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Trump: JFK files to be released

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Weird - I've seen both versions, but when I googled it the one suggesting he would block some files was the more recent one. However it is more logical that it wasn't. 

I still think he won't release some.

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My guess is "Mr. Art Of The Deal" is trying to figure out a way to work another one with these files.

Something like ... Okay JFK people, I'll trade you the release of these files...and you back me in the "non-release" of my tax returns battle with Meuller? 

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On ‎10‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 12:49 AM, Cory Santos said:

Politico had this story on the 20th, before Trump tweeted,


Then, it changed its tune,


Probably due to the sources politico is utilizing, Shenon etc.



Thanks Cory.   I like Paul am technologically challenged in these days and times though I keep trying.  It could be an interesting week.

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This is getting to be a wave story.  I have four appearances lined up on the subject.

If people go to me that means they are really sick of what they are getting in the MSM.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is getting to be a wave story.  I have four appearances lined up on the subject.

If people go to me that means they are really sick of what they are getting in the MSM.


Today I was contacted by a local news station.

I keep seeing so much incorrect information, especially the last two days.

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Casually watching Chris Mathews on MSNBC last night while I was making dinner, and had to do a double take on what he was saying about the JFK assassination....he's now actually open to alternatives to the official WC LN version.  I've seen him talk about this before and he is usually solidly in the MSM echo chamber with the official "Oswald did it" version. So I'm wondering what could have changed his mind? 



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On 10/24/2017 at 8:16 AM, Dan Doyle said:

Casually watching Chris Mathews on MSNBC last night while I was making dinner, and had to do a double take on what he was saying about the JFK assassination....he's now actually open to alternatives to the official WC LN version.  I've seen him talk about this before and he is usually solidly in the MSM echo chamber with the official "Oswald did it" version. So I'm wondering what could have changed his mind? 



Chris Matthews still believes Oswald did it. He just allows the possibility that Oswald had help.

Matthews says he hopes the document release will settle that question. My question to Matthews is, how will you ever know? Have you ever read anything that analyses what ARRB-released documents have revealed?


Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Any of our members invited on COAST TO COAST AM to speak about the release of the files yet?

If Noory and his team want a truly credible research and historically accurate assessment for their audience, versus Phil Shenon, they should do the right thing and contact these members.

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Regards Chris Mathews:

Expecting any of our highest paid main stream media political news and commentary figures, who have acquired or who are looking to acquire these super coveted career positions, to ever publicly endorse ( substantially ) the JFK assassination as a result of a conspiracy versus the WC "Lone Nut" conclusion ...

is as irrational as expecting them to say they believe in UFO's and an ET presence on our planet.

Those two subjects and an acknowledgement stance other than jokingly dismissing them are the biggest no-nos in that career field.

I remember a Republican presidential primary debate in 2007 where the first question asked to the first candidate was from moderator Tim Russert to Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich.

Russert asked Kucinich ( paraphrasing) if he still believed in UFOs.

Instead of calling out Russert for asking such an inane and irresponsible question relative to the issue importance of the debate, Kucinich tried to joke about his UFO beliefs. From that one question and Kucinich's response to it, Kucinich was instantly categorized and labeled as a laughable loon and was ruined as a serious presidential candidate...forever!

That's how destructively powerful the subjects of JFK conspiracy and UFO/ET belief are in the real world of political and main stream media career ambition and advancement.

Edited by Joe Bauer
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2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Any of our members invited on COAST TO COAST AM to speak about the release of the files yet?

If Noory and his team want a truly credible research and historically accurate assessment for their audience, versus Phil Shenon, they should do the right thing and contact these members.

I will be on November 18th, from ten to Midnight.

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