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James DiEugenio

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This is from the second article I linked to:

He spent his six months in Afghanistan in 2014 with a little-known unit that operated under the watch of the Drug Enforcement Administration. It was the Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell (ATFC), according to his appointment papers. The job description in his discharge papers is blank.

Pete Buttigieg Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell ATFC

Founded by US Central Command leader-turned-CIA chief General David Patreaus, this unit was credited with the destruction of Kabul Bank, the first private bank founded in Afghanistan after the US invasion. ATFC reportedly exposed the financial institution as a giant “ponzi scheme.”

Mayor Pete would join this now illustrious outfit as an “Officer in Charge.” In a 2016 interview with the Harvard Crimson, Buttigieg described himself as an ATFC Liaison Officer to the Combined Joint Interagency Task Force.

ATFC’s primary task was to bust up the Taliban drug trade with the help of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. In Buttigieg’s papers, the ATFC is said to “identify and disrupt Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other insurgent financial/material support networks in Afghanistan by bringing to bear on these groups the full spectrum of interagency and government tools and authorities.


The first one reveals how someone, perhaps Petey, regularly attends his wiki page.

Then if you add in how his backers were so close to Shadow, the company that screwed up the Iowa caucuses, thereby giving him a rocket boost in New Hampshire, well, I think its kind of hard to ignore the fact that the guy is connected in some way.  I mean, the mediocre mayor of a midwest town of 100,000 somehow wins Iowa and placed a close second in New Hampshire?  Against the likes of Warren, Biden, and Sanders?


Edited by James DiEugenio
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I tell you this, I bet Bloomberg regrets attending the debate tonight.  He is getting savaged.

And he is not even running in Nevada.

Dumb on his part I think.

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30 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Thank you for being such an expert Bob.

Amazing what one can learn when the documents are posted on a minuscule little website by a guy who apparently doesn't know all the acronyms.

But at least they are available for public view, and you were able to correct his mistake.

What have we learned about Poppy Pete from your sources Bob?



Why don't you check your sources? I think we've been through this. I certainly don't expect a lot but this one is ridiculous.

It tends to reflect on you, which it shouldn't unless you're just posting any headline and skipping to the next one.

I'm interested in ideas, not mentalities. I'm sure you feel the same way.

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38 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

This is from the second article I linked to:

He spent his six months in Afghanistan in 2014 with a little-known unit that operated under the watch of the Drug Enforcement Administration. It was the Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell (ATFC), according to his appointment papers. The job description in his discharge papers is blank.

Pete Buttigieg Afghanistan Threat Finance Cell ATFC

Founded by US Central Command leader-turned-CIA chief General David Patreaus, this unit was credited with the destruction of Kabul Bank, the first private bank founded in Afghanistan after the US invasion. ATFC reportedly exposed the financial institution as a giant “ponzi scheme.”

Mayor Pete would join this now illustrious outfit as an “Officer in Charge.” In a 2016 interview with the Harvard Crimson, Buttigieg described himself as an ATFC Liaison Officer to the Combined Joint Interagency Task Force.

ATFC’s primary task was to bust up the Taliban drug trade with the help of law enforcement and intelligence agencies. In Buttigieg’s papers, the ATFC is said to “identify and disrupt Taliban, Al-Qaeda and other insurgent financial/material support networks in Afghanistan by bringing to bear on these groups the full spectrum of interagency and government tools and authorities.


The first one reveals how someone, perhaps Petey, regularly attends his wiki page.

Then if you add in how his backers were so close to Shadow, the company that screwed up the Iowa caucuses, thereby giving him a rocket boost in New Hampshire, well, I think its kind of hard to ignore the fact that the guy is connected in some way.  I mean, the mediocre mayor of a midwest town of 100,000 somehow wins Iowa and placed a close second in New Hampshire?  Against the likes of Warren, Biden, and Sanders?


OIC is similiar to a CO but is a temporary assignment. His resume which includes several different languages and I assume local dialects plus his obvious intellect and experience in the area speaks well of his performance and qualities. I'm sure in these situations he's dealing with every sort of sketchy character including terrorists, Taliban, War Lords, poppy farmers, government officials etc etc. I think the guy is spectacularly qualified although maybe needs a bit more seasoning.

Probably the brightest candidate in the race. Rhodes Scholar, Harvard, Oxford? Zheeesh.


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17 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I tell you this, I bet Bloomberg regrets attending the debate tonight.  He is getting savaged.

And he is not even running in Nevada.

Dumb on his part I think.

Qualifies him for Dem leadership.

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40 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Team Fascist is in full blown panic mode — fixating on Mayor Pete while Julian Assange is poised to blow RussiaGate wide open.🍿🇺🇸

We be hoping. Looks like all those 302s that were withheld because of "ongoing matters" about Assange, Flynn and others was actually a fix by the DOJ to keep it out of Mueller's and the press' hands. Just another way to spike the information.


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43 minutes ago, Robert Wheeler said:

At least we have people on the ground, like Mayor "Poppy Paste" Pete Buttigieg, making sure the Taliban doesn't get rich off of their Poppy crop.

Quite a spike after 2001!

opium_2020-02-19 213850.jpg

Doubled after Trump was elected.

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Just now, Robert Wheeler said:

Like I said. You're the expert.

What do you think about Doug Caddy's Alien Hypothesis?

He posts more headlines here than anyone else, but nobody ever asks him about Aliens.

Why is that Bob?


Not my area. Neither is 911. Fact is I mostly lurk on other subjects like JFKA bc I'm in over my head there. Other stuff I feel I can discuss because I have experience or relevant knowledge.

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And one question would be: With all this poppy available for export, processing and distribution, who's lacing US-sold heroin with Fentanyl and other chemical opioids that cause overdose and death?  With all that first-generation product to harvest and sell, why cut with synthetics and kill people?  I thought this was about making money.

Edited by David Andrews
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30 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

I tell you this, I bet Bloomberg regrets attending the debate tonight.  He is getting savaged.

And he is not even running in Nevada.

Dumb on his part I think.

Ay, carramba!   Senora Warren really ripped Mike Bloomberg a new one in Las Vegas tonight.

Bloomberg never said anything about those "horse-faced lesbians" in his television commercials...  😬

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That didn't stick with Trump, but it probably will with Mikey.

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52 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

That didn't stick with Trump, but it probably will with Mikey.


Someone just suggested that Mike Bloomberg was courting the socialist vote tonight by getting publicly owned... 🤣


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1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Ay, carramba!   Senora Warren really ripped Mike Bloomberg a new one in Las Vegas tonight.

Bloomberg never said anything about those "horse-faced lesbians" in his television commercials...  😬


1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:

Ay, carramba!   Senora Warren really ripped Mike Bloomberg a new one in Las Vegas tonight.

Bloomberg never said anything about those "horse-faced lesbians" in his television commercials...  😬

As well as on the non disclosure agreements and more.  Not just her, others and he appeared wooden to me.  She made other points well tonight and was a debater in HS or College.  Maybe the only one with the balls to confront the future ex prez face to face?

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Most major internet news sites just can't say straight out that Warren won this debate.

And that Bloomberg was beyond a disaster.

Watching Bloomberg was literally cringing.

Probably the worst nationally televised Presidential candidate debate performance I can recall.

If Bloomberg was as poor as half those candidates he wouldn't even be in this race or up on that debate stage. He bought his way onto that stage.

Klobuchar really seemed out of control with her anger toward Mayor Pete and looked and sounded desperate. She couldn't take the heat. Mayor Pete kept his cool.

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