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Oswald Leaving TSBD?

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I have now gone back and done a quick search for Bonnie Ray Williams statements.  The only thing I have found so far is the typed FBI report and his handwritten affidavit for DPD which has a typewritten counterpart that is signed.  The DPD documents differ from the FBI documents in that he says "officers came up", not AN OFFICER.  He also does not say how they came up, or if they were in uniform or plainclothes.  The FBI version makes many more specific claims, but has no signature, no initials and is written from the viewpoint of the interviewer referring to what was told them (supposedly).  To me, the 1st day, 1st person, handwritten/transcribed document would appear to be the most truthful.  Taking that into account, I would say that officers, not AN OFFICER (Baker), came onto the 5th floor, possibly by the elevator.

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7 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

I disagree, Paul. What they did was use what Oswald said to try to incriminate him by adding a few extra words to his testimony.

"There was a commotion outside, which he [Oswald] later rushed downstairs to go out to see what was going on."

Remove that phrase and what Oswald says meets with the situation of being at the front of the TSBD before the shooting.

According to the official line, Oswald casually spoke to Hines after the shooting and after being accosted by Baker and Truly. If that was so, he hardly "rushed downstairs"


Actually, I agree with this in principle.  It was far more convincing to attribute lies to Oswald by piecing together words that Oswald actually said with words that Captain Fritz and the conspirators wanted Oswald to say.  

They also pieced together bits of other witnesses' evidence -- forcing these words into Oswald's mouth -- as the WC attorneys themselves suspected, e.g. in the case of Harry Holmes' WC testimony.

So, Ray, despite our many disagreements, we seem to agree on this point -- that the "last words" of Oswald as handed down to us by DPD Captain Will Fritz, Dallas FBI agents James Hosty and James Bookhout, Dallas SS agent Forrest Sorrels and Dallas Postmaster Harry Holmes were twisted and turned any way they wanted to make their case.

They stepped on themselves in several places, however.  First among these was their contradiction of William Shelley -- who had no reason in the world to lie when he said he never saw Oswald at the front door of the TSBD in the minutes after the JFK assassination.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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The WC testimony of Dallas Postmaster Harry Holmes is very long -- given in two sessions in April, 1964.  Holmes is among the most interesting witnesses in the entire WC.  Let's take a first look:


Mr. BELIN. All right, now. Let me ask you this. Just what was the occasion of your joining this interrogation? How did you happen to be there?

Mr. HOLMES. I had been in and out of Captain Fritz' office on numerous occasions during this 2 1/2-day period. On this morning I had no appointment...Captain Fritz motioned to me and said, "We are getting ready to have a last interrogation with Oswald before we transfer him to the county jail. Would you like to join us?" I said, "I would." We went into his private room and closed the door, and those present were Captain Will Fritz, of the Dallas Police Department, Forrest V. Sorrels, local agent in charge of Secret Service, and Thomas J. Kelley, inspector, Secret Service, from Washington, and also about three detectives who were not identified to me, but simply were guarding Oswald who was handcuffed and seated at Will Fritz' desk.

Mr. BELIN. All right, now. Will you state if you remember--do you have a written memorandum there of that interview?

Mr. HOLMES. Yes, sir.

Mr. BELIN. I wonder if you would just let me ask you: When did you make your written memorandum?

Mr. HOLMES. On December 17, 1963.

Mr. BELIN. I wonder if, using your memorandum to refresh your recollection, you would just say what was said by any of the people there and just cover the whole thing? I will take it up section by section. Just start out. This started around 9:30, is that it, on Sunday morning?

Mr. HOLMES. Yes, sir. Now, this is my impression, not what he said.


I will break off here to summarize a few key points.  First, Harry Holmes was a participant in the final interview of Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) in the office of Captain Will Fritz only minutes before LHO was murdered on 11/24/1963.

Secondly, Holmes took no notes at that interview, but later wrote a "memorandum" about it THREE WEEKS LATER.

Thirdly, Holmes admits openly that his "memorandum" represents his "impression" and not what LHO actually said.

With that in mind, let's skip further down to Holmes' recollection of Oswald's description of his Mexico City episode.  Here is what Holmes testified under oath to the WC:


Mr. BELIN. Did he admit that he went to Mexico?

Mr. HOLMES. Oh, yes.

Mr. BELIN. Did he say what community in Mexico he went to?

Mr. HOLMES. Mexico City.

Mr. BELIN. Did he say what he did while he was there?

Mr. HOLMES. He went to the Mexican consulate, I guess.

Mr. BELIN. Now, with regard to this Mexican trip, did he say who he saw in Mexico?

Mr. HOLMES. Only that he went to the Mexican consulate or Embassy or something and wanted to get permission, or whatever it took to get to Cuba. They refused him and he became angry and he said he burst out of there, and I don't know. I don't recall now why he went into the business about how mad it made him. He goes over to the Russian Embassy. He was already at the American. This was the Mexican -- he wanted to go to Cuba. Then he went to the Russian Embassy and he said, because he said then he wanted to go to Russia by way of Cuba, still trying to get to Cuba and try that angle and they refused and said, "Come back in 30 days," or something like that.  And, he went out of there angry and disgusted.

Mr. BELIN. Did he go to the Cuban Embassy, did he say or not?

Mr. HOLMES. He may have gone there first, but the best of my recollection, it might have been Cuban and then the Russian, wherever he went at first, he wanted to get to Cuba, and then he went to the Russian to go by Cuba.

Mr. BELIN. Did he say why he wanted to go to Cuba?


Mr. BELIN. This wasn't reported in your interview in the memorandum that you wrote?


Mr. BELIN. Is this something that you think you might have picked up from just reading the papers, or is this something you remember hearing?

Mr. HOLMES. That is what he said in there.


I will break here to underscore the question by WC attorney Belin, namely, "Is this something that you think you might have picked up from just reading the papers?"

The details of LHO's Mexico City trip are as fresh and accurate today as if they were read straight out of The Lopez Report (2003).  Could they be truly the words of LHO on 11/24/1963?  Are they not more likely the words of James Hosty and Forrest Sorrels, who were in touch with CIA rogues back in October 1963?

It doesn't seem plausible to me that the tight-lipped Oswald would go into such great detail about his Mexico City trip in the last moments before he was being transferred to the Dallas County Jail.  It seems far more likely to me that Harry Holmes was part of a Dallas conspiracy.

If this is correct, then we must discount anything that Harry Holmes (or any of his co-conspirators) said about LHO being at the front door of the TSBD in the minutes after the JFK assassination. 

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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2 hours ago, Richard Price said:

I have now gone back and done a quick search for Bonnie Ray Williams statements.  The only thing I have found so far is the typed FBI report and his handwritten affidavit for DPD which has a typewritten counterpart that is signed.  The DPD documents differ from the FBI documents in that he says "officers came up", not AN OFFICER.  He also does not say how they came up, or if they were in uniform or plainclothes.  The FBI version makes many more specific claims, but has no signature, no initials and is written from the viewpoint of the interviewer referring to what was told them (supposedly).  To me, the 1st day, 1st person, handwritten/transcribed document would appear to be the most truthful.  Taking that into account, I would say that officers, not AN OFFICER (Baker), came onto the 5th floor, possibly by the elevator.

Richard, he said a motorcycle policeman in his Warren Commission testimony.

Truly said that they both (Truly and Baker) walked up to the fifth floor where they then got the elevator up to the seventh floor.


Edited by Ray Mitcham
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On August 17, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Sean Murphy said:


What marks Prayer Man out is precisely how phlegmatic he appears.





--does he appear to show the slightest curiosity as to what is happening.


Asperger's Syndrome?

i am thinking they had to do 2 things:

-They had to put a Coke in his hands due to some unknown or known testimony or statement or photo that might pop up.

-And they had to put him lower in the building than they originally had planned. They settled with the second floor encounter scenario.

i have to read the Baker and Shelly statements and see what they look like.


Edited by Michael Clark
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On 1/6/2017 at 1:41 PM, Paul Trejo said:


Too many people claim to have seen LHO in this or that context -- most of them just mistaken about it (e.g. the guy at the gun store, installing a scope for an "Oswald" who didn't even look like LHO).

--Paul Trejo

Trying to quote mike machanska's post about Larry crafard being the shooter in this pic. But I keep picking up Paul's quote. So I am posting in order troubleshoot. I'll probably delete this if I can't properly edit it.

Edit- can't seem to delete this....






Edited by Michael Clark
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On 7/12/2016 at 10:18 PM, Mike Machanska said:

...the shooter could also be Larry Crafard, who was an expert sniper (not sure what arm of military) and he worked closely with Jack Ruby. He left town the day of the assassination and was known to be close friends/crime associates with James (Sutton) Files who many believe was the shooter behind the fence on the grassy knoll..

To be sure, Larry left town the next morning, Saturday. He quit his job at the Carousel and hitchiked to Michigan with $7 in his pocket.

His WC testimony states that on late Friday, 11-22 he got a call from an unknown girl who was calling about a job at the Carousel. After about 4 hours of chatting with her, he states that she said that she was taking a bus out of town in the morning. He never gets her name or where she was headed-to on the bus. After he hangs-up with her, Ruby calls, and tells him to grab a camera and that Ruby was going to pick him up immediately. This is when Ruby, himself and Senator ride around, take pics of the "Impeach Warren" billboard, visit the post office, and drive to a cafe. The cafe is the "Southland Hotel Cafe" according to Senator, although they both place it just off Commerce, not far from the Carousel. George H. W. Bush happened to be staying at the Southland Hotel that night, and it is said that David Atlee Phillips met with Oswald and Vinceza there some weeks before.

Edited by Michael Clark
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Testimony of Larry Crafard. According to his testimony, on the morning of 11-22-63 he was asleep in the Carousel Lounge, until he was awoken at @2 in the afternoon when a co-worker arrived and started blaring the news of the assassination over the radio.


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2 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

....Ruby calls, and tells him to grab a camera and that Ruby was going to pick him up immediately. This is when Ruby, himself and Senator ride around, take pics of the "Impeach Warren" billboard...

What is interesting about the "Impeach Earl Warren" billboards is that they were posted (all over the USA) by the John Birch Society.

This should remind us of what Jack Ruby told Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren himself from his Dallas jail cell on June 7, 1964:

Mr. RUBY. There is an organization here, Chief Justice Warren, if it takes my life at this moment to say it, and Bill Decker said be a man and say it, there is a John Birch Society right now in activity, and Edwin Walker is one of the top men of this organization -- take it for what it is worth, Chief Justice Warren...

Dallas Police, Dallas Deputies and Ex-General Edwin Walker -- here is where we should be looking.   LHO was on the 2nd floor of the TSBD, as Roy Truly and Officer Marrion Baker honestly testified.

--Paul Trejo

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1 hour ago, Paul Trejo said:


Dallas Police, Dallas Deputies and Ex-General Edwin Walker -- here is where we should be looking.   LHO was on the 2nd floor of the TSBD, as Roy Truly and Officer Marrion Baker honestly testified.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Michael Clark
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The quest to see LHO leaving the TSBD only minutes after the JFK assassination presumes the following:

1.  That LHO came out of the front door of the TSBD -- although there were no WC eye-witnesses who saw him do that.

2.  That all the TSBD employees who were at the front door of the TSDB and testified that LHO wasn't there, must have been lying.

3.  That the Dallas Police were telling the truth when they testified that LHO told them personally that he was on the front steps of the TSBD with Bill Shelley.

4.  That LHO was not only innocent of the JFK shooting (which I affirm), but that LHO was also clueless about the JFK shooting (which I deny).

These assumptions are incorrect, IMHO, and I cite as evidence, first and foremost, the 1995 book by Walt Brown: Treachery in Dallas.  Brown shows with careful logic why rogues in the Dallas Police should have always been the prime suspects of the JFK assassination.

LHO was on the 2nd floor of the TSBD when JFK was killed.  However -- LHO wasn't clueless about the JFK shooting.  He just figured it out too late.  LHO knew that he had become a Patsy because he knew exactly who had ultimately made him a Patsy.  He had thought they were his friends.  

Brown's book is required reading #1.  Caufield's book is a surprise confirmation.

--Paul Trejo

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Good post, Paul. One must wonder why would so many people within the first few hours, who must have been shocked and angered by the shooting of their beloved President, would want to not speak up about Oswald being out near the stairs with them  so the real guilty party could go free?  That theory just doesn't make sense to me.

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On ‎1‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 6:55 AM, Bill Miller said:

Good post, Paul. One must wonder why would so many people within the first few hours, who must have been shocked and angered by the shooting of their beloved President, would want to not speak up about Oswald being out near the stairs with them  so the real guilty party could go free?  That theory just doesn't make sense to me.

Right, Bill.  There's no motivation for so many TSBD to lie to protect LHO, by agreeing unanimously that LHO was nowhere to be seen near the TSBD front steps or first floor.

The only reason to accuse them all of lying seems to be to protect Captain Will Fritz (and his pals) who testified that LHO claimed that he was out front with Bill Shelley.

The more likely scenario is that Captain Will Fritz lied in order to fully portray LHO as a big fat l-i-a-r.  Yet in doing this, Fritz also gave ammunition to those who maintain not only the innocence of LHO in the JFK shooting (which I also maintain), but also that LHO was an honest and innocent choir boy (which I deny).

It is impossible that LHO was outside the TSBD standing next to Bill Shelley and Roy Truly, but they didn't see him.  Impossible.

Although it's not impossible that LHO himself lied about it, it is more likely that Captain Will Fritz was inventing a story to anger Bill Shelley, to get Bill Shelley to attack LHO more forcefully.  I say this because the rest of the testimony by Captain Will Fritz is carefully packaged, submitted after weeks of delay, and perfectly matches the testimony given by Dallas FBI agents James Hosty, James Bookhout, Dallas SS agent Forrest Sorrels, as well as Dallas Postmaster Harry Holmes -- who also added a full detail of LHO's Mexico City trip for good measure.  It was calculated.

LHO was nowhere to be seen near the TSBD front steps or first floor.  LHO was not Prayer Man.  The search for LHO in photographs and film of the front steps of the TSBD is unlikely to bear fruit.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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