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Attorney's file on Roger Stone, LaRouche and Russia influencing the 2016 presidential election

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Makes sense.  Trump got the nomination because he ran as an outsider against the GOP establishment.  Even though he was widely outspent by Bush.

Sanders probably would have won the nomination if not for the super delegates and the rigging inside the DNC.

So they figured that the HRC club would grab onto the Russia Gate thing to explain the loss.  BTW, that theme is also a part of the book Shattered, examining just how bad her campaign was. 


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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Well, Mueller came in with the verdict Dowd said he would.


If one adds in the fact the Gates and Manafort cases were not related to his immediate objective, that most of the other convictions are called process crimes, and the whole xxxxx farm and intel directorate are quite questionable, then what did this actually produce?

What does Bob say, well this is Trump's fault somehow.   And let us leave out Nellie Ohr.  :o 

IMO, what is so unfortunate about this is that 1.) It diverted from the really bad things that Trump has done in places like Venezuela, and his love affair with Likud, and 2.) His disastrous tax plan which was always a way to benefit the upper classes and later steal from the middle class through Social Security and Medicare cuts.

But the really negative end result  is that now Trump can crow that he was right all along.  As Archibald Cox said long ago, when you take aim at a king, you better bring him down.

The Democrats will now rant and rave and try to make something out of the remnants. But his will invigorate Trump's base. There will be no impeachment proceedings. And it will make him harder to beat next year.  All to my distress.

It looks like the late great Bob Parry was right about this way back then in 2016.


The opera ain't over til the fat lady sings (that may be her warming up in the wings though haha). I take it the Bob you're referring to is me - but that's not what I said at all. I said he was a vulnerable candidate for a jillion reasons and I'll stand by that. I mean common Jim, he was raw-dogging porn stars while his wife was pregnant, lying about trying to close a real estate deal in Russia, I could go on but you well know his problems. Any other candidate would have been flushed down the drain (and would have if the public knew the realities of this stuff) and he will still have to defend these things possibly in a primary, and for sure against a democrat. It's a long slog.

Edited by Bob Ness
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Oh, I thought it was an evil genius from an Austin Powers movie. :sun

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Well, Mueller came in with the verdict Dowd said he would.


If one adds in the fact the Gates and Manafort cases were not related to his immediate objective, that most of the other convictions are called process crimes, and the whole xxxxx farm and intel directorate are quite questionable, then what did this actually produce?

What does Bob say, well this is Trump's fault somehow.   And let us leave out Nellie Ohr.  :o 

IMO, what is so unfortunate about this is that 1.) It diverted from the really bad things that Trump has done in places like Venezuela, and his love affair with Likud, and 2.) His disastrous tax plan which was always a way to benefit the upper classes and later steal from the middle class through Social Security and Medicare cuts.

But the really negative end result  is that now Trump can crow that he was right all along.  As Archibald Cox said long ago, when you take aim at a king, you better bring him down.

The Democrats will now rant and rave and try to make something out of the remnants. But his will invigorate Trump's base. There will be no impeachment proceedings. And it will make him harder to beat next year.  All to my distress.

It looks like the late great Bob Parry was right about this way back then in 2016.


It's not over yet.  He indicted 34 people and 3 Russian companies.  People are going to prison over this.  All the information is not released yet, as if it ever will be. And it led, with the taking back of the House to their investigation including this.


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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

1.) A real Deep State, by; 

2.) CIA operatives, under the cover of; 

3.) an entirely compromised Mainstream Media.  

The JFK assassination clearly looks like a conspiracy in retrospect, given all the information that has slowly trickled out after 55 years. In the years just after the assassination, it is probably safe to assume most JFK researchers at the time could say with as much confidence as they do now that a conspiracy killed JFK. They may have had suspicions, but they did not have 50+ years of data to work with, collaboration was slow, and the cognitive dissonance of considering parts of the US government were part of the conspiracy would certainly have been more extreme. Things happen in real time now. There is a lot to consume. It is OK if you don't see the the big picture because you haven't looked. Not bothering to look and dismissing a conspiracy on a JFK Assassination forum is laughable.

I agree with this.

A fairly large amount of information has been established pertaining to the minutiae of individuals and events which form the Trump campaign/Russia allegations, and they invariably involve persons associated with Fusion GPS or CIA/FBI/MI6. No identified agents of the Russian government are involved in any but a historical context. The reflexive dismissal of this information on a JFK assassination forum is kind of weird.

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7 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Well, Mueller came in with the verdict Dowd said he would.


If one adds in the fact the Gates and Manafort cases were not related to his immediate objective, that most of the other convictions are called process crimes, and the whole xxxxx farm and intel directorate are quite questionable, then what did this actually produce?

What does Bob say, well this is Trump's fault somehow.   And let us leave out Nellie Ohr.  :o 

IMO, what is so unfortunate about this is that 1.) It diverted from the really bad things that Trump has done in places like Venezuela, and his love affair with Likud, and 2.) His disastrous tax plan which was always a way to benefit the upper classes and later steal from the middle class through Social Security and Medicare cuts.

But the really negative end result  is that now Trump can crow that he was right all along.  As Archibald Cox said long ago, when you take aim at a king, you better bring him down.

The Democrats will now rant and rave and try to make something out of the remnants. But his will invigorate Trump's base. There will be no impeachment proceedings. And it will make him harder to beat next year.  All to my distress.

It looks like the late great Bob Parry was right about this way back then in 2016.


Premature victory lap, Jim.

This from a guy who doesn't know how the RussiaGate investigation started.

Jim DiEugenio has no idea what's in the Mueller report and yet he's drawing hard and fast conclusions.

On what basis does DiEugenio exonerate the Russians Mueller indicted?

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RB:It's not over yet.  He indicted 34 people and 3 Russian companies.  People are going to prison over this.  All the information is not released yet, as if it ever will be. And it led, with the taking back of the House to their investigation including this.


Here is the problem with that.  First, the whole xxxxx farm thing will very likely never go to trial.  And that is good because as Gareth Porter pointed out, its just silly to do so.  You can find his trenchant article on this at Consortium News.

Cohen, Gates and Manafort are charged with things that do not come close to the point of the investigation. Namely Russia Gate.

Do you think the Russian intel guys are going to stand trial? Nope.  And Porter did a nice article on that also at Consortium.

Read William Binney on the whole DNC hack stuff, also at Consortium News.  He is quite convincing that it was not a hack.  (Recall how Tommy Graves tried to milk this one as continuing evidence of Russian operations agains the USA.  Yeah sure.)

Bob Parry was the first guy to delve into how really shallow this all was when he wrote that Flynn got caught in a perjury trap.  Which is a trick that prosecutors use all the time.

But because the Democrats thought they deserved to win the election, and the media were made bloody fools of by predicting HRC was going to win, and HRC and Podesta needed an excuse for blowing it all, we got stuck with this.  Now, it would have been neat if there had been something there.  As I said, i really do not like Trump.  But what has happened played into his hands.  And that is really the sad part of all this. For two years the really bad stuff he did was ignored for this smoke and mirrors. If anything shows us just how shallow and meretricious our new MSM is, this does.  I am so sick of the likes of Rachel Maddow and Josh Marshall touting this as the new Iran/Contra it makes me sick.  I mean who would know better than Peter Strozk, the FBI agent who was canned over this circus.  

Recall what he said?  There is no there there.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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I don’t know what’s in Mueller report, but I agree to some extent with Jim that Rissia wasn’t the best place to look. Trump and his family are crooks. His presidency is a disaster, and impeachment is the remedy. If the NY AG has the goods they should indict. 

I also agree with Jim on the msm, particularly Maddow and company. 

The planet is being destroyed by rampant capitalism. That ‘trumps’ everything else. 

Edited by Paul Brancato
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I expect the Mueller Report will be devastatingly complete and accurate on collusion with Russia, so much so that impeachment may emerge as a viable route to end Trump's reign as President. But impeachment may not necessarily follow.

The wiser heads in Washington likely concluded that indicting Trump would lead to total chaos and division throughout the country. The next presidential election is a year and half way and the best strategy may be to ride out the interim and let the voters speak on election day November 2020. Meanwhile Trump and the entire Trump Crime Family must now turn their attention to prosecutions of them being carried out in New York and other states.  Being taken down and destroyed under RICO in some cases by prosecution in these states will remove the sting that would have emerged had Mueller done it.


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I haven’t read this entire thread, but are some people here denying that the Russian government was involved in an enormous effort to help Trump win the election?  If so, I’m convinced they’re wrong.  The original U.S. Intel assessments that the Russians were involved in a big e-campaign to discredit Clinton and promote discordance among U.S. voters was significantly lacking in hard evidence.

But as time went by, a lot of evidence of Russian involvement was developed by what at least appear to be independent tech sources.  For example, evidence that the original spearphishing attack that John Podesta fell for came from Russians was developed more than a year ago by the three outfits listed below, and many others.  This all came well before Mueller’s indictments.

SecureWork, an Atlanta-based subsidiary of Dell Computers, wrote a report that can be read here:


CrowdStrike Company, a Sunnyvale, CA outfit founded by a former McAfee technical executive named George Kurtz came to the same conclusion. Kurtz wrote the best-selling bible of Internet security called “Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions.” CrowdStrike’s report can be read here:


A CrowdStrike associate named ThreatConnect took CrowdStrike’s original research and delved even deeper, showing the technical evidence linking the email theft to FANCY BEAR and COZY BEAR, both Russian-based intel groups.  Read ThreatConnect’s report here:


We  all know the power of Amercian Intel and how its tentacles go everywhere, but above is just the tip of the iceberg of evidence that Russians hacked Clinton’s campaign.  There are many more studies.  The subject was of great interest to tech nerds everywhere, and because the Wikileaks releases were done electronically rather than on paper, all the smtp headers in the emails were preserved, making full analysis of this stuff by private techies reasonably straightforward.  As opposed to the crappy CIA/Homeland Security report more interested in preserving its secrets than giving compelling technical proof, the reports above, and many others, include real evidence!

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24 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

. Trump and his family are crooks. His presidency is a disaster, and impeachment is the remedy. If the NY AG has the goods they should indict.  


Exactly Paul, but read what Jim has written. Jim has never acknowledged that corruption and still doesn't. It wasn't until last night that Jim could even criticize Trump's policies.

Jim finally says last night.:
 1.) It diverted from the really bad things that Trump has done in places like Venezuela, and his love affair with Likud, and 2.) His disastrous tax plan which was always a way to benefit the upper classes and later steal from the middle class through Social Security and Medicare cuts.
Whoa, so after 2 years Jim's finally mustered up the courage to actually criticize the damage of Trump's policies, much less the corruption of the Trump Presidency? When for the last 2 years he's been the foremost apologist and even showing praise for Trump. Jim, you were given every opportunity .to reverse yourself and were dared to utter a word against Trump about 6 weeks ago Jim, do you remember?.
Kirk Said
Jim, So now you're sensitive to the little guy? For 2 years never a word from you about the lies and corrosion of discourse, the  bullying, the sexism, the divisive behavior, the fearmongering, the intimidation of people who can't defend themselves. Then on a macro scale, the  economic suppression, the tax cuts for the wealthy. The total disregard for the environment at what some of us at least think  is a critical time. 
But you didn't take it. None of these things even mattered to you only 6 weeks ago.Mum was the word. Blind to the corruption around you in your pursuit of just one overriding issue.Now Jim scrambles to cover his silence.
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I missed it with all the coverage of Barbara Streisand saying child assault is ok and all but did Mueller's investigation lead to President Trumps indictment....?



Oh wait, just saw, no.  Sorry CNN. 

Edited by Cory Santos
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