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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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7 hours ago, Dennis Berube said:

Im not sure why that bothered you. She basically just said that she disagrees with the closed door meetings and wanted the evidence to be public. Considering she could grab a lot of wavering Republicans who watch fox, id say she played it smart.

I think her appearing on Fox to snag a few wavering Republicans is probably smart but is canceled out by her ignorance regarding depositions and the closed door testimony. It's imperative witnesses aren't able to coordinate stories, not just because they can tailor testimony but also because they can be ACCUSED of it by either side, not just the prosecution.

Believe me, if the testimony had been taken in an open setting the Republicans would be complaining about witnesses comparing notes. Absolutely guaranteed.

11 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:



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6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

But then to talk about a junior Senator from Hawaii meeting dictator Assad in the same breathe as JfK and Khrushev with the world in the balance as I heard once on this forum is the weeniest comparison I could imagine and shows absolutely no knowledge of historical precedence. 

Kirk, perhaps your knowledge does not extend to the reference I was making but it certainly had nothing to do with Khrushchev. I was talking about comparing the things that Tulsi was saying when she got back from that Assad trip to JFK's 1957 speech about Algeria where he blasted the French imperialism there. It didn't win him democratic party support until a few years later when he was proven correct, much like I believe with the disgusting overthrow attempt in Syria. 


6 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

I guess it is the thought that counts, but it had no effect.

Traveling to what the western media paints as an enemy that is using illegal weapons on its own citizens and reporting back that the entire narrative needs to be re-examined is called integrity. She stood to gain very little and has in fact been ostracized by the democratic party leadership (clintons/obama people) ever since. It's cute that your obsessed with removing Trump at all costs (even if it means you support Biden) and are willing to sacrifice political ideology and deal with another wall street democrat, I would rather not. At the pace the rather pitiful Warren is destroying herself, a Bernie/Gabbard ticket may actually be the best political option too. Once the country actually hears Tulsi speak for more than 2 minutes, I think significant numbers would support her.

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7 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:


But then to talk about a junior Senator from Hawaii meeting dictator Assad in the same breathe as JfK and Khrushev with the world in the balance as I heard once on this forum is the weeniest comparison I could imagine and shows absolutely no knowledge of historical precedence. 
'Peach Dat!

She is not a Senator. Talk about a lack of knowledge!

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John Roberts caused a ‘crisis of democratic legitimacy’ — it’s ‘entirely fitting’ he has to preside over his mess: columnist



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I would have to agree with the hack Milbank on this.

But as I also have said, the Democrats should have concentrated on retaking the senate.  Instead, we had 21 people running for president.  Like Beto, who could have won the senate seat and replaced a neanderthal.

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'Take her out': Recording appears to capture Trump at private dinner saying he wants Ukraine ambassador fired

Trump apparently heard discussing firing Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch.




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46 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I would have to agree with the hack Milbank on this.

But as I also have said, the Democrats should have concentrated on retaking the senate.  Instead, we had 21 people running for president.  Like Beto, who could have won the senate seat and replaced a neanderthal.

There's no way Beto would beat John Cornyn.  Everybody hates Ted Cruz and Ted Cruz still won.

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I don't agree with that.

He came very close to beating Cruz at a time when he had almost no name recognition outside his own district.

By the end of that race, when he scared the heck out of the GOP, he had become a national name.  He was actually on the cover of Vanity Fair.

It all went to his head and he decided to try to run for the Democratic nomination.  Bad error on his part.

But what Beto did is he began to turn Texas from red to purple.  Which is a really estimable achievement.

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23 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I don't agree with that.

He came very close to beating Cruz at a time when he had almost no name recognition outside his own district.

By the end of that race, when he scared the heck out of the GOP, he had become a national name.  He was actually on the cover of Vanity Fair.

It all went to his head and he decided to try to run for the Democratic nomination.  Bad error on his part.

But what Beto did is he began to turn Texas from red to purple.  Which is a really estimable achievement.

I think this https://www.dallasnews.com/business/real-estate/2019/12/10/almost-700000-californians-moved-out-of-state-last-year/ is why Texas is heading blue. People coming from California and bringing their California "values" with them. 

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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

I would have to agree with the hack Milbank on this.

But as I also have said, the Democrats should have concentrated on retaking the senate.  Instead, we had 21 people running for president.  Like Beto, who could have won the senate seat and replaced a neanderthal.

Here's an anecdote about one of the GOP Senators numbered in Trump's camp during this trial, (and recently threatened with having his head on a spike if he fails to acquit Mad King Donald.)

Senator Cory Gardner (R-Colorado) defeated incumbent Senator Mark Udall (D-Colorado) in 2014-- the year that the Koch Machine bought control of the Senate and installed Mitch McConnell as majority leader.

Gardner received $18 million in "dark money" donations during the month before the 2014 election, (compared to $4 million for Udall) and flooded the local airwaves with a blitzkrieg of false advertising.  The Gardner/Koch ads were running in a 5:1 ratio with the Udall ads prior to Election Day.

Gardner was also endorsed by our local Robber Baron/McClatchy newspaper, the Denver Post, in an editorial that Gary Hart publicly denounced (in the Huffington Post) as the most absurd political endorsement he had ever witnessed.

Interestingly, the Denver Post has never told the story of Gardner's $18 million dollar dark money donation.  (I read about it in the New York Times in November of 2014.)

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See, when you give up the senate, not only do you surrender a lot of power in foreign policy and oversight, you give up a lot of sway in judicial appointments.

That is how we got Citizens United.  And this is how Dark Money got into play. 

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During the break today, Trump's lead lawyer did a great impression of a babbling idiot.

Jay Sekalow said "the whole thing goes back" to Jill McCabe, wife of former acting-head of the FBI Andrew McCabe -- two of Team Fascist's ginned up bogeymen.

So Trump fights the quasi-suppressed Mueller probe since he can't defend his attempt to coerce Ukraine to help his Prez campaign.

The 2-hour Saturday "defense" should be a real hoot.

Popcorn, anyone?





Edited by Cliff Varnell
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3 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Doug, could you explain the significance of this order?


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One of the revelations of Trumpgate is that the FBI made mistakes in its applications for warrants to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) in the case of Carter Page. This document is the recent FISA court’s order in regard to the wrongful applications. It is important because for too long the FBI has been reckless in its filings and has finally got caught. This is one of the constructive things that has come out of Trumpgate.

From Wikipedia: In 2019 the Justice Department determined Page was illegally subject to surveillance by the United States government.[6



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