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On 1/17/2020 at 4:31 PM, Greg Kooyman said:

Hi David,

You mention that Alfonso Rodriguez was questioned as to why he showed the Z film during a CIA training class.   That is absolutely intriguing to me.   Do you have a source you can share where you found this?   






Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:


Just happened to run across this:





Steve Thomas

Yep.  that's the link that David sent me.   Thanks Steve!

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Alfonso Rodriguez was more than just Director of Training. He was Bill Harvey's Special Assistant for TFW in 1962 and later Desmond Fitzgerald's Special Assistant. He was initially assigned head of the autonomous Cuban operations. He was originally tasked with the Split the Regime project. 

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On 1/20/2020 at 7:14 PM, Stu Wexler said:

Any chance we can find out who attended these "training" sessions?  Disturbing to say the least.


If you go here"

List of Participants of the Bay of Pigs Invasion


and start scrolling down through the list of people who were assigned to Fort Benning in Georgia, I think you'll get a pretty good idea.

Steve Thomas

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3 hours ago, Larry Hancock said:

Steve, could you refresh me on how we know this was Army training at Fort Benning?  Perhaps David could help but I would have assumed it was CIA special training for SAS either at JMWAVE or at the farm/Langley?  


We don't.

Or, I should more correctly say, I don't. That was presumptuous on my part. I realized that just as I hit the send button.

(Damn computers).

I've got it in my head that the people who killed JFK were trained snipers, and who does training better than the military?

When I see CIA, I think more in terms of hit and run commando type raids, or sometimes long term insertion teams that were tasked with gathering intel. CIA assassinations seemed to be more up close and personal like poisons and car bombs than long range snipers - but I could be wrong.

As an aside, when you use SAS, you're talking about Special Affairs Section, right?

When I see SAS, I have to force myself not to think of British Special Forces.


Steve Thomas

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Actually I was thinking of the Special Activities Staff.....as related to Des Fitzgerald's Cuba assignment circa 1963

As to CIA specialties, poison was always a favorite but on a number of occasions rifles were provided to surrogates for assassinations....during the period we normally discuss the CIA organized at least three and possibly more sniper attacks on Fidel Castro, using Cuban paramilitary volunteers.  Its probably wrong to think that only the professional military  has highly qualified rifle personnel,  in recent years we saw very skilled Kurdish men and women snipers fighting back against ISIS forces in urban combat.

Certainly the military does deploy specialty trained sniper teams but a rifle attack in DP would certainly not require that - its a relatively small venue for rifles and it was not the sort of combat situation where trained sniper teams have to operate under extreme concealment and at long range.

I've maintained for a long time that the attack in the plaza was conducted by a well trained paramilitary team but as far as those skills go you will find such individuals among the names David and I discuss in our Wheaton names research.  Felix Rodriquez would be one example, there are others - CIA personnel documents even comment on the shooting skills of certain of them.




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Seeing as JFK could have been destroyed politically or killed in numerous ways, it seems it was definitely done as a deliberately gruesome and public act of revenge.

That final shot was of extreme expertise, as Jackie was right in JFK's face at that moment, thus the placement of the shot to the right side of Kennedy's head to minimize any possibility of injury to her.

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On 12/28/2019 at 6:17 PM, Ron Bulman said:

That's the hard part for me in what I've read so far.  I can accept Army Intelligence being involved, dumping on the CIA for cover when the HSCA came about by using Veciana.  Fonzi and virtually all of us since being duped.  

The concept does make me wonder about a lot of things.  You mention Lansdale, Prouty was military as well regarding CIA liaisons.  Morales came from the Marines, was he serving Military Intelligence in his position with the CIA?  It still seems to me Angleton was involved in the Oswald project regarding the USSR , and that he held the most information on him at the time of the assassination.   The training of the Operation Forty Cubans, and more of them involved in the Bay of Pigs was military in nature, the CIA by itself is questionable in it's ability to do so.  MI in Dealy Plaza.  It does get deep. 

I thought Morales was US Army?

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Well I don't have any direct experience (despite a few claims...grin) but after studying the Agency as well as the overall intelligence community for a couple of decades its becoming more familiar.  Actually the crypt work of the last few years, with David, Bill, Stu, Carmine and others had really opened up new windows since now we can know what groups are involved in a communication, often specific groups or individuals who are mentioned and the routing information...which can really be key.  I found a CIA document the other day on the formation of Alpha 66 and it was  copied to DIA, FBI, INS, Army, Navy Air Force and Justice. The routing allows you to follow who and what office was involving who on certain topics - which is a useful baseline if the distributions can then be found to have become more restrictive.

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9 minutes ago, David Boylan said:

Interesting doc on the CAC and the coordination between the Army and CIA. Shackley, Chief, talked in glowing terms of the two Army officers assigned to work with him. That would be Bradley Ayers and Edward Roderick.

Shackley also wanted one Seal team to train the exile Cubans.


The Colonel Haig he speaks of; that's Alexander Haig isn't it?

Steve Thomas

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