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Was Lansdale in Dealey Plaza?

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2 hours ago, Cory Santos said:

There is still zero evidence he was there.  

Cory, I take it you don't give the report of Lansdale staying at the same hotel in Fort Worth on the same night JFK and Jackie stayed there ( 11,21,1963) any credibility at all?

And if you will indulge me and others who believe Prouty and Krulack were correct in their Lansdale ID in the Tramp photo - if this Tramp photo man was really Lansdale...would you at least consider this fact a very intriguingly suggestive and important one in the realm of high level conspiracy involvement?

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in regard to Landsdale's presence on Dealey plaza. I believe someone posted years ago on this site  and if not her on the world wide web a renegade release of an FBI file photograph of Lansdale standing  shoulder to shoulder with George Bush on Elm street in front of the grassy knoll at the kill site. 


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37 minutes ago, Jeanie Dean said:

in regard to Landsdale's presence on Dealey plaza. I believe someone posted years ago on this site  and if not her on the world wide web a renegade release of an FBI file photograph of Lansdale standing  shoulder to shoulder with George Bush on Elm street in front of the grassy knoll at the kill site. 


Jeanie, I've never heard of this Lansdale/Bush together photo you mention.

Regards the three tramps/Lansdale photo however, it is very real.

There are other photos taken of the Houston, Elm St., Dealey Plaza bystander crowd that day that have been proposed to show various sinister characters such as Joseph Milteer, John Roselli, David Morales, Gerry Patrick Hemming, George Bush, George Bush Jr., Lucien Sarti, Rip Robertson, and others, etc.

And, E. Howard Hunt, David Phillips and William Harvey have been mentioned as being in the Dallas area that day as well. No photos of them however.

I have seen most of the photos I just mentioned.

The Lansdale/3 tramps one is the most intriguing, important and believable one imo.

I've mentioned this many times and will again. Why has there never been an expert analysis done of the Lansdale in Dealy Plaza photo to prove or disprove his being the person in the photo?

I am certain that there are experts in this field who could do this to a high degree of scientific finding certainty.

There are many, many full body photos of Lansdale from every angle throughout his adult life. Plenty to use in comparing the Dealey Plaza photo to these others of Lansdale.

I know...it's the money. Why is it that most of JFK truth seekers are so dog gone poor?

And those with much seem to be either lone nutters or totally disinterested in this event and it's impact on our society?



Edited by Joe Bauer
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To respond to Bauer's question,  I don't know why JFK truth seekers are so dog gone poor?  There many legitimate citizen scientist in every field of inquiry world wide.  Sooo  Your question is for fill in the blank..  

In regard to Landsdale's presence on Dealey plaza. I believe someone posted years ago on this site  and if not her on the world wide web a renegade release of an FBI file photograph of Lansdale standing  shoulder to shoulder with George Bush on Elm street in front of the grassy knoll at the kill site. 

This is a link to the earlier post on this Forum  W. Niederhut topic in JFK Assassination Debate  August 2, 2018 with the picture said to be Lansdale and Bush that is altered.  Here are pictures from google now. The tall figure with the flat hair cut is said to be a tall lean George Bush with a shorter Lansdale; his back to the camera. 

If you pull back on the entire photograph,  the location of the two figures is on Elm street right about where JFK was killed.  They are literally standing in front of the kill zone.

What is also important other so-called FBI picture of Bush at the doorway of TSBD book depository.  This left side of the picture is cropped and Bush is addressing that person cropped outa the shoulder. This cropped figure is about same height as the man standing beside Bush in the Elm street photo. Who is Bush talking to in the TSBD picture? Why is that figure cropped out?   


bush lansdale.jpg

bush lansdale 2.jpg

bush TSBD.jpg

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  • 7 months later...
On 9/8/2017 at 1:04 PM, Roger DeLaria said:


This picture clearly shows Lansdale's drooping right shoulder, and his right hand hangs down further than his left. Unfortunately, because of the angle in the tramp walk photo, we can't see this. Although in the tramp walk photo, it does appear that his right shoulder is lower than his left, hard to tell.




In the top photo, all one has to do is look at the airplanes in the framed picture on the wall behind the men.

Drawing straight lines horizontally from each man's head you can easily see the relative heights of each man.

Allan Dulles has a bigger, thicker body than Lansdale, with high shoulders, but he's no taller than Lansdale in total height. Lansdale's neck and head are longer and bring his height up to the 6ft.2 inch height of Dulles.

Lansdale has relatively small and narrow shoulders.

By the way, Clay Shaw ( Clay Bertrand ) was built like Dulles, only bigger and taller!

Shaw was hulking with thick high horizontal plane shoulders.

Jim Garrison at 6 ft. 6 in. was taller than Clay Shaw, but not extremely so. I'd say Shaw was 6 ft. 3 in. to 6 ft. 4 in.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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16 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

That does not look like Poppy Bush to me.



Are you referring to this photo (below) or to the photo (above) of the other guy standing by the street?


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None of the Dealey Plaza photos shows a man who

looks close enough to G. H. W. Bush, in my view. He

was in transit from Tyler to Dallas that afternoon

and reported he went to the Sheraton, where the

Secret Service and White House communications

station were located.

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1 hour ago, Joseph McBride said:

None of the Dealey Plaza photos shows a man who

looks close enough to G. H. W. Bush, in my view. He

was in transit from Tyler to Dallas that afternoon

and reported he went to the Sheraton, where the

Secret Service and White House communications

station were located.

JM, do you feel differently at all regards any other Dealy Plaza pedestrian photos being close enough in resemblance to the nefarious characters mentioned to not rule them out completely as such? Especially the 3 tramp/Lansdale one?

I sense the whole suspicious character Dealey Plaza photo subject is not something you put much import worth into?

However, did you ever suggest Tippit himself perhaps being involved with the shooting somehow?


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2 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

None of the Dealey Plaza photos shows a man who

looks close enough to G. H. W. Bush, in my view. He

was in transit from Tyler to Dallas that afternoon

and reported he went to the Sheraton, where the

Secret Service and White House communications

station were located.

Well, nobody's perfect.

Any definitive evidence that GHWB went to Tyler on 11/22/63?

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I tried to post a photo of Bush at the luncheon in Tyler on 11-22-63, but the

site said it was too large to post. I write in INTO THE NIGHTMARE about

where Tippit may have been over the noon hour that day (the evidence

is not conclusive re his whereabouts).

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6 hours ago, Joseph McBride said:

I tried to post a photo of Bush at the luncheon in Tyler on 11-22-63, but the

site said it was too large to post. I write in INTO THE NIGHTMARE about

where Tippit may have been over the noon hour that day (the evidence

is not conclusive re his whereabouts).

Someone has posted a photo of GHWB at a luncheon in Tyler, Texas.

My question.  When was that photo taken?

Do we have any definitive evidence that the photo was taken on 11/22/63?

Bush was campaigning in Texas for the Senate in 1963.

Was a 1963 Tyler campaign photo incorporated into a GHWB legend/alibi-- along with the FBI phone call about Parrott and the weird Barbara Bush letter?




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I wrote extensively about Poppy Bush in INTO THE NIGHTMARE (35 pages). Russ Baker

in FAMILY OF SECRETS has a section on the Tyler episode that

includes his interview with Aubrey Irby, then VP of the Tyler Kiwanis Club and later president of Kiwanis

International, who attested to Poppy's presence at the Blackstone Hotel in Tyler

to give a speech that had to be canceled due to the assassination. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/809170258040357823/

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