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Pete Mellor

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Everything posted by Pete Mellor

  1. Leaving aside the delightful Judyth and her love affair with Lee/Harvey/Henry/O.H. the comment from Rose Cheramie that Ossie & Ruby were 'bedfellows' is interesting. Oswald had early contact with Ferrie in the Civil Air Patrol, and were Ferrie's orgies with C.A.P. members once investigated by the cops? In 63 Oswald is around Ferrie and Clay Shaw, both confirmed homosexuals. Ruby shares his apartment with George Senator in Oak Cliff who Seth Kantor describes as once married but who preferred male company. If I recall correctly some fellow Marines thought Oswald somewhat limp wristed too. With JVB's Mills & Boon tale and his marriage to Marina....did the accused assassin swing it both ways?
  2. Sean, Check out the Mexico City thread. David has links on his post on page one which links to his research @ KennedysandKing Keep you busy for quite some time!
  3. but if my thought-dreams could be seen, they'd probably put my head in a guillotine, but it's alright Ma, it's life an' life only.
  4. Lots of points here Joe! Let me say Ian Griggs was a U.K. uniform & C.I.D. police officer. He not only attended Lancer, but also ASK, COPA & 4th Decade. He knew the structure & quite a bit of the history of the DPD. His interviews of assassination related personnel included Bobby Hargis, Jim Leavelle, Chuck Brehm, Jean Hill, Ed Hoffman, Bill Newman, Aubrey Rike, Johnny Calvin Brewer...the list goes on and on. His Lancer presentation in 2013 was 'Jack Ruby & the DPD'. Your question " are you of the view that Jack Ruby was provided some access assistance into the Dallas PD building the morning of 11,24,1963? After his presentation Ian was asked this very question. Ian stated that without solid evidence nobody knows, but he did think that the scene was one of chaos. As it was all weekend with not just the press all over the building but Ruby too. To misquote Hamlet, there was certainly something rotten in the state of Texas. As for my own views, I'm probably like yourself, a long time avid book reader on the case. The DPD in the 60's, just like in the U.K., had police corruption, maybe not the cop on the beat, but amongst the higher ups. I'm sure the DPD reflected the wider populous in regard to political and racial affiliations. Finally my thoughts on Henry Wade concur with other posts on this forum. It is well known he did not have great regard for solid investigations of crimes, his aim was a guilty verdict.
  5. With all his g'zillions of fans, if [Dylan] had spoken up early, worlds could have turned upside down. Oh yeah, if Zimmy came out with a Murder Most Foul in the 1960's maybe HIS world could have turned upside down! With Hoover and Cointelpro + LBJ & Operation Chaos Bobby may well have experienced the kind of hassle meted out to Lennon in the '70's & we know what happened there!
  6. Having read through this thread, with the mention of Malcolm Blunt, Bart Kamp and Anthony Summers from this side of the pond, may I include the late Ian Griggs, who initiated Dealey Plaza U.K. back in the 1990's. He attended many Lancer conferences and gave presentations there in 2003 & 2013 when I attended. He published his book 'No Case to Answer' & accumulated many contacts with ex DPD officers. He also encouraged many U.K. authors & researchers over the years, including Mathew Smith and fellow Forum member Chris Scally who has researched both the Zapruder and Nix films. His dedication to the JFK case also resulted in DPUK members contributing to the book 'JFK Echoes From Elm Street'. Maybe not a hero, but to quote The Kinks, a well respected man.
  7. My pleasure gents. You also have Bart Kamp on this forum, we're both with Dealey Plaza U.K.
  8. I review books that I have read on 'Goodreads'. After posting my review of 'Me & Lee' back in 2012, the author posted derogatory comments onto my review. Followed by a second female reader who informed me that I didn't know the truth of JVB's story etc. When I checked out this female Goodreads member she had one solitary book on her page, 'Me & Lee'. I have little doubt that this was the author herself doing the trolling. I recall her self promo efforts at Lancer in 2013 when she just appeared in the book room selling copies of her book, until Debra Conway ejected her.
  9. 'The Curse of the Kennedys' appears in U.K.'s Sunday Times magazine April 19th 2020 by James Patterson. Re RFK:- 'As he exited through the hotel kitchen afterwards, with news cameras still rolling, a 24 year old Christian Palestinian named Sirhan Bishara Sirhan pulled a .22-calibre pistol from a rolled-up Kennedy poster and shot the candidate in the head, back and shoulder.'
  10. Has any forum members any knowledge of authors/researchers who may have tracked down any of the named fellow travellers to Mexico City? Albert Osborne aka John Howard Bowen died in San Antonio in '66. Patricia Clare Rashleigh Winston & Pamela Lillian Mumford gave ambiguous statements regarding which bus they travelled on from Monterrey to Mexico City! Both names absent from the Flecha Roja bus manifest. Winston was the only witness who put LHO on the Flecha Roja bus #516. Mumford stating they travelled by Transportes del Norte bus! Dr. John McFarland was doing research at the University of Mississippi prior to his trip with wife Meryl to Mexico. McFarland later returned to U.K. as surgeon/lecturer at Liverpool University & the Royal Liverpool Hospital. He would later be contacted by FBI investigating the assassination. c1990 he retired and lived in Soller on the island of Majorca. He died in 2013.
  11. Perhaps same with Rose Cherami. Dr. Michael Marcades about his book on his mothers case states:-"When she was working in the Ruby Carousel club she confirmed that Ruby & LHO knew each other. When travelling on airplane with Lt Fruge she saw a newspaper headline that even questioned if Oswald & Ruby knew each other. She exclaimed that hell, they not only knew each other, they were bed fellows!
  12. What kind of Doctor is Michael Marcades? He has a PhD in Fine Arts. Choral conducting. He is a professional Choral/Instrumental conductor. He blows his own trumpet. Interesting hearing your real voice Bart. Love the English accent. Whether it's the King's English or Cockney. However, I don't know enough about English accents to ID yours specifically. Bart Kamp is an honorary English resident. Actually he's Dutch.
  13. I've watched Zimmy perform 'live' every decade since the 60's. A long time devotee. On his '63 Freewheelin' album, the first one I bought, a track 'I shall be free' contains the lines:- Well, my telephone rang it would not stop It’s President Kennedy callin’ me up. He said, “My friend, Bob, what do we need to make the country grow?” I said, “My friend, John, Brigitte Bardot, Anita Ekberg, Sophia Loren.” Country'll grow! After including so many social/protest lyrics in his works over the past 50+ years, to finally hear his 'Murder most foul' was wonderful. Better late than never!
  14. James Jenkins who assisted in the autopsy of JFK on 22nd November stated that Humes remarked "the damn thing fell out in my hands" referring to JFK's brain. In his 2018 book 'At the cold shoulder of history' Michael Chesser M.D. contributes a full chapter on his research of the autopsy photos & x-rays. He has no doubt that original & enhanced films were altered to fit-up Oswald with 'shots from the rear scenario'. Changes to enhanced x-rays were done to obscure images. Secret Service agent in the morgue exposed film. With the coffin shell game prior to autopsy at Bethesda it is very difficult not to believe in alteration of head wounds. How, when & where remain a mystery.
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