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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I'm only concerned with the head shot. At almost a football field length away, move a 10 inch square or round target continuously farther away and from right to left right as you are lining up your scope view and actual shot and see what happens. Any bullseye in that moving 10 inch circle with one shot would be beyond even luck imo. Whoever took that shot was also willing to risk taking Jackie Kennedy's head off as well, considering her face was mere inches away from JFK's when the head shot exploded it wide open. Just one slight aiming mistake and Jackie's brains could have been obliterated like her husbands. Whoever took that Jackie risking shot must have been one cold blooded MFer.
  2. If the trained shooters target was only 10 inches wide and 8 inches high and moving as much as Kennedy was in his limo and his upper body slump toward Jackie...the bullseye results would have been almost zero.
  3. I helped investigate Watergate. The Secret Service texts are like Nixon's lost tapes. Former Defense secretary William Cohen, who served as a Republican senator and played a … MSNBC · 2h
  4. Unable to find a recent appropriate subject thread for my post entry here so I decided to list it separately. Lee Oswald allegedly fired at JFK three times from the TXSCB Depository 6th floor, hitting him twice. In this charge he was able to hit JFK in the upper back at 165 feet away and then score a "bullseye" hit upon JFK's 10 inch wide and high skull at 265 feet away. All while JFK is in a vehicle that is moving downward and away and ( regards the skull shot) JFK's upper body and head were also moving at the same time separately as he slumped leftward and downward into Jackie's midsection just after he was hit in the back and right up to the head shot. That's three target moving dynamics that the shooter had to adjust to. A bullseye hit upon a stationary 10 inch sized target at 265 feet away is not remarkable on it's own, but making a bullseye hit upon a 10 inch oblong square target that is not only moving and moving several feet a second straight away from you but also moving horizontally from right to left at the same time is trained marksmanship remarkable. And even more remarkable considering the use of one the cheapest and least respected old WWII rifles known and with a scope that was also determined to be of poor quality, no? All together, so remarkable that it took many of the world's top marksmen many tries to duplicate it. Especially in the rushed shooting time frame sequence attributed to Oswald by the Warren Commission. As if these scientifically proven facts aren't enough to suspect Oswald's bullseye head shot upon JFK was just "too" remarkable, consider this other fact. How much practice and experience did the expert marksmen hired to duplicate Oswald's alleged head shot shooting accuracy have versus Oswald himself? How many tries did it take them to successfully make that shot? The reports of Oswald going to practice shooting his rifle are sketchy at best. At a range or anywhere else. Even if Oswald made it to a practice range, how many times did he or could he have done so? He didn't have access to his rifle in the months it was stored in Ruth Paine's garage except the night of November 21st allegedly. Marina gave some vague responses in her WC testimony about whether Lee actually went off to practice with his rifle. All she could say was he "may" have done so in his off time but she wasn't sure. And any shooting range must have been far enough away that Oswald would have had to carry his rifle with him on a bus? Marina said she thought Lee went to "Love Field" airport to shoot his rifle. Seriously? How many people would ever go to a busy airport to practice shooting their weapons? She even said Oswald would shoot at leaves in parks they went to. Really? With kids and families around and seeing or at least hearing these loud boom shots? Oswald hardly ever left his Beckley room once he got there from work. He spent weekends with Marina at the Paines. That leaves any practice firings by Oswald having to be done during his living in many different apartments with Marina from New Orleans to Dallas. There was a report of Oswald being seen at a shooting range in Dallas. Really weak accounts. And how did he get there with his long rifle? By bus? Did Buell Wesley Frazier take Oswald to this range where they both could blast away at targets? Oswald certainly didn't practice his shooting skills on his trip to Mexico City. Even if Oswald did practice his shooting skills as much as these vague accounts propose, it still wasn't much and ridiculously nothing compared to the world class training and skills of the expert marksmen tasked with duplicating Oswald's alleged 265 foot, moving target bullseye shooting accuracy with Carcano rifles and cheap scopes. A task that wasn't easily duplicated even by them. Sometimes it's worthy to step back and rethink some of the proven simple yet highly inconsistent foundational facts of the case imo. A re-grounding if you will? JFK's bullseye head shot while it, he and his limo were all moving in three dynamic ways at the same time begs such a rebooting look back every now and then.
  5. SEARCH Login / Join Jan. 6 hearing dominates top TV networks — except one DAVID BAUDER July 22, 2022, 3:14 AM was post two tweets, one at 2:38 and the other at 3:13. Scroll back up to restore default view. NEW YORK (AP) — America's top television networks on Thursday turned prime time over to a gripping account of former President Donald Trump's actions during the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol — with one prominent exception. The top-rated news network, Fox News Channel, stuck with its own lineup of commentators. Sean Hannity denounced the “show trial” elsewhere on TV just as he was featured in it, with the House's Jan. 6 committee examining his tweets to Trump administration figures. Hannity aired a soundless snippet of committee members entering the hearing room as part of a lengthy monologue condemning the proceedings. That was all Fox News Channel viewers saw of the hearing. “It's really just a cheap, selectively edited political ad,” Hannity told his viewers. Meanwhile, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN and MSNBC aired the second prime-time hearing, focusing on Trump's real-time response to the riot. The committee said it was the last hearing until September. You have got to go to the FOX NEWS website to believe it. Every major American news media internet website is nothing but coverage of yesterday's Jan. 6th investigative committee hearing. But Fox News? NOTHING! They display 6, 7 or 8 other crazily unimportant stories instead. Hunter Biden? Former TV reality show host Frank Fritz suffering a stroke? Fox News is completely ignoring the Jan.6th committee hearing news. Obviously because it was so devastating in it's findings regards their hero leader Trump. That's NOT news coverage. That's news burying. No wonder Fox News listeners and readers are so purposely uninformed and misinformed.
  6. You have got to go to the FOX NEWS website to believe it. Every major American news media internet website is nothing but coverage of yesterday's Jan. 6th investigative committee hearing. But Fox News? NOTHING! They display 6, 7 or 8 other crazily unimportant stories instead. Hunter Biden? Former TV reality show host Frank Fritz suffering a stroke? Fox News is completely ignoring the Jan.6th committee hearing news. Obviously because it was so devastating in it's findings regards their hero leader Trump. That's NOT news coverage. That's news burying. No wonder Fox News listeners and readers are so purposely uninformed and misinformed.
  7. Regards the Jan. 6th hearing just now, how could anyone see so many of Trump's own people say what they have said under oath about him and their personal outrage to the point of resigning the day of the coup attempt and willingness by them and scores of others to testify against their former boss as to his obvious violation of the constitution and his oath to uphold, defend and protect such ... and still defend the guy and his actions? Trump council Pasquale Cipilloni testified that the reason he didn't resign and walk away from Trump even before Jan. 6th, 2021 was he felt he had to stay to prevent any more crazy and damaging decisions and behavior on his boss's part. That in his role of an officer on Trump's staff he felt his "Captain Queeg " boss was too unstable, unpredictable and even unhinged to be left alone, along with his tendency to follow other crazies and that his presence was needed to keep the ship from losing it's rudder completely. Trump fingering steel balls while watching the Capital Building attack by himself in his private dining room and ignoring everyone around him warning that his ship was veering out of control obviously compelled Cipilloni to stay close to the helm and keep his boss from steering the USS White House into the rocky shore. Think about Cipilloni's stated reasons for not resigning. He was afraid to leave his ship in the hands of an out of control, unbalanced Captain! In my opinion, Trump committed a dozen high crimes with not only his purposeful inaction to stop the Capital Building mob attack, but his intimidation of state election officials to do anything they could to decertify their 2020 state vote counts in his favor. Today's hearing witness Matthew Pottinger testified that the Jan. 6th violent insurrection threatened our national security in many ways. And he clearly believed Trump helped create it and purposely failed to stop it. This latest hearing is just another massive weight of facts and credible testimony that prove Trump's constitution violating, criminal guilt actions were real and well beyond any reasonable doubt. It's getting to the point where Trump defenders don't even want to talk about Trump and Jan. 6th, 2021. They can't defend him anymore. The evidence of his criminal wrong doings is just too overwhelming. Yet, they still love the guy and always will.
  8. Why would the Soviets want JFK out and LBJ in his place? Has any highest credentialed with true insider knowledge writer ever published a deeply researched and resourced answer to this question? Or, was the subject matter just too mind blowing hot and dangerous to even write about? And if the Soviets actually did JFK and our military and connected agencies "knew" they were responsible, what kind of a response would they have considered? A Curtis LeMay all out nuclear retaliation? Perhaps an economic retaliation beyond anything we had ever carried out before? What was our final decision in this regards? I can't believe that if the Soviets did JFK through some type of Manchurian Candidate means using Oswald and our military knew this, that our response was what it was.
  9. I would like to see an all-out heavyweight debate between Myers and our own Tippit researcher Joseph McBride! Maybe arrange this on the same R. Robertson podcast JM just appeared on?
  10. Excellent essay. Yes, many people get involved studying the JFK case because it is one of the most interesting whodunit's ever and with a cast of characters so fascinating and intriguing anyone with any intelligent crime mystery curiosity almost can't avoid it. And yes, why do so many of the LNers always have this condescending tone and attitude and feel they need to call their counterparts insulting names like loons, kooks, buffs, nuts, crazies, etc.? Bugliosi actually felt the need to state these insults (about 50 times!) in his ship's anchor weight tome. Trump does this personal name calling insult stuff as a regular part of his daily spoutings. Doing this makes the name callers themselves seem incredibly insecure to me.
  11. Yes. We are living in a nation where tens of millions of our citizens truly "are" living in a delusional world of false political belief realities. You cannot make sense with a person who refuses to abandon such delusional beliefs, even if you can "prove" (beyond any reasonable doubt and with rock hard evidence that is indisputable) that their beliefs are delusional. America is truly, deeply afflicted with this irrational mentality at this time. Call it mass irrationality spread by mass fear and misinformation indoctrination. We are not right in the head. Where will this irrational thinking affliction lead us? We are already lost sheep in many ways. Confused, misguided, misled, divided. NBC AND MSNBC News correspondent Katie Tur recently expressed serious disillusionment with the state of our society's 4th estate mistrust where ( according to a legitimate recent poll ) only 15% of Americans now trust or believe what they read in the newspaper media and only 12% television and online news. Donald Trump, Fox News and 40 years of incessant, divisive and anger feeding right wing radio have effectively destroyed American's trust of our news media.
  12. Julia Ann Mercer's story has always intrigued me and I believe she was very credible. Does anyone think that Mercer made up the detailed account she gave in an affidavit to the FBI? She is stuck in traffic right behind a green truck that was stalled and pulled over half-way onto the curb close to the overpass and just below the grassy knoll. At one point, she sees a younger slight build man with a beanie type cap and wearing a checkered shirt leave the passenger side of truck cab, walk to the back side of the truck, open a tool panel, and remove a carrying case which Mercer recognized as a rifle long gun case. The young man then turns and carries the case up the grassy knoll ( at one point an end of the case sticks into the ground ) and disappears above. Mercer never wavered on the details of her account. And it was just hours after her eyewitness experience with the truck and the men in it that she related it. No extended time memory loss there. If the young man exiting the truck and pulling out a 36 inch or more long case from a side panel had to find a place to relieve himself perhaps he thought he could find a hidden spot to do this on top of the fenced in and tree shaded knoll? But why the long carrying case? Maybe he felt he needed a long tool or a rifle to protect himself in case some pervert came out nowhere and thrust himself toward him while his pants were down? Ridiculous I know...but so is the idea that this young man doing what Mercer saw him doing had no importance.
  13. January 6th insurrection Congressional investigation hearing Thursday prime time. Coverage on all major TV and radio networks. "BE THERE." "IT'S GOING TO BE WILD!" Hearing focus: What was Trump doing for over 3 hours while his inspired, directed and armed mob of Trump slogan and "Hang Mike Pence" screaming supporters were violently attacking and injuring hundreds of Capital police ( who were begging for reinforcements that never came ), tearing apart our Capital building and terrorizing and traumatizing our entire Congress inside ... besides gleefully watching it all take place on TV? Also, who were the dozens of staff, aides, family and news people who begged Trump to do something to help the overwhelmed Capital police and stop the terrorizing of our entire Congress trapped inside the besieged Capital building that was being ripped apart right in front of Trump's gleeful eyes? Tune in to find out. The last hearing convened during prime time on national TV and radio garnered over 20 MILLION viewers.
  14. Pat, Jim; Two weeks ago I came across a video on You Tube that was entirely focused on positioning the armored car into the top opening of the Commerce Street ramp down to the DPD parking garage. There was film showing the initial arrival of the armored car and film angles of it from the outside street and also from down the ramp looking up. I need to research the armored car episode more thoroughly so I have edited this post and reduced it's content until I do so.
  15. It seems that most Trump supporters have embraced the idea that confronting non-Trump fellow Americans violently is okay. That maybe an actual civil war with battle skirmishes is called for on some level. The January 6th, 2021 attack on our revered Capital building, it's police force and our Congress members and Vice President inside was just such a violent skirmish. Thousands of armed Trump inspired soldiers battling away while shouting Trump slogan battle cries. Yet, this war like battle against Trump identified enemies was fine by Trump's base. Our nation and society is so divided violent attacks by thousands against their perceived political enemies is accepted. We are in trouble. Thank you Donald Trump, Fox News, daily left wing demonizing right wing radio propagandists and extreme one Christian view evangelical types for feeding this hatred, rage and violence is okay mentality which is tearing us apart.
  16. Hey Joe. Welcome. I think I have seen that video myself at some point. But, not solidly sure. Many here on the forum are amazing in their archive knowledge and retrieval skills. Hopefully someone will dig it up.
  17. The murder of Oswald right inside the Dallas Police Department building parking garage and watched "live" on national TV by tens of millions of Americans was by far the real beginning of widespread national mistrust and belief in a conspiracy regards the JFK murder. For two days after JFK was shot and killed, the majority of Americans felt shock, confusion and sadness. Some suspicion and even anger as well. Some felt anger towards the city and area that the assassination took place. Dallas and the deep South. Knowing of the deep hatred segregationists and extreme right wing organizations and big oil located in that part of the country harbored toward JFK. But, without seeing JFK actually being shot and only reading about the event, full blown consideration of a conspiracy just wasn't there. Then came Oswald's murder live on TV by Jack Ruby. That event was so powerful, not only in it's savage brutality, but even more so in it's core belief common sense and logic shaking implausibility. The most important criminal suspect in American history? Gunned down right inside a police department building? While in the grasp of two beefy police guards at his side? Impossible! Especially when the DPD "knew" of Oswald's importance as a living suspect and his being the most physically threatened criminal suspect in American history as well. And what do they do in their role of protecting such an important suspect/prisoner? They put out press releases to inform the public about the time and place of Oswald's daylight transfer "and" let in a crowd of super energized press into a dark, crammed space where they then parade Oswald within feet of their microphone holding outstretch arms? Every American knew that the only real chance we and the world had in finding out the truth about the JFK assassination was the capture and holding of it's main suspect...Lee Harvey Oswald. When Oswald was blasted away, everyone sensed that the truth about what really happened in Dealey Plaza just two days earlier was blasted away as well. The killing of Oswald ( while in the supposed protective custody of the Dallas PD and right in their own building and hands!) left millions of Americans who watched it live on national TV feeling sick in their stomachs. Sick with suspicion, anger and loss. I have posted this proposition many times over the years. To me Oswald's killing was the true beginning of unprecedent national mistrust in our government and the WC finding and a majority belief in a conspiracy regards the JFK event. A majority belief that is still held even after 59 years!
  18. Sounds pretty tech knowledge credible. If others on board his and the other ship would now come out and corroborate this story...you may have something.
  19. Exclusive: Jim Garrison Talks to Jack Martin One of the few known pictures of Jack Martin. Jim Garrison interviewed Jack Martin in his office on December 14, 1966. Here is a recording of that meeting: The quality of the recording is not good. I have worked months to produce a transcript. Make what you will of the linked tape above. And Jack Martin himself.
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