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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I agree. Good point. Transportation was always a more important consideration with non-driving Oswald. A two bus trip one way requirement ( versus just one ) would be a big turn off to me.
  2. I don't know why so many JFKA debaters are so firmly accepting of the "Hoover wasn't there" proposition regards whether or not he actually did fly into Dallas the evening of 11,21,1963. Maybe I've missed it...but is there absolute documented proof that Hoover never left DC the day or evening of 11,21,1963? And did Hoover never travel by way of his own plane that didn't have to register a flight plan as the CIA and military often did? May Newman gave a quite detailed account ( admittedly second hand ) of Hoover flying in because she was aware of Virginia Murchison's chauffer Jules Fiefer ( spelling? ) being sent out to pick up "Bulldog" and his also having to drive the departing Hoover back to the airport. And when driver Fiefer came back to the Murchison household after his last Hoover drop off run to the airport Newman asked him if Hoover had given him a good tip? To which driver Fiefer said no...as he was upset about the stiffing. Some corroborating facts. Hoover was known as a cheapskate. So Newman's account of Fiefer's angst at being stiffed by Bulldog rings true. If Hoover was known as a big tipper Newman's story would be more suspect. EVERYONE knew about Hoover's close relationship with the Murchisons. You don't get flown out to sunny California to stay at Murchison's Del Charro hotel with everything free including meals and hot horse race tips ( more times than once ) if you are not a favored friend of the owner. So, Hoover flying in to see and talk to his super wealthy and giving friends the Murchison's ( upon their asking ) even at odd hours is not so improbable on Hoover's part ... imo anyways. Hoover traveled quite a lot. A 3 hour flight to Dallas would not have been a big deal to him. And he very well could have dozed on the 3 hour flight back to DC as well. Hoover liked the night life. Sometimes making the rounds of clubs in New York City, no? So, staying up late at night was not completely out of character for Hoover. So, Hoover gets home at say 4:am the morning of 11,22,1963. He catches a few hours of sleep and gets on with his day. May Newman knew the Virginia Murchison's chauffer ( Jules Fiefer ) by name. She knew John Murchison's cook Beulla May Holman. Holman called May Newman and asked her if she wanted to come to the bigger Murchinson home that evening where Holman was preparing quail for the incoming guests. To help out one imagines. Holman told May Newman she could see and possibly meet the guest of honor - Bulldog/Hoover- but Newman declined as she never heard of him. It would have been feasible at some point to find the Murchison family service staff and ask them to corroborate Newman's story about Hoover coming in to attend the Murchison get together the evening of 11/21/1963 except for the fact that no one came forward to report it until Madeline Brown and then May Newman finally did so. Brown 25 years after the fact and Newman 40 years later? Unfortunately by then those other service staff members were probably gone or even dead. I just watched the interview video of May Newman in the TMWKK documentary again. My long lifetime developed gut feeling instincts ( more accurately right than not ) tell me she was not lying or even exaggerating her account of the night of 11/21/1963 and the days following where the champagne and caviar flowed for a week in the Murchison households. She said the mood in that family was joyous and happy right after JFK was killed through the entire next week! You could sense May Newman's disgust in sharing that cold-hearted reaction of the Murchison family. She made it a point to say she was the only one grieving over JFK's brutal killing. You should review again May Newman's interview in chapter 9 of "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" doc. Titled "The Guilty Men." Watch closely Newman's eyes when she says she was the only one grieving for the loss of JFK in that Murchison celebration household. You can really see and feel her sadness in recounting her being alone in her grief. I assume Ms. Newman was Irish Catholic. Her people loved fellow Irish Catholic JFK more than any other foreign nation society.
  3. One has to consider Madeline Brown and her years of often times embellished ( if not made up ) comments and claims with at least some allowance for there being more than a few important actual truths she reveals about LBJ in them. The truth that LBJ did father their son Steven for one. LBJ wouldn't have kept MB financially subsidized all those years if they hadn't had a child together. LBJ's family didn't call Steven Johnson's bluff regards his filing a legal claim to LBJ's estate after his death. They and their powerful connections had to destroy Steven Johnson. His legitimacy as provenly LBJ's son was a huge threat to them in so many ways, including the legacy of LBJ. I came to the conclusion that Madeline Brown did embellish many aspects of her story, and even made up many others. I believe she was a desperate woman after her endowment funds were cut off when LBJ passed away. Her thrusting herself into the national limelight did bring her some financial gain, and I would imagine she got a fairly good sum of money with her book deal? I also feel MB definitely wanted to get some revenge on the LBJ family ( and the high powered LBJ loyal minions in their camp who did their wealth and reputation protecting bidding ) for their treatment of her ( cut off funds ) and her son Steven who was denied his birth right acknowledgement and died under tragic circumstances. In her book "Texas In The Morning" MB relates quotes of LBJ made during their many overnight trysts in his own reserved hotel room suites. I agree with another of our forum members who believed that those quotes rang true to the known "private setting" speaking traits LBJ exhibited throughout his life. Whether MB's account of the big shot JFK haters meet up at one of the Murchison households the night before the assassination was so embellished it was meaningless, the woman did have a totally legitimate insider connection to LBJ in a uniquely deep intimacy way that in my opinion adds weight to her statement that she felt LBJ knew of the JFKA before it happened.
  4. Many years ago I copied and posted on the forum a You Tube accessed taped conversation between LBJ and several of his most inner circle vanguard aides. Maybe Abe Fortas and Bill Moyers included? This was before the 1964 election I believe. In this conversation you can clearly hear a very worked up LBJ imploring his men to jump on two seriously threatening problems at hand. One was the growing scandal regarding his long-time aide Walter Jenkins and the other was about business dealings of LBJ back in his home state regards charges being made about his business dealings there being less than up and up? Forgot the specific details. But at one point one can clearly hear LBJ bellowing to his team that if they didn't get a handle on these matters, they could possibly effect his upcoming election standing and ( the Texas business dealings one ) could maybe even land him in jail! It was a remarkable conversation. And when I came across the link I noticed it had only been accessed little more than 1,000 times. It's obscureness surprised me. I've searched and searched all my old posting archives and that one just seems to have disappeared. The reason I found that particular recorded conversation between LBJ and his damage control team so important was that it proved how just how concerned LBJ was regards investigations into his business dealings in Texas ( telling his aides he could possibly go to jail? ) going way back into the 50's and maybe even earlier. Which bolsters the premise some have postulated that LBJ was more motivated to have wanted JFK and RFK out of the picture more so than not due to his real concerns about investigations into his reportedly illegal business doings. A few of our most esteemed JFKA researchers here on the forum responded that they too found this taped interview very interesting and had never heard it before.
  5. I always enjoyed Frazier's Mayberry RFD innocently honest country boy part in the whole affair. It was a refreshing contrast to the typical cast of often duplicitous characters who spoke with better vocabularies. Frazier's account of his standing up to a slap threatening Will Fritz when Frazier refused to sign an involvement statement will always be a favorite. "If you hit me we's gonna have one helluva fight!" Fritz backed down! Go Buell Wesley...GO!
  6. Exactly. Just another logical reason to suspect the official investigation was compromised from the very first day it was initiated. I like and totally agree with your assessment of what the FBI should have done with Milteer in those first few days. I didn't know that the FBI actually played the Miami recording to Milteer. And he simply denied it was him? And they let Milteer walk away after telling that blatant lie? Sickening imo. That's right up there with Dallas FBI man James Hosty knowingly keeping the fact of his destroying his office's Oswald file and flushing it down a toilet after being ordered to do so by his boss just one day after Oswald was murdered from the Warren Commission during his sworn oath testimony ( to tell the truth...THE "FULL" TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH ) to them just months later. Can you imagine how much that Oswald evidence destroying "TRUTH" by the FBI would have forced the Warren Commission into a completely different investigative mode. One they never wanted to get anywhere near?
  7. Lee Harvey Oswald could never, ever been allowed to have a trial. I can't even imagine how much his testimony would have implicated countless nefarious others and in what ways, beginning with his defection to Russia to his crazy doings in New Orleans the Summer of 1963 and with his strange trip to Mexico City. George De Mohrenschildt alone would have probably had a heart attack worrying how much he and his wife Jeannie would have been pulled into such a trial. Just a for-instance, George De M might have been asked why he even joked to Lee Oswald about taking a pot shot at General Walker? And why he didn't report his suspicions at the time? Anyone Oswald dealt with in New Orleans...same thing. Oswald's murder just two days after JFK's was the ultimate gift to all those who feared him living.
  8. Never forget the ominous coincidence that the Texas School Book Depository building was owned by super wealthy, extreme right wing Texas oil man and JFK hater D. H. Byrd. Texas oil barons were the wealthiest men on Earth in 1963. And JFK was the most hated enemy of their cabal. JFK wanted to end their Oil Depletion tax exemption rip-off scam. Here's something else to chew on regards D. H. Byrd. Co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol. After Mac Wallace was convicted of murdering his wife's paramour Doug Kinzer and then immediately released by the presiding judge, he was hired by and made a manager with a company titled Ling-Temco-Vought corporation "LTV." Owned by whom you may ask? D.H. Byrd of course, in partnership with Ling and Vought. LBJ's hitman boy Wallace was taken care of by LBJ's friend D.H. Byrd. It's all a connected web.
  9. There are so many hugely intriguing suspicious and contrary facts and background histories surrounding not just the main characters involved in the JFKA but also the 1st, 2nd and even 3rd level peripheral ones that a normally curious and contemplative person ( especially fans of true crime novels ) could almost not help wanting to know more about the whole affair. The event was, still is and always will be one of the greatest unsolved criminal act mysteries ever. Yet, trying to get a somewhat informed grasp of the entire event story could be compared to chasing a ghost. A daunting and often times consuming effort that could take up years of one's life. There's just too much there! In my case, at times I felt I was under a curiosity feeding drug ( like not being able to put the greatest crime novel I've ever read down" that compelled me to delve into the larger picture of all these actors. Many of which had some direct and/or indirect involvement with and connections to not just massively wealthy and powerful JFK hating groups but also to many branches of our own government - city, state and national, especially ones of security, military and intelligence. And as known - other governments as well. I would warn any young person thinking about seriously studying the JFKA and perhaps even the RFK and MLK ones as well...do you really want to go there? The first time main reason I was infected with great interest and especially suspicion about the JFKA was when I personally watched Jack Ruby shoot Oswald "live" on TV on 11,24,1963 right inside the Dallas PD building as I laid on my bed watching the transfer. When the BANG loudly boomed out I involuntarily leaped off my bed in one 12 year old athletic feat motion and ( again involuntarily ) yelled out to no one "NO WAY", "NO WAY", "NO WAY" over and over. Oswald's live on national TV broadcast shooting was dramatically so powerful and deeply traumatizing as well to a serious degree. Not just for me...but the entire country! My gut was only 12 years old when Jack Ruby blew Lee Oswald away but even at that young age it instantly told me there was something very, very wrong ( even sinister ) with that picture. To this day 60 years later I am just as suspicious of Oswald's killing right inside of the Dallas PD building packed with 70 armed security personnel as I was as a 12 year old. Oswald was not only the most threatened criminal suspect in American history, but the most important one as well...as long as he was alive. How the Dallas PD chose to move Oswald in broad daylight ( ignoring serious and wise advice to do this at night and away from the press ) and to ALSO BROADCAST THE MOVING TIME ( even in a general time frame ) to the general public was literally crazy and shouted out logical and common sense thought suspicion. And THEN to parade Oswald so openly on his perp walk by the last risk factor packed crowd of press who were within feet of the transport car and which provided cover for the gun toting Ruby who was able to get within inches of Oswald's gut again "forces" anyone of common sense to doubt the official story and want to know more. Like 200 million other Americans I knew that the JFKA truth was destroyed that day. And at the hands of a sleazy Dallas strip joint owner who "claimed" he did what he did to prove Jews had guts and to avenge Jackie Kennedy and to save her any more grief by having to deal with an inevitable trial of Lee Harvey Oswald.
  10. So, the only way Fritz and Curry knew about this Book Depository gun show fact was because Oswald told them of it? Not one of those who were part of it or witnessed it or otherwise knew of it besides Oswald ever volunteered it's occurrence?
  11. The above video is one of the most astounding JFKA related ones ever imo. I've always been suspicious about it's lack of exposure, coverage and discussion in the larger picture of the actual scenario that took place in Dallas just two weeks after the tape was made in Miami. The main stream media in particular. JFK's SS team top to bottom ( almost the same in Miami as Dallas ) had to have been told of Joseph Milteer's JFK killing prediction before Dallas which described in advance the shooting in such incredible detail and uncanny accuracy any police investigation should have gone after Milteer with every ounce of effort they could muster. Milteer should have been one of the top 3 suspects on everyone's radar based on his too accurate taped JFK killing scenario prediction alone. After viewing the above video, I sense that the Miami Police officer in it was deeply affected not just by the fact that JFK was killed exactly how Milteer predicted he would be in Dallas just two weeks after their taping of him, but I believe he was also deeply troubled by the fact that JFK's SS detail and also the Dallas PD and even the FBI did exactly what his police department probably warned them not to do. To leave open windows in Dallas higher storied buildings unchecked or even prohibited and to ignore placing security on building roof tops at the same time. The Miami police knew how rabid the hatred of JFK was in their city with not just hot-headed Cubans but also violent extremist segregationists like Milteer. And one can be sure that the Miami police knew that right wing extremist and segregationist Dallas was as dangerous a place for JFK to visit as Miami was at that time.
  12. Thought I'd bump this older thread which was a very interesting one imo.
  13. I believe LBJ knew full well JFK was going to be taken out...ahead of time. Nixon is on video tape making an ominous inference to LBJ having some part in the JFKA through the mask of an insider joke ... "You know that Lyndon...he never liked to be number two." I have also totally believed Murchison maid Mae Newman's story about the 11, 21, 1963 Murchison meet up where J. Edgar Hoover flew in and was picked up by Newman's fellow Murchison house staff employee Jules Feiffer ( spelling? ) Newman also mentioned the main Murchison family cook by name and recounted one-on-one conversations she had with both her and Feiffer concerning Hoover specifically, with Hoover's name ( and even Hoover's nickname "Bulldog" clearly mentioned that evening. I also believe Newman's recounting of how the caviar and champagne flowed in the Murchison household for a week after JFK's slaughter. And how it seemed to her that she ( Newman ) was the only one grieving for JFK and his family during all that celebrating. Newman choked up a bit and her speech was halted and she glanced away for a second when she recounted the grief she alone felt for JFK. If Newman's story ( and her emotions while sharing it ) in that documentary interview were contrived, the woman missed her calling in the career department. She should have been in British theater. Newman's story and emotional demeanor in sharing it in the TMWKK interview comes across to me as one of the most sincere and honest and least contrived I have seen in this whole affair.
  14. Just listened to the 5 minute long segment of the WTAM radio interview of Landis. Listen to this everybody! Landis says he placed his Presidential limousine found bullet right on the end of the gurney JFK was brought into Parkland hospital Trauma Room 1 on. Next to his feet. While it was in Trauma Room 1. Or, is he saying he placed the bullet next to JFK's bare feet while JFK's body was placed on the exam table? Assuming he placed the bullet on JFK's gurney, soon enough the gurney was taken out of Trauma Room 1 and moved to some other hallway location...correct? No one lifting JFK's body off the gurney onto the exam table or pushing the empty gurney out and farther down the hall noticed a 1 1/2 inch to 2 inch long shiny brass metal bullet right there on it while doing so? Landis clearly waffled when asked whether he believed Oswald was the lone shooter. At first he said yes, then he immediately backed off of his sureness and said he really wasn't sure exactly what happened and even stated he had his own theories as to what happened. Then he quickly changed the subject. That response to the interviewer's question as to whether he "Landis" believed Oswald was the lone shooter, but then immediately backing off of that belief is the bomb shell of the entire interview imo. Landis definitely backed off the Oswald lone gunman finding more than standing by it. I find Landis's obliviousness to the importance of his almost intact bullet as evidence preposterous. If I am Landis, my first thought when finding that bullet would have been to hand it over to my superior agent boss. Knowing immediately that the bullet was an incredibly important piece of evidence. Pocketing it and then haphazardly placing it on JFK's gurney ( while the gurney was in Trauma Room 1 ) seems so ignorantly negligent and irresponsible it's absurd.
  15. "After tomorrow those damn Kennedy's will never embarrass me again. That's no threat, that's a promise." LBJ to his nineteen year long mistress Madeline Brown.
  16. With all the deeply hidden truth secrets uncovered ( and proven to be true ) in the JFKA research effort the last 60 years...nothing would surprise me regards a story like this also being true. McCord did seem to be a person of many faces and agendas different even from the usual suspects like Hunt, G. Gordon Liddy, etc.
  17. His honesty and sincerity came through despite his limited vocabulary.
  18. Sir Roger Gilbert Bannister CH CBE FRCP (23 March 1929 – 3 March 2018) was an English neurologist and middle-distance athlete who ran the first sub-4-minute mile.
  19. Viewing many news clips over the years of Frazier when he was 19 and listening to his brief answer speaking during that time frame as well, my first impression of him was that he was almost backwoods illiterate. Not saying this in an insulting or derogatory way. He just came across as someone who may have been raised in a very rural and poor economic level environment. Yet, raised with Christian value honesty and morality good teaching. Buell was just a squirrel hunt'n country boy "kid" when he met Oswald. 19 ? Definitely not sharp and sophisticated enough to be in on something as big as the JFKA. And his smoke spewing, back firing old Buick clunker with missing hubcaps and a battery that died when he'd least expect it to does not sound like the kind of transport a spy team would use in their scheming.
  20. Did Frazier describe his military service in talks or a book? What was his duty classification. How long did he serve and where? Did he like the military and do well in his service time?
  21. Frazier bravely told Will Fritz something close to: "If you hit me we's gonna have one hell of a fight." Now THAT took guts. And it's my understanding the Frazier never once asked for nor ever took one nickel from Oswald during all the times he transported Oswald to and from work. Gas may have been cheap back in those days, but it wasn't free. And it sounds as if penny pincher Oswald never offered one nickel on his own to Frazier to help with gas. And yet, Frazier never once complained to anyone about this, including the rest of his life and giving maybe 100 talks about it. Instead Frazier has always had nothing but good to say about Oswald this entire last sixty years. Frazier about Oswald: Lee was a nice feller. He was quiet. He did like talking about his babies. Lee liked children and they liked him. Lee was a quick learner at work. I liked Lee.
  22. Viggo M. is a favorite of mine. I sure hope he doesn't decide to participate in this JFKA truth muddling and distracting project.
  23. Buell Wesley Frazier in his younger days and a rare pic of him in the army?
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