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“The lights all went out,” and the elevators stopped while JFK was murdered. Shelley and Lovelady were near the bottom of the back staircase, by the electrical panel... and Vickie Adams saw them ... until everyone's story changed...

Jim Hargrove

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2 hours ago, John Butler said:


This essay establishes beyond any rational doubt that the 2nd-floor lunchroom encounter between Lee Harvey Oswald, Marion Baker and Roy Truly actually happened. The timing of this incident, roughly 60 seconds after the assassination, strongly suggests that Oswald was in the lunchroom during the shooting of President Kennedy."

I have a problem with this article.  This fellow puts Baker, Truly, and Oswald in the 2nd floor breakroom roughly 60 seconds after the shooting.  I don't think that's possible and the timing of this may very well destroy his premise.

I haven't read this yet but, I am wondering whether I should go any further.  The bold type words through one for a loop.  Didn't the WC lawyers and Baker establish through reenactment that the least time Baker could have arrived at the 2nd floor breakroom is 90 seconds?

Based on my own calculations 60 seconds is to short of a time.  And, 90 seconds is also an incorrect time because Oswald was outside the building when Marion Baker entered the TSBD.  Here is reasoning that may be useful.

Baker is half way down Houston street from Main Street when the shooting begins.  He is between the Court House and the Court Records building.  This at the least is about 75 feet from the intersection of Houston and Elm Street.

  1. Weigman’s run to the intersection began with him out of his vehicle and on the street as the 3rd shot occurs= about 5 seconds to the intersection

  2. Weigman begins filming and for some reason the first 8 seconds is blank.  His film begins with the Mayor’s Car and the National Press Pool Car in motion.  This is slightly pass where Mrs. Cabell indicated her vehicle was stopped= 8 seconds or, it could be longer depending on how long the Mayor’s Car was stopped

  3. A Weigman frame at 38 seconds shows the Camera Cars in motion= 30 seconds.  Their start into the turn at Houston and Elm may be a second or two earlier.

  4. Couch/Darnell shows Officer Baker begin his run as the film starts and at about 2 seconds the film shows Baker running and he takes an estimated 4 seconds to reach the steps and confront Roy Truly there or inside the building= 6 seconds

  5. Roy Truly speaks to Officer Baker inside the TSBD or on the TSBD steps= about 5 seconds

  6. Inside the TSBD from the South door/ Main Entrance there is about 100 feet to the rear door / freight elevators. = 8 seconds

  7. Roy Truly calls twice up the elevator shaft for someone to lower the elevator= 7 seconds

  8. Roy Truly and Office Baker proceed to the second floor breakroom= about 20 seconds.

Total:  5 + 8 + 30 + 6 + 8 + 7 + 20 =   1 minute and 24 seconds which is less than the 90 seconds estimated as the least time by the WC.  But, still over the one minute or 60 seconds in time.

These are estimated times and can be adjusted if there is good reason.


Timing is critical about almost everything that day, but when we start splitting minutes we may be taking things too far.  These are all human estimates.

I wouldn’t bet that Oswald was outside the TSBD when Baker ran into it.  My bet is that he didn't go down to the first floor until after the shots were fired.  Carolyn Arnold (who got married and was named Carolyn Johnston in the Earl Golz article linked below), saw Oswald in the second floor lunchroom just 6 minutes or so before Baker and Truly encountered him in the vestibule beside it.

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/B Disk/Bronson Charles/Item 27.pdf


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9 hours ago, Paul Jolliffe said:


I suspect that there was some kind of encounter between our "Oswald" and a DPD cop (probably Marrion Baker) somewhere on the first floor. Note that the NYT story of Sunday morning, 11/24/63 (when "Oswald' was still very much alive) did not specify precisely which "lunchroom" the encounter allegedly occurred. (We all know that there were two eating rooms in the TSBD, one of which was on the first floor.) I also suspect that at the very first interrogation of "Oswald" (as recorded by James Hosty), it became obvious that "Oswald" had an alibi - he was on the first floor of the TSBD during the shooting. The second-floor story was needed to get "Oswald" off the first floor and away from witnesses he might later call to testify on his behalf.  This deserves a much fuller development on a separate thread.


Looking at the statements by Baker and Arnold and Biffle and Holmes (and yes, Holmes should be considered with extreme care), I’m beginning to think “Oswald” was stopped not once, but twice: once on the second floor by the lunch room and again in the first floor lobby.  Which doesn’t seem unreasonable, considering the circumstances.

Carolyn Arnold saw Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom just five minutes before the shots rang out.  And the FBI blew thick smoke around that fact. We know Oswald made it to the lobby because McNeil reported it as happening, though McNeil never saw Oswald go out the front door.  The evidence that Oswald was also challenged on the first floor is a little more obtuse, but I’m working on it with a friend.

More soon, hopefully.

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17 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

Right, however, was this thread not meant to be about the front lift escape theory by John Armstrong in which two assassins were supposed to get to the sixth floor by climbing through the roof of the passenger lift, then to climb the fifth floor using a ladder, open the wooden floor of the sixth floor from beneath against boxes of books resting on these wooden boards, and then return back via the same route while Shelley and Lovelady made sure that the lift stays on the fourth floor by switching the electricity off but then on again to allow the lift to start moving?

However, Mrs. Sarah Stanton was able to enter the passenger lift immediately after the shooting (so, it was on the first floor, not on the fourth floor) and used it to get to the second floor. I understand that she wished to use the lift because she was overweight, weighing more than 300 pounds. So, I wonder how Mrs. Stanton's movements suit John Armstrong's escape theory:

 From the FBI report (Warren Commission Exhibit, CD7, undated) on Mrs. Sarah Stanton:  “… advised that she is employed in the second floor office of the Texas School Book Depository, 411 Elms Street, Dallas, Texas, and at about 12:30 P.M., on November 22, 1963, she was standing on the front steps of the building as the President passed and shortly thereafter she heard three explosions, however, she did not know where they came from and immediately went into the building, caught the elevator and went to the second floor offices and into the office of the Southwestern Publishing Company, located there, to try to look out the window and see what was happening… She knows LEE HARVEY OSWALD by sight, being employed by the same concern, but is not personally acquainted with him and did not see OSWALD on November 22, 1963, and she never seen him with a gun.


Look at the film clips of people entering the TSBD several minutes after the shots were fired.  There is Sarah Stanton and her friend standing side by side on the east side of the steps.  Geneva Hine said that after hurrying to the adjoining offices on the first floor (John says it’s about a 40 foot walk), she returned to her office and found the lights had been turned back on.  We don’t know how long she was away from her office, but I doubt it was much longer than a minute or two.  The men on the sixth floor just had to get into the elevator car, and then they needed the electricity turned back on so they could proceed down to the second floor, where, according to John’s theory, the white-shirted Oswald got off.

Not sure whether it was Sarah Stanton or Inspector Sawyer who were first to use the passenger elevator after the shooting.  Remember that Sawyer said when the elevator door opened, a man got off as Sawyer was getting on.  John believes this was the man in the brown jacket who had been on the sixth floor and probably walked past Shelley and Lovelady as he exited the rear of the building to eventually get into the Nash Rambler when it was on Record St.  (The same car that soon picked up the white-shirted Oswald).  According to John’s analysis, the electricity to all or parts of the building (including the elevators) was turned off and back on twice: once during the hit, and again a few minutes later.

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Second Floor Hoax

Officer Baker, Supt. Roy Truly, and Lee Harvey Oswald never met in the 2nd floor breakroom 60 seconds or 90 seconds after the shooting of President Kennedy.  This alleged event never occurred.  It is a hoax.  It is a hoax for the following reasons:

  1.  The WC reenactment with Officer Baker says that the least amount of time Baker and Truly could have made it to the second floor breakroom is 90 seconds.  My calculation of events is close to that but, greater than 60 seconds by 24 seconds.

  2. Capt. Will Fritz’s notes say Oswald said he was outside watching the parade with Bill Shelley.

  3. FBI agent James Hosty’s notes say Oswald was outside watching the P. Parade.

  4. The Dave Weigman film shows Prayer Man / Lee Harvey Oswald on the steps of the TSBD as the film opens.  And, that is about 13-15 seconds after the shooting of President Kennedy ceased.

  5. The Couch / Darnell films shows Officer Baker approaching the TSBD about 2 seconds into the film making a estimated 4 second run to the TSBD doorway.  He has to pass Prayer Man / Lee Harvey Oswald who is standing in the doorway.  This is about 30 seconds after the shooting.

  6. Pierce Allman, located at the SW corner of Houston and Elm, said after the shooting was over he ran across the street and talked to Lee Harvey Oswald.  This puts Oswald outside the building when the President was shot.  Los Angeles Times Witnesses to the JFK assassination: Three Dallas stories By By Molly Hennessy-Fiske Nov 17, 2013 | 6:00 AM  Pierce Allman ran to the Texas School Book Depository, seen behind him, in search of a phone and briefly exchanged words with a stranger — who he later learned was Lee Harvey Oswald.”

  7. From Jim Hargrove comes this information Officer Baker said he stopped a man on the 4th floor and this was repeated by Det. Marvin Johnson who said “Johnson wrote: "Patrolman Baker was in the Homicide Bureau giving an affidavit and Oswald was brought into the room to talk to some Secret Service men. When Baker saw Oswald he stated, 'that is the man I stopped on the 4th floor of the School Book Depository.'"  I have never heard the Det. Johnson statement before. 

  8. Paul Jollife said, ““Further, the suspect description provided by Baker does not really fit our "Oswald" - 30 years old? 165 pounds? "Oswald" was sitting right next to him!”  This indicates that the man he saw on the 4th floor may not have been Harvey Oswald but, his double Lee Oswald. 

  9. In first day testimony there is no mention of a second-floor breakroom encounter.  This comes the next day as the cover-up story facts are adjusted to fit the story of the assassination as being told on the second day.

  10. The story changes the next day and what Baker said about a fourth-floor encounter with a worker identified by Roy Truly is forgotten and not brought up again by the authorities.  It is replaced with the second-floor encounter.

There are a couple of interesting photos in the .pdf file Death Of The Lunchroom Hoax.  These photos fit my bias on what Prayer Man was doing that afternoon.  He was taking pictures of the Presidential Parade with a camera he brought that morning from Irving, Tx.  You can see the camera flash.  Particularly well, in the photo proclaiming Prayer Woman by Chris Davidson.  Get someone with a coke into a shadowed area of deep shadows and see if you can take a photo of a 6 ½ ounce coke bottle producing this much illumination from sunshine or the lack of in this case.  Davidson’s effort has enough resolution so that one can actually see a camera.


Edited by John Butler
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23 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Look at the film clips of people entering the TSBD several minutes after the shots were fired.  There is Sarah Stanton and her friend standing side by side on the east side of the steps.


would you please show Sarah Stanton standing outside the building in the eastern part of the building. I am familiar with all possible video clips and photographs, however, none showed Sarah Stanton. None could show because she entered the building in the first batch of people returning to the building and used the front elevator. Inspector Sawyer came in later. So, the elevator was not parked on the fourth floor during the shooting - it was on the first floor waiting to be used.

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I am going to treat your questions as if they are legitimate.

Electronic flash attachments for cameras were invented in 1931.  They didn't come into common usage until the late 1950's.  Electronic flashes work off batteries so there is no additional cost for each flash or flash cube you use.  And, I suppose since a flash is fairly harmless in sunlight that people just leave the flash on and working.  That's is what I use to do.

Why photograph the rest of the motorcade if the President has already passed through?  Well, something else might happen.  Maybe the original assignment was to photograph the entire parade.  Maybe Oswald / Prayer Man was assigned to be out of the building while the other Oswald was operating inside the building.  That way there would be no confusion of two Oswalds running into each other.

We need to remember a Marine is a combat trained soldier.  When shooting occurred I would assume a combat trained individual would seek cover and concealment.  That appears to be what Oswald / Prayer Man did.  With shooting going east and west the safest place would be in the shelter of the doorway of the TSBD where one could not be seen from the Grassy Knoll or the Dal-Tex building.  It would be the perfect cover and concealment for shooting going up and down Elm Street.

A question you might ask is where did the camera go if Prayer Man has a camera?  That is open to speculation.  I really believe he brought a camera instead of curtain rods to the TSBD that morning.  It was none of Buell Frazier's business so he was told curtain rods.  A camera and a two handed camera holder would be about a foot or more in length.  Just what you would put into a standard 18 inch grocery bag of that era.  Frazier described the bag as 22 to 24 inches.  Close enough in size to an eighteen inch bag to be see as about 2 feet.

So, if Prayer Man really had a camera then what happened to it and more important what happened to the photos?

If you really want to listen to an entirely different account of the assassination listen to Pierce Allman:


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8 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:


would you please show Sarah Stanton standing outside the building in the eastern part of the building. I am familiar with all possible video clips and photographs, however, none showed Sarah Stanton. None could show because she entered the building in the first batch of people returning to the building and used the front elevator. Inspector Sawyer came in later. So, the elevator was not parked on the fourth floor during the shooting - it was on the first floor waiting to be used.


I’m trying to figure out how to answer your question without starting a flame war with the PrayerMan people.  But, if you go to that website and start examining the pictures, you should find one on the front steps identifying in red letters “Pauline Sanders” and “Sarah Stanton.”  (I have no idea if that is really them because the images are far too fuzzy, at least in my opinion.)  To be honest, I think PrayerMan is Sarah Stanton.  The still photo I'm talking about is a capture from the Darnell film clip.

But whoever is Sarah Stanton, the photo appears to have been taken after the shots, because you can see people walking up into the building.  

Can you prove that Sarah Stanton went into the building as early as you say she did?

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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58 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:


Cute?  Nah!  Dumb?  Yah!

How about working up a graphic of the Altgens 7 scene in front of the TSBD.  That is essentially what Allman said.

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8 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

But whoever is Sarah Stanton, the photo appears to have been taken after the shots, because you can see people walking up into the building.  

Can you prove that Sarah Stanton went into the building as early as you say she did?

Sure, it is in Mrs. Geneva Hine's testimony for the Warren Commission (below).  Darnell film was taken not longer than about 30 seconds after the last shot and it is reasonable to assume that the doorway scene in Darnell which still contains Shelley, Sanders, Frazier, Lovelady, Williams, Molina, Reese, and Stanton (her figure is much disputed though) dissolved soon after. The people mentioned by Mrs. Hine were back on the second floor in about 2 minutes, long before Inspector Sawyer arrived. Please note that Campbell and possibly Reid saw Oswald in the small storage room in the front of the first floor as he was returning to the building; Oswald possibly left his post at the western wall even a bit sooner than other doorway occupants making his total stay in the doorway  less than a minute which also explains that no one (except Frazier and possibly Shelley) spotted him.

Mr. BALL. Do you have any definite recollection of Mrs. Reid coming in? 
Miss HINE. No, sir; I only saw four or five people that came by and they all came and were all talking about how terrible it was. 
Mr. BALL. Do you remember their names? 
Miss HINE. Yes, sir. 
Mr. BALL. Who were they? 
Miss HINE. Mr. Williams, Mr. Molina (spelling), Miss Martha Reid, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mr. Campbell; that's all I recall, sir. 

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11 hours ago, John Butler said:

Electronic flash attachments for cameras were invented in 1931.  They didn't come into common usage until the late 1950's.  Electronic flashes work off batteries so there is no additional cost for each flash or flash cube you use.  And, I suppose since a flash is fairly harmless in sunlight that people just leave the flash on and working.  That's is what I use [sic] to do.

If I remember correctly in the late fifties and early sixties, we used flash bulbs which fired only once, so there was indeed an additional cost if you used one unnecessarily. Flash cubes and built in flash  didn't come in until much later.

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7 hours ago, Andrej Stancak said:

Sure, it is in Mrs. Geneva Hine's testimony for the Warren Commission (below).  Darnell film was taken not longer than about 30 seconds after the last shot and it is reasonable to assume that the doorway scene in Darnell which still contains Shelley, Sanders, Frazier, Lovelady, Williams, Molina, Reese, and Stanton (her figure is much disputed though) dissolved soon after. The people mentioned by Mrs. Hine were back on the second floor in about 2 minutes, long before Inspector Sawyer arrived. Please note that Campbell and possibly Reid saw Oswald in the small storage room in the front of the first floor as he was returning to the building; Oswald possibly left his post at the western wall even a bit sooner than other doorway occupants making his total stay in the doorway  less than a minute which also explains that no one (except Frazier and possibly Shelley) spotted him.

Mr. BALL. Do you have any definite recollection of Mrs. Reid coming in? 
Miss HINE. No, sir; I only saw four or five people that came by and they all came and were all talking about how terrible it was. 
Mr. BALL. Do you remember their names? 
Miss HINE. Yes, sir. 
Mr. BALL. Who were they? 
Miss HINE. Mr. Williams, Mr. Molina (spelling), Miss Martha Reid, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Sarah Stanton, and Mr. Campbell; that's all I recall, sir. 

Thanks, Andrej, but I don’t see how this proves Miss Hine believed Stanton and the others were back as fast as you say.  Read Hine’s testimony before the part you quoted.  Those other office doors she knocked on and tried to enter, the last one being Southwestern Publishing, where she “called and called and shook the door,”  and heard a woman talking on the phone.  And then…. “I went straight up to the desk because the telephones were beginning to wink; outside calls were beginning to come in.”

At that point, the electricity, at least in the recently renovated part of the building (offices on floors 2, 3, 4, and the front passenger elevator) had been turned back on.  Only after that does she talk about the people who came back in from the street.

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2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Thanks, Andrej, but I don’t see how this proves Miss Hine believed Stanton and the others were back as fast as you say.  Read Hine’s testimony before the part you quoted.  Those other office doors she knocked on and tried to enter, the last one being Southwestern Publishing, where she “called and called and shook the door,”  and heard a woman talking on the phone.  And then…. “I went straight up to the desk because the telephones were beginning to wink; outside calls were beginning to come in.”

At that point, the electricity, at least in the recently renovated part of the building (offices on floors 2, 3, 4, and the front passenger elevator) had been turned back on.  Only after that does she talk about the people who came back in from the street.

My about two-minute time estimate for Mrs. Stanton's return is realistic, and it would allow Mrs. Hine to go round the 2nd-floor offices and return to her workplace. However, the point and a major problem for John Armstrong's escape theory is that Mrs. Stanton took the elevator on the first floor and used it to get to the second floor before Inspector Sawyer even entered the building. I am puzzled by your inability to acknowledge that the sum of problems related to the escape theory is such that it disproves it entirely.

1. The lift was not stuck motionless on the fourth floor in the very early period after the shooting, instead, it was available for employers for use. Mrs. Stanton used it about 1 minute after the shooting and entered the elevator on the first floor.

2. The lights were on in several parts of the building during the shooting which makes it unlikely that the power was switched off.

3. The phones were not arriving when the motorcade was approaching (Mrs. Hine) which has a logical explanation in people watching the motorcade or being on lunches rather than calling the Depository switchboard. No phone calls arriving, no signal lights on the switch box.

4. At least two phones on the second floor were in operation just seconds after the last shot making power outage unlikely. Who and how could switch on the power just some 10 seconds after the last shot? 

5. The conspirator Bill Shelley was not at the back of the first floor within one minute of shooting. He remained at his spot on the top landing for about one minute (his WC testimony) and only then stepped down and walked towards the concrete island. Likewise, Lovelady remained on the steps for several tens of seconds and joined Shelley in their walk toward the concrete island. 

6. Neither Bill Shelley nor Billy Lovelady was seen in the back of the first floor by either Vicki Adams or Sandra Styles. 

7. There was no opening in the floor in the area adjacent to the second east window that would allow entering the elevator shaft just by lifting the opening.  Such an opening would have to be drawn in the sixth-floor map because it would need to be protected and signed, but it was not. Instead, the boards near that window were loaded by two layers of book boxes.  It is not possible to lift the boards from below as the boards are long and hammered to the joints by nails. Cutting and noisy bouncing lasting minutes would be required to open the floor, and the floor would not look intact afterwards.

8. The floor above the shaft was stiffened to prevent accidents due to potential cracking of the wooden boards. Any mechanisms which are needed to hold the lift could not be simply mounted on the wooden boards of the sixth floor; instead, the shaft would have its own roof. The construction of the shaft was such as to prevent any accidents, not such as to help people to get access to a floor above the shaft.

9. There was no opening on the shaft walls on the fifth floor either. To access the shaft space above the fourth floor, one needed to move the lift below the level of the fourth floor, step on the top deck of the elevator, and drive it up or down as required. The elevator service technicians can do this.

10. The elevator was of small size and it is unlikely that it would have a vent opening on the top and a railing around that would allow people to step on it and squeeze through into the shaft. There is still no data on your part on what type of elevator was installed in the Depository building and nor did you show the building plans to illustrate the construction of the shaft. It is not enough just to say that it was all possible because some lifts have both a railing around the cabin and a ventilation opening on the roof of the elevator. It is necessary to prove that this specific lift allowed people getting to the top deck.

The CT researchers have specific responsibility for theories they disseminate. The assassination case is compromised not only by the lack of reliable primary data (testimonies, films, photographs) and active disinformation but also, unfortunately, by unsupported CT theories which contribute to the confusion and mislead the public and other researchers. I hope you do not wish to be in this category of CT researchers.



Edited by Andrej Stancak
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And, by the same rationale, Andrej, I assume you do not wish to be in the category of CT critics who present any opinions they can conjure as established facts simply in order to discredit a CT theory.  For example….

You may believe your “two-minute estimate” for Mrs. Stanton’s return is realistic, but in reality it is just your opinion.  You offered Geneva Hine’s testimony as “proof” that Mrs. Stanton returned within two minutes, when in reality it does no such thing.  Mrs. Hine’s description of the lights and telephones going out and then going on again only after she had visited a number of different offices, and her coworkers returning inside ONLY AFTER THAT backs our theory perfectly.

You do not know when Mrs. Stanton entered the passenger elevator.  Please prove that she entered it “1 minute after the shooting.”  And please offer real proof, not something like your previous “proof.”

The lights may have remained on in parts of the building as JFK was murdered, but Mrs. Hine said “all the lights went out” in her office, which was on the second floor.  As you should know, the second, third and fourth floors of the TSBD had just recently been renovated for offices, and the passenger elevator was added.  We suspect—but can’t prove—that separate circuit breakers were added in a new panel for the new circuitry.  Unlike you, we will not offer this as proof, but I’d suggest you consult a commercial builder if you think our suspicion is unreasonable.

You do not know that “at least two phones on the second floor were in operation just seconds after the last shot….”  That is your opinion that you are masquerading as a fact.  It is also your opinion, apparently, that the phones stopped operating as the motorcade approached because “people were watching the motorcade” or eating lunch.  This is a silly argument.  The TSBD provided books to a wide geographical area, including several states.  Not everyone was paying attention to the motorcade.  And people obviously were making phone calls during lunch hour because Geneva Hine noticed it when she said “the lights all went out and the phones went dead” just as the motorcade approached.

Once again, your statement that “The conspirator Bill Shelley was not at the back of the first floor within one minute of shooting,” is your opinion, not a fact.  You use his WC testimony to buttress your argument, but you ignore how much the statements of both Shelley and Lovelady changed from their first-day affidavits of 11/22/63.  We have discussed this at length.  Why do you ignore it now?

The existing sworn testimony of Vickie Adams is that she saw Shelley and Lovelady at the base of the stairs within a minute or so of the assassination.  I don’t believe those words were put into her mouth later by crooked attorneys because of the questions asked just a few hours later of both Shelley and Lovelady by the WC attorney.  It is true that Barry Ernest interviewed Adams thirty years later and she said she had not said those words, but analyzing the evidence as a whole, I still believe she originally saw the men that day. 

As to your opinions about the flooring on the sixth floor and the condition of the elevator shaft, I think you will have to admit that it is a REMARKABLE COINCIDENCE that, according to the Warren Report, the flooring on the sixth floor of the TSBD was being redone on 11/22/63.  And exactly who would have been in charge of that?

Please stop pretending your opinions are facts.   If I am guilty of that, I’ll try to do the same.

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