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Oliver Stone and Judyth Baker

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On 12/20/2019 at 3:09 PM, Paul Jolliffe said:


Can anyone here ask Buell Wesley Frazier what he thinks about the fact that Warren Commission document 1546, page 140, has him driving "Oswald" to the rifle range weeks before the assassination? I know that Buell Wesley Frazier did no such thing, but the remarkable fact remains that two men pretended to be "Frazier" and "Oswald" at the gun range! Garland Slack told the FBI that "Oswald" was driven to the Sports Drome Rifle Range by "Frazier".


Further, the Oak Cliff mechanic, Robert Taylor, gave a statement to the FBI that he bought a rifle from "Oswald" in April of 1963. What interests me is that Taylor believed that "Oswald" was driven to the gas station in a 1959 Chevy (with battery problems!) by a 20 year old man with dark hair and a thin face. 




Since Buell Wesley Frazier drove a 1959 Chevy with battery problems, was about 20, had dark hair, a thin face and lived a few blocks away, I believe that not only was our "Oswald" being impersonated, but so too was Frazier!


Finally, remember that Captain Fritz tried like hell to browbeat Frazier into some sort of a confession to abetting "Oswald" on Friday night. According to Frazier, Fritz was "red faced" and storming mad when Frazier refused to sign a pre-written "confession." 


Slack's statement, Taylor's statement, and Will Fritz's actions on Friday night would all seem to be evidence of a plan to implicate Frazier with "Oswald" as co-patsies. (This would have been prudent on the conspirators' part - the assassination would likely require multiple patsies to cover all the shooting angles needed to kill JFK.!)

What does Buell Wesley Frazier think of the evidence that a plan to frame him as a co-conspirator with "Oswald" was in place?

Very interesting, indeed!

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5 hours ago, Richard Price said:

The only problem with this reference is that according to all the pictures I've seen of Frazier's car, it is a 1953 or 1954 dark colored or black Chevrolet, not a 1959.

Yes, but despite being a mechanic, Richard Taylor did not claim certainty about the year for the Chevy. Other than the year, Taylor accurately described the basic issue with Frazier's Chevy Bel Air - the generator didn't work well. Taylor accurately described Frazier physically! Taylor was also certain that "Oswald" or a man who strongly resembled him came to the service station in April of 1963.

Anyway, the evidence that Frazier was being impersonated - by name at the rifle range! - with "Oswald" in the weeks and months before the assassination would seem to be compelling. 

The Warren Commission wanted nothing to do with Taylor's rifle - the simplest thing in the world would have been for them to order the FBI to trace Taylor's rifle. Yet they did not!

They did not want to know about this rifle, and they sure didn't want evidence that their carefully contrived narrative about "Oswald" was false!



Edited by Paul Jolliffe
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I should address one other possibility, no matter how remote: there is a chance that the real Buell Wesley Frazier drove an "Oswald" impersonator to the Oak Cliff service station in April of 1963, and really was a witness to Robert Taylor's purchase of a rifle from "Oswald."

In offering this alternative, I am not suggesting that Frazier had any knowledge of or complicity in any plot to kill JFK, merely that he was acquainted with people who (unbeknownst to him) were not only killers, but who also were willing to sacrifice Frazier in their deadly scheme. Further, the April rifle transaction would not seem to be part of a plot to implicate our "Oswald" as JFK's killer, but rather something else. Maybe (maybe!) it was even what it seemed to be - a way for a cash-strapped young man to make some money by selling a rifle. (Bizarre as it may seem to us today, apparently buying or selling a rifle from/to a stranger at a gas station in Texas in 1963 was not unusual!)

If the opportunity arises, perhaps someone could ask Frazier about any other acquaintances he had in the Irving area. Someone very "Frazier-esque" drove an "Oswald" to the Oak Cliff gas station in April, long before the real Frazier and "Oswald" had crossed paths. Frazier testified that he had moved from Huntsville to Dallas some time before starting work at the TSBD on September 13, 1963. It was WC attorney Joseph Ball who told Frazier that he'd come up from Huntsville in September of 1963 (not the other way around): 

Mr. RALL. How did you happen to get that job?

,\lr. FRAZIER. Well, I went to see, first I come up there and started looking for a job and couldn’t find one myself so I went to one of these employment agencies and through that a lady called up one morning, I was fixing to go out and look for one, I was looking for myself in the meantime when they were, too, and so she called up and gave me a tip to it if I was interested in a job like that I could go over there and see about that and for the time being I wasn’t working and needed some money and so I did and I went over there and saw Mr. Truly, and he gave me an interview, and then he hired me the same day I went over there.

Mr. BALL. You say you came up, you mean you came up from Huntsville?

Mr. FRAZIER. That is right; yes, sir.

Mr. BALL. That was in September 1963?

Mr. FRAZIER. Yes, sir; it was.

Mr. BALL. Looking for a job around Dallas?

Mr. FRAZIER. Yes, sir . . .


It seems to me that it's at least a vague possibility that Frazier here could have been in Irving with an "Oswald" well before starting at the TSBD in September. Maybe just a visit, perhaps to find a job. In any event, it would not seem impossible that naive young Frazier might have crossed paths with an "Oswald" imposter several months before meeting our "Oswald" at the TSBD in October of 1963. 

That may explain Roy Truly's strange question to Frazier: had Frazier ever laid eyes on "Oswald"  before "Oswald" started at the TSBD?

FRAZI'ER. I first heard, I never really did know his name, we just called him Lee around there. But the first time I ever saw him was the first day he come to work.

Mr. BALL. Had you heard he was coming to work before he came to work?

Mr. FRAZIER. I will say, you know, talking back and forth with the bossman all the time and from being around and getting along real fine and so he told me, I assume the day after he hired him that he was going to have him come in on Monday and he asked me had I ever seen him and I told him then no; I had never seen him. 


Edited by Paul Jolliffe
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  • 3 weeks later...

I might as well tell my story about Judyth in this thread. It was about 20 years ago that Judyth emailed me and told me she wanted my help, as a researcher and as someone to help protect her from naysayers. Much of this unpleasant drama played out on Usenet, and later led me to completely dropping any interest in the Kennedy assassination until a few years ago. 

I went to the National Archives in the summer of 2000 to try and dig up any mention of Judyth anywhere in the JFK document collection that had been started up after the ARRB. I did not find any. While there I met Judyth and spent some time with her. I found her to be a genuinely nice person, and incredibly intelligent. However as time passed I simply came to find her story about Oswald to be untrue. While it’s very possible she knew Oswald at Reily, the addition of stories about cancer weapons and David Ferrie were just not possible. At the time, I thought her coming out with her account correlated a bit too conveniently with the release of “Mary, Ferrie, and the Monkey Virus”, and to this day I believe that was the genesis of her story. When I met her, I believe she had some fiction-writing connection, and I find that to be a plausible start to all of this. 

As much as I would like to offer a definitive opinion on her pathology, I’m afraid I can’t. She might completely believe the things she says, or she might be running a con. I really don’t know. I think it would serve everyone interested in her if she would agree to be interviewed by mental health professionals, who could provide insight on her.

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M. Allison.

Any thoughts on the Lewis's and especially Anna Lewis regards her statements in an interview that she did see Lee Oswald and Judyth together? 

How about Judyth's sister who has reportedly claimed Judyth talked about an affair in N.O.?

Has this sister stood by Judyth all these years or at anytime pulled her support and/or said anything indicating Judyth's credibility being suspect?

Judyth's statements about Alton Oshner are intriguing, provocative and quite specific regards his arrogant prickly personal demeanor. Was everything she mentioned about Oshner already out in the published domain before her book?

Were the extreme and covert political beliefs and actions of Oshner common knowledge before Judyth? How about a supposed project of trying to kill Castro  through the lowering of his immune system and introducing some deadly agent into his system? Do you believe Castro hating Oshner could have been a facilitator of such a project.

Could you find any false or plagiarized statements in Judyth's accounts of Oshner in fact checking other previously published accounts of him? Even in a general way?

How about Mary Sherman? Did Judyth exaggerate her relationship with Sherman or even made it all up?

The claims of coded free long distance call access ( that we now know existed ) that Judyth claims Oswald used to call her? Was this fact also something already published before Judyth's tale?

You state Judyth seems very nice and very intelligent. Has she exaggerated her adolescent academic achievements and awards and assignments to educational institutions she lists?

And lastly, Jim Garrison mentioned Reilly ( or Reily? ) Coffee Company and even NASA as connected to intelligence agencies and used to temporarily hire assets with cover jobs. Jobs that were possibly not even real in the sense of fitting these peoples skills and experience.

Judyth's job at Reilly (which nothing in her background qualified her for) did seem to fit this incongruous pattern.

I also go back and forth with JVB and her credibility.




Edited by Joe Bauer
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10 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

M. Allison.

Any thoughts on the Lewis's and especially Anna Lewis regards her statements in an interview that she did see Lee Oswald and Judyth together? 

Very possible she knew Oswald.

How about Judyth's sister who has reportedly claimed Judyth talked about an affair in N.O.?

Very possible. But an Oswald dalliance with a girl when his marriage was a shambles isn't really surprising, or germane to the assassination.

Has this sister stood by Judyth all these years or at anytime pulled her support and/or said anything indicating Judyth's credibility being suspect?

Don't know. I don't believe much of her story, so I haven't really been following it.

Judyth's statements about Alton Oshner are intriguing, provocative and quite specific regards his arrogant prickly personal demeanor. Was everything she mentioned about Oshner already out in the published domain before her book?

To my knowledge, yes.

Were the extreme and covert political beliefs and actions of Oshner common knowledge before Judyth? How about a supposed project of trying to kill Castro  through the lowering of his immune system and introducing some deadly agent into his system? Do you believe Castro hating Oshner could have been a facilitator of such a project.

Perhaps. Wouldn't have worked though.

Could you find any false or plagiarized statements in Judyth's accounts of Oshner in fact checking other previously published accounts of him? Even in a general way?

How about Mary Sherman? Did Judyth exaggerate her relationship with Sherman or even made it all up?

I don't believe the claim that she knew Mary Sherman.

The claims of coded free long distance call access ( that we now know existed ) that Judyth claims Oswald used to call her? Was this fact also something already published before Judyth's tale?

Not familiar with this.

You state Judyth seems very nice and very intelligent. Has she exaggerated her adolescent academic achievements and awards and assignments to educational institutions she lists?

Not that I know of.

And lastly, Jim Garrison mentioned Reilly ( or Reily? ) Coffee Company and even NASA as connected to intelligence agencies and used to temporarily hire assets with cover jobs. Jobs that were possibly not even real in the sense of fitting these peoples skills and experience.

Judyth's job at Reilly (which nothing in her background qualified her for) did seem to fit this incongruous pattern.

I also go back and forth with JVB and her credibility.

Did you think May Brussell ( from the I. Magnin family  ) was mentally together, logically motivated and her research credible?

Never dug very deep into Mae Brussell's writings.




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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

I’m curious how you got to Mae Brussell in a post about JVB. That seems like a big gulf. 

Paul, I don't have a really good reason to compare the two, except perhaps the view by some that Mae Brussell ( who came out with many conspiracy claims that seemed quite "out there" at the time) was also looked upon ( again by some ) as an obsessive eccentric and questioned her research and motives in sharing her views publicly. 

Although everyone agreed Mae Brussell ( like JVB ) was indeed a very bright and intelligent woman.


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21 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

How about Judyth's sister who has reportedly claimed Judyth talked about an affair in N.O.?

Has this sister stood by Judyth all these years or at anytime pulled her support and/or said anything indicating Judyth's credibility being suspect?


The JVB does have a sister who remains supportive and was at the conference this year. I have never seen her speak on the subject, but I'm assuming her support at the conferences means something about her trust in the story.

Also, there is a woman named Victoria Sulzer, who places Oswald at the apartment of Sherman. Shes spoken at several conferences. She says openly that she never saw The JVB there or anywhere, but she is 100% sure it was LHO at Sherman's apartment. I believe Ms. Sulzer lived in the same building. I've spoken with her various times and find her to be incredibly nice and sincere. She's also kind of shy, absolutely not an attention seeker. But again she states openly that she's an Oswald-Sherman witness and not an eyewitness of The JVB.


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