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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Over recent months I have enjoyed many of the threads that Greg has launched on this Forum, this latest one being another. Not sure how this entry can be reworded and kept brief, but we know that many witnesses in the plaza prior to the motorcade's arrival witnessed more than a single shooter as well as differences in LHO's shirt colour, there were differences in hair and skin colour i.e.:- Arnold & Barbara Rowland saw a man with a rifle in the far west window of 6th floor TSBD + elderly black man with plaid shirt in eastern most window. Carolyn Walther saw two men on the 4th or 5th floor. One man wearing white shirt with blond or light brown hair with rifle + other man with brown suit coat. Richard Carr saw man on 6th floor wearing brown/tan sport coat, heavyset with horn-rimmed glasses. John Powell + many inmates on the 6th floor of the County jail, directly opposite the TSBD, saw two men, one with rifle, both wearing brownish looking clothes. I may stand corrected but I believe none of the above were considered by the Warren Commission. I also agree with Joe's post above that Ruby's snuffing out of Oswald was a tragic security failure by the DPD. However, I consider THE major failure of the DPD over that weekend to be the failure to record all the interrogations of the accused assassin. How different would be our considerations of this case, if instead of the scribbled notes of questions and answers that only appeared decades after the event, instead we could fully listen to what was spoken. The above thought struck me just the other night when U.K. tv aired 'In the heat of the night' following the recent passing of Sidney Poitier. The movie was released in 1967, set in a small dusty cotton town of Sparta, Mississippi. A murder mystery with the killing of wealthy Philip Colbert, investigated by Police Chief Gillespie (Rod Steiger) and Virgil Tibbs (Poitier). A great movie with a great sound track by Quincy Jones! But what struck me was when the killer was finally exposed by Tibbs and the cops were getting Ralph's confession in Gillespie's office, the confession was taken with a tape recorder. Yet, the big city of Dallas, Texas, handling the murder of the president did not have access to, or could not provide such a device. Even I had a small portable reel to reel Japanese tape recorder in '67.
  2. Chris, Just to state this Frost interview also is an opposing view to my belief of the RFK assassination. Simply based on the autopsy & ballistic evidence alone. Yes, Sandra Serrano witnessed the 'polka dot' dress girl's escape accompanied by two males, "We've shot Senator Kennedy" and yes LAPD really went to work on her to get a retraction. See 'The Polka Dot File' by Fernando Faura. Recommended.
  3. Certainly the Secret Service encounter on Stemmons is really weird....but is there more info on Sean's original post regarding "I just know things" (see below)
  4. Phew! Epistemology:-the theory of knowledge, the critical study of its validity, methods and scope. So, Tracy, do you support and stand by the validity, methods and scope of the above government committees, panels, DPD & FBI etc.?
  5. Joseph, Can't comment on D.M. Thomas as I rarely read fiction, but at least his review concludes with, 'And still the case remains open'. Actually I inherited a copy of 'Oswald's Tale' from Ian Griggs' collection, signed by Mailer, I've read worse books in this canon.
  6. Ken, The late Ian Griggs of Dealey Plaza U.K. was the specialist on the DPD & in his latter years was working on a comprehensive manuscript covering DPD personnel that sadly was unfinished at the time of Ian's passing in 2019. Ian Griggs (spartacus-educational.com) I did connect Ian's son Steve who had this manuscript with Larry Hancock of JFK Lancer back in 2020 with a view of getting Ian's incomplete work published, but at present have heard nothing of any developments. My profile photo was taken in Dallas in 2003 walking beside Ian, a picture taken by fellow D.P.U.K. member Barry Keane.
  7. Was listening to Lucinda last night & this seemed appropriate! I was framed and sentencedTo a life in prisonFor a crime I didn't commitWasn't nobody listenedOr rose to my defenseSomebody planted the evidenceAnd he's been lying ever sinceBut that's the way we do things in West Memphis
  8. Jeez, after fifty odd years.....does nobody in positions of authority in this case not take into judgement the autopsy findings of Noguchi. Isn't a guilty conviction of murder one of beyond reasonable doubt?
  9. There are so many pages of poor quality print & even more pages of wasted space in this Mexican file. Apologies to Micah, but this is certainly NOT a master MC essay. However, for what it is worth, with its wonky chronology, I have taken the meat off this bone & transcribed the Spanish to English from the 'Declaration of (REDACTED)' that covers pages 17 through to 22. Declaration of (REDACTED) (P17) This person said to be 24 years old of single Catholic age, by trade driver originally from Rama city, department of Celaya, Republic of Nicaragua and have his address in the streets of Pino of this Capital. He indicated that on August 29 of the current year he entered Mexico with $200 as an employee of Migracion de Ciudad Cuauhtemoc, Chis. I add that he repudiates communism and therefore the object of his transfer to Mexico was to try to infiltrate the groups of that affiliation, mainly Cubans, in order to later pass information to Major ROGER JEREZ ALFARO, Military Attaché of the Embassy of Nicaragua in Mexico, with whom he has been collaborating for three years and who pays him $400 per month for his expenses; that the information it collects is passed to the Military to be sent directly to Gen. GUSTAVO MONTIEL, Chief of the Intelligence Service of the Nicaraguan Army residing in Managua. (REDACTED) expressed that pretending to be a communist and through Prof. (REDACTED) known Nicaraguan communist was presented with an individual of names CARLOS JOSE, Official of the Cuban Embassy, which happened on September 3rd or 4th previous, that the pretext of the presentation was that he unearth a move to Cuba and for that he told CARLOS JOSE on the 10th or 12th of the same month that this party was a 'good communist': plus an employee of the Cuban Embassy made him fill out a questionnaire and asked him for three photographs that he has not delivered to date. (P18) I also indicate that with various pretexts I continue to frequent the Cuban Embassy trying to obtain information to transmit it to Major JEREZ ALFARO or to Gen.MONTIEL and that in a session they told him in the Embassy itself that in order for him to remain in the country through a lawyer who would later be presented to him, they were going to grant him a passport, birth certificate and a military service card as a Mexican and thus travel to Cuba. I add that on September 18th around 11:00 a.m., I was in the waiting room of the Cuban Consulate and I observed an American of (REDACTED) centime? three tall of height complexion (REDACTED) rather (REDACTED) wearing gray pants black sports jacket white shirt and a Texan lace tie wearing brown shoes, that caught his attention for the complexion (REDACTED) of the individual, his appearance of sadness and eyes (REDACTED) being these of (REDACTED) and that gave him the impression of (REDACTED) that also called his attention that the hair of that subject was (REDACTED) for the most part but had (REDACTED) calculated him of about twenty-six years of age. He said that from the waiting room you can see the entry and that he saw that in front of the Consulate stopped a rental car from which two people got off a (REDACTED) of (REDACTED) approximately of height of complexion (REDACTED) of eyes (REDACTED) like the (REDACTED) the lips (REDACTED) pale (REDACTED) wearing a brown suit and a white young man in his twenties, with appearance of existentialist hair (REDACTED) wearing a brown suit and wearing dark pants and light blue jacket as of (REDACTED) of height and complexion (REDACTED) which he realised by the red passport he was carrying in the hand that he was of Canadian nationality. (P19) That when these two individuals arrived, the American stood up from his seat and greeted them with a hug to each of them and all together they entered the Consul's en suite. That approximately fifteen minutes after the above he crossed the waiting room of the consulate to go to the room of the sanitary services and when going down two steps he saw a tall dark-skinned man with white glasses who works in the Cuban Embassy, because later he has seen him deliver to the red-haired black man a package that apparently had money that after making use of the bathroom when leaving it observed that in a corridor the black Canadian and the American of reference were talking heatedly, that the first one he saw had a very visible scar on the right ring of the chin was counting money that he then delivered to the American, reaching to hear the declarant state the figure "six thousand and five hundred dollars" that when seeing the above the declarant went back to the toilet room and noticed that the American and the Canadian used holsters for pistols like those of the gangsters: that I hear the black man say to the American "I can go with you" answering this "you are not a man" and adding "I can do it, I can kill him": that after leaving the sanitary room and when returning to the waiting room, I observe that the American and the Canadian re-entered the private office of the consul moments later as they were entertained a few moments talking with an employee of the Consulate with the appearance of a prostitute and the one he later learned is called toad (REDACTED). He indicated that later he went out to buy an ice cream and when he did this he saw the American and the Canadian leave the offices and board a black car of recent model and apparently it was a Chevrolet. (P20) I express that when I assumed that a crime was being forged, I thought to bring the facts to the attention of the Embassy of the United States in Mexico and it did not occur to him to inform the Officials of his country because he believed that they were not of interest to them so on September 20th he communicated by telephone to said Embassy, but because he did not appear personally, they did not pay attention to him, although he said that what he wanted to discuss with the official of the same "was confidential." He said he would not present himself personally to the Embassy for fear of being seen by the C-2 or Cuban spies and forgot to comment on the matter. He indicated that from the newspapers he learned of the death of the President of the United States and that when he saw the photograph of the murderer I recognized him as the American subject he had seen in the Cuban Consulate. For this reason, I call the North American Embassy again and I agree to establish contact with an Official of the same who summoned him for that same day at 5:30 p.m. in the mediation of the Hotel Maria Isabel. That indeed at the time of the appointment two individuals who identified themselves with credentials of the FBI of the United States were presented, to whom he narrated the events noted down, indicating that he did so disinterestedly by those who summoned him for the following day at 9:15 a.m. at the 'Jena' Restaurant located on Av. Morelos and Paseo de la Reforma, presenting one of the previous day that he knew is called (REDACTED) with whom he moved to the Cafeteria of the Hotel 'Francis' and later he travelled some streets with them in a car and again recounted the events observed in the Cuban Consulate. (P21) So, they gave him a $100 bill almost by force and they agreed to call him on the phone number 41-07-31, which is the one from the place where he is moving away, which they did the same day at 8:45 p.m., citing him for thirty minutes later in front of the Hemicycle to Juarez, where he went to meet (REDACTED) with whom he moved in a walkway to the corner of the Hotel Maria Isabel, where another American was waiting and together they crossed the street and arrived at an apartment in a building located in Oxford and Reforma, where he again gave his story and in a photo album identifies the person who gave money to the Negro, to the consul MIRAVAL, to (REDACTED) another employee who performs ordinance functions at the Cuban Embassy and the Cuban Consul, as well as other people who he has seen in that Diplomatic Mission who later gave him $500 and told him to change to a Hotel and tell them what this was and the name he would use for it, which he did the following day or September 27 in which he delivered to (REDACTED) a card with the requested data, but to date they had not been put back in communication with him. After having made the aforementioned statements, (REDACTED) I state verbatim the following " That spontaneously and after reconsidering, he wishes to state that the North American whom he has referred to in the body of his statement and who he says he saw on September 18 of the current year at the Cuban Consulate, had a certain resemblance in 60 sixty percent to LEE HARVEY OSWALD (assassin of the President of the United States). (p22) That after the assassination of President Kennedy, the declarant took advantage of this fact in his favour to exploit it by providing versions such as those initially indicated in order to provoke an energetic reaction from the political point of view on the part of the United States of America, against the Government of FIDEL CASTRO RUZ, and that he had no other reason than the deep hatred he feels for communism and that he regrets at this time, not having achieved its objective, in the sense of causing some reaction of the North American Government against that of FIDEL CASTRO. That the telephone call to which he also referred earlier in his statement, was not made on September 20, as I indicate, but after the death of President Kennedy, and precisely on the 25th twenty-fifth day of the current month in which I mark the number 46-94-00, which corresponds to the consumer of the North American Embassy and from where they provided him the number 181 one hundred and eighty-one as an extension to speak in the terms that he has already mentioned. "
  10. Tony, Si senor! I agree, the word detuvieron, more likely translates as 'stopped'.
  11. Yep, not read that anywhere before Also interesting that the report only mentions the McFarlands & the two Australian girls. No mention of the supposed other traveller with Oswald listed as John Howard Bowen, but actually Albert Osborne. I have a letter written by Osborne in April '64 to his relatives in England where he denies ever travelling with Oswald. I would also like to learn how Mexican intell could know of the Oswald's activities of bullfight & museum etc., they must have been following him to know this & could be expected to photograph the man. Why complete this report in 1982? It ends with a reproduction of the backyard photo.
  12. Steve, To sum up these 112 pages it is a much ado about not very much! The file made public on 23rd April 2019 consists of a hotchpotch of nine reports that are mostly either mind numbing or very poor quality reproductions. The largest proportion of these 112 pages consist of a historical study of U.S. political assassinations + details of the preparations for JFK's Texas trip & a background resume of LHO. Pages 71 -108 are written notes in Spanish for the above study. We also get a report on Cuban opposition groups working in Mexico. Perhaps the only report of value is the 'Activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico' dated 26 May 1982 on pages 109 to 112. Activities of Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico 26 May 1982. On September 26, 1963, Oswald took bus No.5133 from the Continental Trailways Line in Houston and departed at 2:35 a.m. for Laredo, Texas via Corpus Christi and Alice. Two British tourists he (Redacted) and his wife who took the same bus noticed Oswald at approximately 6am and Oswald tells them that he was going to Cuba, via Mexico City. Oswald crossed the border between Laredo, Texas and Nuevo Laredo Mexico, between 1.30 and 2.00pm. From Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, he travelled to the Federal District in Bus No516, of the Red Arrow line, which departed at 2.15PM which had calculated its arrival in Mexico City, at 9.45 AM of the signed day (27) in the course of the trip that lasted approximately 20 hours. Oswald, met two young people of Australian nationality to whom they said that he had long visited the Soviet Union, and that he recommended them when they arrived in Mexico, D.F., to stay at the Hotel Cuba, since he had stayed in that place in previous visits. The bus arrived in Mexico City with 15 minutes of delay, it was approximately 10AM, later Oswald stayed in room No. 18 of the Hotel Comercio located on Calle de Sahagun No9 Colonia Guerrero. After having registered at the aforementioned Hotel Oswald dedicated himself without delay to the task of obtaining permission to enter Cuba. (Redacted) because the Mexican authorities do not allow any U.S. Citizen to travel aboard a plane bound for Cuba, without the corresponding visa, Oswald's passport had a stamp that prevented him from traveling to Cuba. That same day he met with (redacted) Mexican citizen employee of the Embassy of Cuba in Mexico and requested a visa for Cuba in transit for the Soviet Union and based this request with the presentation of his passport in which it was indicated that he had lived in Russia for three years, he also presented his Cedula of work in that country written in Russian letters in the same language, and proof that he was married to a woman of Soviet nationality named (Redacted). He also said he was director of an organization supporting Cuba in the City of New Orleans and a member of the communist party of the United States. He said he intended to travel to Cuba on September 30, 1963. and stay for two weeks or longer. Before visiting the Cuban embassy, Oswald had met with PAVEL ANTONOVICH YATSKOV and VALERIY VLADIMIROVICH KOSTIKOV, both consular officers of the USSR embassy in Mexico, who served as KGB agents. However Oswald could not obtain the Soviet visa. That same day in the afternoon Oswald returned to the Cuban embassy carrying passport photographs being received by Mrs. DURAN this called the USSR embassy to ask if Oswald was going to be granted a visa. In the Soviet embassy they replied that there would be a delay for that visa of about 4 months Oswald upon learning of that situation was furious because he did not obtain the Soviet visa. He was automatically denied a visa in transit to Cuba. The senora (Redacted) upon noticing Oswald's attitude called EUSEBIO AZQUE consul of the Cuban embassy in Mexico to try to calm Oswald but the conversation between the two became aggressive. AZQUE told Oswald that in his opinion people like him harmed the Cuban revolution and that per therefore he would not be given the visa he requested. On the 28th of that same month and year Oswald continued to insist before the embassies of the USSR and Cuba to obtain the corresponding visas without obtaining positive results. On September 29, 1963 Oswald attended a bullfight and that in the afternoon he had visited some museums and seeing a movie in cinema of Mexico City. On Monday 30 of the same month Oswald began to make preparations to return to the United States by reserving a space in transports of the north through the travel agency Transportes Chihuahuenses for 8.30AM on October 2, 1963 he was assigned seat No. 12 in the name of H.O.Lee. On October 1/0 of the same year Oswald paid the hotel bill included that night and around 06.30AM left the hotel to go to the northern transport terminal and board the bus 332 seat No12 of the aforementioned line that left at 8.30AM bound for Laredo Mex. In the city of Monterrey N.L. the passengers of bus 332 transferred a relay vehicle no. 373 of the same line that continued to Laredo that night at 10PM. When the bus arrived in Laredo Mex. Mexican immigration authorities arrested Oswald due to alleged irregularities in his tourist documents. Oswald returned to the bus after the immigration authorities had checked his documents and made negative comments about them. Being approximately 1.35AM on October 3 of the same year Oswald crossed the international gate to go to the city of Dallas Texas where he arrived that same day. It is known that the file of Lee Harvey Oswald exists in the General Directorate of Migratory Services of the Ministry of the Interior and is classified as confidential.
  13. Steve, So Mexican intel seem to have HLO in ref to LHO. Pages seem to relate to interrogation of Durans. P34-P35:- Regarding his presence in the streets of Herodotus - Dept.7 indicated that this shows that he lives in that place, together with his wife. About the presence of (redacted) and of (redacted) in his home he stated that his wife has friendship with these people, and today they were in sight in that place. He has been friends with Gral Jose de Jesus Clark Flores, to whom he has done decoration work in Tijuana B.C. and who I accompany on his trip to Russia last year staying seven days in that country. Their monthly income fluctuates between $5000 and $6000. Manifestly not knowing Harvey Lee Oswald, presented killer of the President of the United States. I express being originally from the Republic of Honduras and being in Mexico for ten years having to date the quality of family emigrant. I am soon to be 33 years old and to have studied a Secretarial course in Kentucky E.U.A. That he does not belong to any political party or have left-wing ideas. Regarding her presence in the Streets of Herodotus, she stated that this was due to the fact that she lives in that place in union with her husband. Finally, he said he was completely unaware of Harvey Lee Oswald, the alleged murderer of the President of the United States.
  14. P29:-1) Lee Harvey Oswald if you were in Mexico entering through Nuevo Laredo, Tamps on September 26 as a tourist from New Orleans leaving through that same place on October 3 next. 2) It was confirmed that he had come to Mexico to apply for a visa to the Cuban embassy in transit to Moscow. 3) That for this reason I made contact with a Mexican woman with whom she met on two occasions since she is an employee of the consulate in charge of making the necessary procedures for this kind of visas and formulating the cards with data of the applicant indispensable requirement to obtain the Cuban visa. 4) Through her he had contact with the Russian consulate for the same purpose. Upon learning that this had been one of the contacts that Lee Harvey Oswald had in Mexico, the aforementioned mother and her husband were arrested in order to be interrogated, who expressed in their statement the following: Mexican by birth son of Chilean father and Mexican mother. He said that his activity is that of Industrial Designer, having a chair on this subject at the National School of Plastic Arts dependent on the U.N.A.M. receiving for this a salary of $ 1400 per month. of 40 years of age married without religion with domicile in Constituyentes 143. of this city that the first eight years of his life lived in Los Angeles California and later came south to this capital with parents and later went to live in Santiago de Chile where they remained for a year and a half returning to Mexico. The declarant with his brother coming after his sister with his mother who entered the national school of agriculture of Chapingo where he served 5 years of the career of agronomist engineer and as he had practiced drawing in the acadamia of san carlos opted to continue studying this art that served as a basis to specialize as an industrial designer who now practices being a teacher of such a signature in the school of plastic arts of the U.N.A.M. Intoxicating stuff!
  15. P39:-It was verified that LHO in his stay in this Capital, was staying at the Hotel Comercio located in the street of Sahagun No19 of this city owned by Mr. ? (redacted) in the fourth No18 It was recorded in the corresponding book from September 27, 1963 with the name of LHO from Texas of occupation photographer and American nationality. He was in that hotel until the ? day of October. It was also verified that in the Border Transports in the bus No. 340 of October 2 cited to Laredo left the aforementioned Oswald occupying seat No. 4 registered with the name of Oswald exclusively. Trawling through these turgid and poor print quality pages, just over half way through & not very enlightening. A history of American presidential assassinations along with a recap of Adlai Stevenson's assault in Dallas. Nothing revealing so far. Move along.
  16. Why did Bob not play MMF on his last tour? Maybe because it was the one song many wanted to hear! Never accept popular theories without questions. You don't need a weather man. Chapman's vacuum....very similar to Sirhan's vacuum. Did Sirhan know that McKinley was assassinated with an Iver-Johnson gun? Chapman's finances & world travels + his stalking hotel & airline bills & his attractions to Salinger's prose. Is there more to this assassination. I'd like more info on doorman Jose Perdomo for starters! Best book by British barrister Fenton Bresler 'Who Killed John Lennon'. Another MMF? I smell rats. Livin' on borrowed time.
  17. Joe, she certainly believed that her son was an agent of some sort, but never gave any coherent reason for her belief. I reckon Mark Lane was savvy enough to know any proof of that assertion would never be proven. That's an understatement! In Jean Stafford's series of interviews with Marguerite that resulted in the book 'A Mother in History' (1965) there are repeated statements that Lee was an agent for the American government, but no solid reason to back up the premise. She also states that Marina is French! & JFK's death was a mercy killing because he was dying anyway due to Addisons.
  18. Early 2021 I had communication with Ian's son Steve Griggs on the subject of Ian's unfinished works on the DPD. Steve agreed that Ian's manuscript should be published and I passed Steve's e-mail address to Larry H for Lancer to pursue. If Larry sees this post he will give an update.
  19. Nice one Steve. I'm a dedicated technophobe & sure to screw up the handling of such a large file. Actually part of my family, through my sister, are Spanish & the above text I can read with my limited and rusty lengua Espanola. Yes, red headed negro meet when LHO is travelling on a bus! & where would the $6500 go to have LHO working at TSBD for peanuts?
  20. J.C. I aint no researcher, just an avid JFKA book collector and reader. I agree with many who state that Oswald's MC story is a swamp! However, Conspiracy theorist or lone nut advocate I will always try to read all posts & opinions on this Forum. Since W.T.P.'s post of Russo's 'Secret Mexican File' I thought this would provide strong opinions from both sides, CT's & LN's. Sadly this thread had died a death & sank without trace. As written at the end of Mr Myers' piece referring to these files pages......"If someone manages to get them translated, I trust they will share them with all of us. Merry Christmas! "
  21. Interesting collection Vince. Put a few faces to names for me. Best wishes for 2022!
  22. Jim, very many thanks for this thread, & J.A.'s H & L webpage piece on the Tippet killing. Extraordinary work and great contributions from Forum members! Yet, so far no rejections from the Oswald lone nut members.
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