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Attorney's file on Roger Stone, LaRouche and Russia influencing the 2016 presidential election

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My comments in bold italic...

I have had to shut off all of the media.

I don't blame him.  These are tough times for the victims of Trump's long con.

It's easier for people to stand accused of being stupid than stand accused of being duped and that's what's happened to Trump's victim/supporters-- they've been hell of duped!

The media/establishment hatred of Trump and their desire to force him from office is palpable and on near continuous display on every cable channel, including Fox.

A couple of hundred million Americans want Trump removed from office.  He's not our President.  May he die in jail.

These pundits remind me of the drowning  passengers from the Titanic, flailing frantically while immersed in freezing water but going no where but down. They are keen on avoiding facts.

Hilarious coming from a Trump man.  Trump lies constantly and his supporters pass those lies along.

Let's be clear what the facts are about Roger Stone.


FACT ONE--Roger Stone had an extremely short tenure with the Trump campaign.

Time out Green Bay! Save that f'n bs for the tourists!  (gratuitious Quentin Tarantino reference.)

Donald-Trump-for-Prez was Roger Stone's pet project for at least 30 years.

He served in an undefined position as a "campaign advisor" and either quit or was fired on 8 August 2015. Politico's account of the incident attributed Stone's departure to Trump's comments regarding former Fox star, Megyn Kelly:

Regardless of who resigned or was fired first, the campaign shakeup was the first sign that Trump’s election effort was seriously damaged from within after his Thursday night debate performance and his subsequent comments in which he attacked one of the Fox debate moderators, Megyn Kelly.

Lemme get this straight....  A guy who knew -- for 30 odd years! -- that Trump behaved like a dog toward women suddenly gets ultra-chivalrous and quits the campaign because Trump was a dog toward Megyn Kelly.

That's the bs we're asked to buy?

Roger Stone, Lee Atwater and Paul Manafort perfected the dark arts of personal destruction but because Trump said mean things about Megyn Kelly that was a bridge too far?

And otherwise intelligent people buy this?

Stone was never a critical component or the Trump campaign.'

Ran dirty tricks.  Needed to publicly distance himself from Trump's campaign so Trump wouldn't face blow back from the dark events to come.

He was not an insider and he was not a "go to guy" for Trump's inner circle. The indictment smears Stone by an unsupported claim that Stone had regular, continuing contact with unnamed persons affiliated with the Trump campaign even after his August 2015 departure. Having conversations is not illegal. Moreover, Stone was never a go to guy for the campaign.

I saw on cable news in the summer of 2016 helicopter footage of Trump and his entourage walking from his plane to a rally venue.  Trump and Stone were walking together with no one within 30yards of them.

FACT TWO--Roger Stone does have a history with Paul Manafort, who served a brief tenure as Trump's campaign manager. They formed a political consulting firm in 1980--Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly--and became known as bare knuckle brawlers in the world of electoral politics.

But this bare knuckle brawler drew the line at making fun of a pretty lady!

Yeah, right!

That's it for now, kids.  I can only spend so much time writing about Agent Orange.

To take this crap seriously is an insult to the intelligence of those of us un-duped.


Edited by Cliff Varnell
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X2 Cliff!! The true art of the perfect con is when the mark is too embarrassed to admit they've been had. It's like Trump's been to Madoff University. A con man gets your confidence by giving you his. He knows how to appeal to the various degrees of larceny in his associates and that's why he's surrounded by poisonous characters. It's true that you can't cheat an honest man because that doesn't work with them. They drift away as can be seen with the many departures from Trump's administration.

Edited by Bob Ness
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Jim said: I should add one last point.  And I am not  saying this is relevant to the case, because I do not think it is.  Both Corsi and Stone wrote books advocating conspiracy in the JFK case.
Then why even bring it up at all Jim? None of the people now prosecuting or being prosecuted give a s--t  about the JFKA, even Roger Stone, if he ever did. He could have done all that prep for that joint discussion with you in one weekend, or bone up on one of those loony conspiracy sights.
 Yes I get the war cries. Like Judy Ruliani. First there was "No collusion, and now it's, "Collusion is not a crime". You'd have to be a sleuthing boob to tell yourself that all these timely connections and circumstantial events don't mean anything, particularly when they have infinitely more foundation than  some theories brought up here every day.
But it doesn't really even matter anyway. Even if there wasn't irrefutable evidence leading directly to Trump's door.  Most reasoning people don't want O.J. for their President.
It leaves the nation in untenable situation,which is a great victory for those who want to bring everyone else down to their level, which I empathize as human nature, and just life in America, there's a mother lode of envy to go around.
First, there's no collusion,
then there is collusion- but legit!
Donovan -1967
Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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Geez Kirk: Ever heard of the word "irony"?

BTW how did you leave that dirty rotten fascist Assange out of your post?

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12 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

X2 Cliff!! The true art of the perfect con is when the mark is too embarrassed to admit they've been had. It's like Trump's been to Madoff University. A con man gets your confidence by giving you his. He knows how to appeal to the various degrees of larceny in his associates and that's why he's surrounded by poisonous characters. It's true that you can't cheat an honest man because that doesn't work with them. They drift away as can be seen with the many departures from Trump's administration.

Well worth the read:


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14 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

X2 Cliff!! The true art of the perfect con is when the mark is too embarrassed to admit they've been had. It's like Trump's been to Madoff University. A con man gets your confidence by giving you his. He knows how to appeal to the various degrees of larceny in his associates and that's why he's surrounded by poisonous characters. It's true that you can't cheat an honest man because that doesn't work with them. They drift away as can be seen with the many departures from Trump's administration.

Bob, it's crazy hilarious what these people are trying to get away with.

I love this:

Regardless of who resigned or was fired first, the campaign shakeup was the first sign that Trump’s election effort was seriously damaged from within after his Thursday night debate performance and his subsequent comments in which he attacked one of the Fox debate moderators, Megyn Kelly.

Trump's machismo roiled his campaign!  

Roger Stone certainly wouldn't sit still for Trump dumping on Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly!

Paul Manafort worked for murderous dictators and Roger Stone was cool with that -- but calling Rosie a pig and Megyn a bleeder??  How dare that Trump fellow!

The Richard Nixon on Stone's back shed a tear...

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Here’s David Stockman on the Stone arrest and indictment:


“…the entire Russia collusion hoax is really nothing more than a dimwitted attempt to conjure up a Russian assault on American democracy that absolutely did not happen; and to cover-up the most egregious breach of constitutional government that has ever been endured by what remains of the American Republic.”

Certainly the Kennedy assassination and coverup was a more egregious breach of constitutional government, but one of its lessons is that the breach needs to be addressed or it will happen again, and again… Very unfortunate that partisan emotion is clouding clear thinking and analysis.

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35 minutes ago, Jeff Carter said:

Here’s David Stockman on the Stone arrest and indictment:


“…the entire Russia collusion hoax is really nothing more than a dimwitted attempt to conjure up a Russian assault on American democracy that absolutely did not happen; and to cover-up the most egregious breach of constitutional government that has ever been endured by what remains of the American Republic.”

Certainly the Kennedy assassination and coverup was a more egregious breach of constitutional government, but one of its lessons is that the breach needs to be addressed or it will happen again, and again… Very unfortunate that partisan emotion is clouding clear thinking and analysis.

And David Stockman isn't partisan?

Seems to me you're mis-applying the lessons of the JFK assassination in regards to government perfidy.

The FBI installed Trump as President in a right-wing coup d'etat.  The American people are in the process of course correction.

The notion that Mueller is waging a politically motivated investigation isn't informed by clear thinking.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

He's sugar-coating it I'm afraid. Outta come out and say what he means without the soft sell hahaha

1 hour ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Bob, it's crazy hilarious what these people are trying to get away with.

I love this:

Regardless of who resigned or was fired first, the campaign shakeup was the first sign that Trump’s election effort was seriously damaged from within after his Thursday night debate performance and his subsequent comments in which he attacked one of the Fox debate moderators, Megyn Kelly.

Trump's machismo roiled his campaign!  

Roger Stone certainly wouldn't sit still for Trump dumping on Rosie O'Donnell and Megyn Kelly!

Paul Manafort worked for murderous dictators and Roger Stone was cool with that -- but calling Rosie a pig and Megyn a bleeder??  How dare that Trump fellow!

The Richard Nixon on Stone's back shed a tear...

Are you trying to say Roger couldn't have had his feelings hurt by the insults Trump served out to these people? The problem is he is getting away with it with a lot of low-voltage people. It's unbelievable to me.

8 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

And David Stockman isn't partisan?

Seems to me you're mis-applying the lessons of the JFK assassination in regards to government perfidy.

The FBI installed Trump as President in a right-wing coup d'etat.  The American people are in the process of course correction.

The notion that Mueller is waging a politically motivated investigation isn't informed by clear thinking.

Bureaucrats to the rescue!! The fourth branch!! Thank God there's still some deputy directors and non-political appointees that are decent people. These people were the one thing Trumpsters couldn't do anything about because they need them to run things. In an earlier time many of their predecessors were the people we rail about here but I'm sure glad we have them now. Trump calls them the Deep State. I call em our Lord and Saviors hahaha.

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7 minutes ago, Bob Ness said:

He's sugar-coating it I'm afraid. Outta come out and say what he means without the soft sell hahaha

Are you trying to say Roger couldn't have had his feelings hurt by the insults Trump served out to these people? The problem is he is getting away with it with a lot of low-voltage people. It's unbelievable to me.

Bureaucrats to the rescue!! The fourth branch!! Thank God there's still some deputy directors and non-political appointees that are decent people. These people were the one thing Trumpsters couldn't do anything about because they need them to run things. In an earlier time many of their predecessors were the people we rail about here but I'm sure glad we have them now. Trump calls them the Deep State. I call em our Lord and Saviors hahaha.

My understanding of "deep politics" as coined by Peter Dale Scott is "that which is meant to be kept hidden."

In the end there will likely be little hidden about Mueller's investigation.


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Thanks for that Jeff.  I never liked Stockman's politics, but I have admired his brains and candid style.

From reading this, he agrees with the FBi agent Strzok, collusion is not a crime.  And also "There is no there there."

He makes an interesting point with this line of argument:

In fact, Stone’s purported crimes all happened long after Trump was duly elected President and had sworn the oath. But for the Russia collusion hoax itself, Stone’s crimes wouldn’t have even happened because they stem from his appearance before a House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) investigation in September 2017 – long after the fact.This 12 month time gap is of crucial importance because Mueller’s charges are based on Stone’s recollections of phone calls and emails during the final few months of the 2016 election – not anything he did or any one else did at the time.That is, he’s not charged with colluding with the Trump campaign or any Russians – just allegedly "lying" about his interaction with two absolutely marginal figures – a comedian and a whacko right-wing conspiracy theorists – who had exactly zero impact on the 2016 election.

Indeed, the only reason these two bit players – Credico and Corsi (see below) – show up in Mueller’s comic book prosecution is that they were peripherally involved in one of Stone’s self-promoting publicity stunts during the campaign.To wit, Stone had publicly claimed that he was in direct communication with WikiLeaks and its editor Julian Assange. It turns out, however, that he wasn’t and that his claims were based on brief communications with Credico and Corsi about second hand knowledge they may have obtained from WikiLeaks or Assange about further leaked materials from the DNC.

And I should add, Jonathan Turley is a distinguished law professor who apparently agrees with him. From what I understand it was Schiff who urged Mueller to go ahead and indict Roger Stone, based on his congressional testimony.  So we went from one extreme with Nunes, Jordan and Gowdy, to the other.  

Is there something here, something more than collusion?  Maybe.  But Mueller is sure taking a long time to get there.  Its a year and a half now. From the time McCord wrote his letter to Sirica, it took about that time to remove Nixon from office.

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