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12 hours ago, Jim Glover said:

Thanks Denis, Bad Idea to give anyone an important negative. This seems to be a pattern.

I don't use Blevin's enhancements.  The Commission Exhibit was printed more than a decade before the negative was ruined by someone at HSCA. And it does not show anyone in the "snipers window".1521012246_TSBD_MomentsafterShooting2copy3Morecontrast.thumb.jpg.115bab0b8425a2d9f71409844e3ab3cf.jpg

If that's a face in the window in this version, are the eyes canted more toward the figure's right than in the Oswald version, as if the head is cocked downward to that side?

I'm thinking that the Oswald features were superimposed over this roundish, face shaped blob, which may be a face but is unidentifiable.

Edited by David Andrews
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OK David you think it is "Superimposed" on a blob or Fake?  I doubt that without proof of Who Faked it, When, How and Why because you are in a sense describing a crime. So who are the criminals, Tom Dillard? Does he have a record of being a criminal or trying to frame Oswald?  And since the dirty windows make the figure hardly noticeable why did it take so many decades for the figure to even be noticed until the public had the computer tools to examine it closely?  Seems like a lot of work which I am not convinced it was even possible in 1963 by that night when Tom Dillard printed his Photo or that he even knew that the coup would be using Oswald as the "Lone Nut" by that night after he got back from Parkland. Also seems unlikely just because of the risk if exposed to the Paper and Tom Dillard. So is Tom Dillard a bad guy or his newspaper bad guys for faking the photo and exhibit for what purpose, if It wasn't used to prove it was Oswald at anytime even today? If you think it was Faked?  Convince me.

For me it is more likely for reasons I have given that it is Oswald or a look-alike, more then the crime of destroying and falsifying evidence. I see no purpose for what you think without evidence of how, who, when and why the risk was taken with no purpose since it was never even noticed. Like I explained, even if it could be proved it is Oswald that does not prove he was the "Lone Nut Shooter in the Sniper Window" during a crossfire ambush with the cover-up being the Coup.  If you have proof or evidence with motive of your accusations I would want to hear it. So where was Oswald... who can even prove that?  

One thing has changed in this discussion. At first the figure was just a shape of the dirt on the dirty window. But now, another crime. So, this relatively new discovery has challenged most researchers who have invested years without Oswald's whereabouts proved so far.  I think I understand yours and other's suspicion of another crime of Falsifying Evidence and that's OK by me.  I can't prove it is Oswald or his Look-alike but I find it very compelling to be so.

You have a good question: "If that's a face in the window in this version, are the eyes canted more toward the figure's right than in the Oswald version, as if the head is cocked downward to that side?" 

He does appear to be looking down and If Oswald told Capt. Fritz he was out front with Bill Shelly, by looking down he could possibly see Shelly who testified he was out on that island away from the steps. How would he know where Shelly was if he did not see him?

There is no proof about much in this case. We have our beliefs about it after 55 years of killing, confusion, fear, decoys and cover-ups. Nothing we do or say will bring back JFK, Lee or the many people killed and hurt about this manufactured mystery. One thing Oswald said to a reporter in the Hallway, "Of course I was in the building... I work there!"  He could have cracked the case at trial if allowed to defend himself but Ruby made sure that would not be. Thanks David for noticing the figure appears to be looking down.

Happy Spring!

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1 hour ago, Jim Glover said:


If you think it was Faked?  Convince me.


There is no proof about much in this case.


Happy Spring!


Convince you? WHY? Knock yourself out.

We poured over these images years ago. Day in day out... There was NO composite with LHO in any window, ever.  Jesse Curry would give his eye teeth to have that when he wrote his book...

Unless you (or someone else) can provide where this image came from and can then provide another copy of that same image with its bonfires and verification, it's a complete waste bandwidth...

I suspect this little misdirection was created in the past 12-18 months... Simple stuff in Photoshop takes maybe 10 minutes (if that). LMAO!

Edited by David G. Healy
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1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

I may suffer from pareidolia.  Pardoyleia is when you see Popeye Doyle in every picture.

It was an incorrectly spelled pun on Brian Doyle's vision, David. "Paradoyleia"😊

Edited by Ray Mitcham
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I tried to buy the picture from the Dallas Morning News, this is the reply that I got:

We're sorry. The photo or page reprint you requested from The Dallas Morning News is not available for sale.

Please do not respond to this email. If you wish to contact us please go to this web page: 

Dallas Morning News Team


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18 hours ago, David G. Healy said:


Convince you? WHY? Knock yourself out.

We poured over these images years ago. Day in day out... There was NO composite with LHO in any window, ever.  Jesse Curry would give his eye teeth to have that when he wrote his book...

Unless you (or someone else) can provide where this image came from and can then provide another copy of that same image with its bonfires and verification, it's a complete waste bandwidth...

I suspect this little misdirection was created in the past 12-18 months... Simple stuff in Photoshop takes maybe 10 minutes (if that). LMAO!



You are wrong here.

The image in the Dallas news website shows the same building with Oswald in it.  If it was superimposed, it was done in 1963.  Take a look - http://interactives.dallasnews.com/2015/jfk-portraits/


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7 hours ago, Lewis Reynolds said:

Heres the Dallas website photo and the enhanced one together.

Every wonder why your Oswald in the window has no body - and the windows are disgustingly dirty...  Let me show you something Lewis...

I did this to show that most any random set of light and shadows can be made to look like something is there when it isn't..

Case in Point:   Kneeling bush boy.  Now we both know there was no one kneeling at that spot in the Moorman image... or any other image for that matter...

But if you knew no better, you could argue that this was a real person....  it's not.


And then there is the non-existent "Badgeman-woman-child" which is simply the sky, leaves and sunlight.  But that man in the hat to the west WAS real and right where the footprints in the mud and on the bumper were found....  FWIW




Between the dirt, artifacts and generations of images... conclusions are virtually pointless....  There is a pile of evidence that there were 2 men on the 6th floor up to and thru the assassination....  one in a white t-shirt, the other in a brown sport coat and horn-rimmed glasses....  both were seen leaving the TSBD...

So maybe instead of p!$$!ng into the wind on this one...  dig a little deeper into what actually happened from 12:30 - 1pm...

You'd be amazed at the extent of the lying from Shelley, Lovelady, Piper, Truly...


14 hours ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:


You are wrong here.

The image in the Dallas news website

I beg to differ Keyvan...  as I showed above... random patterns can be made to be almost anything... and once seen - it becomes virtually impossible to UN-see it that way.

Where is the man's body? Why do you not take any of the artifacts and dirt into account as you "see" Oswald...

Could it be someone else?  Maybe the T-shirt man from the WEST Window?




Below left corner is what a person in a window looks like:  Head, Body, Legs, Arms....

I've always found David Healy to be extremely reliable when it comes to what could and couldn't be done with film....

then again we ain't gonna learn what we don't wanna know





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"Every wonder why your Oswald in the window has no body - and the windows are disgustingly dirty...  Let me show you something Lewis..."

I never said it was Oswald. All i said was that the Dallas photo does appear to have the shape of a head....I'm not agreeing it is actually a person.

Yes the dirt and marks probably make that shape...and as you say people see what they want to say.

My point was that the original photo of this thread is definately photoshopped. I made the LBJ in the window image to show how easy it is.

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There is too much detail in the Oswald version. imo

Take the original non-detailed version and apply "image-adjustment-variation" using Photoshop. (Pick whatever variation looks good to you.)

Notice the difference in detail among the "original and variation" versions versus the Oswald version.




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1 hour ago, Lewis Reynolds said:

"Every wonder why your Oswald in the window has no body - and the windows are disgustingly dirty...  Let me show you something Lewis..."

I never said it was Oswald. All i said was that the Dallas photo does appear to have the shape of a head....I'm not agreeing it is actually a person.

Yes the dirt and marks probably make that shape...and as you say people see what they want to say.

My point was that the original photo of this thread is definately photoshopped. I made the LBJ in the window image to show how easy it is.

Why did Blevins photoshopped the photo? Someone here said he was a "good guy".

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