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Attorney's file on Roger Stone, LaRouche and Russia influencing the 2016 presidential election

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6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is a really interesting piece which tells us about Felix Sater, the guy Josh marshall has tried to build up as Putin's right hand man.  When in fact, he is a double agent.

IMO, its gotten to the point now, that with Sater, Mifsud, Stefan and the phony Putin niece, someone was setting a trap.  It was the Brits working with the FBI.

It ended up being quite successful.  Due to the usual stupidity of the MSM>



Is the Larry C. Johnson in the above consortiumnews article this guy?


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Doug, when I saw Barbara Walters name listed as someone who defended Cohn when his corruption finally resulted in his disbarment, I was curious about such a friendship.

I too think Barbara Walters is the ultimate shameless self promoter and certainly not someone interested in too much beyond that endeavor.

I have a guess feeling that her father interacted with many shady characters in his New York club ownership era.  Those connections of course would at some point interconnect with Mob lawyer Cohn.

William F.Buckley defends Cohn in Cohn's disbarment fight?

What is THAT all about? Buckley defending a mob lawyer?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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This is a disgrace:




Clearly, the FBI though the judge would let her off with time served.

So they come in at the last minute with a new cockamamie idea.


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11 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is a really interesting piece which tells us about Felix Sater, the guy Josh marshall has tried to build up as Putin's right hand man.  When in fact, he is a double agent.

IMO, its gotten to the point now, that with Sater, Mifsud, Stefan and the phony Putin niece, someone was setting a trap.  It was the Brits working with the FBI.

It ended up being quite successful.  Due to the usual stupidity of the MSM>



Jim - you post something written by Larry C Johnson. I did some sleuthing as I always do when I read something controversial. Honestly I wouldn’t trust anything he writes. 


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Jim, Did you read Dou'gs post? Is this the same ex CIA affiliated Larry C.Johnson who accused Michelle Obama of using Caucasian slurs, which was later unproven, as well as an unfounded accusation  just prior to the election in October 2008 that Obama used the word "whitey"?   The same Larry C. Johnson who also  pieced  together words from John Kerry on a 1971 Dick Cavett interview to say that Kerry admitted he "raped for pleasure" while serving in Vietnam?

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5 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Jim, Did you read Dou'gs post? Is this the same ex CIA affiliated Larry C.Johnson who accused Michelle Obama of using Caucasian slurs, which was later unproven, as well as an unfounded accusation  just prior to the election in October 2008 that Obama used the word "whitey"?   The same Larry C. Johnson who also  pieced  together words from John Kerry on a 1971 Dick Cavett interview to say that Kerry admitted he "raped for pleasure" while serving in Vietnam?

Very same guy. 

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13 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Doug, when I saw Barbara Walters name listed as someone who defended Cohn when his corruption finally resulted in his disbarment, I was curious about such a friendship.

I too think Barbara Walters is the ultimate shameless self promoter and certainly not someone interested in too much beyond that endeavor.

I have a guess feeling that her father interacted with many shady characters in his New York club ownership era.  Those connections of course would at some point interconnect with Mob lawyer Cohn.

William F.Buckley defends Cohn in Cohn's disbarment fight?

What is THAT all about? Buckley defending a mob lawyer?

Buckley wrote the book, McCarthy and His Enemies, and undoubtedly consulted with Roy Cohn while writing it. When I was working with Buckley in the early 1960s he spoke of his close friendship with Cohn's law partner whose Irish name escapes me now.






Edited by Douglas Caddy
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7 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

There is a methodology by which current events can be measured and something like an objective reading of such events can be determined, and such methodology does not rely on twice-removed hearsay from anonymous sources. I have no idea why outlets such as New York Review of Books have ditched professional journalistic standards in favour of anonymous gossip, let alone why any reasonable critically-minded person would think such gossip worthy of dissemination.

I understand Larry Johnson has peddled gossip about unrelated matters in the past, but his recent work is sourced to The Mueller Report itself and anyone can determine whether his insights hold up or not. The Trump Tower/Felix Sater information appears from page 67-79. Did Johnson get it wrong?

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Is The Intercept also a CIA mouthpiece?

Same info about  Sater there:



So here is my question:  Just how many FBI agents or assets have to be involved in this thing for any of you to say, hmm, that is a bit unusual?   

I mean just to admit its unusual? Can you give me a number?


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What is the evidence that those five people were really CIA?

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15 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

There is a methodology by which current events can be measured and something like an objective reading of such events can be determined, and such methodology does not rely on twice-removed hearsay from anonymous sources. I have no idea why outlets such as New York Review of Books have ditched professional journalistic standards in favour of anonymous gossip, let alone why any reasonable critically-minded person would think such gossip worthy of dissemination.

I understand Larry Johnson has peddled gossip about unrelated matters in the past, but his recent work is sourced to The Mueller Report itself and anyone can determine whether his insights hold up or not. The Trump Tower/Felix Sater information appears from page 67-79. Did Johnson get it wrong?

Republican lawmen in the FBI and Republican judges on the FISA court conspired to frame an innocent Republican candidate who only wanted to improve relations with Russia.  These Republican conspirators were so alarmed by Trump's Russia sentiments that they  re-opened a bogus investigation of Clinton's e-mails effectively throwing the election to Trump.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

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Exactly Cliff, it was just Trumps sentiments on the 2016 campaign trail that set this whole massive government sting operation aloft. (snore)

Some people will never get the Cold War out of their system. The greatest enemies to be feared are too smart to have not moved on from  that paradigm.

Do I now detect a the beginning of a crumbling from within from their state media?


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KG: Exactly Cliff, it was just Trumps sentiments on the 2016 campaign trail that set this whole massive government sting operation aloft.

Well, what was Perkins Coie hired to do?  

Answer: The Steele Dossier

What does the Steele Dossier have to do with the FISA Court?

The FBI used it on Carter Page.

Has Carter Page been indicted for anything?

Who gave the dossier to Buzzfeed?  Was it people who liked Trump?

Good detective work Kirk.


Can you now answer my question about all the BFI assets and agents involved?

(Sound of crickets in the night.)




Edited by James DiEugenio
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5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

KG: Exactly Cliff, it was just Trumps sentiments on the 2016 campaign trail that set this whole massive government sting operation aloft.

Well, what was Perkins Coie hired to do?  

Answer: The Steele Dossier

What does the Steele Dossier have to do with the FISA Court?

The FBI used it on Carter Page.

Has Carter Page been indicted for anything?

Who gave the dossier to Buzzfeed?  Was it people who liked Trump?

Once Trump appointed Michael Flynn National Security Advisor alarm bells went off within the intelligence community.  Until then they'd been Trumpland -- keeping investigations into Trump under wraps while blaring out investigations into Clinton.

5 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Good detective work Kirk.


Can you now answer my question about all the BFI assets and agents involved?

(Sound of crickets in the night.)

Does DiEugenio really expect us to ignore the traditional Republiican dominance of the FBI and the impact they had putting Trump into power?

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