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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. On the subject of Sirhan (apologies if this has already been mentioned elsewhere):- His parole hearing is set for ten days time 27th August.
  2. Russ Baker, Family of Secrets (kennedysandking.com) Andrew, go to 'search' & type in Russ Baker.
  3. Brilliant articles Part 1 & 2. Your horn should be tooting! I'm a little confused with the Veciana/Phillips/Oswald meet in Dallas that Paul cites, which John Newman seems to debunk. I'm not too sure of Malcolm Blunt's plans regarding future research, as his file collection has been passed over to Bart and now DPUK are selling off his book and pamphlet collections. I have already spent £s acquiring many items. A full list of remaining collection has been put on DPUK's FB page.
  4. I was most taken with her eventual demise, dumped on a side road with a gunshot wound to the head. The who & why questions can only be surmised. Without doubt 'Gathering Fallen Petals' is a fascinating read.
  5. Calvin, If you are referring to revelations in the JFK case then I don't think you will find anything that we don't know already from the Garrison probe, nor does Dr. Marcades bring any evidence of who finally killed his mother, and that killing may not relate to the JFK case. The book does contain much detail of the Cheramie biography i.e. the many institutions/prisons/hospitals etc where Rose was sent.
  6. Glimpses of Rose Cherami, real name Melba Christine Youngblood Marcades first appeared to me in the opening scenes of Oliver Stone's movie 'JFK' in the early 1990's. I was provided with further details of this case at JFK Lancer's November in Dallas conference in 2003 by Bob Dorff and Jim Olivier. Although I was aware of the publication of the first edition in 2016, it was the authors Skype link to Dealey Plaza U.K. in 2020 that really drew me to obtain a signed copy of his second edition direct from Dr. Michael Marcades.Although this is a real life biography of his mother, a work that has involved decades long research, 'Rose Cherami: Gathering Fallen Petals' contains fictional dialog to assist the flow of this harrowing life story, but with a solid factual base. In that respect, this book is somewhat unique in comparison to other books in the JFK assassination canon, unless we include the Warren Report.Joan Mellen's back cover review warns readers to 'expect nightmares'. 'Crit' had a short life spent with alcoholism, prostitution, heroin addiction, multiple police arrests, imprisonment, hospitalisations and involvements with organised criminal enterprises, as well as her inability to look after her son Michael.I think that it is the way this story has been starkly written that makes it hard to lose sympathy and understanding with the character of 'Rose Cheramie'.As regards the JFK assassination involvement she can be included along with Joseph Milteer, who seemed to possess fore knowledge of JFK's killing. Her knowledge of Ruby and Oswald (or possibly an Oswald double) similar to Beverley Oliver, stands on solid foundations. A further revelation is her final demise, a far more frightening scenario than the opening scene in Stone's movie.However, leaving the JFK aspect to one side, this book stands testimony to a woman who just had to keep on keeping on throughout her long and crazy escapades. The result is a compulsive page turner!
  7. As researcher Greg Parker has pointed out on his research forum, Westbrook’s role as a Police advisor in South Vietnam meant that he was working for the U.S.A.I.D. (United States Agency for International Development); which therefore meant that he was working for the CIA.
  8. A U.K. perspective here Ty. I'm not going to profess that 9 year olds are particularly politically savvy, but I first held JFK as my hero during the Cuban Missile crisis. I have a vivid memory of being in my junior school playground with lots of kids running around playing football, the girls with skipping ropes and I was wondering if those Russian ships were going to challenge the blockade around Cuba, and if the world was about to end. My parents ran their own shop, which didn't close till 18:00hrs, so I had the tv to myself after school & was fully clued in to BBC news. So forward one year & this ten year old watched the news of events in Dallas & JFK's funeral on the Monday. Ever since JFK has meant something to me and I knew his killing was wrong, without being a ten year old conspiracy theorist. As the years went by and America went crazy with Martin & Bobby's assassinations + the riots and Vietnam, I would latch onto any reading matter or tv docu stuff on anything Kennedy. I've never been a particular film buff but when Stone's JFK was released over here I just had to see it. That began a need to find out more, slowly at first, then in 2003 I flew over to Dallas for Lancer's NID conference, talked to Dennis David about Bethesda and the casket shell games and that was it, the serious interest hasn't let up, and it shouldn't, I'm 68 now & I honestly feel John Kennedy saved my life back in '62.
  9. Well, apparently everything is under divine control. 'The evil is revealing itself': Mike Lindell explains why God kicked Trump out of the White House
  10. Anthony, yes John Morgan has sadly passed on. I have all his publications on Kindle, very highly recommended, + books by Noel Botham & Alan Power. Never seen anything in British MSM that covers these issues in any depth. HSBC bank is part of Hong Kong's Hang Seng bank, has branches worldwide but is not British. HSBC also look after my own vast wealth.
  11. Apologies for repeating, I posted this on the thread 'The Inevitable end result of our last 56 years' but thought it appropriate here too. On Friday, the House oversight committee released notes of a 27 December telephone call from Trump to then acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, in which Trump told Rosen: “Just say the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R congressmen.” The notes were taken by Richard Donoghue, Rosen’s deputy, who was also on the call. The release of these notes has barely made a stir. The weekend news was filled with more immediate things – infrastructure! The Delta strain! Inflation! Wildfires! In light of everything else going on, Trump’s bizarre efforts in the last weeks of his presidency seem wearily irrelevant. Didn’t we already know how desperate he was? In a word, no. This revelation is hugely important. Rosen obviously rejected Trump’s request. But what if Rosen had obeyed Trump and said to the American public that the election was corrupt – and then “left the rest” to Trump and the Republican congressmen? What would Trump’s and the Republicans’ next moves have been? And which Republican congressmen were in cahoots with Trump in this attempted coup d’état?
  12. On Friday, the House oversight committee released notes of a 27 December telephone call from Trump to then acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen, in which Trump told Rosen: “Just say the election was corrupt + leave the rest to me and the R congressmen.” The notes were taken by Richard Donoghue, Rosen’s deputy, who was also on the call. The release of these notes has barely made a stir. The weekend news was filled with more immediate things – infrastructure! The Delta strain! Inflation! Wildfires! In light of everything else going on, Trump’s bizarre efforts in the last weeks of his presidency seem wearily irrelevant. Didn’t we already know how desperate he was? In a word, no. This revelation is hugely important. Rosen obviously rejected Trump’s request. But what if Rosen had obeyed Trump and said to the American public that the election was corrupt – and then “left the rest” to Trump and the Republican congressmen? What would Trump’s and the Republicans’ next moves have been? And which Republican congressmen were in cahoots with Trump in this attempted coup d’état?
  13. Bill, it has been mooted on FB that it is not Ruby but FBI agent James Bookhout that shot Oswald!?! Twilight zone. 😵
  14. Thanks Joseph. Yeah, always seemed a dubious quote to me, never knew when and where it originated.
  15. Joe, do we know the truth of where the quote of J.D.'s came from to his son on the morning of the 22nd, ""No matter what happens today, I want you to know that I love you " Or is that some later invention?
  16. Stu, As for the U.K. I can only think it would be like getting blood out of a stone. I've no idea what effect Stone's work will have on MSM here. As for intell, I always have the impression that MI6 is hand in glove with U.S. agencies, just like the military, so I don't see any release of anything. I do look at other state actions/assassinations as well as the JFK case, and I strongly suspect that Diana Spencer's death in Paris in 1997 was linked to MI6. There are also claims that CIA also assisted in this action. The official story is full of holes, just like the JFK case, and the official inquest, held many years after the event, completed in 2007, was as much as a cover-up as the WC. If the JFK case is touched on by the MSM in the U.K. we get tripe of the Bonar Menninger type broadcast, we are getting on for two decades since Turner's 'The Men Who Killed Kennedy' series. (1988-2003) Nothing since. & I don't see the BBC rocking any boat. France, up to DeGaulle was much more independent from U.S. ties, so maybe they may possess some 'conducted investigation report', who knows? Apologies, I'm a long time cynic & nothing to do with Diogenes of Sinope!
  17. Sure. Typical of this case throughout. In Stone's 'JFK' has Garrison perusing the WC vols and saying, "Ask the question!" So many issues left vague, which appeared to be the agenda.
  18. Steve, https://myjfksite.weebly.com/ is very interesting, thanks. Craig has always been one of the more reliable & plausible witnesses for me & his 'light coloured Rambler' testimony, confirmed by other witnesses is solid. His description of the driver, He was very dark complected, had real dark short hair, and was wearing a thin white-looking Jacket..." is also interesting. We'll never know if it was Oswald, or a look-alike that ran down from the TSBD into the car. Yet, all the other testimony of Rambler sightings around Dealey Plaza point to some sus involvement in events. I've long wondered if this Rambler & its occupants had some involvement in Oak Cliff, the Tippit shooting & particularly the dumping of the Eisenhower jacket that was supposedly linked to LHO, that Marina couldn't i.d. Ed LeDoux posted a good thread on this Forum 'Oswald & the Amazing Technicolour Jacket' back in 2006. Was the 'thin white-looking jacket' dumped by the Rambler driver (Orcarberro) to frame the patsy? No solid proof, it's too late for that, but all very interesting.....& more plausible than the WC fiction.
  19. The Keating–Kefauver Proposal suggested allowing Congress to make a law about who should decide when a President is disabled.] It was proposed in 1963 by Senator Kenneth Keating of New York, and supported by Tennessee Senator Estes Kefauver. However, other Senators were worried that Congress could abuse this power, or would not actually make the law after the amendment was passed. The Bayh–Celler Proposal ended up becoming the Twenty-fifth Amendment.[On January 6, 1965, Senator Birch Bayh proposed the amendment in the United States Senate, and Representative Emanuel Celler (Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee) proposed it in the United States House of Representatives. Unlike the Keating–Kefauver Proposal, it suggested a way to fill the Vice President's position if it was empty, and also set out rules for how a President could be declared "disabled." I do not know just when in 1963 Keating-Kefauver's proposal was raised.
  20. US House of representatives member Ronny Jackson tweeted on Tuesday that, "something is seriously wrong with Biden, and it's only going to get worse". The Republican congressman from Texas added in another tweet that, "it's past the point of embarrassment. He's lost, he can barely put a coherent sentence together. "He must have a cognitive exam and release the results!" Mr Jackson then appeared on Fox News to claim that Mr Biden and lost his footing on the stairwell of Air Force One. He now maintains that because of the president's "difficulty speaking coherently", he will have to be either forced from office with the invocation of 25th Amendment or he will resign. The former physician to Donald Trump then said: "If members of Biden's cabinet aren't looking into invoking the 25th Amendment, then this is a national security issue at this point it really is."
  21. Listening to this I can hear the voice of Sterling Hayden ranting about his contaminated 'precious bodily fluids' in Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove.
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