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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Thank you for the detailed explanation about Zheng. and for our intelligence community's geopolitical outlook on China. Still I think what Trump is doing in essentially smearing China and the Chinese residing in the United States has only negative effects.. Best to let China slumber than arouse it.

Yes,  but Trump is not leading this campaign.

The daughter of Huawei’s CEO, herself the CFO of the company, has been in house arrest in Vancouver for over a year facing extradition to the US on charges relating to US sanctions on Iran. Her detainment in late 2018 coincided with a highly publicized summit meeting between Trump and China’s leader Xi which was to concern major trade issues. The arrest was orchestrated by Bolton and Pompeo, and Trump was deliberately left out of the loop. The Chinese delegation was receiving news of the detainment as the meeting began, and Trump had to admit he knew nothing. Therefore the meeting with Xi was effectively sabotaged.

Seek to not arouse China? The story of the Chinese princess in peril goes way back in that country’s literature. If the Huawei CFO is actually handed over to the US, it will be a historic mistake with repercussions that could extend for decades if not centuries, and the roots of this decision-making extend back to the Obama administration. It is a bi-partisan effort. Which means this is how and by which means the US elite establishment chooses to express itself to the international community.

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Sorry, America, the Full Lockdown Is Coming

Politicians won’t admit it yet, but it’s time to prepare—physically and psychologically—for a sudden stop to all life outside your home.

By Laurie Garrett

| March 18, 2020, 3:05 PM



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It doesn’t exist a word to define this image. Those military trucks across Bergamo are carrying coffins to other cities of Lombardy region so to proceed with cremation process, as the city and cemetery morgue can’t take the overload. This is how far #coronavirus wentpic.twitter.com/SkvdLZdlic

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To be fair to Mr. Wheeler, he is not the only person who thinks the whole thing is exaggerated.

So do Dr. Ron Paul, and also Don Jeffries.

Here is a link to Don's blog post about this:



BTW, I have no idea what that picture is that Wheeler added to Caddy's post.

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While skeptics are right about the numbers, they fail to account for the consequences of crashing the medical system. The UK flirted with a "business as usual" approach, but backed away  after some rumination. I understand concerns about the economy, but such difficulty is baked right into this problem: it's a choice between economic recession/depression with a relatively functioning social order or an economic recession/depression within a collapsing system. A pandemic harms the economy no matter what. Myself and many of my friends and colleagues are right now unemployed with no sense of when this status ends. 

Not so sure about the lockdowns. They shouldn't be necessary unless all control over pandemic has been lost - as was case in Wuhan and northern Italy. 

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The above info coincides in large part with an article at Consortium News which someone summarized as below:

I’m trying to get my head around this. Please correct me if I’m wrong but from Escobar’s and MSM articles I get:

August 2019 – the military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick is deemed “unsafe” and closed.

18 October, 2019 – Event 201, a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly coronavirus, is held in the US.

18 October, 2019 – the same day as Event 201 begins, the Military Games start in Wuhan including a delegation of 300 US military personnel.

Early November 2019 – coronavirus breaks out in Wuhan. The timelines fit an either accidental or deliberate release by the US military.

Despite massive scientific efforts no originating source for the coronavirus has yet been discovered in China.

Trump has now repeatedly called Covid-19 “the China virus.” Coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy, the other two most affected nations, were sequenced and they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan.

China is _seriously_ suggesting Covid-19 is a US bioweapon unleashed in Wuhan and has called for a people’s war on “foreign devils”.

The world’s economy may implode due to derivatives.

This does not sound good.

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What is most disturbing from the above is Event 201.

I think we need to get more info on that.


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7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The above info coincides in large part with an article at Consortium News which someone summarized as below:

I’m trying to get my head around this. Please correct me if I’m wrong but from Escobar’s and MSM articles I get:

August 2019 – the military bioweapon lab at Fort Detrick is deemed “unsafe” and closed.

18 October, 2019 – Event 201, a rehearsal for a worldwide pandemic caused by a deadly coronavirus, is held in the US.

18 October, 2019 – the same day as Event 201 begins, the Military Games start in Wuhan including a delegation of 300 US military personnel.

Early November 2019 – coronavirus breaks out in Wuhan. The timelines fit an either accidental or deliberate release by the US military.

Despite massive scientific efforts no originating source for the coronavirus has yet been discovered in China.

Trump has now repeatedly called Covid-19 “the China virus.” Coronavirus genome variations in Iran and Italy, the other two most affected nations, were sequenced and they do not belong to the variety that infected Wuhan.

China is _seriously_ suggesting Covid-19 is a US bioweapon unleashed in Wuhan and has called for a people’s war on “foreign devils”.

The world’s economy may implode due to derivatives.

This does not sound good.

     From what I've heard about the Frank Olson story, this would not be the first time that the U.S. military used a biological weapon from Fort Detrick in Asia.

     Qui bono?  I asked myself this question when I first heard about the epidemic raging in Iran.   It's nuts.

      And, if true, why would the U.S. have deployed the virus in China?  Or Italy?

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If you read the article, according to the author the strains in Iran and Italy are slightly different.  

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On 3/19/2020 at 12:09 PM, James DiEugenio said:

To be fair to Mr. Wheeler, he is not the only person who thinks the whole thing is exaggerated.

Ignorance kills more people than anything else.

I was driving down Beverly Blvd in Los Angeles on my first trip to the city some years ago. I was at a stop sign, taking in the sites and looked over to a Metro bench at the corner. Pasted to the bench was a sign, six feet long, two feet high, that said, “Please don’t put your baby in a dumpster.” I’m paraphrasing, but that was the gist. Of course it was sad to see something like that had to be put into giant block letters on a sign but really, how do people not know that? Isn’t that obvious? They had to make a sign to tell people not to do that? Yikes. Only in L.A. I guessed and went on.

Anyone who has used a public bathroom has seen the signs that say “Please flush the toilet and wash your hands”. It’s been deemed necessary to have those signs posted because, just wait... not everyone does! I personally think it’s self evident and don’t need the reminder but I understand there are enough people who do need the sign and prefer having it posted. I suppose it doesn’t make much difference, but hey, it couldn’t hurt.

Often times the information is for other people
I also get tired of the constant droning of information by the main stream media about a variety of topics but sometimes it’s necessary to prevent the public from making things worse. But what’s far worse is the push back from many people who joke about the Coronavirus spread and continue to pooh pooh the potential of an outright disaster.

They’re trying to prevent our health care system from being overwhelmed!
Today, in a small town in Montana (or anywhere else for that matter) they ran out of hand sanitizer because people decided to hoard the supplies. Not surprising. People are spooked.
But if you think that’s bad, we’re closing in on a possible situation where there will be a run on ventilators. The same people in the small town 200 miles away from a hospital will have to travel to get care. Unfortunately, they will have suffocated before they get a chance to wait in line! THAT’S the problem! Not whether COVID-19 has lower or higher mortality rates, how it compares to Ebola or H1 N1 or whatever. Those are not Apples to Apples comparisons. So quit trying.

Dr Oz and Drew aren't clinicians and Drew's specialty is Addiction Medicine. They're most likely collecting AFTRA fees more than what they're getting from their practice so I wouldn't listen to Jeffries. I don't think people should panic it's just most people won't do anything in their own interests much less anyone else's.
My SO happens to be an expert in her field which among other things covers immunology and has studied and been a clinician for 25 years. When she gets home after work we'll go through the whole wipe down bit and be very careful and limit our trips outside. It's best to be conservative and develop a system until this whole thing rights itself.
In the mean time remember that the messaging going on is for the idiots, for there are many.



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25 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

All the different warning labels you see on a standard 8 ft. Ladder is because somebody was hurt and tried to sue the manufacturer for doing exactly that. Ie. Trying to move the ladder by hopping up and down, or grabbing a high tension wire.

Who said "you'll never go broke underestimating the taste of the American public"? The same goes for intelligence, at least to a significant portion of the population.

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Here is the link to that article I quoted from.


Here is more on Event 201


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Remember Martha Stewart.

What has always turned my stomach about Stewart's insider trading crime (which she actually did time for ) was how she was willing to do this to save a measley $250,000, when her overall wealth was already close to 1 BILLION dollars.

Too many wealthy are like this. They'll spend their time arguing down the price of a street vendor's bananas and then gloat about getting these 10 cents cheaper by doing so.

In my mind this is a mental illness. A 24/7 lifetime obsession with getting over on others in financial doings no matter how small the gain.

Obsessive greed.

So deeply embedded and powerful in their mental and moral make up that they are willing to break laws to feed it.  Even for chump change amounts.

Martha quits as NYSE director
Martha Stewart resigns from exchange's board after just 4 months amid insider trading allegations.
October 3, 2002: 5:42 PM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Martha Stewart, under investigation for possible securities law violations, resigned from the New York Stock Exchange board of directors Thursday just four months after being appointed.

NYSE Chairman and CEO Dick Grasso announced Stewart's resignation during a news conference Thursday. Grasso said Stewart resigned voluntarily and that she was not asked to leave. She turned in her resignation just before Thursday's NYSE board meeting and did not attend the meeting.

graphic graphic graphic
grasso.vs.cnn.jpgRichard Grasso, chairman and CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, comments on Martha Stewart's resignation from the NYSE board of directors.
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"We are saddened to lose Martha Stewart, who has built a brand and a company admired around the world," Grasso said in a statement. "Our board will miss Ms. Stewart's counsel and insight, and expressed its deep gratitude for her service."

The government is investigating whether Stewart had inside information when she sold her ImClone Systems Inc. stock just before its price plummeted.

"It was an honor and a privilege to serve on the NYSE board, and I appreciate Mr. Grasso's gracious expression of gratitude for my work," Stewart said in a statement late Thursday. "I did not want the media attention currently surrounding me to distract from the important work of the NYSE, and thus I felt it was appropriate to resign."

Stewart was nominated for the board seat March 22 and appointed in June. Her term was to expire in 2003, according to the NYSE Web site. She served on the Finance and Audit Committee.

Separately, Grasso said Thursday that Citigroup Inc.'s Michael Carpenter also resigned from the NYSE board. Carpenter's resignation last month as head of the Salomon Smith Barney unit made him ineligible to serve on the NYSE board. Carpenter's term was set to expire in 2003, according to the NYSE Web site.

Stewart's resignation comes a day after her broker's assistant at Merrill Lynch accepted a plea deal in which he has agreed to testify against her and her broker about the alleged insider trading, a development with the potential to blow a major hole in the home fashion guru's defense.

The assistant, 26-year-old Douglas Faneuil, pleaded guilty in U.S. Magistrate Court in New York Wednesday to taking bribes, including a plane ticket, extra pay and an extra week's vacation in exchange for his silence about the alleged trading.

Prosecutors are trying to prove that Stewart's broker, Peter Bacanovic, tipped her off last December that Samuel Waksal, a personal friend, was trying to sell his shares in biotech firm ImClone Systems Inc. (IMCL: up $0.04 to $7.25, Research, Estimates), which he founded. Stewart sold about 4,000 of her own shares in the company on the same day, according to documents she submitted to congressional investigators.

Waksal, who was indicted last month, pleaded not guilty to charges he tipped off family members that the Food and Drug Administration was about to reject ImClone's application for its cancer drug, Erbitux.

Stewart has not been charged and repeatedly has denied any wrongdoing. She has said that she and Bacanovic had an agreement by which he would sell her ImClone shares if the price dipped below $60.  Top of page


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5 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

You have to be a member of Congress to get away with this.

Maybe not. If this story is true and has more behind the scenes, Biden could really damage trump on this. The Kushner’s look pretty bad here, like little adolescent-fascists (ode to Cliff).




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