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H.P. Albarelli Jr.'s manuscript "Coup in Dallas"

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On 8/8/2019 at 9:51 AM, James DiEugenio said:

Leslie Sharp is really pushing this is she not? 

BTW, that is not her real name.  I don't think anyone knows her real name.

[Because I cant publicly support knowing her real name without outing those who told me, I will bow out of this discussion. But I do think the book will stand on its own. Many authors, fiction and non-fiction, don't use their real names. Some are the most famous in history. It doesn't detract from the work. I have a feeling this book with be a good one.]

Edited by S.T. Patrick
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2 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

If you have something to support the assertion that Leslie Sharp is not her true name it would be important because that is the name she is using in personal contacts and the name which appears with the book...

I agree, and I responded similarly to Jim’s original post as well. 

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  • 6 months later...

Maybe I’m crazy. But this unexplained delay in publishing Albarelli’s book A Coup in Dallas is starting to worry me. Why the delay, and the secrecy surrounding that delay? You’d think someone would be interested in publicizing the book than to simply delay.

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Having had a book pre-sale advertised on Amazon before, let me say that you can't lay any casino bets on the accuracy of their release date announcements.

Also, November 17 is just a weezy bit too close to the anniversary date, in retail marketing terms.  If you see a press release announcing that date for that purpose, then believe it.

Edited by David Andrews
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2 hours ago, David Andrews said:

Having had a book pre-sale advertised on Amazon before, let me say that you can't lay any casino bets on the accuracy of their release date announcements.

Also, November 17 is just a weezy bit too close to the anniversary date, in retail marketing terms.  If you see a press release announcing that date for that purpose, then believe it.

My undeclared minor was marketing though that makes me no expert.  But this makes perfect sense.  The purpose is to sell more books, and, get the information in the book to more people.  Who will hopefully spread the word.  Sell more books, get the word out to more...   Releasing a week before the anniversary helps draw attention to the book.  Sending copies two weeks before or more to people like Jim DiEugenio, S. T. Patrick, Rob, maybe Don Jeffries and more might be a good idea as well.  Any of them mention it might help sales, and getting the word out about what's in it.

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There is nothing that will turn your bowels to water like seeing your first book's release date flip-flop around on Amazon.  Soon after it changes there, it will change on other sites (Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, etc.) like dominoes falling.  I have no idea how that info is passed around, and was too anxious to ask the publisher.  If I remember right, it was announced the second time much later than the first time, and then unexpectedly moved closer to the first announced date, which had passed.

Edited by David Andrews
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