWIFT "Lourdes Vision" factor may have a lot to do with this beyond Holy Sunday reverence thing. "LOOK...SHE'S ACTUALLY HERE!" Gasps and signs of the cross! Her almost immaculate inspiration presence has transfixed millions of Americans and other fans across the globe, drawing in a female audience unlike anything the sport of professional football and their marketers ever imagined. I think the usually "super hyped" half-time show should match this unparalleled viewership interest phenomena. I would just show a non-stop, twenty minute long clip montage of Taylor Swift and K.C. Chief tight end Travis Kelsey engaged in steamy hot make out sessions ... Now THAT would knock everyone's socks off and make this Super Bowl the most exciting ever and turn on millions of TV viewing family and friend's parties into "YEAH BABY...GO TAYLOR AND TRAVIS!" cheering frenzies. And how about Travis Kelse getting on his knees during this half-time event and proposing to Swift right there! This Super Bowl Sunday will surely be the wildest and most exciting ever! Thanks to the Taylor Swift presence and her epic Travis Kelsey romance. This event has truly evolved into the "TAYLOR SWIFT" Super Bowl. The Brock Purdy/Lee Oswald doppelganger story just adds even more high interest energy to this almost religious frenzy worldwide societal grabbing event. IMO anyways.
  12. EGADS! That highlight video is incredible! I haven't watched NBA games for a few years. I really didn't know Jokic was that good. This is Larry Bird/Magic Johnson maybe even Kobe and Jordan level skill set stuff!
  13. Let's win one for....TAYLOR SWIFT! The "JACKIE KENNEDY" of pro-football Camelot lore.
  14. Other Pro Football JFKA nefarious character look-a-likes. Jack Ruby and E. Howard Hunt?
  15. Weird that Brock Purdy is the exact same age ( 24 ) as Lee Harvey Oswald was when Jack Ruby whacked him in the midst of 70+ armed security personnel right inside the Dallas PD building. Just hope the media doesn't refer to Purdy by his full three names "Brock Richard Purdy" if he loses and millions of 49er bettors feel he was to blame. Seems calling someone by their full 3 names is somewhat of a target setting curse. Another weird coincidence...Purdy is being referred to as "Mr. Irrelevant." The same moniker the Warren Commission branded LHO with in explaining his "lone gunman" motivation in seeking fame and recognition.
  16. If they lose Cory...I just pray there isn't some fanatical 49er fan who blames Purdy and who looks just like ... Jack Ruby!
  17. If the Niners lose today and the pundits blame Brock Purdy he will truly be justified in reclaiming the most famous of Lee Harvey Oswald's public quotes... "I AM JUST A PATSY!"
  18. Was Krulak alive when Prouty published his claim regarding Krulak IDing Lansdale in the three tramps photo?
  19. Never asked to testify before the Warren Commission? With all his firsthand engagement with many of the most important principles? Typical selective investigative process.
  20. "I'm afraid we were misled...All the critics, myself included, were misled very early. I see that now. We spent too much time microanalyzing the details of the assassination when all the time it was obvious, it was blatantly obvious that it was a conspiracy...The tyranny of power is here. Current events tell us that those who killed Kennedy can only perpetuate their power by promoting social upheaval both at home and abroad. And that will lead not to revolution but to repression...[T]he interests of those who killed Kennedy now transcend national boundaries and national priorities. No doubt we are now dealing with an international conspiracy. We must face that fact -- and not waste any more time microanalyzing the evidence. That's exactly what they want us to do. They have kept us busy for so long..." (emphasis added) Vincent Salandria, as quoted by Gaeton Fonzi in The Last Investigation "The real history of the world is a history of competing conspiracies." Ishmael Reed
  21. A week ago I was viewing news clips about the upcoming Super Bowl and of course stories about 49er QB Brock Purdy. Last player chosen in the 2021 NFL players draft. From the last pick in the draft to starting QB in the Super Bowl? And if the 49ers happen to win and Purdy wins the MVP... what a story! That scenario might even warrant a feel good sports movie? Now, I swear...it came into my head while seeing Purdy's up close facial pictures last week that I saw a resemblance to ...yup...Lee Harvey Oswald! Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby when he was only 24. Same age as Purdy is now. There is a truly a facial resemblance. I figured since I see Lee Harvey Oswald's face several times a week due to my participation on the forum...my noticing the resemblance was due to my over-exposure to LHO in that way. And then I just noticed the LHO/Purdy resemblance story on-line yesterday. So, I guess my observation was oddly/coincidentally shared by others. I am in 49er country. Their fan base here is huge. Always has been. I watched the John Brodie led Niners when I was just a kid. I can still remember the players...John Brodie, Gene Washington, John David Crow ( face partially paralyzed ), Dave Wilcox, Cedric Hardman, etc. even Dick Nolan their head coach. That was the pre Bill Walsh era. When the 49ers never quite made it to top tier of winning. I hope they do win Sunday however. and I hope Purdy does well. He seems like a truly humble young fellow. And I like the fact he is not endowed with the typical 6 ft. 3 inch, 220 lbs physical stature of most NFL QBs nowadays. He's a little guy. Not a great and speedy athlete. Kind of a hero to average kids who love playing the game but will never be big enough to go past high school football? I was 6ft. 1 inch in high school. I loved throwing the football...from a young age. I once threw one a measured 70 yards in the air. But at 165 lbs and not strong or fast, I never even tried out for our team. I just loved throwing the football. I read that Purdy had that same love of throwing the football from a very young age. Yet, he kept playing on teams and stayed with it, despite his smaller size. Lee Harvey Oswald look-a-like or no...he's my man!
  22. Jack Ruby...God's stupidly pathetic gift to all of America in their time of desperate truth seeking need regards who just brutally slaughtered their young president JFK. To White Knight save Jackie Kennedy from more distress, or to prove Jews had guts he blows away "the most important" criminal suspect in America's history ( Lee Harvey Oswald ) and the only person who could have provided the truths America sought in the JFKA case. Thank you Jack Ruby. America loves you and I am sure Jackie K. saw you as her avenging hero! The only thing I appreciated Jack Ruby for was his Carousel Club bevy of beauties. Which added a sensually pleasurable side-story aspect to the entire JFKA story imo. If only Jack Ruby could have kept his delusion of hero grandeur under check we might have learned so much from a living Lee Harvey Oswald. And Ruby could have continued his love affair with Sheba and his gorgeous girls could have kept warming the hearts, desires and fantasies of thousands of customers for years more. What a loss! And why the Warren Commission believed this nut case over highly reputable journalist Seth Kantor regards Kantor's under oath claim of meeting Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital the afternoon of 11,22,1963 is...well... a travesty.
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