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Mark Zaid, JFK and Trump

James DiEugenio

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3 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I am celebrating (per se), but do I seem like an idiot Bob?

I do not think you and a few others here have shown even a basic level of comprehension, with respect to what has happened in the impeachment effort over the past 6 months.

I do not think any of you are idiots though, at all.

In fact, most if not all of you, seem to be pretty sharp. (Some may be naive, but they are not stupid.)

How does one reconcile some member's inability to show a basic level of comprehension of the impeachment effort (and the previous coup attempts) when they are clearly not idiots?


Lots of intelligent people are Useful Idiots. In fact, I dare say everyone experiences political naïveté at one time or another. Useful Idiots are guilty of gullibility, not lack of intelligence.


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On 2/11/2020 at 12:49 PM, W. Niederhut said:

     Revamping the Manhattan skyline may have been Larry Silverstein's prerogative, but he had no right to demolish buildings with 3,000 people in them.



For the public review, here's exactly what the architectural renovation of lower Manhattan cost:


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4 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

I am celebrating (per se), but do I seem like an idiot Bob?

I'm sorry if I offended you but the phrase means more like as if they were idiots which I will stand by for sure. If I had said idiots running around then you have something.

I'm also sorry you're not able to see what is exactly going on here, which is to say that Trump has failed miserably in uniting the country in any meaningful sense and has insisted on lowering the political discourse to the extent that he's seeking retribution from whomever he views as a political enemy. Ask Andrew McCabe about that, who was literally fired a day or two prior to his vesting into his pension, for what Barr's DOJ has determined is nothing, after serving for decades in law enforcement. That's unconscionable but is typical of Trump's adolescent stature.

Regarding a coup: A coup d'etat is an EXTRA CONSTITUTIONAL action, an act that is unlawfully carried out to remove someone from their position. An impeachment is IN THE CONSTITUTION, and is lawful and is not a coup. Look it up, I promise you it's legal! If said target of a Presidential impeachment is removed, his Vice President is lawfully transferred into the vacated office and is the Chief Executive. Nancy Pelosi doesn't get to take over.

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1 hour ago, Kathy Beckett said:

David, that informational link  was put there by me  so anyone who wasn't here  when it was active could read it if they didn't already know about it.

This forum has a wealth of information, not just including today's news,  This is why we kept it.There are researchers which posted there (as well as here) who are no longer with us, and someone may be interested in what they had to say.  That is what the Forum is for. RESEARCH, past and present

And as for the remark "Also, with regret, I note that the 11 September 2001 Attacks section discussions petered out in about 2016.", well, we offer the area--up to you guys to use it.  You  could've posted there. You can add your current posts there, too if you like.






You have also offered a Trump Presidency section of the forum which I suggest threads such as this belong.

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26 minutes ago, Ty Carpenter said:

You have also offered a Trump Presidency section of the forum which I suggest threads such as this belong.

People only hang out in the JFKA section. A lot of us enjoy posting outside the lines once and awhile.

What's the big deal?

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


No serious writer/researcher thinks Skorzeny is high on the "list of Kill Team assemblers" as you put it.

The Ganis book that came out saying this has very serious problems

I read the Ganis book waiting for the part that connected him to the Assassination and it simply never came. With all the provable evidence, its unfortunate that vague associates of tangential characters are so heavily promoted in this case (JVB, 90% of everyone who ever wrote a book on this from texas, etc...) It really dilutes any number of critical takeaways from this whole episode of American history. 


On 2/13/2020 at 1:52 PM, Dennis Berube said:
On 2/12/2020 at 4:52 PM, Robert Wheeler said:

Trump told GWB to give up the names of the "crooked cops", dirty generals, and compromised judges or else the JFK records get released


 Robert, any source for this? 

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3 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

David, that informational link  was put there by me  so anyone who wasn't here  when it was active could read it if they didn't already know about it.

This forum has a wealth of information, not just including today's news,  This is why we kept it.There are researchers which posted there (as well as here) who are no longer with us, and someone may be interested in what they had to say.  That is what the Forum is for. RESEARCH, past and present

And as for the remark "Also, with regret, I note that the 11 September 2001 Attacks section discussions petered out in about 2016.", well, we offer the area--up to you guys to use it.  You  could've posted there. You can add your current posts there, too if you like.


Thanks, Kathy.  No hard feelings.

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6 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

David, that informational link  was put there by me  so anyone who wasn't here  when it was active could read it if they didn't already know about it.

This forum has a wealth of information, not just including today's news,  This is why we kept it.There are researchers which posted there (as well as here) who are no longer with us, and someone may be interested in what they had to say.  That is what the Forum is for. RESEARCH, past and present

And as for the remark "Also, with regret, I note that the 11 September 2001 Attacks section discussions petered out in about 2016.", well, we offer the area--up to you guys to use it.  You  could've posted there. You can add your current posts there, too if you like.

Thanks for posting that 9/11 history link.  I'm still fairly new to this forum and wasn't around during those previous 9/11 discussions.

One thing I will point out about my own comments about 9/11 on this monstrous, meandering Trump/Zaid thread is that I brought them up in the context of discussing theories about Donald Trump's relationship with the "Deep State" -- which was the original starting point for this thread about Trump, Mark Zaid, and the original Ukraine-gate whistle blower.

That is why I mentioned Trump's public comments about 9/11-- on 9/11/01, itself, and during his 2016 GOP primary debates with Jeb Bush.

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I agree that it is rather unlikely that we will ever be able to pinpoint the actual marksmen in Dealey Plaza.

What I was trying to point out was that these stories that have surfaced through the years--James Files, Roscoe White, Nicoletti, the Wallace fingerprint--these have all tended to do confuse things and also, by crying wolf too often, made the community look pretty bad, opening us up to ridicule. 

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Former Justice Dept. Lawyers Press for Barr to Step Down

More than 1,100 former prosecutors and officials who served in Republican and Democratic administrations signed an open letter condemning the president and the attorney general over the Stone case.

The New York Times

Feb. 16, 2020

WASHINGTON — More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William P. Barr on Sunday to step down after he intervened last week to lower the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr.

They also urged current government employees to report any signs of unethical behavior at the Justice Department to the agency’s inspector general and to Congress.

“Each of us strongly condemns President Trump’s and Attorney General Barr’s interference in the fair administration of justice,” the former Justice Department lawyers, who came from across the political spectrum, wrote in an open letter on Sunday. Those actions, they said, “require Mr. Barr to resign.”

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3 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

Former Justice Dept. Lawyers Press for Barr to Step Down

More than 1,100 former prosecutors and officials who served in Republican and Democratic administrations signed an open letter condemning the president and the attorney general over the Stone case.

The New York Times

Feb. 16, 2020

WASHINGTON — More than 1,100 former federal prosecutors and Justice Department officials called on Attorney General William P. Barr on Sunday to step down after he intervened last week to lower the Justice Department’s sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s longtime friend Roger J. Stone Jr.

They also urged current government employees to report any signs of unethical behavior at the Justice Department to the agency’s inspector general and to Congress.

“Each of us strongly condemns President Trump’s and Attorney General Barr’s interference in the fair administration of justice,” the former Justice Department lawyers, who came from across the political spectrum, wrote in an open letter on Sunday. Those actions, they said, “require Mr. Barr to resign.”

It's, obviously, a Deep State conspiracy against der Fuhrer...  🤐

But, speaking of the Deep State, the word is out that Pete Buttigieg is a Deep State Trojan Horse in the Democratic primaries.


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18 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Gee do you think?

  • Rhodes Scholar;
  • McKinsey; 
  • Spent 42 months in Djibouti at the same time as Peter Strzok; 
  • Speaks Urdu and Farsi and 5 other languages;
  • Deployed to NATO's Afghanistan Money Laundering "Detection" Brigade;
  • More than one relative married to more than one Mifsud (Malta is a small Island, when each family (Mifsud & Buttigeig) has had a presence there since the escaped the Spanish Inquisition, they are probably going to know each other.)
  • Pete's father, the Notre Dame Professor, was the recipient of the William Kenan prize (otherwise known as the Standard Oil Early Investor Endowment for the Control of the Academy - Catholic University Division.)
  • We're the Buttigiegs part of the "Young Turks" political movement behind the Armenian Genocide? There does seem to have been quite a few in Izmir over the centuries who migrated from Malta. We'll say maybe.
  • Maybe John Negroponte, former US Ambassador to Iraq, and 1st Director of National Intelligence (under Bush 2) got Mayor Pete a job in the CIA (I mean "NATO") at some sort of family reunion.

Pete Buttigieg - nothing to see here.

Yes, he advanced past the ninth grade which automatically sends him into "elitist" territory.

The current occupant couldn't find his own a$$ with a map and a flashlight.

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