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The "Other" Zapruder Film

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yes, thanks, Ron - and that makes me wonder why it's not so obviously going up and down in Zapruder...

this and other oddities make me wonder about the films authenticity.

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yes, thanks, Ron - and that makes me wonder why it's not so obviously going up and down in Zapruder...

this and other oddities make me wonder about the films authenticity.

Welcome to the club.

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My two cents, for what it's worth. I never believed any film was altered. I've heard stories most of my adult life of the "other" Z-film and in the last two years, I've been given names of people (dead of course so I cannot contact them) who say the Nix film was altered as well. And that the Nix film is a training film for Military Intelligence. And that its been destroyed. And it was placed in a bank vault and subsequently demolished...and on and on and on.

What I do know is that my grandfather always said the film looked different (his, not Zapruder's) when it was returned by the FBI. Was he just ignorant? Would he not know his own film? What's the answer?

So in regards to alteration, I have changed my stance, as I suggest most do in this case when we realize how much has been tampered with, lied about, obfuscated, denied, shredded, stolen and fictionalized. What do we do? We must keep an open-mind and DEMAND that this case be reopened with a non-partisan panel.

Yes, this is my agenda. I want to find the Nix film and I truly do not understand why more people not think it important to do so.

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I agree completely. You make an excellent point: the original Nix film would be incredibly important. Even the extant Nix film is incredibly important because of the ways it conflicts with the extant Z-film.

The biggest problem IMO is that while most non-brain-dead adult Americans have at least heard of the Z-film, I bet almost no Americans who are not students of the JFK assassination have ever heard of the Nix film. The U.S. Government and its media lackeys have made sure the Nix film doesn't register on Americans' radar screens.

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  • 7 years later...
On 6/7/2015 at 4:25 PM, Jon G. Tidd said:


I agree completely. You make an excellent point: the original Nix film would be incredibly important. Even the extant Nix film is incredibly important because of the ways it conflicts with the extant Z-film.

The biggest problem IMO is that while most non-brain-dead adult Americans have at least heard of the Z-film, I bet almost no Americans who are not students of the JFK assassination have ever heard of the Nix film. The U.S. Government and its media lackeys have made sure the Nix film doesn't register on Americans' radar screens.


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To my thinking, there is no question that the Zfilm(s) have been altered, as everyone acknowledges they have been spliced in at least two places...

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Jonathan Cohen writes:


There is no "other" Zapruder film… 

To be precise, there is no good reason to believe those who have claimed to have seen some 'other' Zapruder film.

Just look at the implications of the claims. If these people really did see what they claimed to have seen, there exists a proto-Zapruder film that provides definitive proof that more than one gunman killed JFK. Understandably, this film is top secret. Yet copies of this film existed in several parts of the world, and were made available over several years to all sorts of people. One account even has the film being shown publicly, in a cinema in New York, if I recall correctly.

It's preposterous. It's the JFK assassination's equivalent of alien abduction stories. So a distant civilisation somehow found a way to travel thousands of light years, you say? Hmm. And they sent some little green men to abduct one or two humans and perform experiments on them? OK. And they did this hundreds of times, to hundreds of different humans? I see. Then the little green men flew away again, after carving out some pretty patterns in farmers' wheat fields? Hmm. If you say so.

Anyone who believes in the existence of some 'other' Zapruder film needs to:

  • either produce good corroboration for the claims that have been made,
  • or develop some critical thinking skills.

There isn't much sign of the latter on this forum, so we'll have to settle for the former. What corroboration does anyone have for these claims? Why exactly should we believe any claims about this so-called 'other' Zapruder film (or alien abduction stories, come to that)?

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5 hours ago, Charles Blackmon said:

In reviewing this thread, I would just like to know whom to thank for chasing Thomas Graves off this forum.


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