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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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A Conservative Judge Draws a Line in the Sand With Trump Administration

Outraged the attorney general had ignored a court order, he authors a blistering opinion rebuking William Barr for overstepping his constitutional authority.



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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

A Factually accurate NY Times article.

Nice job Doug.

Clearly some are starting to see the writing on the walls. No one is going to fall on their swords for the Vindman Twins.

Two questions, Robert.

If Trump is waging a "war against the Deep State," as you, apparently, believe;

1)  Why didn't he release all of the JFK assassination records?  It was his call to withhold them.

2)  Why did he fail to keep his 2016 campaign promise to tell the American people, "who really destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11?"

(And, as you probably know, Trump correctly surmised on 9/11 the the World Trade Center Towers were destroyed by explosives-- not by burning jet fuel.)


Edited by W. Niederhut
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1 hour ago, Robert Wheeler said:

To know one in particular.

I can’t believe after 55+ years no one has figured out who killed JFK. [Insert eye rolling emoji here.]


John D Rockefeller the Third and W. Averell Harriman.

Who else?😜

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8 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I don't know how anyone can say that Pelosi acted poorly.

It’s a talking point of the Anti-Anti-Trump Left — Jim DiEugenio, Caitlin Johnstone and many others. Unless it’s Bernie or Tulsi the AATL bash Democrats while paying the occasional lip service to disapproval of Trump.

When has DiEugenio ever denounced Trump’s promotion of white supremacy?

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       I'm sticking with Occam's Razor here.  I have a much more straightforward hypothesis about Trump's behavior vis-a-vis the JFK records, 9/11 truth, and the "Deep State."

       Herewith.   Everything Trump has done since 2015 as a candidate and POTUS has been motivated chiefly by Trump's personal interests and self-aggrandizement.

       That is his modus operandi.  He simply doesn't think about public policy in terms of over-arching moral principles, social ethics, or even science.

       Case in point.  He only talked about 9/11 and "who really destroyed" the World Trade Center in the context of denigrating Jeb Bush in the 2016 primary debates.  It "lifted" him, (as he later said to the NFL owners about his denigration of the Black Lives Matter movement.)

       In other words, Trump had no moral commitment to exposing the truth about 9/11 or the "Deep State."  He was merely acting like a 9/11 Truther in 2016 to promote the Donald.  Since his election, he has never uttered a single syllable about the demolition of the World Trade Center, other than invoking 9/11 to denigrate Muslims, including Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib.

       In fact, far from being a 9/11 Truther, as we later learned from Steve Bannon, (in Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury) Trump had already been bribed by Sheldon Adelson, Paul Singer, et.al., to become a Neocon mule by the time of his inauguration in January of 2017.  As a Neocon mule, Trump has moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, signed off on Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights, and essentially abandoned the longstanding U.S. commitment to mediate a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.  In response to the recently proposed Kushner/Netanyahu Apartheid Plan, the Palestinian authorities have broken off all diplomatic relations with the U.S.

      So, no, I see no evidence that Trump is engaged in some kind of principled struggle with the "Deep State."  On the contrary, he has used the alleged enmity of the Deep State merely as an excuse for denying and covering up his Presidential misconduct


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Just in:

New Coronavirus numbers.

14,000 new cases diagnosed in China ... in one day!

Over 250 deaths in this same one day time period.

That's a jump of 2 1/2 times the previous daily average rates.

Airlines extending ban on China travel until end of April. Previous ban time frame was end of March.

Trump's people worried about stock market turn downs, here and globally if this virus gets out of control in China and elsewhere.


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12 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

I don't know how anyone can say that Pelosi acted poorly. She did what she had to do.  The House managers did a fine job.  We all knew that trump* would not be found guilty.  There are too many compromised senators . I have never seen such lackey behavior in my life--- worthless.

I've posted about this before but I have no idea why the Democrats didn't play hard ball, enforce subpoenas, charge for contempt and do everything they could to fight Trump on their own turf. Their excuse that these things would be in court etc etc doesn't mean anything. They could have fought in court and made it obvious Trump was obstructing the process and then impeached him anyway, no matter where the various cases were in court, just like they did. They could have brought to bear testimony and documents which would have leaked in the mean time, if not been released through the courts or FOIA requests.

In my view they gave the ball back early and instead of controlling the news cycle on these events until say August, have made themselves look weak and ineffectual. Which they are in many ways.

To wit:

In 2018 Florida re-enfranchised ONE MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND voters, probably 80 percent of whom are Democrats (1,120,000 potential Democratic voters) and yet the Democratic party leaders, Pelosi and Nadler specifically, were asleep at the wheel and didn't pay any attention. Why do I say that? Because the idiots didn't frame the language correctly in Ballot Measure Amendment 4, which any non-lawyer could clearly see, and made it possible to claim that felons had to repay fines and restitution before having their voting rights restored. About as nakedly stupid and amateurish as it gets. Do you think the Republicans would do that? Do you think they noticed? Yes, they noticed is the answer.

This would have effectively given Florida to the Democrats for at least three Presidential election cycles. Keep in mind Trump won Florida by 100,000 votes. We all know how the last Republican president to win Florida did.

No Republican can win the Presidency without Florida! Ever!

I respect Nancy and may be wrong about rushing the impeachment but there are so many problems at the DNC and with the Democrats in general I get very discouraged at times.

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34 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

"No idea why the democrats didn't play hardball".  Reminds me of John Kerry .  Why didn't he say "I was there in Vietnam George, how did you get your deferment"? 

I'll take that comparison hahaha!

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I agree with Bob on this.  Pelosi turned the case over to McConnell too fast.

In football, you do everything you can to run out the clock at halftime and try to score without giving the ball back to the other side.  If you do not score, then you try for a FG at least.

Well, Pelosi gave Trump the ball back with about about five minutes to go in the half.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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American Bar Association Goes After Trump For Blasting Roger Stone Sentencing On Twitter

The organization put out a pointed statement about “public officials who personally attack judges or prosecutors” after the president did just that.




[There are 1,116,000 lawyers in America and we are not going quietly into the night as Trump and Barr destroy the rule of law and the constitution.]

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Kathy I do agree with Bob in his statement here. "They could have fought in court and made it obvious Trump was obstructing the process and then impeached him anyway, no matter where the various cases were in court, just like they did. They could have brought to bear testimony and documents which would have leaked in the mean time, if not been released through the courts or FOIA requests."
Imagine if the Republicans had that opportunity, they would whine like babies, act completely indignant, which they do now with no justification and it has worked for them. The democrats should drum it home more.
Jim said: In football, you do everything you can to run out the clock at halftime and try to score without giving the ball back to the other side.  If you do not score, then you try fo ra FG at least.
Oh get off it Jim, You've been giving the ball back for years. I  agree with Bob, Pelosi could have been more aggressive, but you wouldn't have even have brought a case against Trump! You couldn't make up your timid mind if there was a case against Trump. And you were  whining to us only a few days ago about how hopeless it is to take on Trump. And now you're going to position yourself as a "tough talker" who just found a new set of balls?
Pelosi's rationale was she  thought that it would be harmful if the impeachment process bleeds into the primary elections. Just the same sort of trepidation and fear of Trump that you've tried to popularize on this forum for 3 years, so much that just the thought of Pelosi trying to play the game between the 30 yard lines rather than between your 45 yard lines made you tremble with fear. (That is, if you were playing a game against Trump at all)
At the heart of this paralysis, was a complete  miscalculation based on fearful intimidation from a bully. The public strongly thinks Trump did something wrong and overwhelmingly wanted witnesses. This stealth backlash that you and others have  predicted has never materialized.
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