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General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald and Dallas Officials

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On 3/28/2018 at 9:22 PM, Paul Trejo said:

Sheriff Decker



On 3/28/2018 at 9:00 PM, Paul Trejo said:

  Curry camped out at Parkland Hospital around the time of the assassination because he was in the lead car, maybe 200 feet in front of JFK.   

1.1.  Aside from their driver, the others in that lead car were Sheriff Bill Decker and Dallas SS agent Forrest Sorrels.   (IMHO, these are three of the main JFK plotters).  

 2.  Sheriff Decker is camped out at Parkland Hospital around the time of the assassination because he was already in the lead car with Curry and Sorrels.


The pristine bullet found at Parkland and traceable to Oswald's rifle is an essential part of their case.   Maybe Curry and Decker are camped out at Parkland because someone has to plant the evidence?  You know, someone of eminence and authority who walks through off-limits areas of a hospital without being challenged?  



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10. It is utterly impossible for a murder suspect to take live bullets into a major city police station in 1963 and not have them discovered until hours later.

The idea that Oswald would still have live bullets anywhere on his person hours after his initial arrest is laughably ridiculous.

One can assume that police in 1963, when immediately confronting "armed and dangerous" suspects ( and in Oswald's very aggressive case of pulling a gun and actually pulling the trigger in his rough and tumble resistance fight with them in the theater makes him one ) would perform a subsequent search of every part of Oswald's person ( did he have another weapon on him? ) after they subdued him.

Didn't the patrol car officers go into Oswald's back pocket to pull the wallet out at that early stage of his arrest?  Yet they didn't even search his other pockets let alone at least pat them? 

And wasn't another complete body and clothing search normal procedure upon first processing a resisting, gun pulling murder suspect into custody back then in any police department more structured than Mayberry RFD?

To think that live bullets in Oswald's pocket escaped discovery until just before a line up hours after he was processed into custody is preposterous, unless perhaps they were planted there?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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Just to be clear, as I am still reading your dialogue with each other, none of this speculation is new, except perhaps to Jason. 

Though not Jewish by birth, I am considered culturally Jewish by myself and my lifelong and current Jewish friends. None of them would use the word Mishpucka, however one chooses to spell it, to mean Jewish crime family. It means extended family by blood. Please don’t throw around Wean’s pejorative use of that word around without first defining it as it is used by Jews, as opposed to its use by extreme anti-Semites like Wean.

Having made that point, one that I truly hope you humbly acknowledge, I wish to make another one - I have always found, AND HAVE STATED ON THIS FORUM MANY TIMES, the idea of an assassination attempt designed to be unsuccessful in killing JFK, to be subsequently be blamed on a Castro agent, was a perfect way to accomplish the goal of getting rid of Castro without having to kill a president. But the real plotters clearly had JFK’s death in mind, hence the carefully triangulated military style ambush of the motorcade. And Castro never did suffer that invasion.

Wean’s story breaks down, as Trejo knows well, because the proofs supposedly went down with a plane or some such thing, and of course because of his myopic and insane view of Jews. 

Honestly, I think it was the Right that did the deed. Always have. But I think they outsourced the kill team, and had friends in high places (JCS, CIA) who protected them because they agreed with them that JFK was a traitor, and who facilitated the operation by withdrawing support on the parade route, changing the autopsy location, withholding information from the WC, and giving the Press false info immediately and thereafter.

Paul - have you ever read info indicating that National Zeitung editor Gerhard Frey was a member of CMC? 

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On 3/30/2018 at 8:24 AM, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

...Here's something that sticks out for me.

Howard Brennan gives his information about the 6th floor, and even pinpoints the snipers nest window, within minutes of the assassination.  So why aren't the cops at the snipers nest within minutes?   Somehow DPD is able to quickly broadcast Brennan's description of Oswald, (provided it seems by Brennan to Inspector Sawyer) but chooses to ignore that Brennan also pinpointed the 6th floor sniper's nest?   This doesn't make sense.   

Based on Brennan's eyewitness statement, law enforcement should have been on the 6th floor snipers nest by no later than 12:45.   Yet we are told they have to bumble around and accidentally find at 1:08 the location Brennan had pinpointed a half hour before?  Why the delay?   (also, who are the cops deputy Mooney passes going down the stairs while he is going up?)

I find the sudden appearance of Forrest Sorrels suspicious.  He shows up at the right time to process Brennan.

As evidence posted above in this thread tends to indicate Forrest Sorrels knew of threatening Minutemen activity in Dallas but did not warn the White House about it, I think he needs more scrutiny.




WC witnesses told DPD officers within minutes – possibly even seconds – of sighting suspicious activity on the TSDB 6th floor.  DPD foot patrol were plentiful at the corner of Houston and Elm.   Brennan was not alone in his observations.   

All the DPD foot patrol on Houston and Elm told the WC that they saw nothing when they looked up at those windows, while many bystanders reported much activity up there!

You ask a GREAT question, Jason, namely, “Somehow DPD is able to quickly broadcast Brennan's description of Oswald…but chooses to ignore that Brennan also pinpointed the 6th floor sniper's nest?”

That cannot make sense -- so it was part of the JFK plot.  Based on Brennan's eyewitness statement, the DPD should have been on the Southeast corner of the 6th floor TSBD within five minutes of the JFK murder.   It took them 40 minutes to find those bullets?   I don’t believe that for a minute.  The bullets were planted there by Deputy Boone himself; and if the bullets, then the rifle, too; that's my CT.

As Gerry Patrick Hemming told A,J. Weberman, the folly of Lee Harvey Oswald, handing over his rifle to a supposedly trustworthy person outside the TSBD on the early morning of 11/22/1963, sealed the case against him.   His own brother, Robert Oswald, said that he could not exonerate his brother because the DPD had his rifle. 

Finally, Jason, your suspicions of Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels are 100% justified in my CT.   He suddenly demanded to be driven to the TSBD after the JFK hit, but he could not tell the WC why he selected the TSBD?  He just 'had to be there' because he knew he would be needed?  Somebody called him.  Brennan’s story had to be picked apart until the Dallas deputies and cops had a chance to “finish” the alleged crime scene.

Finally, Jason, I applaud your original research in showing how FBI agent James Hosty and SS agent Forrest Sorrels cooperated in preventing the Washington DC Secret Service ”PRS” from learning about threatening Minutemen activity in Dallas during the JFK visit there.

Please keep up the superb work.

All best,


Edited by Paul Trejo
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10 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

The pristine bullet found at Parkland and traceable to Oswald's rifle is an essential part of their case.   Maybe Curry and Decker are camped out at Parkland because someone has to plant the evidence?  You know, someone of eminence and authority who walks through off-limits areas of a hospital without being challenged?  


Hi Jason,

VERY INTERESTING.    This is a new slant on an old story.   Jim Garrison tried to pin this on Jack Ruby -- but as you say, Jason, because these spaces were off-limits to anybody except people with badges -- I think your theory is better than Garrison's on this point.

By the way, I do believe Seth Kantor's WC testimony when he said he saw Jack Ruby outside Parkland Hospital, trying to cozy up to the Dallas Police and the Press.   Yet I deny that Jack Ruby was the one who planted the "pristine bullet."   

There was no way Jack Ruby could get past security, because it was no longer just the DPD posting security, but it was mainly the Washington DC Secret Service.   No way Jack could get in.   Only people with badges were allowed. 

All best,


Edited by Paul Trejo
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On 3/30/2018 at 8:24 AM, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

...Here's something that sticks out for me.

Howard Brennan gives his information about the 6th floor, and even pinpoints the snipers nest window, within minutes of the assassination.  So why aren't the cops at the snipers nest within minutes?   Somehow DPD is able to quickly broadcast Brennan's description of Oswald, (provided it seems by Brennan to Inspector Sawyer) but chooses to ignore that Brennan also pinpointed the 6th floor sniper's nest?   This doesn't make sense.   

Based on Brennan's eyewitness statement, law enforcement should have been on the 6th floor snipers nest by no later than 12:45.   Yet we are told they have to bumble around and accidentally find at 1:08 the location Brennan had pinpointed a half hour before?  Why the delay?   (also, who are the cops deputy Mooney passes going down the stairs while he is going up?)

I find the sudden appearance of Forrest Sorrels suspicious.  He shows up at the right time to process Brennan.

As evidence posted above in this thread tends to indicate Forrest Sorrels knew of threatening Minutemen activity in Dallas but did not warn the White House about it, I think he needs more scrutiny.




WC witnesses told DPD officers within minutes – possibly even seconds – of sighting suspicious activity on the TSDB 6th floor.  DPD foot patrol were plentiful at the corner of Houston and Elm.   Brennan was not alone in that observation.   

All the DPD foot patrol on Houston and Elm told the WC that they saw nothing when they looked up at those windows, while many bystanders reported much activity up there!

You ask a GREAT question, Jason, namely, “Somehow DPD is able to quickly broadcast Brennan's description of Oswald…but chooses to ignore that Brennan also pinpointed the 6th floor sniper's nest?”

That cannot make sense -- so it was part of the JFK plot.  Based on Brennan's eyewitness statement, the DPD should have been on the Southeast corner of the 6th floor TSBD within five minutes of the JFK murder.   It took them 40 minutes to find those bullets?   I don’t believe that -- more likely the bullets were planted there by Deputy Boone himself.  And if the bullets, then the rifle, too.

As Gerry Patrick Hemming told A,J. Weberman, the folly of Lee Harvey Oswald, handing over his rifle to a supposedly trustworthy person outside the TSBD on the early morning of 11/22/1963, sealed the case against him.   We see that even in the eyes of his own brother, Robert Oswald.

Finally, Jason, your suspicions of Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels are 100% justified in my CT.   He suddenly demanded to be driven to the TSBD after the JFK hit, but he has no explanation about why he selected the TSBD.  He just had to “be there” because he knew he would be needed.   He was.  Brennan’s story had to be picked apart until the Dallas deputies and cops had a chance to “finish” the alleged crime scene.

Finally, Jason, I applaud your original research in showing how James HOsty and Forrest Sorrels cooperated in preventing the Washington DC Secret Service ”PRS” from learning about threatening Minutemen activity in Dallas during the JFK visit there.

Please keep up the superb work.

All best,



Edited by Paul Trejo
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10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

10. It is utterly impossible for a murder suspect to take live bullets into a police station in 1963 and not have them discovered until hours later.

The idea that Oswald would still have live bullets anywhere on his person hours after his initial arrest is laughably ridiculous.

One can assume that police in 1963, when immediately confronting "armed and dangerous" suspects ( and in Oswald's very aggressive case of pulling a gun and actually pulling the trigger in his rough and tumble resistance fight with them in the theater) would perform a subsequent search of every part of Oswald's person ( did he have another weapon on him? ) after they subdued him.

Didn't the patrol car officers go into Oswald's back pocket to pull the wallet out at that early stage of his arrest?  Yet they didn't even search his other pockets let alone at least pat them? 

And wasn't another complete body and clothing search normal procedure upon first processing a resisting, gun pulling murder suspect into custody back then in any police department more structured than Mayberry RFD?

To think that live bullets in Oswald's pocket escaped discovery until just before a line up hours after he was processed into custody is preposterous, unless perhaps they were planted there?


Welcome to the thread.   Your questions and observations are excellent.   These are the sort of questions that have been delayed for 55 years until the American Public could finally tolerate looking at them.  

The likelihood of planting all the evidence used against Oswald is, in my CT, sky high.

Therefore, Joe, what does it mean to YOU that DPD officer Sims claims to have found bullet shells on LHO, several hours after he had been arrested, booked and set in a jail cell?    It's an obvious fib, but why in the world would Sims fib about something like that?   What do YOU think was his motivation?

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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56 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

Just to be clear, as I am still reading your dialogue with each other, none of this speculation is new, except perhaps to Jason. 

Though not Jewish by birth, I am considered culturally Jewish by myself and my lifelong and current Jewish friends. None of them would use the word Mishpucka, however one chooses to spell it, to mean Jewish crime family. It means extended family by blood. Please don’t throw around Wean’s pejorative use of that word around without first defining it as it is used by Jews, as opposed to its use by extreme anti-Semites like Wean.

Having made that point, one that I truly hope you humbly acknowledge, I wish to make another one - I have always found, AND HAVE STATED ON THIS FORUM MANY TIMES, the idea of an assassination attempt designed to be unsuccessful in killing JFK, to be subsequently be blamed on a Castro agent, was a perfect way to accomplish the goal of getting rid of Castro without having to kill a president. But the real plotters clearly had JFK’s death in mind, hence the carefully triangulated military style ambush of the motorcade. And Castro never did suffer that invasion.

Wean’s story breaks down, as Trejo knows well, because the proofs supposedly went down with a plane or some such thing, and of course because of his myopic and insane view of Jews. 

Honestly, I think it was the Right that did the deed. Always have. But I think they outsourced the kill team, and had friends in high places (JCS, CIA) who protected them because they agreed with them that JFK was a traitor, and who facilitated the operation by withdrawing support on the parade route, changing the autopsy location, withholding information from the WC, and giving the Press false info immediately and thereafter.

Paul - have you ever read info indicating that National Zeitung editor Gerhard Frey was a member of CMC? 

Sorry - I’ll have to bump this, and will continue to do so until this duopoly responds, or someone else picks up the slack. If not I will file a formal complaint.

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

Just to be clear, as I am still reading your dialogue with each other, none of this speculation is new, except perhaps to Jason. 

Though not Jewish by birth, I am considered culturally Jewish by myself and my lifelong and current Jewish friends. None of them would use the word Mishpucka, however one chooses to spell it, to mean Jewish crime family. It means extended family by blood. Please don’t throw around Wean’s pejorative use of that word around without first defining it as it is used by Jews, as opposed to its use by extreme anti-Semites like Wean.

Having made that point, one that I truly hope you humbly acknowledge, I wish to make another one - I have always found, AND HAVE STATED ON THIS FORUM MANY TIMES, the idea of an assassination attempt designed to be unsuccessful in killing JFK, to be subsequently be blamed on a Castro agent, was a perfect way to accomplish the goal of getting rid of Castro without having to kill a president. But the real plotters clearly had JFK’s death in mind, hence the carefully triangulated military style ambush of the motorcade. And Castro never did suffer that invasion.

Wean’s story breaks down, as Trejo knows well, because the proofs supposedly went down with a plane or some such thing, and of course because of his myopic and insane view of Jews. 

Honestly, I think it was the Right that did the deed. Always have. But I think they outsourced the kill team, and had friends in high places (JCS, CIA) who protected them because they agreed with them that JFK was a traitor, and who facilitated the operation by withdrawing support on the parade route, changing the autopsy location, withholding information from the WC, and giving the Press false info immediately and thereafter.

Paul - have you ever read info indicating that National Zeitung editor Gerhard Frey was a member of CMC? 

Paul B.,

Okay, you're grasping that my CT is still front and center here -- and that Jason is probably the first person on this Forum to come forward with even more evidence than I've provided over the past six years.   I have waited for somebody like Jason on this Forum for a long time.

As for the "Mishpucka" slur, Paul, I appreciate your ability to define this for us, culturally.   I thought it was an Anti-Semitic slur invented by Gareth Wean, but as you show, it is something like a Yiddish term (it's not Hebrew) to refer to members of an allegedly Jewish Mafia.  I had missed that part.

I'm not personally aware of your CT that there was a "False Flag" plot against JFK in Dallas, Paul B.   Would you kindly share a link of your first usage of the idea on the Forum?  (I know that's asking a lot, because I myself, with 6,200 posts, would find it very difficult to find an old post that somebody wanted to see.)   Or just estimate your first usage.

Wean's story breaks down because he had to twist the truth into a lie -- and so the alleged airplane crash is obvious balderdash.   Wean knew who killed JFK.   So did Sheriff Decker.  So did Senator John Tower.  I have no doubt in my mind.

OK, Paul B., you have a good mind.  Please do me a favor.  Please use your analytical skills to help this thread concentrate on Dallas and only Dallas, for a change of pace.  Let's look at the Dallas Police like never before.   Let's look at the Dallas Sheriff's office like never before.   Let's look at the people who controlled the crime scene, the evidence, the witnesses, the suspects, the families of the suspects -- all of it -- namely -- Dallas.

Finally, although I have read much of the theory of Mae Brussell, who first connected General Walker to Gerhard Frey in theory (not with documents), I don't know what the CMC is.  Is it related to the Walker-Oswald thread?

Best regards,
--Paul Trejo

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Thank you Paul.

mishpucka is Yiddish for family, not crime family.

when I first read Weans theory that the assassination was originally intended to be an unsuccessful attempt blamed on Castro, I thought that made a lot of sense because, as I pointed out the first time this came up on a thread where we both participated years ago, and has Jason has just likewise pointed out, it would have been a lot easier to get people, especially those high up the food chain, to cooperate in a non lethal covert operation with the aim of getting rid of Castro. If JFK had survived, and been led to believe Castro tied to kill him, what would have been the result? I wouldn’t call it MY CT, just one that has a certain inescapable logic to it, assuming that Castro was the real target. But clearly once the motorcade was moving things happened that made it a death trap. Secret Service protection was withdrawn, press car moved too far to the rear, local military intelligence unit told to stand down (I think that was the Detective Unit of DPD but not sure), and probably clearing the parking lot and grassy knoll too. Much of that was under the control of DPD. Seriously, I don’t know any serious researcher or lay one for that matter who doesn’t see the DPD hands all over this, especially after the shooting, when they had to control the crime scene, the arrest of Oswald and his so called interrogation, and later his assassination. The question is who, and what was the chain of command. Cops stick together, so much can be explained by closing ranks. But obviously it goes much deeper. So I hope you find some smoking guns there. I would kindly ask you to keep in mind that not only were they a hate group writ large, they were also ex-military with ongoing ties to Colonels in charge of local Army reserve military intelligence units, two of them, whose ties to each other remain mysterious, led respectively by Colonel Robert Jones and Colonel Jack Crichton. I welcome learning of direct links between any of them, DPD or Intel Units, and General Walker, Robert Allen Surrey, Hunt and Hargis and the rest of the far right networks whether in or out of government. I don’t close my eyes to possible connections in any direction.

As for Gerhard Frey, I read in an early Ramparts article on Garrison, I believe from 1968, that Frey was a member of Permindex’s parent company, the ultra fascist Centro Mundo Commerciale, in Rome. Corporate headquarters were in Geneva until DeGaulle pressured Switzerland to eject them in 1964 when he made the connection that CMC had funded OAS, the French Secret Army Organization that tried to kill him numerous times. I read with interest on one of Jason’s posts something he excerpted from Fensterwald’s FOIA request on OAS, that Banister had sent a large sum - I think 200k - to OAS through his emissary Maurice Brooks Gatlin in 1962. Another of Jason’s posts clued me in to the fact that OAS member Jean Souetre had visited Banister in New Orleans, and Walker in Dallas, in 1963. You can see I’m sure why I have difficulty looking at Dallas without putting those question marks out there. After all, Garrison, who you claim thought the CIA did it, actually went after Clay Shaw, who he did not know was a highly paid CIA asset, but who head of the New Orleans branch of Permindex and by extension CMC. The Dallas ultra Right, as you call it, was powerful, and well connected in all kinds of directions, including European fascists and their American enablers (Angleton, Harvey to name two) and various people connected to our own government, such as Robert Morris. 

So by all means get to the bottom of how exactly the DPD did their dirty work, and when you and Jason come up for air, consider if you will a wider lens. I will continue to read with interest.

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11 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:



WC witnesses told DPD officers within minutes – possibly even seconds – of sighting suspicious activity on the TSDB 6th floor.  DPD foot patrol were plentiful at the corner of Houston and Elm.   Brennan was not alone in that.   

All the DPD foot patrol on Houston and Elm told the WC that they saw nothing when they looked up at those windows, while many bystanders reported much activity up there!

You ask a GREAT question, Jason, namely, “Somehow DPD is able to quickly broadcast Brennan's description of Oswald…but chooses to ignore that Brennan also pinpointed the 6th floor sniper's nest?”

That cannot make sense -- so it was part of the JFK plot.  Based on Brennan's eyewitness statement, the DPD should have been on the Southeast corner of the 6th floor TSBD within five minutes of the JFK murder.   It took them 40 minutes to find those bullets?   I don’t believe that for a minute.  The bullets were planted there by Deputy Boone himself; and if the bullets, then the rifle, too; that's my CT.

As Gerry Patrick Hemming told A,J. Weberman, the folly of Lee Harvey Oswald, handing over his rifle to a supposedly trustworthy person outside the TSBD on the early morning of 11/22/1963, sealed the case against him.   His own brother, Robert Oswald, said that he could not exonerate his brother because the DPD had his rifle. 

Finally, Jason, your suspicions of Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels are 100% justified in my CT.   He suddenly demanded to be driven to the TSBD after the JFK hit, but he could not tell the WC why he selected the TSBD?  He just 'had to be there' because he knew he would be needed?  Somebody called him.  Brennan’s story had to be picked apart until the Dallas deputies and cops had a chance to “finish” the alleged crime scene.

Finally, Jason, I applaud your original research in showing how FBI agent James Hosty and SS agent Forrest Sorrels cooperated in preventing the Washington DC Secret Service ”PRS” from learning about threatening Minutemen activity in Dallas during the JFK visit there.

Please keep up the superb work.

All best,



I'd like to applaud Jason's research along with Paul, a great job bringing up information that is making me take a closer look at Dallas, the DPD, and the Radical Right.

After reading Walt Brown's great book, Treachery In Dallas, which puts the onus squarely on the DPD, that made a lot of sense to me, and to add in the hateful climate of the time, plus the military intel connections. The rabbit hole goes deeper......

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3 hours ago, Roger DeLaria said:

I'd like to applaud Jason's research along with Paul, a great job bringing up information that is making me take a closer look at Dallas, the DPD, and the Radical Right.

After reading Walt Brown's great book, Treachery In Dallas, which puts the onus squarely on the DPD, that made a lot of sense to me, and to add in the hateful climate of the time, plus the military intel connections. The rabbit hole goes deeper......

Thank you, Roger.  I like you too.   Because of your post, I just ordered Treachery in Dallas from an Amazon seller for $8.   I should have done the inter-library request which works very well, but I'm already 3 books deep in that system and falling behind.

But, I think we should be careful about reading too many secondary sources.  We should concentrate on admissible evidence - witnesses and documents, not accusations from authors.  I'm trying not to be what a lot of people on this forum are - an expert on conspiracy theories and conspiracy books.   Too often this is confused with being an expert on the assassination.   So if someone can marshal together what Lifton says and what Garrison claimed and what Blakey wrote, you end up with a big pile of dog do do where everyone is a conspirator, everyone is in the CIA, and supporting "evidence" is not anything like the Federal Rules of Evidence but merely the accusations of a conspiracy theorist.   In my view, this has created the current state where the assassination is as far from being solved as it was when Mark Lane and Joachim Joesten did the most important work in 1964.

Example: my dad was a pilot for Eastern Airlines and knew David Ferrie.   I went to school with a few guys who ended up with jobs in the Bush White House.  My former employer did occasional consulting work for the military, some of it classified.   My brother served in Afghanistan and cannot talk about his missions.  In college, I responded to a recruiting ad from the CIA in the student newspaper.  A classmate of mine is deputy consul at a US consulate.  There were a couple periods in my past where I had no discernible income but lived comfortably.  My uncle just retired from Lockheed Martin.  My cousin was an assistant AG under Obama.   My current employer pays me a good salary and counts 90% of the Fortune 500 & most every US government entity as a client.   I once voted for a Republican.  I've had conversations with Jack Ruby's dancers.  I am frequently overseas for no overt reason.  I have a slight connection to Orlando Letelier.   Don't I sound like a prime participant in the JFK assassination, unquestionably a highly paid CIA asset?  All of this is true - but far less than my own attributes are routinely accepted here as proof of conspiracy and/or CIA employment (i.e. Ruth Paine).

SO, I can only tolerate a small dose of secondary sources.  I'll give Treachery in Dallas a try.   I feel this investigation should have focused on the DPD and only the DPD.  Paul Trejo wants me to connect this to the extreme Right, but he'll need more evidence to totally convince me.  I ask Paul for evidence and he provides it; I ask other frequent posters on this forum for evidence and they cite themselves or other CTers as evidence. The distance between the DPD and the extreme Right seems small to non-existent; but the distance between the DPD and the CIA seems oceanic.   Thinking the DPD and the CIA are friendly is like thinking Donald Trump and George Bush are friendly.  Ivy League William F Buckley types don't get in bed with uneducated redneck ex-elevator boys like Sheriff Bill Decker. When the CIA kills, no one knows it.  You're dead and it looks like a heart attack or an accident.  There aren't a dozen films and 100s of witnesses and implausible cover stories like the magic bullet.   How anyone reads that the CIA is controlling the DPD I have no clue....oh yeah, so-and-so has a brother.....




Edited by Jason Ward
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7 minutes ago, Jason Ward said:

Thank you, Roger.  I like you too.   Because of your post, I just ordered Treachery in Dallas from an Amazon seller for $8.   I should have done the inter-library request which works very well, but I'm already 3 books deep in that system and falling behind.

But, I think we should be careful about reading too many secondary sources.  We should concentrate on admissible evidence - witnesses and documents, not accusations from authors.  I'm trying not to be what a lot of people on this forum are - an expert on conspiracy theories and conspiracy books.   Too often this is confused with being an expert on the assassination.   So if someone can marshal together what Lifton says and what Garrison claimed and what Blakey wrote, you end up with a big pile of dog do do where everyone is a conspirator, everyone is in the CIA, and supporting "evidence" is not anything like the Federal Rules of Evidence but merely the accusations of a conspiracy theorist.   In my view, this has created the current state where the assassination is as far from being solved as it was when Mark Lane and Joachim Joesten did the most important work in 1964.

Example: my dad was a pilot for Eastern Airlines and knew David Ferrie.   I went to school with a few guys who ended up with jobs in the Bush White House.  My former employer did occasional consulting work for the military, some of it classified.   My brother served in Afghanistan and cannot talk about his missions.   My uncle just retired from Lockheed Martin.  My current employer pays me a good salary and counts 90% of the Fortune 500 & most every US government entity as a client.   I once voted for a Republican.   Don't I sound like a prime participant in the JFK assassination, unquestionably a highly paid CIA asset?   Far less than my own attributes are routinely accepted here as proof of conspiracy and/or CIA employment (i.e. Ruth Paine).

SO, I can only tolerate a small dose of secondary sources.  I'll give Treachery in Dallas a try.   I feel this investigation should have focused on the DPD and only the DPD.  Paul Trejo wants me to connect this to the extreme Right, but he'll need more evidence.   The distance between the DPD and the extreme Right seems small to non-existent; but the distance between the DPD and the CIA seems oceanic.   Thinking the DPD and the CIA are friendly is like thinking Donald Trump and George Bush are friendly.  Ivy League William F Buckley types don't get in bed with redneck ex-elevator boys like Sheriff Bill Decker. When the CIA kills, no one knows it.  You're dead and it looks like a heart attack or an accident.  There aren't a dozen films and 100s of witnesses.   How anyone reads that the CIA is controlling the DPD I have no clue....oh yeah, so-and-so has a brother.....





Thanks for the good words and hard work.  I agree with you about focusing on primary sources and and evidence. I think for most people their only exposure is with secondary souces, and you have to account for the veracity of said sources.

You're posting so much info, I've hardly been able to make a dent in it! Hahaha. :)

My dad was a career man in the air force for 20yrs, and told me how he met General Curtis Lemay once. That sounded interesting. I haven't looked into it, but I have a feeling that Lemay is a good candidate for being in the shadows of the assassination.

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One of the reasons I liked Professor Walt Brown's book, Treachery in Dallas (1995), is because of his effort to push back against the CIA-did-it mentality.   That mentality is a prejudice that has overwhelmed the CT Community since the days of Mark Lane and Jim Garrison.   

Walt Brown does an excellent job.  His book is like an antidote to the overdose of CIA-did-it literature.   Yet even Professor Brown makes insufficient use of FBI documents in his landmark quest.

Jeff Caufield (2015) in his landmark work on the Walker-did-it CT, makes far better use of FBI documents.

Today, five months after the 10/26/2017 release of all of the remaining JFK documents by the US Government, we are in a better position than either Brown or Caufield.   Jason Ward leads the way, in my opinion.   I'm not flattering Jason -- I say that as an objective evaluation.

By carefully analyzing the WC testimonies of people in high positions in Dallas, along with new FBI documents from FOIA and JFK releases, this year promises to be the year in which American History will finally be fulfilled in its long and gruelling quest for the JFK Assassins.

I have high hopes for the current thread.   I appreciate your positive attention and support.

All best,


Edited by Paul Trejo
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One of the things that I remember while reading Treachery In Dallas, was when mentioning the DPD, he (paraphrasing) said "either DPD or someone in DPD uniforms". Could there have been ground crew/mechanics in DPD uniforms who were not DPD? 

Edited by Roger DeLaria
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