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Micah Mileto

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Everything posted by Micah Mileto

  1. McClelland specifically said several times that he didn't see any small wounds in the head, but that he thought it was possible there could've been.
  2. If someone knows the name John Hunt, chances are they're all work and less talk. If there is ever a final word on the RFK Assassination, it would be best if there was an advertising budget.
  3. Woah, I never heard about this goldmine being published until now. Should've had some advertising!
  4. This is from Robert Groden's report to the HSCA: The Washington Post of December 18, 1963, after checking the report with the FBI before publication, stated that a bullet was recov- ered from deep within the President’s shoulder. This was again con- firmed in the Post on May 29, 1966. The fact of the recovery of this bullet fully destroys the myth of the “single bullet,” and that evidence of an additional gunshot during the assassination was suppressed. Does anybody have this Washington Post article from May 29, 1966?
  5. A lone gunman could not have aimed and fired so rapidly, unless the first shot was at z190-224 and the third shot was quickly fired without aiming after 313. It is possible to quickly fire a MC if you don't aim.
  6. https://map.hood.edu/#!FAC_2014032684657 I hope it comes back, but there is always the chance that the College administration did not want to deal with so much copyright-sensitive material. Some or most of this stuff should be backed up on the Wayback Machine. Edit: It's just their website's reaction to using a proxy.
  7. At 5:40 into the video, John Orr says that the project costed "thousands of dollars" - Is there any way to find out exactly how much money it would take to make a new project copying the same basic goal of a 3D model that overlays the pictures taken at the time of the shooting? If there was a solid plan, maybe there could be a bit of crowd-funding action. Might depend on what happens after the 60th when Angelo's model will be unveiled, as has been announced.
  8. How sure are we, really, that the Harper fragment has a part of an entrance hole in it? In your very same website, you talk about the 6.5 mm fragment potentially being a piece of lead that managed to get trapped between the outer surface of the skull and the inner surface of the scalp - are we sure an exit hole couldn't have lead on the outside of the bone? After the lead thing (a la the x-rays resurfaced by John Hunt), all we have are photographs of the Harper fragment, which merely "appears" to show no outward beveling around the part in question - and then there is "discoloration" on the outside part of the edge I guess too. Do I have all of that right? A new look at the Harper fragment x-rays would be great, copied and studied with modern equipment, not whatever John Hunt had in 2004. The archives may also already have higher-quality digital scans of the photographs taken at the Christian hospital and the FBI, the ones which may show "lead" discoloration on the outer edge. But again, I'm not sure what's no provably weird about having a bit of lead on the outside.
  9. Amazing! An update! And who knows, maybe somebody will also find his stolen car.
  10. They would've had to carefully remove the sharp broken pieces of skull bone before trying to do any sawing - all the more reason to doubt the HSCA's interpretation of the empty-cranium photos - the HSCA claims those photos show an undisturbed entrance and exit hole only 5 inches apart, even though it would be impossible and improper to try removing a brain through a skull cavity that is only a width of 5 inches or less.
  11. As much as Google sucks, it might be worth the $1000 for three years of 2 TB storage on Google Drive - after all, Google isn't going to go out of business. You just might want to use zip files or even encrypted zip files, because Google has the right to read and scan everything you put on Drive. They actually won't let you share a private link to many movies. Is there a more reliable way?
  12. https://archive.org/details/best-evidence-disguise-and-deception-in-the-assassination-of-john-f.-kennedy-by- Lifton also since changed his opinion on how the exchange went at Bethesda. In 1988 he was also on A Current Affair giving a different opinion about the exchange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtnB6wbe55k And in 1990 there was the Best Evidence research video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAWFvcrp-ao And of course there are those 2012 interviews where were posted. Maybe he even changed his opinion since 2012.
  13. What's harder for you to accept, an EOP entrance wound, a temporal-parietal tangential wound, or the Harper fragment not being occipital bone?
  14. https://www.patreon.com/posts/deleted-scene-68422882
  15. And what was the name of the pilot in Air Force 2 who Lifton said saw a forklift mess with Kennedy's coffin on the starboard side of Air Force 1?
  16. I know in 2018 Lifton came out on the Night Fright show with the "three unknown witnesses" who saw Jackie try to get out of the limo further down the freeway 1-2 minutes after it left Dealey Plaza. So that was partially the basis for his idea of Plan A being body alteration in a Dallas ambulance - Jackie's apparently insisting against an ambulance and insisting on getting to a hospital instead. That, and he claimed that there are anomalies with how ambulances in the area were behaving at the time. Do we even know the names of those three witnesses now???
  17. Could there be one or more draft manuscripts in the possession of the publishing companies that originally wanted to publish Final Charade in 2000 (HarperCollins I think) and again in 2007 (William Morrow & Co I think)? I know Lifton had a lot of new material after that time, but such an old private manuscript could be an invaluable source of old stories. Who knows, a manuscript could be in somebody's storage and they might not know it.
  18. Did David Lifton's family not like him? I wonder if his stuff is safe. Could it go in the trash because his family didn't care?
  19. I get the impression that Livingstone's family didn't like him. David Lifton too.
  20. I can't find any obituaries on Harrison Livingstone from 2015 that aren't from your website. Nothing even on newspapers.com. I'm not sure why. Did he have another name?
  21. Eh. Is Jenkins not a bit of a clown, if only by design?
  22. See Speer's website. Hill isn't the greatest medical witness.
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